A couple is expecting a child, and they are very worried about the pain that the wife will have to go through. "If you're really worried," says the doctor, "we do have an experimental new treatment to allow you to transfer some of the mother's pain to the father."
有一對夫婦等待他們的小孩出生, 很擔心太太要承受的痛。 醫生說“如果你真的很擔心, 我們有一個新的醫療方法讓媽媽把她的痛轉給爸爸“
They agree to try it out. When the wife goes into labor, she is given a dial to transfer some of the pain to her husband.
他們覺得可以試試。 太太開始待產的時候,她按了一個鈕,把一些陣痛的感覺轉給老公。
She starts with 10%. "It works!" she says excitedly. "It's a bit better!"
一開始,只轉了10%。 “有用也!” 她很開心的說 “真的比較舒服!”
"I can't feel it yet," says her husband. "Turn it up."
她老公說:“我還沒有什麼感覺, 再加強一點“
She cranks it up to 30%. "That's much better," she says. "Can you handle it, honey?"
媽媽轉到30%. “這樣更好。 你還可以嗎老公?”
"No problem," says the husband. "I can hardly feel it. Turn it up some more."
老公回了她 ”完全沒有問題。 根本就沒有感覺。 可以再轉多一點給我!“
She turns it higher and higher. Eventually, she has transferred 100% of the pain. Her husband has the most amazing pain threshold. She has a peaceful, pain-free birth.
媽媽一直轉送她的陣痛。 最後她把百分之百的痛都完全給老公。 她的老公疼痛忍耐值真的太強了!重點是媽媽也很開心的有個平安、無痛的生產過程。兩個都很開心!
When they get home, the postman is on their doorstep, dead.
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過72萬的網紅腦補給,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【蝦皮拍賣】 我現在自己在製作天然寵物肉乾 適合貓狗人吃 ,沒有防腐劑調味料 蝦皮網址: https://shopee.tw/twjerky 訂購LINE: 0900109282 FB/IG: 中崙天然寵物肉乾 【今日內容】 當提到疼痛感 男性和女性在對於最痛的觀點有著截然不同的看法 首先 女性...
labor pain 在 Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬 Facebook 八卦
謝謝 @dr.x5jason.lin 讓George體驗“生產的疼痛感”😂😂😂😂 我真的笑到肚子痛(但應該沒有你們兩個痛啦!)
Thanks to our OB-GYBN @jason_lin_x5 George was able to experience simulated "labor pain". How far do you think he got? 1-100?!!!
labor pain 在 林思宏醫師 Facebook 八卦
Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬 & George Young 真的是非常恩愛的一對夫妻
首先~要大大感謝大家的恭喜和祝福簡訊及禮物!其實到現在一切都還感覺很不真實,而我好像還停留在呆滯的狀態。我,的,天,啊,我真的是位媽咪了! George Young 我們有個兒子了!
First of all, THANK YOU for all of the congratulatory messages, support, and presents! It’s been so surreal and I’m still in a daze. OMG! I’m a MOMMY!!! GEORGE, WE HAVE A SON!! @instageorgy
(BTW, anybody guess correctly? Baby boy, born Oct 11, 2:37am, 3650g, big GG (Takes after mommy. haha!))
Now that I have time to think back, I wanted to share MY labor experience with you.
How to deliver a baby 101:
自然產 v.s. 剖腹產
有打藥催生 v.s. 無藥
會陰剪開 v.s. 自然撕裂
Write a very detailed birth plan. Include the following
Vaginal delivery vs. C-section
Medicated vs. Non-medicated
Episiotomy or natural tearing
Skin to skin afterwards or not
Do you want to keep the umbilical cord and cord blood for cord blood registry?
2. 小心翼翼地拿著那本生寶寶計畫並且沿長邊對著中線對折
Take that birth plan and carefully fold it in half, long ways, down the middle.
3. 再將紙攤開來
Open it back up again
4. 將紙的右上角往中線摺成三角形
Fold the top right corner down to the middle line, forming a triangle
5. 將紙的左上角往中線摺成另一個對等的三角形
Fold the left right corner down to the middle line, forming a matching triangle
6. 將你的生寶寶計畫(現在它應該是個紙飛機了)往窗外飛,然後和它揮手說再見
Fly your birth plan (now a paper airplane) out the closest window and wave byebye
哈哈。 well, 這個是我自己的經驗啦。
Haha. Well, that’s how it worked out for me in the end anyway.
生小孩之前,我們做很多研究,問了很多朋友然後跟我們的醫生 林思宏醫師 討論了。我跟George決定要用最自然的方式來生小孩, 用最少的醫療。 除非有緊急狀況或是必須的條件,我們盡量不要用催生、針筒、無痛藥或任何其他的藥物,也不想會陰側切或是剖腹。
Before delivering out baby boy, and after doing a lot of research and talking to numerous friends and our physician Dr. Jason Lin, George and I had decided that we wanted as “natural” of a birth as possible, meaning: as little medical intervention as possible. Unless there was a medical emergency or absolute necessity, we wanted no induction, no needles, no pain medication, no episiotomy, and definitely, no surgery.
Well, our baby had his own plan. He (even with his big ol’ head and already almost 3700g) just didn’t want to come out, and after 41 weeks and not a single sign of labor, Dr. Lin highly recommended that we induce. So, on October 9 at noon, with our bags calmly packed, lunch eaten, we head to the hospital in a weird daze. It felt like we were packing for a 3-day holiday (haha! Yeah right!), but it was also so scary to think that we could have a baby TODAY! It was a strange calmness/nervousness. Almost like we were being too efficient.
There were moments in the short cab ride when we nearly told the taxi to turn around, cancel the appointment, and just wait it out. And then there were times when we thought, well, what exactly are we waiting for? What if we cause some complications because we were stubborn about waiting for contractions to start on their own?
Every mother and even father has the fear that their baby will get tangled on its umbilical cord and stop breathing just DAYS before he or she is supposed to be born, or that it will start to poop inside and eat it’s own poop inside the amniotic fluid which can be very dangerous and cause infection, or the placenta will start will fail, etc etc. As a mother, you are constantly worried about that baby inside your belly and you just want to do anything possible to make sure it is OK.
所以,因為腦中有這麼多的擔心和顧慮不斷徘徊,於是我們乖乖的聽醫師的話,10月9日的中午12點準時到醫院報到,和飯店check in,喔不是,我是說我們的產房,並且真的開始面對催生這件事。
So, with these concerns and considerations in mind, we listened to our doctor and by 12 noon on October 9th, we checked into our hotel room, I mean, our hospital room, and started INDUCTION.
長話短說,38小時過後,我們的男寶寶來到這個世界。我絕對會說他是我們”美麗的男寶寶”!但你們真的見過寶寶剛生出來的樣子嗎?(George當時是搖滾區) 它當時並不是我認為最美的事物我必須承認...,它其實長得像異形啊!哈哈!
Long story short, 38 hours later, we have our baby boy. I would say our “beautiful baby boy,” but have you SEEN a baby when it comes out?! (George did at the business end). It is not the prettiest thing… it looks like an alien! Haha!
I honestly don’t know what I would have done without the support of Dr. Jason Lin, Wendy (our doula), and the rest of the nurses and staff at 禾馨婦產科-專業母胎兒醫學中心 . Having a baby is a wonderful, yet absolutely terrifying thing, and you feel completely vulnerable when you are going through labor. You need a team by your side who knows what YOU want for your delivery and for you and your baby. A professional group who is there to monitor you and your baby in case anything goes wrong, and who is also caring and supportive enough to answer all of your millions of silly questions. You need an environment which makes you feel as comfortable as possible, in what is going to possibly be THE MOST UNcomfortable day in your life! (Or, in my case, 38 LOOONG hours of my life!)
Thank you Dr. Lin for your passion for your job, your professionalism when answering our questions, and your sense of humor to calm our nerves. If I had to do it all over again, there’s no question… I’d make GEORGE have our baby… Haha. But seriously, I can’t think of a better person that I’d rather have deliver our baby boy.
And Wendy. Oh Wendy. You are an angel. A godsend. My savior! The hours that you spent with George and I during my most difficult moments will never be forgotten. You helped wipe away my tears, encouraged me with your smile, squeezed, massaged, swayed, and moved with me through all of my toughest contractions, and you kept me sane when I thought I couldn’t last another second. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.
To any moms out there about to deliver a baby, I won’t lie. It is the scariest thing I have ever done in my life. I have never been so nervous or scared about anything before. But hopefully, like me, you have an amazing support group and family by your side… and like me, you will also deliver a healthy, happy and precious baby. YOUR baby. GOOD LUCK. JIA YOU!
labor pain 在 腦補給 Youtube 的評價
我現在自己在製作天然寵物肉乾 適合貓狗人吃 ,沒有防腐劑調味料
蝦皮網址: https://shopee.tw/twjerky
訂購LINE: 0900109282
FB/IG: 中崙天然寵物肉乾
當提到疼痛感 男性和女性在對於最痛的觀點有著截然不同的看法 首先 女性背負著將生命帶到世界上的責任 將一個將近西瓜大小擠出一個只有硬幣大小的洞 而另外一邊 男性則是表示自己的兩顆寶貝蛋被踢到就能夠讓他們生不如死 歡迎來到腦補給今天要來看哪個比較痛? 是生小孩比較痛 還是被踢到蛋蛋比較痛
這是一個創新吸收新知識的頻道,在這裡你可以看到世界上新奇的東西、知識。 如果喜歡可以按訂閱,也可以在下面留言你想要知道的主題。
臉書: https://goo.gl/hcXp1l

labor pain 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
The Clippers gave absentee coach Mike Dunleavy the perfect remedy for his balky backache.
With assistant coach Tony Brown orchestrating the show, the Clippers used a strong fourth quarter to beat the Philadelphia 76ers 104-88 on Thursday night in the NBA's final game of the decade. Chris Kaman had 26 points and 10 rebounds, as all the Clippers' starters scored in double figures.
Dunleavy, who aggravated a herniated disc in his back while getting ready to go to Staples Center, remained home and watched on TV as his team shot 55 percent from the field and 10 for 16 from 3-point range.
"He was in a lot of pain, and he's been fighting a flu bug," said Brown, who had only about 5 hours notice. "He mentioned that he was having some trouble that caused him to get some treatment for his back, and his sneezing really escalated the back issues. But I talked to Mike again before I came in here, and he was quite happy with the win."
This was the third time Brown has been placed in this emergency role during his 11 seasons as an NBA assistant coach, and the third time he's won. It also happened with the Boston Celtics, when Doc Rivers had to leave the team suddenly because of a death in the family, and again with Milwaukee when Larry Krystowiak's wife went into labor with twins.
"Everything we ran tonight was stuff that we've been running," Brown said. "It was short notice, and I wasn't going to go through an old playbook of mine and confuse the guys. So I didn't use any of Doc's stuff. I didn't expect to be coaching tonight, but it feels good to get a win. We really needed it."
Baron Davis had 20 points and seven assists for the Clippers and Marcus Camby contributed 14 points and 10 boards. Los Angeles completed a season sweep of the 76ers after losing both meetings in each of the previous two seasons.
Lou Williams led Philadelphia with 19 points and Elton Brand had 17 in his first road game against the Clippers since he left town as a free agent. The 76ers, coming off victories over Portland and Sacramento, still haven't won three in a row this season.
"We just had a lapse, a mental lapse," Brand said. "We didn't get rebounds and we didn't have the toughness that we had the last two games. We had the lead, but we couldn't keep it. In the third quarter, we started out of synch. They got easy bucket after easy bucket, and we were behind the 8-ball."
Los Angeles fell behind by as many as 13 points after Brand intercepted a pass by Sebastian Telfair and converted the turnover into a breakaway dunk with 2:46 left in the first quarter to cap a 19-4 run. But the Clippers sliced the margin to 51-49 by halftime, as Kaman led all scorers with 16 points despite missing nine of 15 shots.
Los Angeles pulled ahead for good at 55-52 on a 3-pointer by Rasual Butler with 9 1/2 minutes left in the third quarter and extended the margin to 78-63 on another 3 by Camby with 6.6 seconds left in the period.
"The intensity was way up, which is something that we hadn't had in a while," Brown said. "Our third quarters have been normally been slow-starting for us and giving teams a chance to stretch leads. But I think we did a really good job defensively on their perimeter guys, making them take tough contested shots.
"Then we got some timely shots by Rasual Butler, and Baron just carried us down the stretch with his timely shots and playmaking skills."
Brand, who signed a five-year, $80 million contract with the Sixers in July 2008 after he opted out of his Clippers contract, came off the bench for the ninth straight game. When he reported in with 3:18 left in the first quarter and Philadelphia leading 25-16, he was booed lustily by the crowd of 15,257.
"It was definitely strange, playing on the other side here. It was kind of surreal," Brand said. "I mean, there were a few plays where they did something good, and I wanted to give Kaman a high-five. But it's been a long time since I left, so it was a lot easier."
Brand holds the Clippers franchise record with 4,710 rebounds. After he left, Dunleavy accused Brand of backing out of a verbal agreement to return to the Clippers and never giving an explanation. Davis signed with Los Angeles as a free agent prior to that, with the understanding that he would play with Brand.

labor pain 在 Mama College Youtube 的評價
準媽媽不可不知的產兆現象 3 Signs of Pregnancy Labor
自然生產的產程可分為三個階段 3 Stages of Labor
3 Stages of Labor 分娩過程
第一產程: 從子宮收縮開始
潛伏期 - 子宮頸未開至子宮頸開 3 公分
活動期 - 子宮頸開 3 公分至子宮頸全開 10 公分
第二產程: 子宮頸完全打開了,就進入胎兒分娩階段. 丈夫可選擇陪太太入産房, 給她支援和力量.
第三產程: 始於胎兒娩出,結束於胎盤排出
3 Signs of Pregnancy Labor. Is your baby coming?
Stage One Pregnancy
見紅、破水、陣痛等情形, 但並沒有一定的順序.
1.落紅 點狀出血 Bleeding
若是初產婦,若果見紅現象先出現, 可稍作等候, 並在多一項徵兆也出現時才入院.
第二胎見紅就可以立即入院, 因為生產過程一般會比較快.
2.陣痛 子宮規則收縮 Contraction
第一胎, 陣痛時間一般會較長,由開始陣痛到産出胎兒平均大約需要
3.破水 立即送醫 "Water Breaks"
黏液塞(Mucous plug)
Common non-medicated ways to relieve pain during pregnancy
Medicated ways to relieve pain during pregnancy
無痛分娩 (epidural)
打止痛針入肌肉 (Pethidine injections)
吸入笑氣 (Nitrous Oxide N2O)
透過吸入器或口罩吸入.這是溫和鎮痛劑,可令您忘記痛楚. 但並非每位女性也覺得有效. 有些產婦會作嘔和頭昏
目前有5〜7成的使用率. 打無痛分娩不會造成長期背痛,
Stage Two pregnancy
第二階段, BB 要出世了!
每當子宮收縮時, 兩膝分開,
緊閉嘴巴, 深呼吸, 然後閉住氣,
頭向前彎, 使下巴貼著胸前,
Stage Three Pregnancy
第三階段:當BB前肩産生時, 醫生會替産婦注射收縮子宮的藥物,
幫助胎盤剝離, 産婦可于子宮收縮時間向下迸氣, 把胎盤推出體外。
Thank you for watching Mama College. If you find this video useful, please subscribe and follow me on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/mamacollege
Kayi Cheung
Mama College

labor pain 在 8 positions to ease labor pain - YouTube 的八卦
Your baby is almost here! Get ready with these eight helpful positions that can make your labor go faster and relieve pain during each stage ... ... <看更多>