🇭🇰[Can] 白色情人節快樂!又係女孩子收花嘅日子!
#樂而雅F #淨肌呵護 #M巾花
🇬🇧[Eng] Happy White Day, a day to gift flowers to girls!
But I’ve heard that when choosing flowers for girls, can’t just do it randomly! For example, I’ve heard that Lily & Sunflower are bad for people with allergies, because it has a lot of pollen! If a guy choose the right flower for a girl, it’s definitely a huge plus !
The flower that I’m holding is made out of a very personal product of girls. Approved by a Japanese skin care testing and suitable for allergies, hope the receiving end will appreciate the effort !
What types of flower do you love the most☺?
happywhiteday314 在 游學修 Neo Yau Facebook 八卦
就當然要做好準備 ,送份最sweet嘅禮物比身邊嘅女仔啦!
我手上哩束咁特別嘅花 ,就可以好貼心咁照顧到女仔每個月嘅需要~
#樂而雅F #淨肌呵護 #M巾花