You’ve achieved the most important milestone: living through turbulent times. You should be proud of yourself for committing to life.
如果在此时此刻,你只能留下一张照片给100年后的人,你会想拍些什么?我用 #OPPOFindX3Pro 拍下了存档在电脑里的这张照片,告诉他们:当年,我们一起努力,顺利跨过了疫情。
用镜头定格瞬间,用照片留住回忆,欢迎参加OPPO 2121 Malaysia Future摄影比赛,优秀的摄影作品有机会赢取总值6万5千令吉的奖品,包括 #OPPOFindX3Pro、#OPPOReno5 等等。
Step 1:选择参赛主题
a)大自然 #DearFutureNature
b)城市/风景 #DearFutureLandscape
Step 2:根据主题拍摄照片,可提供不同照片参加不同主题项目。
Step 3:将照片上载至个人Instagram,标签 #DearFuture2121, #MalaysiaFuture2121 以及你所选择的主题标签,例如 #DearFutureNature。
若使用OPPO手机拍摄,可在拍摄前开启水印 (Watermark)。
Step 4:在作品中标记 (Tag) @oppomalaysia,记得将帐号设为“公开”。
#DearFuture2121 #MalaysiaFuture2121 #DearFutureLandscape
dearfuture2121 在 Facebook 八卦
Here’s me making the best out of staying at home and capturing moments around the house. I honestly miss traveling around enjoying Malaysia's natural beauty, hopefully we all get to go out there soon to appreciate and preserve the beauty of this country's nature for #DearFuture2121.
Join me in this 2121 Photography project by posting a photo that you want to preserve for the future. All you have to do is snap a photo that shows the beauty of Nature, Landscape or Humanity and post it on your Instagram with the hashtag #DearFutureNature, #DearFutureLandscape or #DearFutureHumanity and #DearFuture2121, #MalaysiaFuture2121, #shotonOPPO. Don't forget to tag OPPO too!
You may stand a chance to win OPPO products worth RM65,000. From 25th May - 6th June 2021, purchase the #OPPOFindX3Pro & receive FREE Gifts worth up to RM1,019. What's more? Enjoy RM300 Cash Rebate! Hurry and redeem all these exclusive gifts while stocks last, for more info, visit:
Good luck and stay safe!
dearfuture2121 在 Facebook 八卦
防疫期间,有了 OPPO Reno5 在家也可以拍出夏日下午茶的装逼照🙈😍
想赢取 RM65,000 的奖金奖品吗?
现在就来参与 Malaysia 2021 Future 摄影大赛, 与 OPPO 一起分享大马之美!
✅ Step 1: 任选一个你想参与的摄影主题, (摄影主题包括 #Natural, #landscape/City 或 #Humanity)
✅ Step 2:用你的手机拍下你最能展现主题的美丽照片 (即使你不是 OPPO 手机用户都可以参加)
✅ Step 3:发布到 Instagram前记得加上 #hashtag 以及 标记 @oppomalaysia 哦!
Nature – #DearFutureNature
City / Landscape – #DearFutureLandscape
Humanity (Portrait, Culture) – #DearFutureHumanity
(如果你是 OPPO 用户,记得打开相机的 watermark, 以及加上 #shotonOPPO 啦!)
✅ Step 4: 完成hashtag 后,把照片上传至你的 IG , 记得把分享账号为“公开” !
摄影大赛日期为 5月25日起 至 6月25日💙
还有还有!从现在至6月6日 购买 OPPO Find X3 Pro 5G, 就能获得 RM1019 的 赠品,还有 RM300 的 cash rebate 哦!
更多详情可浏览 @oppomalaysia 官方面子书!
@oppomalaysia #DearFuture2121 #DearFuture #DearFutureHumanity #MalaysiaFuture2121 #shotonOPPO
dearfuture2121 在 Andre Lam | mypenangeye photos on Instagram - Pinterest 的八卦
Oct 28, 2021 - 8 Likes, 0 Comments - Andre Lam | mypenangeye photos (@gizmarvelpg) on Instagram: “Green Street Art #mypenangeye #dearfuture2121 ... ... <看更多>
dearfuture2121 在 Sharing Today with the World of Tomorrow | Eddie Redmayne ... 的八卦
Showcase your photography using # dearfuture2121 and #shotonOPPO for OPPO phone users - and be in with the chance to win prizes along the way ... ... <看更多>