Translation: @berbermnm
Photographer: @teddytzeng
Model: @qqqa163076
常言當下 何為當下
更不是「心不在焉 心有旁騖的此時此地」
體驗當下 享受當下
——發呆 放空
跑到感受不到雙腳的時候 減速 然後就地躺下
那種開放 那種停留 就是當下
來不及想昨日的煩惱 來不及想明日的期待
來不及想地上髒不髒 來不及想身上汗滿衫
展露本自俱足的滿足 愉悅 單純
PS.除了跑步 有時候工作太累
回家在沙發 在牆腳 倚著停格
沒有雜念 只剩呼吸的聲音 也很接近了
We always say “live in the moment.” What’s “the moment”?
The meaning of it may differ to different people.
What is your understanding of it?
Now and here?
My understanding of it is beyond that, let alone being here but “the mind is not being here, thinking about something else.”
My version of it is closer to “being now and here with focused mind to now and here.”
Experience the moment, enjoy the moment
There’s a more concrete way to do so —— just be there and do nothing
If your mind is occupied by emotion or trifles, which disables you to sit in idle, you may try running.
When you’re out of breath, keep persisting
When you are exhausted, don’t stop
When you can’t feel your legs anymore, slow down and lie right on the floor.
The openness, the stillness is the moment
No time to think about troubles of yesterday or longings of tomorrow
No time to think about the cleanliness of the floor or the soaked t-shirt
The emptiness not yet caught up by thoughts
The original state that is not tangled by thoughts
Revealing the innate content, fulfilment and pureness
Ps: besides running, sometimes when I’m drained from work
Leaning on the wall or collapsing on the sofa
Without my mind wandering off, all there left is my breathing sound
It’s also pretty close to my version of “the moment.” : )
innate meaning 在 李怡 Facebook 八卦
Our collective emotional memory (Lee Yee)
I was most humbly quoting British writer Rushdie’s words yesterday “Don’t be dominated by fear, even if you are afraid”, and was asked by someone: how to be afraid but not be dominated by fear?
When I came across this phrase 19 years ago, I vaguely felt that it could be a wake-up call. It was my experience in Hong Kong since June last year that taught me what it truly means by to be afraid yet not be dominated by fear. Most young people at the frontline admitted that they were “very afraid”, but were reluctant to leave their brothers and sisters behind in order to save themselves. As such, the persistence to pursue freedom freed them from being dominated by fear.
Some pro-Beijing media accused me of inciting young people to go to the frontlines, while I am hiding at the back. As more accusations are being thrown around, more fellow comrades also started to believe it, and said on certain media that some “not so young persons” are making these attempts. I never cared how people view me, because how I view myself has always been more important. In a recent interview, I said that when I watched those young people in the frontlines, I was very worried. In my heart I was telling them not to do it, it is too dangerous. Yet I do not say it out loud. I understand that young people can only achieve the feeling of freedom through fighting, to realize that freedom, and only those in the frontlines would truly grasp the meaning of fellow comrades and the special relationships among brothers and sisters. I never wrote any essay giving young people instructions. I’ve only expressed understand and respect afterwards. It is from them that I learned the courage of freedom that is “to be afraid yet not to be dominated by fear”.
A friend, who was taking pictures on the streets, was intercepted by a dirty cop who threatened to arrest her. She yelled at the dirty cop, and left. In private, she told me she was “really afraid”, yet could not help but yell back. This is exactly “don’t be dominated by fear, even if you are afraid”.
This is the emotional experience shared by many Hongkongers since last year. This is a collective emotional memory.
Another memory is “pain”. Raymond Yeung, the teacher who was shot in the right eye by the police’s tear gas last year on June 12, said in a recent interview that he is actually very afraid of pain. “If on that June 12 morning you had told me I would lose an eye if I were to go out…even if you had told me I would be hit by tear gas, I might not have gone out, let alone losing a whole eye.” The endurance of pain is not an innate ability, but something acquired, something that the Hong Kong community has acquired altogether. He said that when people watch clips of police brutality, their hearts ache, but they also know that this is a rite of passage to go through together. As he considered that, he felt like his pain was being shared and distributed. To quote Brian Leung Kai-ping, “what truly connects Hongkongers is pain.”
Those who did not experience physical pain were perhaps all experience emotional pain through the screen. This pain, is our collective memory. To feel pain, one is a true Hongkonger, or else…
In addition, two other strong emotions felt by Hongkongers were anger and disgust. After witnessing fear and pain on media images, the Scared Liar Conference in the following day would bring anger and disgust, not to mention the faces of those Hong Kong Communists and pro-Beijing politicians. Every time I see them on screen, I think of Lu Xun’s words, “If the mask is worn for too long, it grows on the face, to take it off would be digging into the skin, the bones, and the muscles.”
No, they won’t take these masks off themselves. Yet having witnessed the history of the CCP, there are bound to be a chance to prove them wrong and to dig into the skin, the bones, and the muscles. Hongkongers probably wish to witness this moment.
A friend said that he wished to leave Hong Kong not because of the fear and the pain, but the anger and the disgust. I totally get him. Unless one makes it a habit to live under this blanket of lies, otherwise no normal people would find this easy to swallow.
It is logically to leave due to fear of the threats on security, but anger and disgust are not threats. To live, one must slowly let go of these emotions, but definitely not to forget the events that brought such fear and disgust.
Article 29 (5) of the National Security Law: “provoking by unlawful means hatred among Hong Kong residents towards the Central People’s Government or the Government of the Region, which is likely to cause serious consequences.” Hatred, as an emotion, had nothing to do with the crime; yet we know and will remember who and what were “provoking by unlawful means hatred among Hong Kong residents”, which was indeed a behavior of a criminal organization.
Fear, pain, anger, and disgust – Hongkongers’ collective emotional memory since last year.
innate meaning 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 八卦
The Price of Unbridled Love (English version below)
In my younger days, I had never thought about the true meaning of these words: sentimentality and sexiness. It was only after I attained a certain level of awareness in my spiritual practice, I began to rationally look at the difference between sensibility and sexiness. Sentimentality in a person means that he or she has an acute sensitivity to the people and events in the surrounding. Sexiness refers to the awareness and reactions to people of the opposite gender. For example, if you experience deep emotions and tears easily when watching a drama serial, reading a book, or when a friend confides in you, you belong to the group of people with high sentimentality.
Master Dai Hu feels that it is easier to deal with sentimentality, compared to the problems that sexiness brings. Sentimentality deals with one's emotions and senses. And more often than not, the emotions of a mere mortal are illusory, the feelings that others give us are misperceptions. Such illusions and misperceptions are conceived from poor logic. On the other hand, sexiness leads us to the connotation of sex, and often associates with the female gender. For example: "She dresses so sexily" or "She has got a sexy figure. ", etc.
Master Dai Hu hereby reminds all ladies not to mistake being scantily dressed as the trend nowadays. You are old-fashioned if you think that way. Let me tell you, this world is already saturated with "colouring pigments". If you are going to create more "colours", it is a matter of time that you would become kimchi. Heavily tainted, that is! Tainting yourself is also tainting others, and this is a sin. Sentimentality is a show of emotions, while sexiness is a display of physical attributes. Don't get this wrong. Obsessed with the human display of physical attributes, many men and women had abandoned their innate morals and destroyed the marriage vows they made. How regretful!
To my knowledge, people who has committed sexual misconduct will suffer the fate of reincarnation in the animal realm for at least 500 lifetimes, taking the form of a dog, chicken, pig, worm, etc. After which they will return to the human realm and be reborn into a lower class, taking on roles such as a coolie, servant, maid, never gaining respect for the entire life, for at least 500 rebirths. Even if you have a better human reincarnation, your words will not command much respect or following. Such a tenuous game of never-ending rebirths, nobody knows when one can finally and truly enjoy good fortunes! This explains my endless reminders to those who has the high tendency for sexual indiscretions, to stay loyal and faithful in the relationship. Or else, your name will be Piggy, Chicky or Doggy for real. How can I tell? Through one's name, Bazi, facial features, bones structure, home Feng Shui, etc. The Dharma teaches the way to end your sexual desires. If you don't wish to wear fur or horns on your skin next lifetime, Master Dai Hu is willing to help you.
innate meaning 在 Innate Meaning - YouTube 的八卦
Video shows what innate means. Inborn; native; natural; as, innate vigor; innate eloquence.. Originating in, or derived from, ... ... <看更多>