The Healer Master Who Brought A Windfall To My Family
(English version below)
文 / 蔡曜駿 先生 Written by Mr Chua Yao Jun
I have been hearing about the abilities and results of Master Dai Hu from my colleagues since 2 to 3 years ago. They have been engaging Master for their home Feng Shui audits for the past 5 and 8 years respectively.
At the beginning, I was sitting on the fence when it comes to Feng Shui. The thought of engaging Master Dai Hu for Feng Shui audit came to me, when I got my first house.
I still remembered clearly my first phone call to him. Master Dai Hu asked me for my Chinese name and birth date details, and immediately pointed out a hypersensitive condition I suffered since young. I was very impressed.
I was privileged to attend one of his Tea Sessions, where I learnt the secrets of using the rice cooker and electric water boiler in Feng Shui deployment.
Master Dai Hu imparted some microscopic details, that can bring about prosperity, improved interpersonal relations and harmony to the family.
My mum implemented the advice from Master Dai Hu, and two weeks later, struck the lottery. Not once but thrice (twice with 4D, once with Toto), consecutively, winning a total prize money of $210! It was incredible. Before this, she was complaining that her lottery luck had deserted her for the past 6 months.
Beside his in-depth knowledge in Chinese Metaphysics and the Dharma, Master Dai Hu is like an accomplished healer too.
From my Bazi, he advised that I should refrain from drinking tea, but take coffee instead. I told him about my sensitivity to coffee. I once drank a cup at 10am in the morning, only to leave me with hyper heartbeat all the way till 2am the next day! I had attempted this several times the past years and the end reaction was the same. Thus, I stayed away from coffee the last many years.
Master Dai Hu then advised me to drink coffee without milk and with less sugar to negate the effect of faster heartbeat. I tried his advice with coffee the next morning and lo and behold, I did not experience the symptoms I got previously, and I felt more energised compared to drinking my usual tea!
On another occasion, Master Dai Hu noticed that I was coughing quite badly, and advised me to eat one golden pear at noon and at night. After taking the fruits for a day, my cough subsided and my throat felt so much better! I really salute Master Dai Hu. He knows my body conditions better than I do!
Thank you, Master Dai Hu, for offering your precious time to teach us the way to kindness and betterment.
deployment date 在 貝殼放大 Backer-Founder Facebook 八卦
【 貝殼放大 × Gogoro :#GOGOROism 】
什麼是 GOGOROism 👉🏻 https://gogoroism.com
你知道嗎?走在台灣街頭,每五台機車,就有一台是 Gogoro 喔!
在這之中,有大學生、上班族、戀人、孩子的父母、阿公阿嬤,看似不同的個體,卻都持有同樣的信念:想透過零排放的寧靜革命,給下一代更美好的環境。五年來,這股 #內心的正向趨力 凝聚成為「GOGOROism」,更造就了全球獨一無二的電騎社群!
在 2019 年 11 月, #貝殼放大 與 #Gogoro 攜手製作 Gogoro 首個年度回顧互動式網站,並與 Gogoro 車主們一起回顧 1,800 多個日子以來共同創造的點滴與成就!
🛵 看過 GOGOROism 互動式網站了沒? https://gogoroism.com
#專案PM 玲涓:
許多朋友因個人信念而選擇 Gogoro 、在日常生活實踐對環境的愛護,進而參與車主社群的活動、讓生活增添了許多樂趣。於是,我們安排網站從抽象到具體、從「我(I)」、「我們 (We) 」、「我們一起 (Let's) 」,一步步讓車主感受到自己的 GOGOROism!
以網站的第一個互動為例,我們設計了「GOGOROism 測字測驗」,裡面安排了許多符合GOGOROism 精神的單字供選擇,像是 Adventure、Future、Fun、Green、Change、Cool 等等,讓所有車主參與 GOGOROism 價值信念建立的第一步。
除此之外,也安排了許多 #車主故事 及 #車主活動 的內容,去呈現 GOGOROism 的具體實踐。 如果你還沒玩過這個網站,推薦你一起感受一下充滿正向力量的「GOGOROism」!
能不能跟我們分享 GOGOROism 視覺的創作過程呢?
#視覺設計師 宇謙:
這次主視覺的概念以「各種不同的原因,匯流凝聚成 GOGOROism」作為核心去發想,將視覺抽象化,利用不規則的漸層色塊,象徵車主喜愛 Gogoro 的各種理由。而對比主要色塊的漸層流動,輔助圖形則使用較為明確的曲線分割與幾何圖形,也代表著在眾多車主裡,每個人的理念都堅定不移。
Gogoro 本身就有優秀的視覺設計團隊,這次有很多機會與他們當面溝通討論,雖然因此在製作的過程中花了更多時間修正,但最終呈現出彼此都滿意的設計時,心裡非常有成就感!
這次網站有很多有趣的互動設計,像是測字測驗、隨機答題遊戲、報名系統製作,以及各項動畫細節。 你們是透過哪些合作策略,讓網站在短時間內順利上線的?
#資深前端工程師 CHH、致維、宸恩:
我們在專案開始初期即導入自動化工具,建立持續部署(Continuous Deployment)流程,確保開發團隊協同作業順暢,各自專注在網站的核心功能,大幅節省了許多瑣碎的時間成本;此外,我們建立不同階段的測試環境,程式做任何修改時,可以確保企劃團隊能夠同時進行。
在時間限制下,以及需求還不確定的因素下,開發程式時,保留了許多擴充彈性,應付接下來的不同需求。 例如:製作《跨年大秀》的問答遊戲時,考慮到會題目擴充與作答的方式,因應不同需求隨時變更。
上線前,客戶有預告將會有大量流量湧入,因此我們在製作前已先使用 AWS 雲端服務 S3 主機以及 CloudFlare 建構 CDN 網路,應付上線瞬間的大流量。上線期間,我們也使用雲端監控系統,即時追蹤並解決發生的錯誤。
還沒體驗過 Gogoro 年度回顧網站嗎?
千萬不要錯過!1/18 前分享測驗結果,
趕快去看看! ✈️ https://gogoroism.com/
- 專案名稱|Gogoro 2019 年度回顧行銷網站
- 客戶名稱|Gogoro Taiwan
- 服務項目|創意企劃、網站視覺、前端動畫、前端工程
- 團隊成員:
- 創意企劃及總監製|林大涵
- 專案管理及執行|張玲涓
- 視覺監製|吳秉澤
- 視覺設計|黃宇謙
- 前端動畫與工程|CHH、黃致維、王宸恩(前期協力)
- 專案協力|謝元霖
- Date:2019.12.19 -
- Link:https://gogoroism.com/
deployment date 在 Arisa Chow Facebook 八卦
Thank you for making VAX happen! :)
I don't usually write lengthy thank you posts on FB, but after three years, and finally a positive outcome, I think it's time I paid my dues. It's a very long list so here's my #VAX2017 appreciation post.
First of all, I'd like to thank the staff members of Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC) Official for the faith, kindness and generosity afforded to us. We hope to host a better con there next year. You guys need to get used to seeing make up kits in the men's toilets.
To YB Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad and the many officers at the Selangor State Government who have continued to support us since 2015, thank you very much.
Many thanks also to OISHI Malaysia for thousands and thousands of cans of tea as well as Grab for the discount code to SACC. More drinks next year, please?
I'd like to thank inui tatsumi, Pierre Sugiura, Studio MAPPA and Studio TRIGGER and AiRI for gracing us with your presence. You made VAX2017 a very special occasion for all the fans who came to see you. I hope you had a great time in Malaysia and recommend all your friends to join us here!
Many love and thanks to Kazutaka Sato and IOEA for welcoming us in Tokyo and for connecting us with the many individuals and organizations in Japan. We will see you again very soon!
I'd like to thank our event partners AniManGaki, Kitamen, Gundam Toy Shop and 星空 Ent. for your support in putting this event together. Also to our friends at Macross Malaysia Synergy Lego Users Group and Hobby & Collectibles Community for bringing great exhibits to our show floor.
Special thanks to Shawn Ngu for bringing yet another foreign guest to run a cosplay workshop. Let's do a better one next year!
To all the colleges who helped us with the early bird sales, thank you so much. Special thanks to EMiNA – Society of Modern Visual Culture for being the ever reliable backbone and jack-of-all-trades. ACG events would never have come this far without your heritage and legacy.
To all the local studios who exhibited with us, I hope you had a great time exhibiting with us and we hope to host you again next year. To all vendors and doujin groups, I hope you are happy with the facilities we provided and that you made great sales. You play a huge part in ensuring medium-scale events like VAX are well populated with content and activity.
Special thanks to Tariq Mohd Noh for having me with you during TGS2016. You have no idea how much that trip added value to us. Join us in the hall next year, yea?
To all the panelists who presented in the room and on stage, thank you for enriching the weekend with your words and passion. You are the beating heart of VAX and it will not have been what it is without you. Special thanks to Amir Fujiwara and Yuan Wong and co. for being with us in both the room and stage.
For the HYDRAs, you are our pride and joy. I regret not being able to afford you the simple luxury of proper meals and accommodation at the event. In the future, we hope to able to give you better perks and benefits in return for your selfless commitment and outstanding service.
On to individuals:
To our emcees Syauqi Dante Jamil and Siraj Kumar thank you for gracing our stage for the past 3 years. I could not have asked for a better pair to hype up the focal point of every VAX. Thank you so much
To D-vj Paramont Sanjay, thank you for the awesome AV systems despite our very modest budget. There are very few people on earth that I know who is capable of doing what you do with all the financial restraints we have.
Thanks Mogi Yg Jahat for the super cool animated logo used on our stage and for the 2016 video montage used in our sponsorship pitch. I love you, bro
On to our the standing committee in the VAX Team, the real heroes here:
Major props to 宮崎 のどか our Stage Manager for handling all the scheduling and panels with finesse and patience. I know how hard it can be to run the stage, but it's the best seat in the house and I am very proud of you.
Zymz, thank you for not only handling the doujin registrations and deployment, but also for running the most efficient structure of filing and tracking all the registration, invoices and receipts. I'd tag your name, but it appears Zuckerberg doesn't like you on his website.
Austin Yap thank you for managing all our vendors. Most of them have come away from the event with very good sales and a good experience on the floor. You have grown a lot since you joined us last year.
Shiro Tan thank you for communicating with all the local studios. Our local heroes deserve more love from the audience. Let's bring in more of them next year!
Our resident techs Faizal Dar-Sandur and Raymond Choo, thank you for maintaining our website and more importantly, for creating and maintaining the first ever proprietary online ticketing system for ACG events in Malaysia. I'm extremely proud of your work.
Faris Danial and Loke Chun Kit our resident saltbucket and memelord, thank you for managing the Special Interest Panels. The SIPs has always been my favourite component of VAX since Day 1, and I cannot thank you enough for making my little dream come to life.
桜井海斗, thank you for handling our workshops with Liberatus and Gundam Toy Shop. Also for being the point man in all our roadshows, ensuring that our little booth at every other event runs smoothly and that we always make some sale every time. Special thanks to Evangeline Young for being with us on the road, too. At this point, you're pretty much an honorary member of the VAX Team.
Sharil Abdul Rahman, one of my oldest and dearest friends, thank you for managing our social media presence and maintaining our relationships with the media at large. Your skill, fingertip knowledge and resourcefulness is matched only by the sheer size of your heart.
Tin Sen who first started out handling doujins, then went MIA for a while to focus on work and studies. Thank you for coming back to us as HR. Your work is essential to ensure that each department operates at their best.
To 椿崙, our resident designer who flew all the way from Hokkaido just to attend and help out at VAX over the weekend. Thank you for creating all the graphics used in our socmed postings. You're our little wireless mouse clicking so far away from home.
Elyn Chai thank you for all communications you've sent out with 3rd parties in our desperate search for partners and sponsors. Also, good job running the VAX shop with Faizal. I think I can safely leave it in your hands again.
To Chris Lee who joined the team this year, thank you not only for affording us the space to keep our stock and host our meetings, but also for your creativity, wisdom and business experience. Your shop is almost the unofficial VAX HQ. We've got a lot to talk about for the future.
Mohd Amirul B Hisham our resident FB manager, thank you for ensuring that the VAX page is constantly alive with trailers and news. Without your work, we'd be digitally absent from the eyes of the community for the rest of the year.
Wan Azlan Shah our resident head of security, thank you for recruiting our HYDRAs and ensuring that we encountered no security issues. We had a fun and safe con environment thanks to you.
Rachael Youdontknowme our head of guest liaisons and the GL team, thank you so much for taking care of our guests during their stay. I'm sorry for all the pain I've put you through. I owe you and the liaisons a little dinner and good chat.
Yap Wei Kit our head of ticketing, thank you for liaising with all colleges and making sure our over-the-counter sales run smoothly. Your work ensures that we have money to pay the bills. After all, we can't spell T-I-C-K-E-T-I-N-G without K-I-T
Our handymen Dinesh Roy and Justin Looi thank you for handling our logistics department and making sure we have our hardware and furnitures in check. Next time we start early and watch out for that 2-meter gap, yea?
Thanks also to Ian Johari for handling our portfolio review sessions. I think this year is probably our most successful edition to date, considering how the guests have told me what a great time they had reviewing the works of local talents.
Exo Des has been with us since day 1, phasing in and out of existence but always reliable and trustworthy. Despite his slacker reputation, Exo always comes through when we needed him the most. Thanks bro.
Kimberly Wong thank you for serving as our team secretary this year. It's been a challenging one so far, but you have also been a dear friend and confidant to me. Thank you, sweetheart.
Tian-I Goh who literally joined the team only weeks before event, swooped in and helped us score an exhibitor and a sponsor! We've got our work cut out for 2018 and this roller-coaster shitshow is just getting started :D
And saving the best men for last:
Shout out to Shaun Lopez, my cherished and beloved chocolate brother whom I have known the longest in this committee. He is also the one who got us started on this crazy journey back in 2013. Without your commitment, work ethic, love and undying support, we wouldn't have come this far.
And finally, Christopher Low, my brother who has been by my side since the glory days of EMiNA Cyber. He has been an endless source of ideas, creativity and motivation, and easily one whom I cannot do VAX without.
Thank you, each and everyone one of you. Please have all my love, and for all the fans who came all the way to Shah Alam, I look forward to another great year ahead.
See you at VAX2018!
deployment date 在 Making a Proper Deployment Schedule - Prison Architect 的八卦
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