【1,200,000口罩到港!民間自救再接再勵!】(Please scroll down for english version)
在訂購首批十萬口罩以後,我們旋即開展第二階段的口罩搜羅工作,幸得海外港人繼續協助穿針引線,成功在中美洲找尋到貨源,眾志剛從機場貨運中心取貨,現在終於可以跟大家宣佈 —— 120萬個口罩成功清關,送達香港境內!
中國大陸在全球搶購口罩,港人民間採購實在相當艱難。感謝居美港人A小姐、眾志常委梁延豐(Tobias Leung)、和來自HKDC - Hong Kong Democracy Council US及NY4HK - New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong的Anna Cheung合力統籌,這次才能夠奇蹟地覓得數量可觀的口罩。這次眾志從中國經貿活動相對較少、至今仍和台灣保持邦交關系的洪都拉斯(República de Honduras),成功購入百萬計口罩,說明了國際連結的情勢判斷,與至為貼地的民間抗疫工作,有著密切關系!
無論如何,香港眾志 Demosistō在未來數個月,會繼續動用全球國際連結的網絡,隨時緊貼香港人所需,持續搜羅各類資源,實行民間自救,康復香港!
When thousands of #HKers queued for masks overnight, #HKGov still refused to take measures to stabilize supply and price amid #coronavirus. To combat citywide shortage and price-gouging, @demosisto has just bought another 1,200,000 masks and shipped to #HK.
Imported from Honduras, all these masks will be delivered to underprivileged sectors through pro-democracy district councillors. As the procurement costs millions of HK dollars this time, the fund was raised among several pro-democracy parties.
Once again, we express our sincere gratitude to HKDC @hkdc_us, Anna Cheung of @NY4HK and overseas #HongKonger “Miss A”. It well demonstrates that the international network is the only way to rescue us from this deadly epidemic.
In a failed state like #Hongkong, #Carrielam only knows how to suppress, but not govern. What #HKers should do is not merely #FreeHongKong, but also save Hong Kong.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,060的網紅April Lai,也在其Youtube影片中提到,More pictures: www.facebook.com/modelaprillai...
hkgov 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
【1,200,000口罩到港!民間自救再接再勵!】(Please scroll down for english version)
在訂購首批十萬口罩以後,我們旋即開展第二階段的口罩搜羅工作,幸得海外港人繼續協助穿針引線,成功在中美洲找尋到貨源,眾志剛從機場貨運中心取貨,現在終於可以跟大家宣佈 —— 120萬個口罩成功清關,送達香港境內!
中國大陸在全球搶購口罩,港人民間採購實在相當艱難。感謝居美港人A小姐、眾志常委梁延豐(Tobias Leung)、和來自HKDC - Hong Kong Democracy Council US及NY4HK - New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong的Anna Cheung合力統籌,這次才能夠奇蹟地覓得數量可觀的口罩。這次眾志從中國經貿活動相對較少、至今仍和台灣保持邦交關系的洪都拉斯(República de Honduras),成功購入百萬計口罩,說明了國際連結的情勢判斷,與至為貼地的民間抗疫工作,有著密切關系!
無論如何,香港眾志 Demosistō在未來數個月,會繼續動用全球國際連結的網絡,隨時緊貼香港人所需,持續搜羅各類資源,實行民間自救,康復香港!
When thousands of #HKers queued for masks overnight, #HKGov still refused to take measures to stabilize supply and price amid #coronavirus. To combat citywide shortage and price-gouging, @demosisto has just bought another 1,200,000 masks and shipped to #HK.
Imported from Honduras, all these masks will be delivered to underprivileged sectors through pro-democracy district councillors. As the procurement costs millions of HK dollars this time, the fund was raised among several pro-democracy parties.
Once again, we express our sincere gratitude to HKDC @hkdc_us, Anna Cheung of @NY4HK and overseas #HongKonger “Miss A”. It well demonstrates that the international network is the only way to rescue us from this deadly epidemic.
In a failed state like #Hongkong, #Carrielam only knows how to suppress, but not govern. What #HKers should do is not merely #FreeHongKong, but also save Hong Kong.
hkgov 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
今天出席法庭聆訊,除了提到律政司的呈堂證供列表裡,竟包括不知警方從甚麼途徑得來的「黃之鋒手機訊息交流記錄」(明明我從沒向警員提供密碼),亦值得講講申請更改保釋條件,要求到牛津大學辯論社(Oxford Union)發表演說的情況。
當時在庭上,資深大律師駱應淦替我讀出和遞上牛津大學辯論社官方邀請信,提到自1823年成立以來,Oxford Union邀請所有演講嘉賓,包括邱吉爾、列根、尼克遜、卡特、愛因斯坦、德蘭修女、達賴喇嘛、登月第二人Buzz Aldrin、馬拉拉、Malcolm X……無論任何身份和背景,都會按照傳統親身到現場演講,並與學府精英交流。
即使駱大狀已說明Oxford Union不設任何視象通訊設備,亦強調這是對於二百多年傳統的尊重,律政司的代表律師(即檢控官)仍在庭上一尾堅持「為何不能用視象通話方式進行呢」,實在匪夷所思,更反映政府何等失禮和丟架。
It is my honour to be invited by the Oxford Union to give a speech. However, even with such a formal invitation, I am still barred from travelling abroad by the court and Department of Justice to share our thoughts on Hong Kong and call for more global support.
Nothing can be more ridiculous when US Presidents Reagan, Nixon, and Carter, Sir Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein and Malcolm X to Mother Teresa, Sir Elton John, the Dalai Lama, Anna Wintour, Malala Yousafzai, Buzz Aldrin, Gloria Steinem all had to speak in person, HKGov just asked me to stay in HK and speak via Skype.
The decision turns out to be more ironical when the Union mentioned in its letter saying, “It would be an honour if you were to continue this fine tradition.”Doubtless, the prosecution is limiting my freedom of movement even before I am found guilty. It is a deliberate attempt to reduce the international awareness of the Hong Kong democracy movement.
hkgov 在 政府新聞處 - YouTube 的八卦
政府新聞處Information Services Department, Hong Kong SAR Government政府新聞處擔任政府的公共關係顧問,負責政府的出版、宣傳及新聞工作。該處是政府與傳播媒介之 ... ... <看更多>