一位EEC AL的孩子甄選上哈佛大學舉辦的領袖菁英營,是數千中取80的機會呢!其他孩子也要好好把握這個暑期充實自己哦!
<3 俐媽英文教室:哈佛菁英篇
<3 Congratulations! 恭喜!(congratulate sb. on sth. 恭喜...人...事)
<3 inform (v.) 通知(+ sb. of sth.)(衍:information n. 資訊/ informative a. 提供資訊的)
<3 select (v.) 挑選(衍:selection n. 挑選/ selective a. 選擇性的)(se-: self/ -lect-: choose)
<3 attend (v.) 出席;照顧(+ to sb.)(衍:attendance n. 出席)
<3 conference (n.) 會議(原:confer v. 聚集開會;商談)(con-: together/ -fer-: carry)
<3 campus (n.) 校園(片:on campus 在校園)
<3 reminder (n.) 提醒(原:remind v. 提醒 + sb. + of N / to V / that S + V)
<3 provide (v.) 提供(+ sb. with sth. / + sth. for sb.)(衍:provision n. 供應/ provisions n. 糧食)
<3 entirely (adv.) 完全地
<3 charge (n.) 收費(片:free of charge 免費)
<3 confirm (v.) 確認(衍:confirmation n. 確認)(cf. conform v. 遵循/守 + to N)
<3 submit (v.) 繳交(衍:submission n. 繳交)(片:submit to N 屈服於...)
<3 deposit (n.) 前金;預繳金;(v.) 存錢
<3 detail (n.) 細節(衍:detailed a. 詳細的)(片:in detail 詳細地)
<3 logistical (a.) 後勤的(文中指與營隊相關的後續問題的)
<3 ASAP = as soon as possible
<3 regularly (adv.) 規律地(= on a regular basis)
inform sb of sth 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 八卦
EEC小說選讀:The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 福爾摩斯 Chapter 1 (p14~29)
<3 俐媽英文教室:
單字2. get dressed 著裝/ dress oneself in color = be dressed in color 穿...顏色的衣服
單字9. immediately = instantly = at once = right away (adv.) 立刻
p. 15
單字12. grave (a.) 嚴肅的;嚴重的;(n.) 墳墓 (衍:gravity n. 地心引力)
單字14. associate (n.) 夥伴;同事;(v.) 連結(+ A with B)
單字15. would like to V = want to V = feel like Ving 想要(做某事)
p. 16
單字4 last (a.) 最後的;(v.) 持續
單字5 nodding acquaintance (n.) 點頭之交
單字12 take care of = look after = tend to = attend to + N 照顧
補充:wealthy (a.) 富有的/ fortune (n.) 財富/ live on 靠...而活
p. 17
補充:perhaps (adv.) 或許 (= maybe)/ per (a.) 每一...
p. 18
單字4. by accident = accidentally (adv.) 意外地
p. 19
單字12. have a hard time + Ving 做...事很辛苦
補充:wild (a.) 狂野的;野生的;野外的
p. 20
單字1. rarely = barely = scarcely = hardly (adv.) 難得;幾乎不
單字5. oppose = be opposed to = object to + N/Ving (v.) 反對
單字10. in detail (adv.) 詳細地
單字15. tend to + V 有...傾向
p. 21
補充:as if + S + V 仿彿...(為假設語氣用法)
p. 22
補充:whistle (v.) 吹口哨
p. 23
單字1. for a while (adv.) 持續一段時間
p. 24
單字2. toss (v.) 拋;擲
單字3. wink (n.)(v.) 眨眼
單字4. sense (v.) 感覺到;(n.) 感知;感官
單字9. spring (v.) 彈起;(n.) 彈簧;泉水;春天
單字11. mass (n.) 大眾;大量;質量
p. 25
單字12. metal (n.) 金屬(比:mental a. 心理的)
p. 26
單字4. investigate = inspect = look into (v.) 調查
單字6. cause (n.) 原因;(v.) 導致
p. 27
單字7. bar (n.) 門閂;(v.) 阻止;禁止
p. 28
單字5. daybreak = dawn = sunrise (n.) 破曉;黎明
單字9. inform sb. of sth. 通知...人...事
單字10. advise (v.) 建議(= suggest)(衍:advice n. 建議)
p. 29
補充:as soon as (conj.) 一...就...
inform sb of sth 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 八卦
你對於Gatsby的一生,及他對生活、朋友、愛情的態度,有何想法?The Great Gatsby最終回,謝謝各位EEC學生的支持及俐媽粉絲團員的按讚:)
<3 俐媽提問:
p. 82
continuous (a.) 連續不斷的(原: continue v. 繼續)
photographer (n.) 攝影師(衍: photograph n. 照片/ photography n. 攝影術)(photo-: light/ -graph: write)
mention (v.)(n.) 提及(片: not to mention 更不用說)
swear (v.) 發誓;說髒話(-swore-sworn)
inform (v.) 通知(+ sb. + of + sth.)(衍: information n. 資訊/ informative a. 富資訊性的)(-form: form)
refer (v.) 歸屬於;提及;意指;查詢;詢問;涉及(+ to + N)(衍: reference n. 參考;提及;查詢;涉及)
practical (a.) 實際的(片: practical joke 惡作劇)
detail (n.) 細節(in detail 詳細地)(衍: detailed a. 詳細的)
involve (v.) 捲入(片: be involved in N 涉入…;捲入…)(衍: involvement n. 捲入)(-volv: roll; turn)
tender (a.) 溫柔的;(質地)軟的(衍: tenderness n. 溫柔)
telegram (n.) 電報(tele-: far)
immediately (adv.) 立刻地(= instantly = at once)
funeral (n.) 葬禮
obviously (adv.) 明顯地(= clearly = apparently = evidently)
contact (v.)(n.) 接觸(片: keep in contact with… 和…保持聯絡/ contact lenses 隱形眼鏡)
p. 83
recently (adv.) 最近地
upset (a.) 沮喪的
generous (a.) 慷慨的;大方的(衍: generosity n. 慷慨;大方)(反: stingy a. 小氣的)
priest (n.) 牧師
p. 85
minister (n.) 牧師;部長(衍: ministry n. 部/ prime minister 首相)
limousine (n.) 加長型禮車(= limo)
engage (v.) 忙於…;訂婚(片: be engaged to sb. 與…訂婚/ engage in 從事於;忙於)(衍: engagement n. 忙於;訂婚)
pretend (v.) 假裝(衍: pretense n. 假裝;做作/ pretentious a. 矯飾的)
p. 86
object (v.) 反對(+ to + N/Ving);(n.) 物體;目標(衍: objection n. 反對/ objective a. 客觀的)
stare (v.)(n.) 盯;凝視(+ at + N)
deceive (v.) 騙(衍: deception n. 欺騙/ deceptive a. 欺騙的)(de-: low/ -ceiv: take)
stretch (v.) 伸展(片: at full stretch 竭盡全力/ stretch mark 妊娠紋)(衍: stretchy a. 伸展的;有延展性的)
inform sb of sth 在 It slipped my mind فراموش کردم Inform sb. of sth. نسبت به ... 的八卦
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