Hong Kong Independence?
…all you need to know about recent Hong Kong in 15 minutes
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So previously we talked about Hong Kong and China having vastly a different system
Hong Kong is a quasi-democratic society while China is dominated by the Chinese Communist Party
…so we don’t want people to get confused between the two
But the story doesn’t end here
Next year 2017, it would be 20 years since Hong Kong’s turnover to China
You would’ve thought that during this time, Hong Kong and China would’ve grown closer to one another
But it has not been so.
If anything, we’ve grown to be more and more apart.
沒錯 在過去20年
Yes it is true that during the last two decades
中國從一個發展中國家 發展成現時最大經濟體系之一
China has gone from being a developing country to what is now one of the largest, if not the largest economy in the world
人民收入增加 生活質素提升 有些中國人也躋身全球富豪榜
…which means rising income for Chinese citizens, better quality of life and China has some of the richest people in the world
If anything, Hong Kong people should be a proud China man!
我還記得2008北京奧運 那個開幕典禮實在是精妙絕倫
I still remember seeing the Beijing Olympics in 2008; that opening ceremony was outrageously amazing
花了很多心機 很好看
…it was beautifully done and such a joy to watch
It was one of those rare moments where Hong Kong people share the same sense of pride as the rest of China
不過 現實歸現實
But the Olympics is one thing, and reality is another
The truth is there have been a lot of conflicts between Hong Kong and China since the handover
Hong Kong has largely opened up to China where we get a huge number of Chinese tourists every day
While tourism shouldn’t be a problem in itself, we have witnessed a lot of issues with these Chinese tourists
例如不懂得在迪士尼樂園排隊 和隨地小便
There had been reports of uncivilized behavior such as not knowing how to queue in Disneyland and… pissing on the street.
我必須強調 不是所有中國遊客都會這樣做 只有一部份會這樣做
And I can’t emphasize enough, not every Chinese tourists do it, it’s just some that does it
但由於香港每天都有大量的中國遊客 這成為了一個逼切的問題
…but because Hong Kong gets so many of them, that becomes a daily problem for people living in Hong Kong.
And it’s not just that, we see the rise in luxury shops and pharmacies in Hong Kong to tailor the need of Chinese tourists
If you go to a street in Sheung Shui, which is a place very close to the mainland border
I used to go there a lot - you see streets full of pharmacies
…and I don’t even know why they are called pharmacies
…because mainly they don’t sell medicine, they sell baby milk formula and diapers.
事實上 大陸人不相信中國製的貨品
The thing is, mainland Chinese don’t trust their own stuff
因為在中國任何東西都有可能是假的 那裡沒有質量管制或食物安全
…because you can get fake everything in China; there’s no quality control or food safety
所以很多中國人都會來香港買日用品 如奶粉
So many Chinese come to Hong Kong to buy daily stuff and one product that has always been in high demand is baby milk formulas
It has got to a point where the supply became so tight that there is a shortage of milk formulas in some areas of Hong Kong
If you are living in the Europe or the US, this might sound really hard to believe
Milk formula and diapers, but it’s true, it is what’s happening in Hong Kong.
I can go on about other stuff as well such as the number of Mainland pregnant women who come to Hong Kong
In fact, in 2010, as much as 37% of all babies born in Hong Kong have neither parents being a permanent Hong Kong resident
基於這些中港矛盾的問題 香港出現越來越嚴重的反中情緒
Basically because of all these things, this has led to an increasingly serious anti-Chinese hype in Hong Kong
很多香港人都不歡迎中國人 只想他們離開
Many local people are furious and just want them to go away
但對我來說 問題永遠出於制度
But to me, the real problem always lies in the system
Conceptually, I hate to put my frustration upon the Chinese people
Because it’s not their fault that they have to buy things from Hong Kong to ensure that they are safe
But what about the system?
There’s a lot I can say about this system, but for now I will just simplify it as follows
At the top of the system we have the Chinese Communist Party, then we have the Hong Kong government and the pro-establishment camp in our Legislative council
In short, this system has been trying to turn Hong Kong into just another city of China
…and damaging the core principle of “One Country, Two Systems”
For a long time, Hong Kong people have been advocating for full democracy
That means universal suffrage with the right to nominate and elect our own leader, which in Hong Kong is called the Chief Executive
According to the Basic Law, we have a legal right to universal suffrage.
In the past 20 years, the Chinese government has assured Hong Kong several times that we are going to get universal suffrage
But they have been pushing back the date for it
…and kept saying Hong Kong wasn’t ready, so we didn’t get it in 2007 and 2012
But the Chinese has set a timeline for it, and they said Hong Kong would eventually get universal suffrage by 2017
And guess what, on 31st August 2014, the Chinese said
Alright you are going to get your universal suffrage, but we are going to have to impose some conditions
First the Chief Executive must be someone who is patriotic to China
第二,候選人需要先得到現有的行政長官選舉委員會的提名 (絕大部分都是親中代表)
Secondly candidates are going to be nominated by the current Election Committee, which consists (mostly) of 1200 pro-Beijing representatives
Lastly, whoever wins the popular election must be appointed by the Chinese government
So basically they are saying, alright you can get your vote but we reserve the right to screen out anyone that we dislike
After this was announced by the Chinese officials, we were bloody furious
So we began a series of protests demanding for “true universal suffrage”
For years we have always thought universal suffrage means just that
The right to vote in a democratic and open election
But the CCP managed to create something that is completely contrary to that
As a result, university students like myself began boycotting classes
…and attended gathering outside the Hong Kong government headquarters in Admiralty to protest
This has then turned into a 79-days long widespread occupy movement in streets of Admiralty, Causeway Bay and Mongkok
During this time, police has used tear gas and pepper spray to try to get rid of us and we used umbrellas as shield
That’s why this is called the Umbrella Movement or Umbrella Revolution
Personally I don’t like to call it a revolution, because revolution is often associated with some sort of radical change
But for us, after 79-days of occupying the streets, nothing has changed.
So to this day, the status quo remains – there is no universal suffrage for our Chief Executive election
But why do we want universal suffrage so much?
Well you have to understand that our governmental system has always been institutionally flawed
Usually when we talk about the Separation of Powers, we have the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary
They are meant to act as checks and balances of each other so no one gets too much power
…because as Lord Acton famously said,
“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
我們不但行政長官是經由1200人的小圈子挑選 當中大部份為親中人士
Not only is our leader of the executive selected by a small-group of 1,200 voters – the majority of whom are pro-Beijing
We also don’t get to vote entirely for our Legislative Council
In fact, only half of our legislators get directly elected by us
The other half are elected through the so-called Functional Constituencies
There are 28 different functional constituencies, representing different seats in our Legislative council
Originally this meant to provide different professions across Hong Kong to have a say in government politics
But there’s a huge problem – this system is fundamentally flawed
Most controversially, it allows companies and professional bodies to register as voters
So this creates a loophole where big business can hold multiple votes at the same time
Consider the catering constituency, big restaurant companies can register each of their outlets as voters
So big food chain like Café De Carol
Nope, it is not a French restaurant – it’s a fast food Chinese restaurant
Something like that can register up to a hundred votes if they like
Also there is a huge discrepancy between different functional constituencies
For example, in the Health Services sector, there are 37,000 registered voters, whereas in Insurance, there are only 130 registered voters
這個差異根本不合邏輯 為甚麼有些行業會得到更廣泛的代表?
There is really no logical explanation for it – why are some industry represented more fairly while others are not
In fact, almost half of the functional constituencies are uncontested and most of the seats are dominated by the pro-establishment camp.
But what is the actual significance?
You see, when individual legislators propose bills and motions, we have a split-voting system
…meaning that to be able to pass the bill
It requires a majority vote in both the geographical constituency – those directly elected by us – and the functional constituency
So we can have a bill that is supported by the majority of the legislators
But fails nonetheless because it did not pass the functional constituency
So in effect, you only need half of the votes within the Functional Constituency to reject all bills and motions put forward by individual legislators.
But the same does not apply to government bills
For government bills, you only need to get a majority from all the legislators as a whole
So sometimes we have bills that are opposed by the majority of those legislators directly elected by us
…but nonetheless get through because of the functional constituency
The major problem of this is that it creates an incentive for the Government and big business players to side with each other
On one hand with the help of functional constituency, the Government has an effective veto over all motions in the Legislative council
…while on the other hand businesses can reject motions that are contrary to their interests such as minimum wage and standard working hours
Because of this, the executive has a lot of control over our Legislative Council
And they often make decisions that are contrary to public opinions
And because of the fundamental flaws in our electoral systems, there is no way we could hold our executive accountable in any shape or form
你也必須明白 香港政府和和中國政府之間的關係
Conceptually you also have to understand the relationship between our executive and the Chinese government
It’s easy to say, well the Hong Kong government is separate from the Chinese government because of the principle of one country two systems
And we can implement our own policies so it’s not the fault of the Chinese government but of our own government
That is partly true, but remember we have a system as such where our Chief Executive is guaranteed to be pro-Beijing
That’s why it has an incentive to side with the Chinese government
以現任行政長官梁振英為例 他自上任以來都在替北京擦鞋
For example, our current Chief Executive, CY Leung, he has been keen to please Beijing wherever possible
There are lots of policies where he appeared to have put Mainland’s interest above Hong Kong’s interest
For example, in 2012, the government tried to introduce mandatory National Education classes
…so that students can strengthen their national identity about China
This was met with huge public protests as many fear that it would simply be a brainwashing curriculum biased towards the Chinese Communist Party
There are also other instances such as the rejection of HKTV, CY Leung’s $50 million corrupt scandal – etc
Basically, we are extremely unsatisfied with our current Government
The system itself allows for our government to potentially be arbitrary and self-serving
And there’s no way we could hold our government accountable in any shape or forms
That’s why we want universal suffrage so much – so that we can choose our own leader
Yes it won’t solve everything but it will be a start to a more democratic and fair system
The Umbrella Movement was a first of its kind
It started off extremely peacefully
With an emphasis on being non-violent, rational, love and peace and all that
But as it went on, the CY Leung’s government managed to remain unresponsive
Two months into occupying the streets, people simply didn’t know what to do
And the relationship between the protesters and the police got worse by days
There was alleged police violence
Seven police officers took a protester to a dark corner and beat him up
Inevitably the movement turned into something more violent with protesters clashing with the police – people were beaten up and arrested.
Since the Umbrella Movement, the society has been hugely divided
Police confidence has gone to an all-time low
On one hand, we realize peaceful protest no longer does a damn thing,
…while on the other hand, people are finding ways to counter police force – essentially resorting to more radical actions
It also led to an ideological separation within the pro-democracy camp
Traditionally pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong felt it was their duty to build a democratic China
If anything they are more patriotic to China than anyone
They are the people who felt most strongly about stuff like Tiananmen Square
But for the last 20 years, democracy has not been advanced for Hong Kong nor does it look likely for China
That’s why new advocates are saying,
Well there’s no real possibility of so-called building a democratic China
We need to start rescuing ourselves first
So, there emerges the idea of localism and Hong Kong independence because people are simply losing faith in the so-called One Country Two Systems.
All this social unrest has led to what happened earlier this year in Mongkok
It was the first day into Chinese Lunar New Year;
There were some street hawkers selling street food
They are unlicensed but that’s what they have always done in the first few days of Chinese New Year, just trying to make a few extra bucks
It’s like a little local tradition in Hong Kong.
But somehow this time the police decided to confront them – which has led to protesters confronting the police
Suddenly it has turned into a huge unrest, or riot, depending which side you are on
There were fire on the street, people picking up bricks and bottles throwing at the police
Two shots were fired in the air for crowd control
It was violence on a scale that has never been seen in Hong Kong for the last 20 years
的確 暴力的程度與本身的小販問題根本完全不相稱
In no way was the violence proportional to the whole street food and street hawker issue
But you have to be able to understand it in the light of the whole circumstances
The sort of anger that has been accumulated since the Umbrella Movement
Social unrest is now at its highest point
Things have gotten from bad to worse for Hong Kong since the Umbrella Movement. Beijing has tighten up control of Hong Kong
Our once enjoyed freedom has been put to some serious doubt
Five Hong Kong booksellers who sell sensitive stuff about the Chinese Communist Party went missing last year
There were no record of them going out of Hong Kong, and they just disappeared
For a while no-one really knows where they went, and then…
Like magic, there they are in Mainland China appearing on TV, confessing their guilt
Other stuff such as the ICAC, an anti-corruption body that we have always been proud of, has also been involved in some major shake-ups
More recently, six candidates have been disqualified from running the Legislative Council election
They have been disqualified because they advocate for Hong Kong Independence
There is nothing in the law that allows the administrative to screen out candidates running for the legislative council for political reason
That’s just simply grossly against freedom of speech
And remember, four years ago, Hong Kong independence was not even an idea to start with
Now it has turned into a whole serious social movement – more and more people are turning to Hong Kong independence
And the reason behind that?
A while back there was a post asking people to write sad stories in six words, and someone wrote this:
“One Country, Two Systems, Just kidding.”
And that pretty much sums it up for Hong Kong.
When Hong Kong got handed back over to China, we were guaranteed of all these things:
...the freedom of speech, the freedom of press and the rule of law
But these things have been undermined hugely
The message from China is clear:
You want your high degree of autonomy and you want to feel special right?
But you are only as free as we allow you to be
We gave you that stuff so shut up if we want to take them back. Period.
But the truth is China didn’t give us freedom of speech\
You didn’t give us any of our fundamental rights. Period.
The way I understand it?
Well Hong Kong independence is reactive rather than proactive
It’s a response to the Chinese government for increasingly tightening up control of Hong Kong
We’ve completely lost faith in One Country Two systems
As a counteractive response we are demanding for more autonomy
We want to be able to grasp hold of our own fate
So this is where things are right now in Hong Kong
It’s in a complete deadlock
We either accept for one country one system or we have to fight in a more radical manner
On Sunday, it will be our next Legislative Council election – the first since the Umbrella Movement
God knows what’s going to happen
But I do urge you to vote, and to think about your vote
Because in a perfect world
…if things can get done in the Legislative Council, then people wouldn’t need to take to the street and to resort to any kind of violence
We desperately need a balance of power right now – and your vote can contribute to that
We need more voice in our Legislative council – we need people to look for different possibility
Phew, so that’s it.
Whether you are from Hong Kong, or from outside of Hong Kong,
This video and the last video is important to me, and to a lot of people in Hong Kong
This is probably a lot to take in if you’re new to this, but don’t just take my words for it
Keep reading the news; keep talking to people about it; go research about this, it’s all over the internet
And lastly, thanks for watching.
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เพราะแอร์มันหนาวไป ฉันทำงานไม่ไหว
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เพราะการเดินทางมันเหนื่อย ฉันอ่านหนังสือไม่ไหว ขอนอนดู series ดีกว่านะ
เพราะ.... ฉันเลยต้อง...
ทั้งหมดนี้ไม่ใช่ว่าเราต้องทำอะไรเยอะแยะนะครับ คนเราพักได้ แต่ไม่ควรผิดสัญญากับตัวเอง
อ่านเรื่องนี้แล้วผมนึกถึงคุณแต๋ม ศุภจี CEO ของเครือดุสิต ที่มีอยู่วันนึงที่เธอยุ่งมากๆทำให้ไม่มีเวลาออกกำลังกายเลย พอไปถึงสนามบินก็จะหมดวันแล้ว คุณแต๋มก็เลยวิ่งอยู่ใน terminal นั้นแหละครับ
คนที่จะทำอะไรจริงๆ จะไม่มีข้ออ้างให้กับตัวเอง ไม่ง่วง ไม่เหนื่อย ไม่ร้อน ไม่หนาว ไม่หิว ไม่อิ่ม
โลกนี้มีคนที่อยากทำอะไรให้สำเร็จมากมาย แต่เกือบทั้งหมดได้แค่ฝัน แค่นั้นจริงๆ ทำไมถึงเป็นแบบนั้นนะ?
คุณมานิตบอกว่าข้อแรกเลยต้อง “Do it now”
“เพราะ Do it now เป็นหัวใจของชีวิตที่ไม่มีเงื่อนไขเลย ชีวิตคนเรามันอยากๆเบื่อๆ เดี๋ยวอยากเดี๋ยวเบื่อ เดี๋ยวชอบเดี๋ยวไม่ชอบ เดี๋ยวมีความกระตือรือร้นน่าตื่นเต้น พอเลยไปซักพัก ความกระตือรือล้นมันก็คลายไป นิสัยแบบนี้มันทำลาย Integrity หรือความรับผิดชอบในสิ่งที่ตัวเองพูด เวลาชอบจะทำเลย แต่พอช้าหน่อยจะเลิกแล้ว โดยไม่สนใจว่าเป้าหมายของเราคืออะไร”
“ Integrity คือตัวเรา คือคำพูดของเรา เราต้องให้เกียรติคำพูดตัวเอง เมื่อไรเราไม่ให้เกียรติคำพูดก็ไม่มีตัวเรา มันลึกขนาดนี้เลยนะ หมายความว่าตัวคุณมีอยู่เพราะคุณมี intetrity พูดอะไรรักษาคำพูด พูดอะไรทำหมด คุณเป็นคำพูดนั้น แต่เมื่อไรที่คุณไม่ทำ ตัวคุณไม่มีแล้ว ความน่าเชื่อถือของคุณหมดไป
ถ้าคุณเป็นคนคำไหนคำนั้นพูดแล้วทำ สิ่งที่คุณพูดจะศักดิ์สิทธิ์เลย พูดแล้วเป็นจริง พูดเงินได้เงิน พูดทองได้ทอง”
ของแบบนี้ต้องทำ 100% จะมาทำ 98% หรือ 95% ไม่ได้เพราะ 3% 5% ที่เรายอมหละหลวมอ้อนข้อให้กับตัวเองนั้นแหละ จะกลับมาทำให้ทั้งหมดล้มเหลว เพราะเมื่อเราขาดความมุ่งมั่น จิตใต้สำนึกของเราก็จะอ่อนแอ เพราะฉะนั้นทุกอย่างต้อง 100% ไม่มีคำว่า 95%
“เมื่อไรเราไม่ให้เกียรติคำพูดก็ไม่มีตัวเรา มันลึกขนาดนี้เลยนะ “
“Do it now, แล้วเราจะมีศักยภาพสูงมาก”
พูดง่าย ทำยาก แต่ถ้าอยากทำความฝันให้เป็นจริงต้องทำครับ
“คำว่าเนื้อแท้ คือการหลุดจากหน้ากากตัวเอง หลุดออกจากการแสแสร้งทำ หลุดออกจากความดูดี เหลือแต่เนื้อแท้ที่ชอบก็ชอบ ไม่ชอบก็ไม่ชอบ”
“มนุษย์เราอยากดูดี แสแสร้งแกล้งทำ และมีเงื่อนไขตัวอยากดูดีคือตัวที่น่ากลัวที่สุด”
“อย่างกรณีเขาเชิญไปพูดในที่สาธารณะ เราไม่กล้าไปเพราะอะไร บางคนคิดว่าฉันพูดไม่เก่ง เสียงในหัวเรามันจะบอกว่าเราพูดไม่เก่ง พูดไม่ดีแล้วจะขึ้นไม่ไปทำ หน้าแตกเปล่าๆ นี่แหละคือคำว่าดูดี มันมาจากจิตใต้สำนึกของความไม่เชื่อมั่นในตนเอง ความกังวล ความห่วงหน้าตา เลยไม่กล้าขึ้นเวที เพราะขึ้นไปแล้วไม่ก็ไม่รู้จะพูดอะไร มันบล๊อกเราทุกทาง แต่ถ้าเราลองไม่คิดอะไรเลยแล้วขึ้นไปพูด มันจะพูดได้เลย”
“เราต้องทลายกำแพงนั้นลง กำแพงเล็กๆที่สะสมมาจากประสบการณ์ของเรา มาจากการขาดความเชื่อมั่น คิดว่าตัวเองมีปมด้อย แล้วพูดย้ำถึงข้อบกพร่องกับตัวเองอยู่แบบนั้น จำไว้ว่าเสียงในหัวไม่เคยให้ประโยชน์เลย เพราะมันมาจากจุดที่อ่อนแอของเรา แล้วมันจะตอกย้ำข้อบกพร่องของเรา แนะนำให้ก้าวข้าม เลือที่จะไม่รับฟังเสียงในหัว มันบงการอยู่ตลอด ถ้าทลายกำแพงนี้ทิ้งไปได้ คุณยังทำอะไรได้อีกเยอะเลย พลังข้างในยังเหลืออีกเยอะ พอลงมือทำ เราจะเปลี่ยนพลังนั้นเป็นความคิดสร้างสรรค์ กระตือรือร้น ต่อยอดขึ้นไปเรื่อยๆ พอก้าวข้ามคำว่า “ทำไม่ได้” พ้นแล้ว คุณจะอยากทำต่อ”
ส่วนตัวผมเคยมีประสบการณ์แบบนี้เลยครับ พอผมทลายกำแพงเล็กๆของผมลงไปได้ ต้องบอกว่าเหมือนได้เกิดใหม่เลย เหมือนเราทิ้งตัวตนบางอย่างของเราไป แล้วได้เจอกับเราในอีก version นึงที่เราเองก็ไม่เคยคิดว่าจะทำได้
ที่สำคัญคือต้องกล้าที่จะสู้กับความกลัว และลุกขึ้นมาทำอะไรซักอย่างที่มันค้างคาใจคุณให้ได้ครับ
5 เดือนคือเวลาที่คุณมานิตใช้ฟื้นฟูตัวเองจากการป่วยเป็นโรคร้ายแรงอย่างเส้นเลือดในสมองแตก ให้กลับมามีสุขภาพร่างกายที่ปรกติสมบูรณ์ได้
12 เดือนคือเวลาที่จากคนที่ไม่เคยออกกำลังกายเลย ”แม้แต่น้อย” เตรียมตัวจนวิ่งจบมาราธอน
“ตอนนั้นคุณหมอบอกว่าไม่มีทางรักษาเลย นอกจากว่าเราจะต้องใช้เวลาหาวิธีที่จะพัฒนากายของเราให้ได้ ก็แนะนำว่าถ้ามีเวลา 6 เดือน ให้ 3 เดือนแรกต้องฟื้นให้ได้ 90% เราก็คิดตามว่า ถ้าปล่อยให้สมองมันเฉาอย่างนี้ สี่-ห้าเดือน ไม่มีทางเลยที่จะดึงกลับขึ้นมาได้ เพราะฉะนั้นในสามเดือนเราจะพยายามทำให้มันขึ้นมาเท่าเดิมให้ได้”
“กายภาพบำบัดเป็นเรื่องสำคัญที่คุณต้องเชื่อฟังหมอและมีวินัยไปทำ เพราะมันเป็นการกระตุ้นเซลล์ที่ตายให้ตื่นตัว แต่บ่อยครั้งที่คนป่วย คิดว่าตัวเองเป็นคนป่วยก็ล้าแล้ว พอจะออกกำลังอะไร รู้สึกว่ามันเหนื่อยมาก นี่คืออุปสรรคอันแรกเลยนะ คนมักไปกายภาพบำบัดด้วยความเซ็งและเบื่อ เพราะทรมาน แต่ผมไปด้วความกระตือรือร้น มันไม่เหมือนกัน
แค่รถพยาบาลจะมาเข็นผม ผมยังบอกไม่ต้องมาเลย เพราะผมจะเดินไปเอง นี่ตัวที่หนึ่ง ตัวที่สองคือ ไม่มีใครรู้ดีกว่าตัวเรา เพราะฉะนั้นผมรู้เลยว่าขาขวาผมไม่มีแรง มือขวาผมไม่มีแรง ผมเอาถุงทรายมาถ่วงเพื่อให้ขามีแรงมากขึ้น อันนี้คือคิดเอง เราซื้อถุงทรายมาถ่วงทั้งสองข้างเลย ซ้ายห้ากิโล ขวาสิบกิโล ทำให้ขาขวาหนักกว่า แล้วเวลาเดินนี่ปกติถ้าเป็นอัมพฤกษ์ขามันจะเป๋ เพราะไม่มีแรงจะบิด เราก็บิดมันเลย ตอนนั้นบิดด้วยใจ ใช้ความรู้สึกบิดมัน เคยอยากแพ้นะ พอแพ้แล้วอีกหน่อยคุณก็จะเป็นแบบนี้ตลอดไป ก็ต้องฝืนให้ได้ ถ้าคุณไม่ฝินมัน ยอมให้มันผิดปรกติ ก็แสดงว่าชีวิตคุณต้องเป็นอย่างนี้แล้ว ลำบากหน่อย แต่ต้องชนะมันแล้วก็เดินเอง บังคับตัวเองให้เดินตรงๆ มือไม่มีแรงเวลาเดินก็ยกขึ้นเลย ถึงแม้มือนี้อ่อนแรงก็ใช้จิตเราฝึกดึงขึ้นมา คนป่วยถ้าไม่ใช้พลังจิตมันไม่มีทางเลย ถ้าเอาแต่คิดว่าฉันล้า ฉันเหนื่อย พลังจิตไม่ช่วยคุณเลย แต่อารมณ์ต่างหากทำให้คุณแพ้มัน”
“มาราธอนทำให้ผมเอาชนะสโตรกได้ เพราะว่าเราผ่านความลำบากของชีวิตที่ร่างกายไปไม่ได้เรายังชนะมันมาแล้ว ผมจบมาราธอนสามครั้ง มันสะสมสปิริตนี้ไว้ในตัว พอมาเป็นสโตรก ผมไม่เคยกังวลเลย ไม่เคยคิดว่าตัวเองจะพิการเลย คิดแต่ว่าตัวเองจะกลับไปเป็นเด็กอีกครั้ง แล้วต้องฝึกเดินใหม่ ตอนรู้ว่าเส้นเลือดในสมองแตก ผมไม่ตกใจเลย บอกภรรยาว่าตอนนี้ฉันเป็นเด็กนะ ขอเวลา 4-5 วันที่จะให้ประคองเข้าห้องน้ำ แต่ต่อไปจะไม่ให้ประคองแล้ว ต่อให้ต้องคลานเข้าห้องน้ำก็ไม่ต้องมาช่วย เราต้องมุ่งมั่นระดับนั้น”
นี่คือหัวใจแห่งความมุ่งมั่นความมุ่งมั่นของเด็กชายที่เริ่มตัวด้วยจักรเย็บเสื้อผ้าเพียงสามตัวและเงินที่ยืมเพื่อนบ้านมาสองหมื่นบาท จนกลายมาเป็นเจ้าสัวหมื่นล้านในวันนี้
ทันทีที่เขียนบทความนี้จบผมทักเอ๋ไปใน messenger ว่า ขอสั่งหนังสือมาแจกครอบครัว เพื่อน และน้องๆที่ทำงาน
เพราะตอนอ่านหนังสือเล่มนี้จบแล้วให้ความรู้สึก เหมือนตอนอ่านหนังสือของ Tina Seelig เรื่อง “what i wish I knew when I was 20”
คือใครได้อ่าน ถือเป็นโชคดี
Important things of life
Honestly, every time I pick up the book of "round fingers" I can't read that my friends when I was young, but the things that we didn't have a lot of sense that we did together will grow up to become an adult with a sharp mind and take it off. How awesome is this?
I went to dinner with my friends the other day. I got this book from Ae. Today I want to tell you how I read this book.
This book is a book to take off the story of Mr. Manit Udomvirtue.
Mr. Manit is the owner of PJ's clothing brand. S ' fare brand, is the founder of Robinson mall. Fashion Island, Future Park Rangsit and Bangkhae. Now he is now as the President of Homepro and also developing many real estate projects.
My favorite thing in this book is Mr. Manit's teaching
“No Condition”
"Don't create the conditions for yourself"
If you are a person who doesn't create conditions for yourself, you will be a very high potential.
Let's try to consider this issue.
Time is "determined" so what happened?
I intended not to eat snacks, but I told myself that it's okay. I'm tired today. I want to eat dessert. Let me have a day.
I intended to read a book every day, but today I'm tired. I watch TV for a day. It's okay.
I intended to exercise anything every day. But last night I slept late.
I intended not to be angry with my kid again. I will use understanding instead. But today, I want one day. I can't help it.
I intended not to scold my crew again. I will use teaching instead. But today I want one day. It's really hot.
Or it could be like this.
Because the weather is too hot I can't run
Because the air conditioner is too hot I can't work
Because the air conditioner is too cold I can't work
Because it's too boring. I can't stand to read.
Because the journey is tiring. I can't read books. Let me sleep and watch the series.
Because.... so I have to...
All of these are not that we have to do a lot of things. We can rest, but we shouldn't break ourselves.
After reading this, I thought of Mr. Tam Supaji, CEO of Dusit group. One day she was very busy. She didn't have time to exercise. When I arrived at the airport, it was almost over. So Khun Tam is running in terminal. That's it.
Those who really do something will have no excuse for themselves. Not sleepy, not tired, not hot, no cold, no hungry, not full.
I only don't want to break my promise that I give myself.
What do you reflect on us?
There are many people who want to accomplish things in this world, but most of them can only dream. Why is that?
How is the one who completes the dream?
Mr. Manit said first thing must be "Do it now"
" Because Do it is the heart of life that is unconditional. Life wants to be bored. I want to be bored. I will be bored. I won't like it. I won't like it. I will be enthusiastic. When I will be exciting. When I go for a while. This kind of habit destroys Integrity or responsibility for what you say. When you like to do it. But when I'm slow, I will quit without care what our goal is "
" Integrity is our words. When we have to honor our own words, we don't honor the words, we don't have ourselves. It's so deep. It means that you exist because you have intetrity. What do you say, keep your words. You are words. That's when you don't do it, you don't have it anymore. Your credibility is gone.
If you are a person, the word, then do what you say will be holy. Say it and it is true. Speak money, money, gold, get gold
This kind of stuff has to be done. 100 % can't do 98 % or 95 % because 3 % that we are willing to loose. I beg for myself. I will come back to make it all because when we lack commitment. Our subconscious will be weak. So everything must be 100 % there is no 95 %
" When we don't honor words, we don't have myself. It's so deep
This kind of stuff. If you want to do it, you
"Do it now, then we will have a lot of potential"
Easy to say, difficult to do, but if you want to make your dream come true, you must
"Real meat"
The deepest meaning of what man holds.
" The word true texture is to fall off the mask. Fall out of pretending to fall out of the good looking good. But the real texture that I like. I like. Don't like, don't like it
"Humans want to look good, pretend to do it and have conditions. I want to look good is the scariest one"
" In case they invite you to speak in public. I don't dare to go. Why someone thinks that I'm not good at talking. The voice in my head will say that I'm not good at talking bad things. I won't go up and I won't break my face. This is the word good. It I don't believe in myself, worry, worry, so I don't dare to go on stage because I don't know what to say. It blocks me in every way. But if I try, I don't think about anything and say it, I will say
" We have to break down the wall that small wall that accumulated from our experience from the lack of confidence. Think we have inferiority and repeat the flaws to ourselves. Remember that the voice in our head never benefits because it comes from our weak point. It will remind our flaws. I recommend you to choose not to listen to the voice in the head. It's always manipulative. If you can still do a lot of power inside. We will change the power. That's creative. Keep getting more active. It's enough to cross the word " can't do it " and you will want to do it "
Personally, I have experienced this. When I broke down my small wall, I have to say that it seems like I have been reborn. It seems like I left something of our identity and met us in another version that I never thought I could do.
When I do it once, I will want to do it again.
The important thing is to fight fear and get up and do something that is in your heart.
Healthy heart
5 months is the time that Mr. Manit uses to restore yourself from being sick. It's a serious stroke. Let's get back to healthy.
12 months is the time from people who have never worked out "even" until the end of the marathon.
Just these two sentences make the story of taking care of your own body and mind. Manit is very interesting.
Mr. Manit told me when he was sick.
" At that time, the doctor said that there is no way to heal unless we have to figure out how to develop our body. It is recommended that if we have 6 months, we have 3 months, we have to revive 90 % we think. If you let the brain be like this for four-five months, there is no way to pull it back. So in three months we will try to make it up the same
" Physical therapy is important that you have to obey doctors and discipline because it is stimulates dead cells to stay awake. But often people think that they are sick people are sick people. When you are tired. When I feel very tiring. This is the first obstacle. People always go to physical therapy and bored because I'm suffering. But I go with enthusiasm is different.
Just an ambulance will push me. I still say no need to come because I will walk by myself. The second one is nobody knows better than me. So I know that my right leg has no energy. My right hand has no energy. I put sand bag to keep my legs. More powerful. This is thinking by myself. I bought a bag of sand. Both of them. Left is five kilograms. It makes the right. It makes the right leg heavier. When I walk, it's normal. If it's palsy, it's a bag because I don't have energy to With my heart, I used to lose. When you lose, you will be like this forever. If you don't have to eat it. It's wrong. It means your life must be a bit difficult but you have to win it. Walk by myself, force myself to walk straight. My hands have no energy. When I walk up. Even if this hand is weak, I use my mind. I practice pulling up. If I don't use psychic power, there is no way. If I'm tired, I'm tired. I'm tired Make you lose to it "
" Marathon makes me beat the stroke because we can't go through the struggle of life. We have won it. I finished three marathon. It accumulated this spirit in my body. When I never worry. I never thought I would be disabled. I only think about myself. I'm going back to be a kid again. I have to practice walking again. When I know that my stroke is not shocked. I told my wife that I'm a kid now. Give me 4-5 days to hold me to the bathroom. But I won't let you hold you anymore. Even if I have to Toilet don't have to help. We have to be that level of
This is the heart of determination of a boy who started with only three clothes and money borrowed for ten thousand baht to become ten thousand millions today.
I'm not surprised by Mr. Manit's success.
As soon as I finished writing this article, I greeted Ae in messenger that I would like to order a book to give away family, friends and
I want people around me to read good things.
Because when I finished reading this book, I feel like when I read Tina Seelig's book "what I wish I knew when I was 20"
Who has read it is luckyTranslated
get off my back meaning 在 蔡正元 Facebook 八卦
Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans and people of the world, thank you.
We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people.
Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come. We will face challenges, we will confront hardships, but we will get the job done.
Every four years, we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power, and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition. They have been magnificent. Thank you.
Today's ceremony, however, has very special meaning because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the people.
For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.
That all changes starting right here and right now because this moment is your moment, it belongs to you.
It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across America. This is your day. This is your celebration. And this, the United States of America,is your country.
What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.
January 20th, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.
Everyone is listening to you now. You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before.
At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction, that a nation exists to serve its citizens.Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves. These are just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public.
But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge; and the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.
This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.
We are one nation and their pain is our pain.Their dreams are our dreams. And their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny. The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.
For many decades, we've enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry; subsidized the armies of other countries, while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military. We've defended other nations' borders while refusing to defend our own.
And spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America's infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay. We've made other countries rich, while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon.
One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind. The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world.
But that is the past. And now, we are looking only to the future.
We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power。
From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward, it's going to be only America first, America first.
Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs.
Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength. I will fight for you with every breath in my body and I will never ever let you down. America will start winning again, winning like never before. We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams.
We will build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways all across our wonderful nation. We will get our people off of welfare and back to work, rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.
We will follow two simple rules; buy American and hire American.We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone,but rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine for everyone to follow.
We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate from the face of the Earth. At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
The bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly,but always pursue solidarity. When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
There should be no fear. We are protected and we will always be protected.We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. And most importantly, we will be protected by God.
Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger. In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving. We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining, but never doing anything about it. The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action.
Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America. We will not fail. Our country will thrive and prosper again.
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow. A new national pride will stir ourselves, lift our sights and heal our divisions.
It's time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget, that whether we are black or brown or white,we all bleed the same red blood of patriots.We all enjoy the same glorious freedoms and we all salute the same great American flag.
And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they will their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator.
So to all Americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words. You will never be ignored again.
Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.
Together, we will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again.And yes, together we will make America great again. Thank you. God bless you. And God bless America.
get off my back meaning 在 Tina Yong Youtube 的評價
I’m back with another Tinascope video! Today I’ll be analyzing my hair and scalp with my mumma bear! Subscribe to my channel for more videos https://bit.ly/2JFCtDr #TINASCOPE
Let me know what you want to see next under the Tinascope!
Portable Microscope with Wifi: https://amzn.to/2u7rRTR
? Get your own personalised makeup bag ?
Get 15% off storewide with code “GSS18” ends on the 15th June 2018
? My Eyelash Brand ?
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SnapChat ► tina_yong
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/Tinayongfanpage
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Website ► http://www.tinayong.com
Microphone: Rodelink Wireless http://amzn.to/2b9lglt
Lighting: Aputure Lightstorm 120D https://amzn.to/2GTiTyX
Soft Box: Aputure Light Dome https://amzn.to/2ED9gT2
Camera: Canon 80D https://amzn.to/2GQuHWK
Canon G97X Mark II http://amzn.to/2fV1drX
Canon 24-70mm Lens 2.8 http://amzn.to/2b9lqcD
Editing Program: Adobe Premier Pro CC
Music: Jahzaar - Sea of Mars
**Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Some of the links provided above are affiliate links meaning I do make a small commission when you purchase using the link. This does not cost you extra. You can also purchase from the brand’s websites so don’t feel obliged to use my link if you don’t want to. Thanks for all your support! xx

get off my back meaning 在 Tina Yong Youtube 的評價
Welcome back to another episode of Tina Tries It! Today I’ll be testing out Kaja’s new paint roller highlighter, stamp on blush and their new heart lip gloss sticks.
Are they a hit or a miss? Watch to find out
Products Used:
Kaja Roller Highlighting Balm https://shopstyle.it/l/Zzx2
Kaja Heart Melter Lip Gloss Stick https://shopstyle.it/l/Zzx4
Kaja Cheeky Stamp https://shopstyle.it/l/Zzx5
Link to my earrings http://shrsl.com/1gnx8
Check out my brands:
? Makeup Bags & Jewellery Cases?
Each bag comes with complimentary monogramming
Get $10% your order with code "TINA10”
?False Eyelashes ?
Get 10% off your order with "TINA10"
? Follow Me ?
Instagram ► http://instagram.com/tina_yong
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/Tinayongfanpage
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/tina_yong
Website ► http://www.tinayong.com
Microphone: Rodelink Wireless http://amzn.to/2b9lglt
Lighting: Aputure Lightstorm 120D https://amzn.to/2GTiTyX
Soft Box: Aputure Light Dome https://amzn.to/2ED9gT2
Camera: Canon 80D https://amzn.to/2GQuHWK
Canon G97X Mark II http://amzn.to/2fV1drX
Canon 24-70mm Lens 2.8 http://amzn.to/2b9lqcD
Editing Program: Adobe Premier Pro CC
Music by Heartheat - Elsa - https://thmatc.co/?l=20ADCBC0
#PaintRollerHighlighter #Kbeauty #Kaja
**Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Some of the links provided above are affiliate links meaning I do make a small commission when you purchase using the link. This does not cost you extra. You can also purchase from the brand’s websites so don’t feel obliged to use my link if you don’t want to. Thanks for all your support! xx

get off my back meaning 在 Tina Yong Youtube 的評價
I'm back! ? In this video, I try out a peel off blackhead mask and show you what my skin looks like under the #TINASCOPE Subscribe for more videos: https://bit.ly/2JFCtDr
Product Used:
Pore Clear pad, Peel off mask
Link to Microscope - https://amzn.to/2u7rRTR (this one is the latest model with wifi and better resolution)
? Get your own personalised makeup bag ?
? My Eyelash Brand ?
? Follow Me ?
Instagram ► http://instagram.com/tina_yong
SnapChat ► tina_yong
Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/Tinayongfanpage
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/tina_yong
Website ► http://www.tinayong.com
Microphone: Rodelink Wireless http://amzn.to/2b9lglt
Lighting: Aputure Lightstorm 120D https://amzn.to/2GTiTyX
Soft Box: Aputure Light Dome https://amzn.to/2ED9gT2
Camera: Canon 80D https://amzn.to/2GQuHWK
Canon G97X Mark II http://amzn.to/2fV1drX
Canon 24-70mm Lens 2.8 http://amzn.to/2b9lqcD
Editing Program: Adobe Premier Pro CC
Music: Jahzaar - Sea of Mars
**Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Some of the links provided above are affiliate links meaning I do make a small commission when you purchase using the link. This does not cost you extra. You can also purchase from the brand’s websites so don’t feel obliged to use my link if you don’t want to. Thanks for all your support! xx

get off my back meaning 在 Get off someone's Back - YouTube 的八卦
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