#GummiCandy #Capsule #Recipe #FredandFriends
ツイッター https://twitter.com/mosogourmet ニコニコ動画 http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/11111118/video 色が溶け出しちゃったんです。カラフルな色でかわいくなるはずが、ほんとにちょっと不気味な雰囲気を醸し出したグミになっちゃいました。カプセル剤のきれいな透明部分を大事にしたかったので、ゼラチンではなくアガーで作ってみました。味にイヤなクセが出ないので味がいい!でも、アガーの量を増やしてもゼラチンみたいに固くならない!?グミっぽい固い食感になりませんでした。ツイッター https://twitter.com/mosogourmet
These pills cure ailments such as hunger, depression and a sweet tooth.
They were supposed to have a lovely color to them, but they came out having an eerie appearance to them.
We wanted to pay special attention to the nice transparent part of the medicine capsule, so we made it out of agar instead of gelatin. It doesn't have any peculiar flavor to it, so it tastes great! But then even if you add more agar, it won't harden up like with gelatin!? It didn't come out with a hard gummy–like consistency.
*レシピ*(カプセル剤 6錠分)
2.耐熱容器にアガー 6g(小さじ 2)を入れ、水 大さじ1と1/2を少しづつ加えアガーを溶かす。少し溶け残りがあっても大丈夫です。
3. 好みのシロップ(今回はかき氷シロップ)大さじ1と1/2を加え、軽く混ぜる。
*Recipe* (Medicine Capsules, 6 pills)
1. Coordinate and mix your favorite types of color mints. This time, we used the very colorful soda pop ones.
2. In a heat resistant container, place 6g (2 teaspoons) of agar and add 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of water gradually until the agar has dissolved. If there is a little undissolved agar left, that's okay.
3. Add 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of your favorite syrup (I used shaved ice syrup this time), then stir gently.
4. Place in a 600w microwave for 35 seconds, to allow the agar to dissolve further (it's okay to let it boil).
It sets fairly quickly, so you'll have to speed things up a bit after this point.
5. Mix around 4, then add in the favorite types you picked in step 1. If it's already hardened up, put it back in the microwave for another 10 seconds, and it will soften up.
6. Place it in the refrigerator for around 30 minutes to let it cool and set. It will set even at room temperature.
This time, out of the total amount above, we made 1 blue (blue Hawaii syrup), 3 clear (honey shaved ice syrup), and 1 red (watermelon syrup) portions.
fredandfriends 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的評價
#Skull #FriedEggs #Halloween #Bacon #FredandFriends #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #音フェチ
fredandfriends 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的評價
#Halloween #Brain #Manju #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #MizuShingenMochi
We made delicious brain-shaped water cakes for Halloween.
*Recipe* (Fills four 55 ml brain-shaped molds)
1. Prepare the bean paste that will be put in the center of the water cake. This time we used store-bought purple sweet potato bean paste. Shape the bean paste into balls that are 20 grams each. Make them slightly ovular.
2. Add 70 grams of granulated sugar to 20 grams of water cake mix, and blend.
3. Pour 160 grams of water into a pot.
4. Add step 2 to step 3, and mix well until dissolved.
5. Heat step 4 on the stove. Stir the mixture consistently so as not to burn.
6. Stir the mixture over the flame for approximately 10 minutes, or until the weight reduces by 80% to 200 grams (originally 250 grams).
7. Pour step 6 into the molds.
8. Put step 1 into step 7.
9. Put step 6 into step 8, and cover. Complete these steps while step 6 is still warm.
10. Chill for approximately 2 hours in the refrigerator.
11. Remove from molds. Is it autumn? Is it summer? Work out your confusion while enjoying these treats cold.
*レシピ*(1個 55mlの脳みそ型✕4)
2.水まんじゅうの素 20gにグラニュー糖 70gを入れ混ぜる。
3.鍋に水 160gを入れる。
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