我把小帥哥牽回家的時候本來沒有打算要帶他下場比賽 ~ 不過it's in his DNA. 今天好多個第一次,我們第一次一起比賽,我們的第一場Gymkhana!
很高興今天認識好多新朋友 ~ 也謝謝大家的指導!感謝所有 C T M S A. 中華賽車會 的工作人員還有marshal們 辛苦了!
When I brought my baby home, I never planned to race with him...but I guess it’s in his DNA! A first for both of us today! Our first #Gymkhana race!
Thanks to all the new friends we met today, and all the members of CTMSA & Marshals! See you guys next round!
PS 他是Stock car哦~
#KikiKung14 #KungRacing
kikikung14 在 龔懷主(羅賓)Robin Kung Facebook 八卦
Kiki這圈看似很赞....Close but no banana! #GymkhanaAAGC #中華赛車會CTMSA #羅賓車談揪大家一起玩
我們的第一場 #Gymkhana,同時跑錦標賽又跑挑戰賽, 要記三種賽道圖!
對自己的成績覺得還挺滿意的 ~ 先要求能夠把圖記對,跑完有成績才重要.
以後再求速度 ~
昨天整天的比賽覺得比賽氛圍超級棒的!大家都互相幫忙,有説有笑的 ~ 玩的很開心
直線開快,誰不會?能夠在各種情況下,知道如何操控你的車,這才是最重要的. 平常在路上穩穩安全的開就好了,想感受車子的性能來一個安全的地方. 金卡納帥,很好玩,可是其實你在這裡學到的東西對安全的道路駕駛是很有用的哦! 歡迎更多新朋友來體驗看看!
This was my first gymkhana race, racing in the Championship league, as well as the Challenge league. For my first race, I had to memorize three different circuit formations! Quite pleased with my results. The most important thing is to be able to memorize the formation correctly!! If you don’t, that’s 999 seconds.
Got a good chance to get to know and drive my car better. We’ll look for speed in the future, finishing the race is the first goal! Really great time, with new friends. Great atmosphere.
The AAGC is a great platform for people to bring their cars and try out their cars’ performance in a safe and controlled environment. Not only does it look cool, and it’s fun, you learn skills that help you on the road as well. #RoadSafety
Hope more and more people come join us at gymkhana!
PS:車子全是原廠的,連輪胎都沒換半熱融哦,everything is completely stock! 🤪😉
C T M S A. 中華賽車會 #KungRacing #K214 #KikiKung14 #SubaruBRZStock #SubaruBRZ #AsiaAutoGymkhanaCompetition
kikikung14 在 Kiki Kung 龔葳宜 Facebook 八卦
我們的第一場 #Gymkhana,同時跑錦標賽又跑挑戰賽, 要記三種賽道圖!
對自己的成績覺得還挺滿意的 ~ 先要求能夠把圖記對,跑完有成績才重要.
以後再求速度 ~
昨天整天的比賽覺得比賽氛圍超級棒的!大家都互相幫忙,有説有笑的 ~ 玩的很開心
直線開快,誰不會?能夠在各種情況下,知道如何操控你的車,這才是最重要的. 平常在路上穩穩安全的開就好了,想感受車子的性能來一個安全的地方. 金卡納帥,很好玩,可是其實你在這裡學到的東西對安全的道路駕駛是很有用的哦! 歡迎更多新朋友來體驗看看!
This was my first gymkhana race, racing in the Championship league, as well as the Challenge league. For my first race, I had to memorize three different circuit formations! Quite pleased with my results. The most important thing is to be able to memorize the formation correctly!! If you don’t, that’s 999 seconds.
Got a good chance to get to know and drive my car better. We’ll look for speed in the future, finishing the race is the first goal! Really great time, with new friends. Great atmosphere.
The AAGC is a great platform for people to bring their cars and try out their cars’ performance in a safe and controlled environment. Not only does it look cool, and it’s fun, you learn skills that help you on the road as well. #RoadSafety
Hope more and more people come join us at gymkhana!
PS:車子全是原廠的,連輪胎都沒換半熱融哦,everything is completely stock! 🤪😉
C T M S A. 中華賽車會 #KungRacing #K214 #KikiKung14 #SubaruBRZStock #SubaruBRZ #AsiaAutoGymkhanaCompetition