首先係度補充返小小,始終呢個炒即食麵方式係小弟一路以來嘅做法,如果成份入面有任何覺得唔啱嘅地方,例如調味方面各位可以因應自己喜好更改,最後都多謝有contribute comment 嘅觀眾,又各位交流先可以有進步空間:)
今集找數先,整個網友之前有提議過嘅豬頸肉炒出前一丁,豬頸肉係我認為慢煮肥肉中嘅極限今集就講下其實慢煮有啲咩唔缺點,同埋針對嘅補救方法。順便公布埋送慢煮棒嘅得獎者 :)
最近實在太多嘢做,出片要慢番少少 . 我哋下集整咖喱魚蛋 :)
This recipe is suggested by one you, it's a local fast food dish in HK called Thai Style Pork Joul with Fried Instant Noodles, will be doing with sous vide and let me take this opportunity to share limitation of sous vide to you, and the corresponding make up method. And also with this chance to announce the sous vide give away winner :)
Sorry for the slow upload, it's a busy time for me recently. And will be making Local Curry Fish Balls next time :)
豬頸肉 1件
香茅 1條
青檸葉 2片
紅蔥頭 1個
蒜頭 2瓣
南薑 1件
辣椒仔 2條
豉油 2湯匙
老抽 1湯匙
魚露 2湯匙
白胡椒粉 1茶匙
芫茜蔥 1條
出前一丁 2包
銀芽 $6

homemade food disadvantages 在 Advantages and Disadvantages of Homemade Food - Benefit 的相關結果
1. Might be hard at the beginning · 2. The major drawback of Cooking is, it might be dangerous · 3. Time-consuming · 4. Grocery shopping · 5. Easily socialize while ... ... <看更多>