Tetiba teringat resepi dari sahabat ( berbangsa cina ). body memang cantik. luar dalam cantik.
(sumber: nureeman ramli)
Tak yah susah2 beli jamu/detox atau herba apa2 yang kite xtau entah bahan dari mana. Jadi cuba resepi traditional ni baik untuk luar dalam wanita.
cuma guna 3 jenis bahan semulajadi jer.. Harini baru nk try buat kite tengok apa akan jadi pasni.
3 biji lemon dihiris nipis ( jangan buang kulit. sebab kulit banyak khasiat
3 labu bawang putih ( dibuang kulit )
2 inci halia ( sebesar ibu jari kaki )
*lemon tu beli yg tempatan. Jangan beli yang diimport ( dh disembur bahan kimia) sb rasa agak pahit. nak kurang pahit campur dengan madu.
*Jangan risau pasal bau bawang sb bau akan hilang bila dh campur dengan bahan lain.
*mommy bf boleh minum. yang best badan terasa ringan je. dah minum jadi ketagih je. memang betul2 banyak khasiat.
1. potong halus 3 bahan ( nak tau bahan apa ? nt sy share diruang komen )
2. campur bahan tadi bersamaan 1.5 liter air
3. rebus selama 6-8 jam ( slow cooker )
4. sejukkan dan blend
5. tapis or tak terpulang. sy tak tapis 😅
6. lepastu dh boleh minum
ambil 2 sudu + madu 1 sudu
ambil pagi dan malam sahaja
selebihnya simpan dalam peti dan amalkan setiap hari
Kelebihan/khasiat :
Nak kurus + perut kempis + buang toksin + buang air lawas + untuk dalaman wanita + buang angin + badan ringan + macam2 lagi khasiat
1) Minum air lemon sblm makan/minum apa2 pada waktu pagi dpt fine tune sistem penghadaman kita dan mencegah drpd masalah spt perut kembung, angin, dan heartburn.
2) Lemon ni bersifat antiseptik dan mmg terer dlm "membersihkan" hati kita (bukan masalah emosi ye..haha), selain buah pinggang dan darah kita. Kiranya, kita akan berasa lagi selesa dan lebih bertenaga!
3) Lemon merupakan sumber vitamin C yg utama. Kalo kita minum pagi2 lagi, kita dh xyah risau utk memenuhi kuota vitamin C kita. Lemon juga kaya dgn mineral spt potassium, kalsium dan mag
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Suddenly remembered the recipe from a friend (Chinese). The body is really beautiful. Outside is beautiful.
(source: nureeman ramli)
It's okay to buy jamu / detox or any herbs that we don't know where the ingredients are from. So try this traditional recipe, it's good for outside women.
Only use 3 types of natural ingredients.. Today I'm just trying to make us see what will happen after this.
3 lemons sliced thinly (don't remove skin. Because skin has a lot of nutrients
3 garlic pumpkins (skin removed)
2 inches of ginger (as big as toes)
* the lemon bought the local one. Don't buy something imported (sprayed with chemicals) because it's a bit bitter. Want to be less bitter mixed with honey.
* Don't worry about the smell of onions because the smell will disappear when mixed with other ingredients.
* mommy bf can drink. The best body feels light. After drinking, I'm addicted to it. really has a lot of nutrients.
1. pieces of smooth 3 ingredients (want to know what material it is? Later I'll share in the comments section)
2. mixed ingredients just now with 1.5 litres of water
3. boil for 6-8 hours (slow cooker)
4. cool down and blend
5. filters or not. I didn't filter 😅
6. and then can drink
Take 2 spoon + honey 1 spoon
take morning and night only
The rest keep it in the fridge and practice it everyday
Benefits / nutrients:
Want to slim down + flat stomach + remove toxins + urinate + for women's interior + wind + light body + many more nutrition
1) Drink lemon water before eating / drinking anything in the morning can fine tune our digestion system and prevent problems like bloating, wind, and heartburn.
2) This lemon is antiseptic and is really great in ′′ cleaning ′′ our hearts (not an emotional problem.. haha), other than our kidneys and blood. Hopefully, we'll feel more comfortable and more energetic!
3) Lemon is the main source of vitamin C. If we drink early in the morning, we don't have to worry about fulfilling our vitamin C quota. Lemon is also rich with minerals like potassium, calcium and mag
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good night to bf 在 Lim Peifen Facebook 八卦
TLDR: #Breastfeeding is still (insert expletive) hard now, because Jude throws up like the Merlion frequently.
I’m writing this at 11:43pm, craving sleep so bad, but still sitting up in bed holding Jude against my chest in the hope that he will sleep deep enough so I can put him down on the bed without waking him. Just about 20 minutes ago, he threw up like the Merlion (again) while I tried to nurse him to sleep in bed. I feel like a failure every time this happens. Why can’t I stop him before he throws up? Why can’t I soothe him any other way besides nursing? Why do I have a fast letdown that causes him to gulp down too much milk too fast? Why do I suck at this bf (insert expletive) so bad?
And then, this smile. He flashes me this exact smile after throwing up. No fussing, no crying. It’s like “Ah Mama thanks for over-feeding me till I threw up, now I feel better!”
So, if you are in a similar situation, with a 11-week old baby who is breastfed and needs to nurse every 2 hours, and on top of that needs to comfort nurse in between, and on top of that you have a fast letdown and possible oversupply (I overdid the breastmilk boost), know that you are not alone.
Here are some things I’ve learnt on my bf journey so far that is totally in contrast to what the internet told me:
1) You CAN overfeed a breastfed baby. Because that’s what’s happening to me and Jude. He vomits or spits up a lot at least once a day, but he’s delivering good diaper output and putting on weight.
2) Some websites claim you never have to unlatch a baby; babies will know when they are full and unlatch themselves. Not true. Jude will nurse and nurse all day if I let him, or until he throws up like the Merlion. And no, it’s not a growth spurt. Because it’s every. single. day.
3) Some websites also claim that by 2 months, babies can sleep “through the night” or “in stretches of 4-6 hours”. They also claim that around the same time babies can go longer in between nursing. Not true. Because Jude is at 11 weeks and he still nurses every 2 hours, 3 at best, sometimes hourly. Even in the night.
Ok I shall now try to put Jude down in bed. Wish me luck. #breastfeedingjourney
good night to bf 在 Fadhi Facebook 八卦
My breastfeeding journey
I’ve said it before on my story but I’m gonna say it again.
Breastfeeding is fricking hard...
So much so that I cried a few times while trying to figure it out.
After delivery, I got to bf Naeun right away, she seemed okay & I was like “alhamdulillah, I knew we could do it”.
But then on the very next bf sesh, she only sucked for a few times & slept. I tried everything to wake her up & nothing worked. Even when I used syringe to feed her, she didn’t swallow the milk 😅
This went on for a few days after birth & her jaundice was high because she just slept all the time. It was challenging to nurse as she didn’t wanna direct feed & I didn’t prepare a breastpump (I ordered a a handsfree bp from Korea but it arrived after a week of delivery). At the end, I had to mix-fed her with formula milk.
Then, when her jaundice turned fine, I tried to df her more until I had cracked & sore nipples because I didn’t know twas poor latching. It was toe-curling pain every time I had to bf her 🤧
Even though I did expecting pain, I didn’t know it’s THAT painful (not to mention that bengkak susu massage I had made me want to curse & punch the masseur).
I was at the verge of giving up because I can’t stand the pain, it got worse & I felt so sad that I still had to feed her with fm. I talked to my friends about wanting to become an ep mom but after some thoughts & advices, decided to try harder. I’m still trying my best but alhamdulillah things are getting better now & I’m in the phase of boosting my milk production.
I’m using @haenim.my breastpump to help with that & it’s such a lifesaver! I regretted that I didn’t get it earlier during my pregnancy. I love the painless suction, its portability & weight, the design especially additional LED light that comes in handy at night & that it’s quite.
So yeah.. lemme acknowledged that I underestimated breastfeeding (like I’ve a mind set it’ll come naturally just like giving birth, well it doesn’t happened easily to some people). My advice to a #firsttimemom like me is to prep yourself with breastfeeding knowledge & get a good breastpump like @haenim.my my to help with your breastfeeding journey 🤗 @ Medini Iskandar Malaysia
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