ORACLE vs SAP ศึกซอฟต์แวร์องค์กรล้านล้าน / โดย ลงทุนแมน
อันดับที่ 1 Microsoft 25.3 ล้านล้านบาท
อันดับที่ 2 Oracle 6.7 ล้านล้านบาท...
Continue ReadingOracle vs sap trillion enterprise software battle / by investing man
If it comes to the most valuable software company in the world
1nd place Microsoft 25.3 trillion baht
2ND PLACE ORACLE 6.7 trillion baht
3ND PLACE SAP 4.0 trillion baht
From the above rank
A lot of people are familiar with Bill Gates's Microsoft.
But probably not familiar with oracle and sap
Because the customers of both companies are not common..
So who are their customers?
Invest, man will tell you about it.
In fact, both oracle and sap customers are the company..
These two companies do business, software development, data planning and corporate resources.
AKA ERP (enterprise resource planning)
SAP ย่อมาจาก System Applications & Products in Data Processing
German nationality company, founded in 1972 by 5 former IBM employees.
While Oracle is an American nationality company
Founded in 1977 by Mr. Larry Ellison, Bob Miner and Ed Oates
So why do companies need erp software
Assuming a simple example is..
Unilever produces dove shampoo
After the production, I sent items to the inventory.
Last step. If order will be delivered to the supplier..
The question is if our business size is so big
How do we know if the inventory is actually out of stock
So the sales we record match the account side?
This has become a problem.
That caused corporate data structuring software for over 40 years ago.
Such software is designed and developed for all types of business.
From production side cuddle supply chain and all flows together on the accounting side.
Simple summary is sap and Oracle Design Software for companies to apply to business and plan all information on the same platform..
When the factory has shipped items, the inventory knows right away.
Inventory has been cut. Sales Department knows right away.
Sales Department has posted the wrong numbers. Know immediately and can fix it in time.
Most Manufacturing-related businesses, factories, inventory and offices are in different places.
But erp brings together the information of these sources.
Meaning the erp system occurs in real-time resulting in business data more efficient.
Including reducing potential errors on the way..
So what are the results of both companies?
Year 2015 Income 7.45 billion baht. Profit of 1.09 billion baht.
Year 2016 Income 7.91 billion baht. Profit of 1.31 billion baht.
Year 2017 Income 8.41 billion baht. Profit of 1.44 billion baht.
Oracle Company
Year 2015 Income 1.16 trillion baht. Profit of 2.79 billion baht.
Year 2016 Income 1.18 trillion baht. Profit of 2.93 billion baht.
Year 2017 Income 1.25 trillion baht. Profit of 1.19 billion baht.
So what is the income structure of both companies?
SAP INCOME FROM CLOUD AND License 83 % and services 17 %
Oracle Income comes from cloud and license 82 %, hardware 10 % AND SERVICES 8 %
Essentially, software revenue comes from license and later start adjusting models to the era through cloud technology.
This makes the software that seems difficult to use. It's more accessible to smaller entrepreneurs.
Including it consulting companies that buy copyright to design systems for organizations like Accenture, deloitte or ey (Ernst & young) have more playful..
Also, if the income is divided by each region, company.
SAP has a customer in hand 425,000 account
From Asian Zone 16 %
American Zone 40 %
Europe, middle east and Africa zone (Emea) 44 %
Including Partnerships with 18,000 other companies covering 180 countries.
While Oracle has a customer on hand 430,000 account
From Asian Zone 16 %
American Zone 55 %
Europe, middle east and Africa zone (Emea) 29 %
Oracle can see that the American Zone Income is over half of the total income.
Let's go back. SAP EARN MONEY FROM BOTH AMERICA and emea group equally..
Ending with the value of both companies
Oracle 6.7 trillion baht
SAP 4.0 trillion baht
Getting here, we can see that all 2 companies are competing close..
However, behind the success of both sap and oracle should be from the charm of business to business that pays for good for a company called trust.
By this trust, there is a bet that
" all our company information, we will leave it to you.."
Free Seminar..
Topic "the process of bringing company to the stock exchange with solution sap business one" Wednesday, March 6, 13.00-17.00 pm at sap Thailand. Register at
For more information, please contact 02 274 4070, email: Marketing@Fmsconsult.Com or
-Yahoo Finance
-Market Capitalisation, YChart
-SAP SE Annual Report 2017
-Oracle Corporation Annual Report 2017Translated
ibm solution 在 陳良基的創新筆記 Facebook 八卦
繼微軟、谷歌大神、IBM、Amazon 等大公司紛紛在台成立AI研究中心,麥肯錫也將重要的東北亞工業物聯網中心(North Asia Industrial IOT Hub)設在台灣。除了廣招國際級人才,更重要是彙整130家上下游廠商串聯為,各類型製造生產的工業物聯網完整解決方案。章總經理今天帶我看他們所提供的total solution ,真是讓我驚豔!
ibm solution 在 OSSLab Geek Lab Facebook 八卦
有客戶IBM Server主機板故障,詢問原廠,告知維修需要等14工作天.也不保證資料狀況。
因此來電詢問 OSSLab Geek Lab是否可以處理
OSSLab回應可以在最短時間處理. 客戶1.3當日送來
一.1.3 當日幫客戶鏡像SAS 硬碟5顆與訂購主機板,鏡像過程中,發現硬碟有小壞軌損壞順便處理修復與強鏡像,這時已經感覺陣列應該有損毀。
二.1.3 當日晚上分析陣列狀況 開始拉出客戶重要VM。
三.1.4 傳入到Lab Vsphere 實驗機,給客戶核對。
這中間發現一個有趣狀況 我們認真研究了一下
WinSCP傳入到Vsphere非常慢(300Mbps) 換上換過Filezilla也沒用,最後我們改用Veeam Backup免費版…
速度比WINSCP快了100%.(600Mbps 這程式有點肥 安裝要40 mins)。
四.1.4晚上寄出恢復VM檔案給客戶 讓他們服務先上線。
五.1.5換上好的IBM Server主機板,開機後發現原陣列確實損毀
六 1.7正在整理原先主機,更換部分硬碟,切割新Raid ,安裝Vsphere.建立Datastore 準備還給客戶整台可立刻上線機器。
七.全部以上報價比原廠不保證報還要低 並且含資料恢復.及整台機器恢復。
ibm solution 在 ABB and IBM Partner in Industrial Artificial Intelligence Solutions 的八卦
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