Hearing the Voice of God
“He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before Yahweh.” Behold, Yahweh passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains, and broke in pieces the rocks before Yahweh; but Yahweh was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake; but Yahweh was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake a fire passed; but Yahweh was not in the fire. After the fire, there was a still small voice. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle, went out, and stood in the entrance of the cave. Behold, a voice came to him, and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”” (1 Kings 19:11-13 WEB)
When God moves, He does so in great power, but when He speaks to His children, most of the time it is almost like a whisper—you have to really pay attention and listen closely.
Personally when I pray in tongues, I will go on for a while and then pause with my eyes closed to receive any words, Bible verses or mental pictures from the Holy Spirit.
Prayer is not about you just saying words to God. It is a two-way conversation. We are talking to a living God who speaks.
When you pray, expect to hear Him in your spirit.
Since the voice of God is a “still small voice” inside, we have to really tune out all distractions and noise of the world if possible.
Find a quiet place to be with the Lord, speak to Him and just quieten your mind, waiting to receive words, pictures or something else from Him.
One time when I was considering a prayer request for healing from a lady I don’t know, I quieted my mind, prayed in tongues and waited for the Holy Spirit to show me what condition the person had.
In my mind I saw the lady looking down at her tummy frustrated and I sensed her desire for weight loss. I was also shown that there was a problem with her ovaries. That region in her body’s silhouette was highlight in red.
I also received that these two health problems happened due to her pregnancy in the past.
I told the lady what I saw in my mind and she confirmed it to be true. I then proceeded to pray for her healing.
This is an example of the gift of word of knowledge in operation.
See the Holy Spirit as a trustworthy Helper who you can speak with comfortably as a close Friend.
He’s inside you to reveal to you the secret things that God knows.
The next time you pray, expect to hear from Him. He’s always speaking, but you must focus to hear that still small voice.
“The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name, and leads them out. Whenever he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. They will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him; for they don’t know the voice of strangers.”” (John 10:3-5 WEB)
How do you recognize the voice of your Good Shepherd and avoid being tricked by the devil’s voice instead?
Jesus will always speak to you in love. The voice is never condemning or angry. When you hear Him, you will always be filled with peace and inward joy. He is the Prince of Peace.
To recognize the voice of Jesus better, you have to familiarize with Him.
Read the four gospels and see how good, gracious, merciful, gentle, kind and loving He is with those who place their faith in Him.
To understand the four gospels better, you must be able to rightly divide the Old Covenant of Law and New Covenant of Grace.
Those four books are like a transition period, Law passing the baton to Grace.
If you aren’t standing on a firm foundational understanding of the New Covenant of Grace yet, you may get fearful or confused by some things that Jesus said which were directed at people who were still under dispensation of Law at that time.
Can I recommend my 4-ebook bundle to you called “Understand the Four Gospels Through the Lens of Grace”?
In it, I teach readers about every miracle, parable and verse in the four gospels.
I believe it will surely transform your understanding of God’s word and be a great blessing to you.
You shall know the truth and it shall surely set you free!
Here’s what a customer, Linda B, said about this ebook bundle: “Well worth the money. Wish I had done it sooner. Wonderful study.”
Get my 4-ebook bundle “Understand the Four Gospels Through the Lens of Grace” here: https://www.miltongoh.net/store/p18/understand-the-four-gospels-through-the-lens-of-grace.html
#UnderstandtheFourGospels #ChristianBook
同時也有22部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過304萬的網紅MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Chespin , Fennekin , Froakie , Pancham・・・Where are you? Btw This is a Pokéball, not Unown , not Hitotsume-Titan !(๑'ᴗ'๑)b♡ まんまるのモンスターボールパン作りました。 中にポ...
divide a by b 在 [Alexandros] Facebook 八卦
ステージ分けに加え、追加アクトも決定。20日マウンテン・ステージ(21日大阪)にはストーンズのサポートを務め話題沸騰中のグラマラスロックンロールバンド、ザ・ストラッツ 、レインボー・ステージには日本のアーティストに大きな影響を与えてきたオルタナティヴバンド、サード・アイ・ブラインド 、UKの注目新人ブラック・ハニー が決定。この日のビーチ・ステージはサプライズを用意していますので発表をもうしばらくお待ちください。
都市型のサマソニにあって野外フェスの心地よさを提供するガーデン・ステージ(サマソニ東京)には各地のフェスに引っ張りだこのフューチャー・ソウル・ユニット、ハイエイタス・カイヨーテ 、待望のサマソニ初出演となるハナレグミ 、ノルウェーのエクスペリメンタル・ジャズ・ユニット、ジャガ・ジャジスト 、日本発の要注目ヒップホップ集団SANABAGUN という多国籍かつ濃いアクトが一挙決定しました。
日本の“ロック・シーンに翼をさずける” バンド・コンテスト「Red Bull Live on the Road 2016」(レッドブル・ライブ・オン・ザ・ロード 2016)のサポートによるPARK STAGE(サマソニ東京)には、破竹の勢いで全国行脚中のXmas Eileen 、女性Voエモーショナルロックの新星The Winking Owl 、日本のメロコアシーンを代表する3ピース=dustbox 、ヒップホップシーンからはOZROSAURUS がバンドシーンのオールスターラインナップで固めた生バンドスタイルで初参戦。
21日大阪に新設されるNEW STAGE(仮)には今年活動20周年を迎え精力的に活動を行うスガ シカオ、盛り上がり確定のDJダイノジ は昨年に続き大阪参戦が決定しました。
21日ソニック・ステージ(20日大阪)にはあのプリンスも絶賛した本格派ソウルユニット、キング 、レインボー・ステージには活動再開を発表したばかりの阿部真央 、2年連続出演となるUKガレージパンクの最新型スレイヴス が決定。この日も注目のガーデン・ステージにはロック、ファンクを軸にしたジャムバンドシーンの雄モー、日本を代表するライヴ・バンド、クラムボン 、昨年5年ぶりにライヴ活動を再開したSpangle call Lilli line という音楽通にはたまらないラインナップに。Opening Actには新世代SSW、iri が決定。ビーチ・ステージには韓国からポップ・グループBLOCK Bのリーダー、ZICO(ジコ) 、本国で大ブレイク中の注目ロックバンドhyukoh (ヒョゴ) の2組がサマソニ初出演。hyukohはMETA FIVE、米津玄師らとともに大阪NEW STAGEへも登場します。
大阪堺発のメロコア/ポップパンク3ピース、BUZZ THE BEARS はついにサマソニ初出演!レゲエシーンからはFIRE BALL が決定し、この日もPARK STAGEはストリートのミクスチャー感満載でお届けします。
[the long-awaited stage separate, the 7th additional artist announcement!!]
The Golden week is over, and we are waiting for the stage divide! Radiohead's amazing new works are suddenly released, as long as you can't wait for the summer stage.
In addition to stage divide, additional acts are also decided. On the 20th mountain stage (21th Osaka), we are supporting the stones, and the glamorous rock 'n' Roll Band, the strike, and rainbow stage have a great influence on Japanese artists. Alternative Band Third eye blind, UK's attention new black honey has been decided. The beach stage on this day has a surprise, so please wait for the announcement for a while.
In the city of summer, the garden stage, which provides the comfort of the outdoor festival, is in the future of the festival, and the future soul unit, high stingray, and the long-awaited summer appearance. Hana Gummy, Norwegian experimental jazz unit, jai ja, Japan's must-watch hip hop group sanabagun has been decided all over the world.
" Red Bull live on the road 2016 " band contest " Red Bull live on the road 2016 " (Red Bull live on the road 2016) in Japan's " Rock scene " band contest " Red Bull live on the road 2016 " (Red Bull live on the road 2016) in the park Christmas Eileen on the national pilgrimage with momentum, female vo emotional rock's Nova the winking owl, a 3 Piece =Dustbox representing the Japanese melodic scene, from the hip hop scene, the raw band solidified by the all-star lineup of the band scene from the hip hop scene. First participation in style.
On the 21th, the new stage (temporary), which will be newly established in Osaka, is the 20th anniversary of the 20th anniversary of the 20th anniversary of the 20th anniversary of the 20th anniversary of the 20th anniversary of the 20th anniversary of the 20th .
Mao Abe, who has just announced the resumption of activities on the 21th Sonic Stage (20 nichidai), and the king of the soul, the king, and the rainbow stage, has been announced for 2 consecutive years. UK Garage Punk latest type seremban decided. On this day, the garden stage of the featured garden stage was a rock, Funk-Axis Jam band scene, and the live band representing Japan, crumb bong, has resumed his live activities for the first time in 5 years last year. Spangle call lilli line This is an unbearable lineup for music. New Generation Ssw, iri has been decided on opening act. On the beach stage, the leader of the pop group block b from South Korea, Zico (Jiko), and the 2 group of the attention rock band hyukoh, who was in the middle of a big break in the country, was the first to appear in summer. Hyukoh will also appear in Osaka new stage with meta five and kenshi yonezu.
3 Piece of melodic / pop punk from sakai, Osaka, buzz the bears finally appeared in summer! From the reggae scene, fire ball has been decided, and the park stage will be delivered to you on this day.
Each stage has a lot of color, and each color has become more clear. In the late night, the hostess club all night game will be sold out, and this year's summer, the general release will finally be on the 28th (Sat) of this month!
divide a by b 在 越煮越好 Facebook 八卦
有得追蹤🎯監察飼養👁️無需自己劏魚👋全部處理妥當👍肉質實🐟味道鮮😋 🅰️優質本地飼養魚🐠食得健康💪🏻買得安心😁
Quality Assured💯 Locally Cultured Fish🐟
⬇⬇English recipe follows⬇⬇
1. 紅魚連包裝清水解凍。
2. 30分鐘後,魚擎乾水,在身上切3刀。
3. 在碟上預先放薑絲及蔥段,然後再放紅魚在上面。
1. 煲滾1鍋水。
2. 大火蒸魚12分鐘。
3. 魚蒸好後,隔清碟上的魚水。
4. 放薑絲、蔥絲及紅辣椒在魚上面。
5. 灒滾油。
6. 在魚的兩側落豉油,完成。
Steamed red snapper:
Red snapper 1 No.
Shredded ginger
Shredded green onion
Shredded red pepper
1. Defrost the red snapper with packaging.
2. Hang dry the fish after 30 minutes, cut three times on fish.
3. Put shredded ginger and shredded green onion on plate, then put the fish on top.
1. Boil up a pot of water.
2. Steam the fish at high flame for 12 minutes.
3. Pour out the water from plate.
4. Put shredded ginger, green onion and red chili on top of fish.
5. Put hot oil on fish.
6. Pour light soya sauce on two sides of fish. Complete.
1. 寶石魚魚連包裝清水解凍。
2. 洗淨蕃茄,1開8。
2. 30分鐘後,洗淨,擎乾水。
3. 蔥切段,薑切幾片。
4. 預備薑絲及蔥絲。
5. 在魚身上切3刀,索乾水,在2面薄薄撲上生粉。
1. 放2湯匙落鑊,大火燒熱。
2. 沾上薄生粉的寶石魚,放入鑊煎。
3. 收至中慢火,煎3分鐘。
4. 反轉另一面,再煎3分鐘。
5. 用另一隻鑊,預備酸甜汁:
a. 200毫升水
b. 加入蕃茄
c. 加入冰糖
d. 白醋1/2湯匙
6. 煎好寶石魚,擎乾油分。
7. 煮滾酸甜汁,埋生粉芡。
8. 寶石魚上碟,淋酸甜汁上面,完成。
Jade perch with tomatoes and sweet and sour sauce:
Jade perch 1 No.
Tomatoes 2 Nos.
1. Defrost the jade perch with packaging.
2. Rinse the tomatoes, divide one tomato in eight equal shares.
2. Rinse and hang dry after 30 minutes.
3. Chop the green onion and slice the ginger.
4. Prepare the shredded ginger and shredded green onion.
5. Make 3 cuts on fish. Put a thin layer of tapioca starch after the fish has been dried well by kitchen towel.
1. Heat up 2 tbsp oil in wok at high flame.
2. Fry the jade perch with tapioca starch into wok.
3. Turn to medium~low flame, fry 3 minutes.
4. Fry 3 more minutes on the other side of fish.
5. Boil up the sweet and sour sauce in another wok:
a. 200no water
b. Put tomatoes
c. Put rock sugar
d. White vinegar 1/2 tbsp
6. Cook the made perch well, release the excess oil.
7. Put tapioca starch sauce to the sauce to make it thick.
8. Put the fish on plate, pour the sweet and sour sauce on top, serve.
divide a by b 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的評價
Chespin , Fennekin , Froakie , Pancham・・・Where are you?
Btw This is a Pokéball, not Unown , not Hitotsume-Titan !(๑'ᴗ'๑)b♡
* Recipe *
Knead bread dough .
1.Mix roughly 95g bread flour , 2g dry yeast , and 5g skim milk .
2.Put in teaspoons 1/4 (1g) salt. Add 10g sugar into the place away from salt.
3.Pour 65g water on sugar , and knead.
4.After you make it one unit, put 10g unsalted butter that was returned to room temperature, and knead further.
5.After kneading up smoothly, divide into a half , and color one by a red edible food color.
6.Round it and turn down the seam . Put into the bowl which coated with vegetable oil lightly. Wrap it , and carry out primary fermentation for 50 minutes at a warm place.
Make cookie dough.
7.Put 20g sugar in 15g unsalted butter that was returned to room temperature, and mix until it is whitish.
8.Add 10g egg in 2 steps , and mix.
9.Put in teaspoons 1/2 (3g) milk and mix.
10.Sift 40g cake flour and teaspoon 2(5g) black cocoa powder , and put in.
11.Mix it lightly.Make it a bundle. Wrap and make it rest in a refrigerator .
12.Prepare the bread dough (6) which finished primary fermentation.
White Dough:
Make two chunks of 5g. Make the remainder two division into equal parts.
Red Dough:
Make it two division into equal parts.
Round it carrying out degassing.
Take 15 minutes bench time over a wet washcloth that you squeezed firmly.
13.Combine white dough and red .
14.Stretch (11) to a thickness of 5 mm , and cut into 5 mm wide.
15.Put (14) on 13.
16.Add (15) to the mold lightly-oiled. Carry out secondary fermentation at a warm place for 30 minutes.
Don't open the lid of the mold .
17.Bake for 22 minutes in the oven preheated at 170 ℃.
18.After baking up , take out such as on a soft cloth etc.
19.ITADAKIMASU!(Eat with thanks.)
もちろん手捏ねでもできます。 )
2.塩 小さじ1/4(1g)、塩と離れたところに砂糖10gを入れる。
7.室温に戻した 無塩バター15gに砂糖20gを入れ、
9.牛乳 小さじ1/2(3g)も入れ、混ぜる。
#Pokémon #Bread #Recipe #ポケモン #パン #モンスターボール

divide a by b 在 ochikeron Youtube 的評價
This recipe is perfect for parties or any kind of event!
In this video, I will show you how to arrange Inarizushi for Hanami Bento (Bento box for Sakura / cherry blossom viewing).
Compared to the store-bought Inariage (flavored Aburaage) they are not too sweet but very mild in flavor. Good for your health! Yummy!!!
In the end of this video, I will share with you some clips from Sakura viewing we went this weekend. Unfortunately Sakura trees were not in full bloom and the weather was cold and cloudy... However, many people were enjoying Sakura :)
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 1hr
Number of servings: 14 pieces
660g (1.5lb.) cooked Japanese rice (short-grain rice)
* 3 tbsp. vinegar
* 1.5 tbsp. sugar
* 1 tsp. salt
7 Aburaage (deep-fried tofu pouch)
* 3 tbsp. soy sauce
* 3 tbsp. Mirin (sweet sake)
* 3 tbsp. sugar
* 300ml Dashi broth or water
roasted white sesame seeds if desired
((Toppings - if desired))
* Ikanago (boiled sand eel) + Kinshi Tamago (shredded egg crepes)
* Ikura (salmon roe) + Kinshi Tamago (shredded egg crepes)
* Ikura (salmon roe) + crab meat
* Shiso leaves + Shirasu (dried baby anchovy)
* Kamaage Sakuraebi (small shrimp) + grated ginger
1. Place the Aburaage on a cutting board and trace the Aburaage with a chopstick to make it easy to open. Then cut in halves and open. If you want to make a change, you can turn the skins inside out!
2. Put the Aburaage in boiling water for a minute to remove the excess oil. Drain in a strainer and soak them in a bowl of water to cool. Stack up 3-4 pieces at a time, then drain well (press with your hands) like you make a rice ball.
3. Put B and Aburaage in a medium pan, then bring to a boil. Turn the heat down to low and cover with an Otoshibuta or a wooden drop-lid (you can substitute it with with a sheet of aluminum foil and use any small lid or a plate as a weight if needed) and allow to simmer until the liquid is reduced to 1/4. Stop the heat and let them cool completely.
4. Make Sushi vinegar by mixing A (or use store-bought Sushi vinegar). Add the Sushi vinegar while the rice is hot and slice through the rice using a rice paddle to separate the grains. Mix sesame seeds in the Sushi rice if you like. Divide the rice into 14 equal portions. Wet your hands and make small balls of Sushi rice.
5, Take a piece of Aburaage and lightly press with your hand to remove the excess liquid. Open the pouch and fold back the cut edge to make it easy to stuff the rice. Stuff a ball of Sushi rice to the corners of Aburaage with your fingers, then close the pouch.
Leave the pouch open and top with your favorite toppings, if you like :)
Other Side Dishes:
Karaage (Japanese Fried Chicken) 鶏の唐揚げ
Simmered Potato Pork Roll じゃがいもの豚肉巻き
Vegetable Teriyaki Beef Rolls 野菜の牛肉巻き照り焼き
What is Ikanago?
Sugar Substitute I used:
Lakanto: 100% Natural Sweetener made from Chinese fruit called 羅漢果 (Luo Han Guo)
Music by
Josh Woodward
♥My COOKBOOK available on Amazon Kindle♥
NO MORE hard copies... those who got one are lucky!
♥More Written Recipes are on my BLOG♥
♥My Recipe Posts in Japanese♥
♥and of course PLEASE SUBSCRIBE♥

divide a by b 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的評價
#NoBake #Cheesecake #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #音フェチ
We whipped up a rare cheesecake with 4 impressive layers of purple. Whether you look at if from the top or from the cross section, this rare cheesecake is very photogenic!
*Recipe* (12-inch round spring form mold)
1. Combine 2 teaspoons (8g) of purple sweet potato powder with 50g of biscuit and crush into fine crumbs.
2. Add 20g of melted unsalted butter to 1 and mix.
3. Line the bottom of the mold with parchment paper, and press 2 evenly over it.
4. Sprinkle 8g of powdered gelatin over 60g of water and leave to stand.
5. Prepare three small bowls.
Add purple sweet potato powder to each respective bowl in the following amounts:
a. 1 small teaspoon (4g) b. 1.5 teaspoons (6g) c. 2 small teaspoons (8g)
6. Mix in 80g of milk that has been warmed to body temperature to each of the bowls a, b and c. Start by mixing in small quantities of milk so that it is less likely for clumping to occur. As it would be harder for c to dissolve, add a little bit more milk to it than the others.
7. Mix in 200g of cream cheese that has been allowed to come to room temperature.
8. Mix in 65g of granulated sugar.
9. Add 160g of fresh cream a little at a time, mixing as you go.
10. Place 4 in a microwave oven for about 30 seconds to dissolve the gelatin.
11. Add 10 to 9, a little at a time, stirring continuously.
12. To each of the bowls a, b and c prepared in 6, mix in 11 in the following amounts:
a. 120g, b. 90g, c. 60g
13. Pour the remainder of 11 that was left over after completing 12 into 3.
14. Pour in 12 in the order a, b, then c.
15. Chill in the refrigerator until set.
16. Divide into slices. Warming the knife before cutting will give a smooth, beautiful slice.
*レシピ*(12センチ セルクル型)
1.ビスケット 50gに紫芋パウダー 小さじ 2(8g)を入れ細かく砕く。
2.1に溶かし無塩バター 20gを加え混ぜる。
4.水 60gに粉ゼラチン 8gをふり入れておく。
a.小さじ 1(4g)b.小さじ 1と1/2(6g)c.小さじ 2(8g)入れる。
6.人肌に温めた 牛乳 80gを5のa.b.c.のそれぞれのボウルに入れ混ぜる。最初、少量の牛乳で混ぜたほうがダマになりにくい。c.は溶けにくいので他よりも牛乳の量を少し多めにする。
7.室温に戻したクリームチーズ 200gを混ぜる。
8.グラニュー糖 65gを入れ混ぜる。
9.生クリーム 160gを少しずつ加えながら混ぜる。