#Repost @aishaltaf
Juz 30: Reflections (al-Infitar:10-12)
No matter what month of the year we are in, what place of the earth we are at, what stage of life we have reached, our deeds are always being observed. Ramadan came... Alhamdulillah we fasted and prayed, sought forgiveness and made duas, did good and avoided evil and now the month is departing, teaching us a very important lesson that the way we were so conscious of our deeds during this month, we must maintain the same consciousness throughout the rest of the year... because our deeds are always being observed. Angels are appointed over each person to watch their deeds, recording everything, letting nothing slip away.
🌟The Angels write our words and actions exactly as they are
The Prophet (saw) said, "A man said, 'الحمد لله كثيرا Abundant praise is for Allah!' Writing these words became heavy on the angel, so he returned to his Lord concerning this. Allah said, 'Write it down as My servant said it: 'كثيرا'." [Saheeh]
🌟Hadith Qudsi: Allah said, "When I test a servant among My believing servants, and he praises Me and is patient over what I test him with, then he will rise from his bed sinless like the day his mother gave him birth." And the Lord says to the guardian-angels, "Indeed, I have restricted this servant of mine and tested him, so record for him what you used to record for him of reward before this (test)." [Saheeh]
So when a person consistently does good, but sometimes is unable to do it due to a reason out of his control, he is still rewarded for the good that he used to do. This is why the best deeds are those that are done regularly even if they are little.
🌟The Prophet (saw) said, "The most beloved deeds to Allah are those which are done continuously, even if they are small." [Muslim]
May Allah enable us to continue practicing the good deeds we adopted in the month of Ramadan and keep us away from the bad habits we have given up. May Allah accept from everyone their fasting, prayers, duas and all their good deeds. May Allah allow us to witness many more Ramadans and may He be pleased with us.
رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا ۖإِنَّكَ أَنتَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ
#Juz30reflections #qu