台灣選手 杜志濠(Sergio Tu)明年二月將赴西班牙,迎接GIANT SCATTO車隊帶給他全新的選手人生,加油囉~
Giant Scatto u23 宣布簽約台灣選手 杜志濠
Giant Scatto 車隊繼續努力備戰2016年,下一個賽季我們將會新增一位來自台灣的青年車手,杜志濠明年(2016)第一年的u23組別,過去兩年和Giant Alpecin車隊配合訓練後接著在今年前往荷蘭比賽和訓練,杜志濠態度相當積極也非常明確想要在未來加入Giant Alpecin車隊成為一名ㄧ級車手,我們透過電話問了杜志濠對於來到歐洲有哪些看法以下是他的說法:
車隊老闆Kenn Nygaard 也相當期待這一位台灣選手在歐洲的表現和成長!
Sergio將在明年2月前往車隊的訓練營位於西班牙Calpe 和車隊見面,3月開始進行一連串賽事!
Giant scatto U23 writes with Taiwanese
Giant scatto U23 continues the buildup towards the next season, in which a foreign rider also will be part of the team.
It's not often we see foreign riders run for the Danish continental team, but next season we can look forward to something as exotic as a Taiwanese rider in the fields. Continental team Team Giant scatto U23 has namely signed a contract with the Taiwanese junior champion in the time trial, Sergio Tu.
Sergio Tu be in 2016 driving his first senior season after he made the last two years has been supported training by Giant Alpecin with exercise instructions. Moreover, he has at times of races in Europe living with one of the team managers and the clear objective is indeed one day become the World Tour rider on the Giant Alpecin Team!
- As I remember it, the weather in Europe always cold, so I'll turn to it. But to stay in Denmark with team owner's family and run a U23 continental team is great and it will definitely be an exciting adventure with both great experiences and challenges, says Tu in a press release.
Team owner Kenn Nygaard also looks forward to helping the Taiwanese talent development:
- We were approached by Giant, which has sponsored Sergio recent years. They could see his potential, but also that he needed to learn to drive European races to develop further. Sergio fits perfectly into our talent development team and we look forward to creating the perfect environment for Sergio and help him become a better rider, it said.
Sergio Tu meetings for the first time his Danish teammates at a training camp in the spring.
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