| 瓜地馬拉產地之旅 - 行前篇 |
在出發之前其實也透過自己的臉書社團 「 環遊世界喝咖啡 」做了一個民調,發現大家對於產地的處理法和莊園管理都很有興趣,所以這次除了莊園外,也會有當地傳統或是一些特別處理法的介紹。
不免還是要對瓜地馬拉做些功課,咖啡是瓜地馬拉的經濟命脈,主要的出口產品之一,所以瓜國對於咖啡相當重視,在1960年就成立了瓜地馬拉國家咖啡協會 Anacafé ,除了推廣瓜地馬拉的咖啡,也很前瞻性的在早期將瓜地馬拉分成8個不同的產區。
這8大產區分別是 阿卡特南戈 Acatenango、安地瓜 Antigua、阿蒂特蘭 Atitlán、科班 Cobán、弗賴哈內斯 Fraijanes、薇薇特南果 Huehuetenango、新東方 New Oriente、聖馬科斯 San Marcos。
* 阿卡特南戈 Acatenango
- 土壤受到火山影響所以富含礦物質 forests nourished by the minerals produced in nearby volcanic explosions
* 安地瓜 Antigua
- 肥沃的火山土壤、濕度低、日照充足、微涼晚風是本區的特色 Fertile volcanic soil, low humidity, sunny days, and cool evenings characterize the coffee region of Antigua
* 阿蒂特蘭 Atitlán
- 五大火山產區中土壤最具富含有機物質。90%的咖啡植株沿著極陡的火山斜坡栽種 The soil of Atitlán is the richest in terms of its organic matter. In fact, ninety percent of Atitlán’s coffee is cultivated on the sides of the volcanoes
* 科班 Cobán
- 全年雲霧繚繞、雨量充沛及氣候涼爽等因素,在本區主要分為雨季和多雨季 Cobán is extremely rainy, cloudy, and cold all year long
* 弗賴哈內斯 Fraijanes
- 此區火山海拔高,土壤內含豐富浮石,法拉漢尼斯平原仍屬於活火山活動區 High altitudes, a lot of rain, variable humidity, and an active volcano characterize this region
* 薇薇特南果 Huehuetenango
- 三個非火山產區中,本區為單品咖啡產區中最燥且地勢最高的區域。且是瓜地馬拉最崎嶇且最偏遠的地方,由於有來自墨西哥的乾燥熱風 One of the three non-volcanic regions of Guatemala, Huehuetenango is the highest and driest. Thanks to the warm and dry winds that blow towards the mountains from the Mexican plains of Tehuantepec
* 新東方 New Oriente
- 本區雨水豐沛,氣候與柯班雨林產區相近,因坐落於已歇息之火山地帶,土壤中蘊含大量的變質岩與礦物質,與其他火山活動頻繁區遇有很大的不同 The east is rainy and cloudy, and the soil has a good balance of minerals, being an old volcanic region
* 聖馬科斯 San Marcos
- 瓜國最溫暖的咖啡產區,擁有豐沛雨量,雨季最綿密,開花期最早。因豐收季節常有無法預期的降雨,因此多數種植者都以先日曬後機器的方式進行咖啡豆的乾燥程序 San Marcos is the hottest of all the coffee regions, but it also receives the most rain at a total of 5 meters annually. The rainy season begins early, producing the fastest bloom
- 高海拔 - 錯綜複雜的山脈地形讓咖啡能種植在大約 1300-2000公尺以上
- 微氣候 - 國土面積有超過300種微氣候,讓各區域有咖啡獨特的風味
- 降雨量 - 豐富和有變化性的雨量,年均雨量可達 800 - 5000毫米,降雨集中在雨季 ( 每年5月至11月 )
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過145的網紅anzac,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Semeru, or Mount Semeru is an active volcano located in East Java, Indonesia. It is the highest mountain on the island of Java. This stratovolcano is ...
highest volcano 在 咖啡空少 world coffee shops Facebook 八卦
| 瓜地馬拉產地之旅 - 行前篇 |
在出發之前其實也透過自己的臉書社團 「 環遊世界喝咖啡 」做了一個民調,發現大家對於產地的處理法和莊園管理都很有興趣,所以這次除了莊園外,也會有當地傳統或是一些特別處理法的介紹。
不免還是要對瓜地馬拉做些功課,咖啡是瓜地馬拉的經濟命脈,主要的出口產品之一,所以瓜國對於咖啡相當重視,在1960年就成立了瓜地馬拉國家咖啡協會 Anacafé ,除了推廣瓜地馬拉的咖啡,也很前瞻性的在早期將瓜地馬拉分成8個不同的產區。
這8大產區分別是 阿卡特南戈 Acatenango、安地瓜 Antigua、阿蒂特蘭 Atitlán、科班 Cobán、弗賴哈內斯 Fraijanes、薇薇特南果 Huehuetenango、新東方 New Oriente、聖馬科斯 San Marcos。
* 阿卡特南戈 Acatenango
- 土壤受到火山影響所以富含礦物質 forests nourished by the minerals produced in nearby volcanic explosions
* 安地瓜 Antigua
- 肥沃的火山土壤、濕度低、日照充足、微涼晚風是本區的特色 Fertile volcanic soil, low humidity, sunny days, and cool evenings characterize the coffee region of Antigua
* 阿蒂特蘭 Atitlán
- 五大火山產區中土壤最具富含有機物質。90%的咖啡植株沿著極陡的火山斜坡栽種 The soil of Atitlán is the richest in terms of its organic matter. In fact, ninety percent of Atitlán’s coffee is cultivated on the sides of the volcanoes
* 科班 Cobán
- 全年雲霧繚繞、雨量充沛及氣候涼爽等因素,在本區主要分為雨季和多雨季 Cobán is extremely rainy, cloudy, and cold all year long
* 弗賴哈內斯 Fraijanes
- 此區火山海拔高,土壤內含豐富浮石,法拉漢尼斯平原仍屬於活火山活動區 High altitudes, a lot of rain, variable humidity, and an active volcano characterize this region
* 薇薇特南果 Huehuetenango
- 三個非火山產區中,本區為單品咖啡產區中最燥且地勢最高的區域。且是瓜地馬拉最崎嶇且最偏遠的地方,由於有來自墨西哥的乾燥熱風 One of the three non-volcanic regions of Guatemala, Huehuetenango is the highest and driest. Thanks to the warm and dry winds that blow towards the mountains from the Mexican plains of Tehuantepec
* 新東方 New Oriente
- 本區雨水豐沛,氣候與柯班雨林產區相近,因坐落於已歇息之火山地帶,土壤中蘊含大量的變質岩與礦物質,與其他火山活動頻繁區遇有很大的不同 The east is rainy and cloudy, and the soil has a good balance of minerals, being an old volcanic region
* 聖馬科斯 San Marcos
- 瓜國最溫暖的咖啡產區,擁有豐沛雨量,雨季最綿密,開花期最早。因豐收季節常有無法預期的降雨,因此多數種植者都以先日曬後機器的方式進行咖啡豆的乾燥程序 San Marcos is the hottest of all the coffee regions, but it also receives the most rain at a total of 5 meters annually. The rainy season begins early, producing the fastest bloom
- 高海拔 - 錯綜複雜的山脈地形讓咖啡能種植在大約 1300-2000公尺以上
- 微氣候 - 國土面積有超過300種微氣候,讓各區域有咖啡獨特的風味
- 降雨量 - 豐富和有變化性的雨量,年均雨量可達 800 - 5000毫米,降雨集中在雨季 ( 每年5月至11月 )
highest volcano 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 八卦
【瓜地馬拉】哇!經過了一個晚上還是無法消化前一晚見到的景色😮 我們居然那個近的距離觀看火山爆發😍 完全不需要望遠鏡頭,濃漿的細節完全清晰可見🌋 這真的是我們做過最瘋狂又可能有生命危險的事了 ☠
重點是在這一天我們先爬上中美洲第三高峰 Acatenango 阿卡特南戈火山位於 3550M 的營地 🏕 從這裡你其實可以從安全距離(大約四公里)觀看中美最活耀的火山之一 Fuego 富埃戈火山👀 這座火山在 2015 年的爆發還影響到瓜地馬拉的國際機場以及需要驅散附近百位居民😱
不過我們與另一位美國的滑雪教練決定多付導遊一些錢,請他帶我們到 Fuego 富埃戈火山旁的小峰🌋 說真的當時濃霧超大,從營區也無法看到火山的身影😨 但我們還是爬下幾百公尺,然後爬上 3600M 的高度在大約九百多公尺的距離近看火山爆發!導遊還給我們看上個禮拜的照片,濃漿還打到他們旁邊的地上呢😱 其實這段健行真的是很危險,我將會詳細記錄在網誌上,真的超級驚險😟 目前先把最精彩的影片分享給大家看吧❤️
Ps. 話說我們午夜十二點才回到營區⛺ 早已經精疲力竭... 一天總共上升了將近三千米!然後睡不到三個小時又直接起床攻 3976M 到阿卡特南戈火山頂端看日出🌄 說真的我超驚訝身體居然沒什麼痛,倒是睡覺時會夢到跌倒(這趟健行我摔了好多好多次)然後整個人抽蓄踢到 York😂 這趟健行真的是太酷了!等不及分享網誌或照片給大家看❤️ #瓜地馬拉 #火山健行 #挑戰自我
WOW😮 Still couldn't believe what we've seen last night😍 Front row VIP seat on the ridge of an active volcano🌋!!! Probably could've gotten ourselves killed☠ The crazy thing was we did it after we reached the base camp of 3rd highest volcano in Central America- Acatenango (3550M) 🏕 From here you suppose to see one of the most active volcanoes in Central America- Volcano Fuego at a safe distance 👀
However we "tipped" the guide and asked him to take us closer to the volcano "illegally"😬 We hiked down in TOTAL DENSE FOG to the saddle between two volcanoes & hiked back up to 3600M where we were less than 0.9km from the volcano!!! Our guide told us lava will actually falls next to our feet if the eruptions are big enough😱 He even had photo evidence😮
We only got back to the base camp at 12am that night⛺ I don't think I've ever pushed by body so hard that we almost elevated 3000M in 14 hours😖 With less than 3 hours of sleep, we summited the top of Acatenango (3976M) to see the sunrise🌄 I am surprised my legs weren't in too much pain😮 It certainly isn't the hardest hike but it was the most rewarding one for sure❤ EPIC EPIC EPIC😍😍😍 #guatemala #daredevil #backpackinghoneymoon
🌏 FB最近觸擊率持續下降,所以請把 #TravelwithWinny 設定成「搶先看」才不會錯過精彩旅程😉
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highest volcano 在 anzac Youtube 的評價
Semeru, or Mount Semeru is an active volcano located in East Java, Indonesia. It is the highest mountain on the island of Java. This stratovolcano is also known as Mahameru, meaning 'The Great Mountain with the highest 3,676 m (12,060 ft).
During A Small 6 Day Trip We Visited:
( 2 day at surabaya & 4 day at Malang )
malang - jemplang - savanna hill - teletubbies hills - pasir berbisik - bromo crater
Ranupane - ranukumbolo - cemoro kandang - jambangan - kalimati - arcopodo - mahameru
Day 1 : 0:40
Day 2 : 9:10
Day 3 : 13:10
Day 4 : 17:10
Film by:
Edit by :
Film with :
100% gopro hero 5
TakeFive - Tell Me
Ikson - New Day
[Future Bass] - Kasbo - Kaleidoscope [Monstercat Release]
Planet Earth II Soundtrack
Bastille - Flaws (Deep Chills Remix)
Hope you guys are enjoying our Travel Vlogs! Stay tuned for more!
Let me know your thoughts and if you have any questions in the comments below :)
Intagram : @steptothesky /
@naim_zakaria / https://www.instagram.com/naim_zakaria/?hl=en
Facebook : /Step-to-the-Sky https://www.facebook.com/Step-to-the-Sky-843458522384923/
Thanks for watching!
highest volcano 在 Daphne Iking Youtube 的評價
Welcome to our final episode of our Hawai'i 5-0 trip!
In 2009, sustainable forestry company HLH, planted a single koa tree on the slopes of Mauna Kea. Since then, thousands of individuals have joined in the reforestation effort by planting more than 400,000 rare, endemic trees creating nearly 1,200 acres of pristine native habitat. This land is now known as the @hawaiianlegacyforest.
If there’s something else that @joelebosi loves, it is mountains and volcanoes.
Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano and is the highest peak in the Hawaiian islands. When measured from its oceanic base, it is the tallest mountain in the world rising to 13, 796 feet above sea level.
Our tour guide Bear of @arnottslodgeandhikingadventure , was very patient, informative and entertaining. Plus, he was an expert driving us up to the summit safely and in comfort inside his 4wd (some roads were really bumpy and steep!).
Finally, the ultimate surprise for Azmi as we glide high in the skies. Enjoy and comment below ... we'd love to hear from you!
Music by Blue Wednesday https://soundcloud.com/bluewednesday
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highest volcano 在 What is the world's highest volcano? - Global Volcanism ... 的相關結果
Volcano Country Elevation above sea level
Nevados Ojos del Salado Chile‑Argentina 6,879 m (22,569 feet)
Llullaillaco Chile‑Argentina 6,739 m (22,110 feet)
Tipas Argentina 6,658 m (21,844 feet) ... <看更多>
highest volcano 在 Where is the largest active volcano in the world? - USGS.gov 的相關結果
Rising gradually to more than 4 km (2.5 mi) above sea level, Hawaii's Mauna Loa is the largest active volcano on our planet. Its submarine flanks descend to ... ... <看更多>
highest volcano 在 List of volcanoes by elevation - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Ojos del Salado, 6,893, 22,615, Argentina/Chile – Highest active volcano ... Popocatépetl, 5,426, 17,802, Mexico – Second highest volcano in North America. ... <看更多>