你知道現在矽谷流行什麼嘛?日前我看到一張圖: Silicon Valley Starter Pack (矽谷標準配備入門包),還蠻精確的把當下矽谷流行的事物放進去,你猜猜看目前矽谷在流行什麼呢?
Zero to One,Paypal 聯合創辦人、Facebook 早期投資人Peter Thiel 的書,講述如何創業打造成功企業,在創業風氣發達的矽谷,不論有沒有創業一定要讀一下。
Mac 貼紙:Mac 幾乎是現在矽谷工程師的標準配備,許多公司的網頁也明確寫出上班第一天會帶你去買你喜歡的 Mac,有 Mac 之後就需要有個性化的貼紙讓你的 Mac 與眾不同(也比較好找)。
T-Shirt:印著某某 startup 名字的 t-shirt,參加各種 career fair, conference, meetup 都有機會拿到不同公司的 t-shirt,自己的公司也常常有各種活動會做 t-shirt。如果你在矽谷,衣櫃裡應該有穿不完的 t-shirt。
Hoodie: 連帽夾克,舊金山灣區一年四季其實都不會很熱,常常一下出太陽但一下變天變超冷,有人開玩笑說,如果你某天出門沒帶夾克,你可能會在路上冷死,所以舊金山街頭大家都穿 hoodie 保護自己。
Pitch: 創業需要找投資者,那你需要做公司及產品 pitch,你可能做過很多次 pivot (產品方向改變),你需要分析你的收入及要如何擴大你的產品及公司規模。
Chase Sapphire Reserve 信用卡:一開始推出送10萬點點數開卡禮,讓 Chase Sapphire Reserve 一推出就備受高度討論及關注,New York Time 一篇文章提到美國運通遇到的問題 (Amex, Challenged by Chase, Is Losing the Snob War),Chase Sapphire Reserve 信用卡在矽谷年輕有消費力中的族群是比美國運通的信用卡受歡迎的。
Venmo: 行動支付 app,其實是 Paypal 擁有的有社交圖譜的支付方案,許多朋友間聚會分錢或是和陌生人購物轉帳,常常會問:用 Venmo 轉帳給你可以嘛?不過我感覺目前 Facebook Messenger Pay 才是朋友間最常用的轉錢方式。
PurpleTie: 乾洗服務,矽谷許多公司都有和 PurpleTie 簽約,員工可以週一把乾洗丟到公司內 PurpleTie 區,他們收去乾洗,過3天送回來,省下大家要跑去送乾洗的時間。
乒乓球桌:很多公司的福利都強調有乒乓球桌,有趣的點是乒乓球桌也是判斷矽谷景氣的一個指標:Unusual indicator spells trouble for Silicon Valley。
Apple Airpods: 蘋果的無線耳機。
Apple Watch: 蘋果的智慧手錶,兩年前感覺人手一個 Fitbit,現在大部分都被 Apple Watch 取代了!
鞋子:我原本以為是在矽谷就不需要穿西裝及皮鞋了,所以可以穿輕鬆好穿的鞋。原來這是矽谷工程師潮鞋 Allbirds,學習了!
Podcast: 不論是通勤、跑步、等待的時候,大家利用時間聽 podcast 打發時間、提昇自我。
Oculus: 虛擬實境做的越來越好,如果還沒玩過的話,可以去各地 Microsoft retail store 體驗看看。
Standing desk: New York Time 文章提到:Stand Up While You Read This! It doesn’t matter if you go running every morning, or you’re a regular at the gym. If you spend most of the rest of the day sitting — in your car, your office chair, on your sofa at home — you are putting yourself at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, a variety of cancers and an early death. In other words, irrespective of whether you exercise vigorously, sitting for long periods is bad for you. 許多科學證據指出久坐其實很傷身,所以一個可調整的 standing desk 越來越流行,現在是矽谷科技公司給員工的標準配備了。
特斯拉電動車:矽谷可能是目前我看過最環保節能並能接受電動車的地區,特斯拉超級密集,每天路上看到超多Model S + X,連去中國超市買菜也都會遇到別人開特斯拉來買菜。
Rosewood Sand Hill: 高級Hotel Rosewood Sand Hill - Luxury Silicon Valley Hotel,Sand Hill 聚集了世界頂級VC,這篇 Bloomberg 文章介紹了San Hill 如何統治矽谷,幾乎所有你認識的科技公司都從這裡得到早期投資 Venture Capital: Sand Hill Road Rules the Valley。
Philz Coffee: 知名的咖啡店,Mint mojito iced coffee 是最有名的(請看下圖),有機會來矽谷一定要嚐嚐。
LaCroix Sparkling Water: 氣泡水,科技公司好像很喜歡提供,我個人覺得還好。:)
Lyft 及 Uber: 從矽谷發跡的 Lyft 及 Uber,在這裡也是一級戰區,司機人數眾多,常常有價格促銷,我很懷念 2015 年初剛開始有 Uber Pool 及 Lyft Line的時期,那時可以用5美金坐車到舊金山任何地方!目前因為 Uber 一連串負面事件,輿論風向讓大家似乎比較會常坐 Lyft了。
Electric Vehicle Charging Station: 加州為了鼓勵電動車,新的住宅區、商業區、公司都要有專門給電動車停及充電的位子,許多人為了可以在上下班一個人開車走高承載的線道,特別買/租電動車來開,電動車另外的好處就是不論去哪也都有專門的停車位,省下找車位的困惱,許多公司為了更鼓勵員工開電動車,公司的電動停車位還可以免費充電呢!
貴死人的一間臥室公寓租金:最新的美國租金報告 Zumper National Rent Report: April 2017,舊金山無意外的是全美最貴的城市,租一間臥房公寓的房租中位數是美金 3300元,兩間臥房公寓房租中位數是美金4430元。而上圖顯示了舊金山各區的價錢,基本上 downtown、SOMA 差不多是最貴的區域,我之前寫的2017年科技業全球薪水趨勢也提到考慮物價房價,舊金山工作調整的實際所得在美國一線城市是墊底的。
DoorDash: 外送服務的 app,工程師大部分都很懶,如果回家累了,常常就叫 DoorDash 外送來吃,超多餐廳都有 DoorDash 外送服務,目前Uber 的UberEats、Amazon 的Amazon Restaurant 也加入搶這塊外送市場。
Shuttle: 各個公司的雙層巴士,帶員工從矽谷灣區各地到公司上班。
Caltrain: 加州火車,從南邊的聖荷西往返到舊金山, Caltrain 是許多人每天的通勤工具,但常常誤點讓大家很無奈。
車子貼了 Uber 及 Lyft 的貼紙:Uber 或 Lyft 的司機會在車子擋風玻璃貼貼紙方便乘客識別,目前有越來越多司機兩家都有註冊,開車當下哪邊費率高就接哪邊的單,所以車子擋風玻璃上就都有兩家的貼紙。當然兩家公司也都知道, Uber 就採取 Growth Hack 的技巧讓司機心甘情願為他們多開一點,請看New York Times 精采報導 How Uber Uses Psychological Tricks to Push Its Drivers’ Buttons。
Blue Bottle Coffee: 舊金山知名好喝的咖啡店,咖啡豆蠻新鮮的,幾乎所有觀光客都會品嚐一下,另外一家好喝的咖啡店是 Twitter 及 Square CEO Jack Dorsey投資的 Sightglass Coffee,有興趣的朋友到舊金山也可以嘗試看看。有趣的是連咖啡都有 VC 投資(We hear Blue Bottle Coffee is raising funding, but the company says no),矽谷真的是只怕你沒有夢想,任何夢想都可以找到投資呢 。
最後一個是 Soylent: 矽谷的工程師、創業家太忙了,如果有什麼方法可以幫助他們節省時間,他們一定不會猶豫的掏錢購買,Soylent 算好一餐所需的營養,直接以代餐方式讓你沖泡快速食用, Soylent 是YC S12畢業的,目前產品也越來越多,我個人覺得喝完 Soylent 還是很容易餓,下次有機會可以嘗試他們固態的 Soy Bar。
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過361萬的網紅Dan Lok,也在其Youtube影片中提到,★☆★BONUS FOR A LIMITED TIME★☆★ You can download Dan Lok's best-selling book F.U. Money for FREE: http://learnmartialartsjkd.danlok.link You don’t nee...
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You can download Dan Lok's best-selling book F.U. Money for FREE: http://learnmartialartsjkd.danlok.link
You don’t need a gym, a training buddy, or an instructor to learn martial arts. In fact, you can learn martial arts at home by yourself. Watch this video to find out how.
Enjoyed this video? Click here to discover how the PROPER Jeet Kune Do stance: https://youtu.be/UlPvJdtFZ1o
With over 24 years of martial arts experience, Octavio Quintero is a certified Jeet Kune Do Instructor and a Warrior Athlete Coach located in Portland Oregon. He has appeared in numerous instructional videos, books, magazines such as Inside Kung Fu, Black Belt and supported the Bruce Lee Foundation with seminars and demonstrations in 2008-2009. (http://www.theartofjkd.com)
Check out Sifu Octavio Quintero's YouTube Channel videos here:
One of Dan Lok’s passions in life is martial arts. Like many young kids, after watching a Bruce Lee movie, it changed his life forever. At 17 years old, Dan started training in martial arts seriously because he was being bullied in school. It wasn’t long for Dan to learn the techniques he needed, and gain the confidence necessary to defend himself.
Dan has studied with legendary martial artist such as Bruce Lee’s original student Ted Wong (http://tedwongjkd.net) and Joe Lewis “The Worlds Greatest Fighter” (http://joelewisassociation.com), making him a second generation student of Bruce Lee - in Bruce Lee's authentic art of Jeet Kune Do (JKD). He's also a third generation student of Ip Man (Wing Chun Kung Fu).
Dan has also trained with other great instructors like Sifu Adam Chan (https://www.pragmaticmartialarts.com), Canadian lightweight boxing champion Tony "Fire Kid" Pep (https://www.facebook.com/pepboxing), and Octavio Quintero (https://www.theartofjkd.com)
For Dan, martial arts training permeates every area of life. It’s not a hobby, it’s a way of life, and it influences how he does business.
Martial arts gave him the confidence, focus, and patience to push through these obstacles and to keep fighting when he felt like giving up.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Dan is NOT a full-time martial artist and he doesn't even claim to be that good of a fighter.
He's simply a successful businessman who enjoys the art and philosophy of Bruce Lee, just like you.
He doesn't have any online martial art videos, seminars or expensive "private training" to sell you. Quite frankly, he doesn't need the money.
He simply wants to share his passion for the art of JKD (his own version of Jeet Kune Do) through his YouTube channel.
Check out the other Jeet Kune Do (JKD) Fighting Tactics and Training Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46Ocn3bqnUIaAB-cTUzsAXOG
More Wing Chun (Ving Tsun) Techniques in this Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46PuW-CM4gmmMnebKMq3WFMp
Blog: http://www.danlok.com/blog/
Podcast: http://www.shouldersoftitans.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danthemanlok
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danlok/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanentrepreneurgroup
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danlok
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dan-Lok/e/B002BLXW1K
This video is about How You Can Learn Martial Arts At Home By Yourself
home gym amazon 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的評價
You can download Dan Lok's best-selling book F.U. Money for FREE: http://attackretreatjkd.danlok.link
Dive right in with Sifu Dan Lok and Sigong Octavio Quintero on how to Quickly Attack And Retreat With JKD Pendulum Step. Discover other how-to videos in the entire series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46M4JhAnk9pgZvXqXGS1iHye
With over 24 years of martial arts experience, Octavio Quintero is a certified Jeet Kune Do Instructor and a Warrior Athlete Coach located in Portland Oregon. He has appeared in numerous instructional videos, books, magazines such as Inside Kung Fu, Black Belt and supported the Bruce Lee Foundation with seminars and demonstrations in 2008-2009. (http://www.theartofjkd.com)
Check out Sifu Octavio Quintero's YouTube Channel videos here:
One of Dan Lok’s passions in life is martial arts. Like many young kids, after watching a Bruce Lee movie, it changed his life forever. At 17 years old, Dan started training in martial arts seriously because he was being bullied in school. It wasn’t long for Dan to learn the techniques he needed, and gain the confidence necessary to defend himself.
Dan has studied with legendary martial artists such as Bruce Lee’s original student Ted Wong (http://tedwongjkd.net) and Joe Lewis “The Worlds Greatest Fighter” (http://joelewisassociation.com), making him a second generation student of Bruce Lee - in Bruce Lee's authentic art of Jeet Kune Do (JKD). He's also a third generation student of Ip Man (Wing Chun Kung Fu).
Dan has also trained with other great instructors like Sifu Adam Chan (https://www.pragmaticmartialarts.com), Canadian lightweight boxing champion Tony "Fire Kid" Pep (https://www.facebook.com/pepboxing), and Octavio Quintero (https://www.theartofjkd.com)
For Dan, martial arts training permeates every area of life. It’s not a hobby, it’s a way of life, and it influences how he does business.
Martial arts gave him the confidence, focus, and patience to push through these obstacles and to keep fighting when he felt like giving up.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Dan is NOT a full-time martial artist and he doesn't even claim to be that good of a fighter.
He's simply a successful businessman who enjoys the art and philosophy of Bruce Lee, just like you.
He doesn't have any online martial art videos, seminars or expensive "private training" to sell you. Quite frankly, he doesn't need the money.
He simply wants to share his passion for the art of JKD (his own version of Jeet Kune Do) through his YouTube channel.
Check out the other Jeet Kune Do (JKD) Fighting Tactics and Training Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
More Wing Chun (Ving Tsun) Techniques in this Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
But if you think your business might benefit from one-on-one interaction with Dan, visit http://danlok.com
Request a call with Dan:
Blog: http://www.danlok.com/blog/
Podcast: http://www.shouldersoftitans.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danthemanlok
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danlok/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanentre...
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danlok
Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Vancouver-Entre...
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dan-Lok/e/B002B...
Special Credit given to
Power3 Academy for permission to film in their gym.
be sure to check them out for more info:
This video is about How To Quickly Attack And Retreat With JKD Pendulum Step
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我與賴床君絕交的時代來了 :D
註1 : 中二病 : 泛指一種自我認知心態,用以形容一些經常自以為是地活在自己世界或做出自我滿足的特別言行的人,使自身腦內對於現實世界強制性的套用上自己設置的規則等。
▷ 背景音樂資訊 BGM (Background Music) Info. ◁
OP: flumpool - 星に願いを
BGM1 : ”Arriba Mami” by Jingle Punks
BGM2 : Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver OST - Victory Against Gym Leader!
BGM3 : Undertale OST - 012 Home
BGM4 : Undertale OST - 013 Home (Music Box)
BGM5 : Undertale OST - 015 Sans
Easter Egg : 「Kevin MacLeod」創作的「Merry Go - Distressed」是根據「Creative Commons Attribution」(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) 授權使用
1. 購買點 : 日本Amazon (經日本Buyee代購及集運到其他國家)
註冊: https://goo.gl/28731D
2. 將Buyee加至瀏覽器 方便加入以作代購及集運之用 :
3. 產品連結 (心臟有問題的朋友 建議不要使用)
(參考價格:24,192日元; 即約港幣1690/台幣6760/人民幣1350)
(゚∀゚) ノシ
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