#arduino #dht11 #rtc #ds3231#sdcard #excel #datamonitor #energyhouse
Intelligent Energy Saving House with Arduino Data Monitor(DHT11, DS3231, SD card and Excel)
Part. 2 Build the Energy Saving House

#arduino #dht11 #rtc #ds3231#sdcard #excel #datamonitor #energyhouse
Intelligent Energy Saving House with Arduino Data Monitor(DHT11, DS3231, SD card and Excel)
Part. 2 Build the Energy Saving House
#arduino #dht11 #rtc #ds3231#sdcard #excel #datamonitor #energyhouse
Intelligent Energy Saving House with Arduino Data Monitor(DHT11, DS3231, SD card and Excel)
Part.1 Energy3D Design Tutorial
#arduino #dht11 #rtc #ds3231#sdcard #excel #datamonitor #energyhouse
Intelligent Energy Saving House with Arduino Data Monitor (DHT11, DS3231, SD card and Excel)
Part.3 Arduino Data Logger with DHT11 and DS3231
#1. DS3231 AT24C32 高精度時鐘模組for Arduino IIC 儲存模組
DS3231 是低成本、高精度I2C即時時鐘(RTC),具有集成的溫補晶振(TCXO)和晶體。該器件包含電池輸入端,斷開主電源時仍可保持精確的計時。集成晶振提高了器件的長期精確度,並 ...
1 什麼是DS3231? 1.1 應用; 1.2 購買RTC DS3231. 2 DS3231 Arduino集成 ...
#3. DS3231 - Arduino Reference
DS3231. Timing. Arduino library for the DS3231 real-time clock (RTC) Abstracts functionality for clock reading, clock setting, and alarms for the DS3231 ...
#4. arduino+DS3231時鐘+0.96OLED or I2C_LCD模組 - 自然小蔡 ...
【自造學堂】如何用Arduino x RTC完成LCD時間顯示? *0*RTC(即時時鐘)模組*0* 如何更新DS3231 RTC 模組的時間與大型數字時鐘製作 需要安裝資料庫
#5. Arduino UNO DS3231高精度RTC晶片製作時鐘- IT閱讀
Arduino UNO DS3231高精度RTC晶片製作時鐘 · 1.尺寸:38mm(長)*22mm(寬)*14mm(高) · 2.重量:8g · 3.工作電壓:3.3--5.5V · 4.時鐘晶片:高精度時鐘晶片DS3231 · 5.
#6. 運用DS3231 及I2C 介面玩即時時鐘RTC 於Arduino Uno
動機:可否在Arduino Uno 開發板上做一個Real-Time Clock(RTC)?! 準備環境: 1.Arduino Uno(需連接USB數據線) 2.DS3231 AT24C32 高精度時鐘RTC IIC模組
#7. 【自造學堂】如何用Arduino x RTC完成LCD時間顯示?
“DS3231是低成本、高精度I2C即時時鐘(RTC),具有嵌入式的溫補晶振(TCXO)和晶體。該器件包含電池輸入端,斷開主電源時仍可保持精確的計時。嵌入晶振提高了 ...
#8. 【傑森創工】DS3231 高精度時鐘模組時間模組優於DS1302 ...
DS3231 是低成本、高精度I2C即時時鐘(RTC),具有集成的溫補晶振(TCXO)和晶體。該器件包含電池輸入端,斷開主電源時仍可保持精確的計時。集成晶振提高了器件的長期精確 ...
#9. 現貨DS3231 高精度時鐘Arduino 模組 - 蝦皮購物
DS3231 是低成本、高精度I2C即時時鐘(RTC),具有集成的溫補晶振(TCXO)和晶體。 ... can use this DS3231 Arduino library DS3231 product page DS3231 data sheet Atmel ...
#10. ADIO-DS3231 (DS3231) Arduino高精度時鐘模組 - 廣華電子商城
ADIO-DS3231 (DS3231) Arduino高精度時鐘模組- Arduino擴充模組, DS3231,ADIO-DS3231,ZS-042 ... 保證系統斷電後,時鐘任然正常走動◎ 接線說明(以Arduino uno r3為 ...
#11. DS3231 時鐘模組Clock Module
DS3231 AT24C32 高精度時鐘模組for Arduino IIC 儲存模組DS3231是低成本、高精度I2C即時時鐘(RTC),具有集成的溫補晶振(TCXO)和晶體。該器件包含電池輸入端, ...
#12. Arduino Usage | Adafruit DS3231 Precision RTC Breakout
You can easily wire this breakout to any microcontroller, we'll be using an Arduino. For another kind of microcontroller, just make sure it has I2C, then port ...
#13. In-Depth: Interface DS3231 Precision RTC Module with Arduino
DS3231 RTC chip ... At the heart of the module is a low-cost, extremely accurate RTC chip from Maxim – DS3231. It manages all timekeeping functions and features a ...
#14. Arduino and DS3231 Real Time Clock Tutorial
In this Arduino Tutorial we will learn how to use the DS3231 Real Time Clock Module. The DS3231 is a low-cost, highly accurate Real Time Clock which can ...
#15. DS3231 RTC Module Pinout, Interfacing with Arduino, Features
Interface DS3231 RTC Module with Arduino – Set/Read Date and Time ... DS3231 RTC module is a famous real-time clock in the market for its accurate results. Here, ...
#16. ㄆㄜㄊㄧㄡㄙˋ: *0*RTC(即時時鐘)模組*0* 如何更新DS3231 ...
利用上面說到的第一點,假設拿到的DS3231 RTC 模組並沒有裝上鈕扣電池,下載並安裝好上面下載的函式庫,開啟一個空白的Sketch 並預先上傳到Arduino 開發板 ...
#17. DS3231 RTC module • Leon知識領域• MEGA2560 • Arduino
DS3231,RTC,Arduino,MEGA2560,Alarm • 獨立使用Arduino整合後的工具並無法利用時間做任何衍生功能,故使用 DS3231 RTC module 來做時間的應用• Leon ...
#18. DS3231 high precision I2C RTC library for Arduino - GitHub
ESP32 boards: WeMos LOLIN32 / LOLIN D32. Other unlisted MCU's may work, but are not tested. Examples. Arduino IDE | Examples | Erriez DS3231 RTC:.
#19. Real Time Clock Using DS3231 (EASY) : 4 Steps - Instructables
Real Time Clock Using DS3231 (EASY): I have found that the use of the RTC chip- DS3231 is extremely hard using the arduino. Just setting the time is pretty ...
#20. [ Arduino ] – RTC 時鐘模組DS3231 - 混水摸魚
函式庫下載網址: http://www.rinkydinkelectronics.com/library.php?id=73. 解壓縮後放進C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries 裡面。 就可以在IDE中載入DS3231.
#21. DS3231 Arduino Clock - MISC Lab
DS3231 Arduino Clock. The DS3231 is a simple time-keeping chip. The handy thing about it is that there is an integrated battery, so the clock can continue ...
#22. Arduino DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC) with Temperature ...
The DS3231 is a low-cost, extremely accurate I²C real-time clock (RTC) with an integrated temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) and ...
#23. 時間模組函式庫問題DS3231-Arduino中文社区
想請問一下我在我的程式碼中加了DS3231抓取時間用的"t=rtc.getTime();"之後我的程式碼就不會動了請問是甚麼問題呢?這個程式碼一開始是要用keypad輸入 ...
#24. DS3231 AT24C32 IIC RTC Real Time Clock Memory Modul ...
Free delivery and returns on eligible orders. Buy DS3231 AT24C32 IIC RTC Real Time Clock Memory Modul compatible with Arduino UNO PIC AVR ARM at Amazon UK.
#25. DS3231 Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal
The DS3231 is a low-cost, extremely accurate I2C real-time clock (RTC) with an integrated temperature- compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) and crystal.
#26. DS3231 RTC library Arduino examples download
Arduino DS3231 library. Download the .zip file below. Open Arduino IDE and go to Sketch, include library, add .zip library and open the .zip file that you ...
#27. Connect DS3231 real time clock to Arduino NANO - Linux ...
DS1302, DS1307, DS3231 is a real-time modules for Arduino and Raspberry PI. Let's connect DS3231 to our Arduino NANO.
#28. 基於DS3231多功能(手動校時/鬧鐘/溫顯)RTC(實時時鐘)製作
1、主板arduino 2、RTC3231模塊 3、IIC1602液晶 4、3按鍵 電路連接:. 提示:使用鬧鐘功能時,需要連接中斷引腳(UNO爲例)D2 到DS3231模塊INT/SQW引 ...
#29. Arduino Real Time Clock and temperature Monitor using the ...
Today, we will build an upgrade to that project using an Arduino Due, the DS3231 RTC module and a 3.2″colour TFT display in place of the 16×2 LCD display used ...
#30. Arduino--DS3231实时时钟模块_u011816009的博客
DS3231 模块如下图所示,包含RTC芯片和一个32K的EEPROM自身带有3V ... 分、秒等具体时间信息(2)连线主要是IIC接口,本实验室是基于Arduino UNO使用, ...
#31. Arduino开发板使用DS3231实时时钟模块的方法看全部
在本篇文章中,我们将学习如何基于Arduino开发板使用DS3231实时时钟模块。这里第一个问题是,当Arduino本身具有内置计时器时,为什么我们实际上需要 ...
#32. 讀取DS1307/DS3231 RTC 時間模組
Ameba Arduino: [RTL8195AM] [RTL8710AF] RTC - 讀取DS1307/DS3231 RTC 時間模組 · DS1307是常見的RTC IC,像是TinyRTC就使用DS1307。 · 另外時間格式的部份會用到Time ...
#33. Tutorial on how to use DS3231 RTC Module - Hackster.io
//Marios Ideas //DS3231 Tutorial //Using DS3232.h library //Formating date and time with dateFormat function (for Arduino board with >2kb ...
#34. DS3231 – Real-time clock - Wolles Elektronikkiste
Connection of the DS3231 to an Arduino UNO ... You can install the RTCLib (Adafruit) via the Arduino IDE Library Manager:.
#35. 8266+DS3231開發個時鐘遇到的N個坑 - IT人
最近玩這個8266上癮了,正好手上有一塊DS3231,就想著做一個網際網路時鐘玩玩, ... 因此自然使用的是arduino提供的官方下載的DS3231 ...
#36. Real Time Clock RTC DS3231 I2C Echtzeituhr kompatibel mit ...
Das AZDelivery RTC-Modul mit DS3231 Chipsatz zeichnet sich nicht nur ... Real Time Clock RTC DS3231 I2C Echtzeituhr kompatibel mit Arduino und Raspberry Pi.
#37. 時鐘模組DS3231的教學,其實很簡單的啦... - 傑森創工
傑森創工- 創客新聞網Arduino & Raspberry Pi · January 27, 2019 at 10:36 AM ·. 時鐘模組DS3231的教學,其實很簡單的啦,範例是用了RTClib這個函式庫,把範例打開 ...
#38. Arduino and DS3231 RTC example
The DS3231 is a low-cost, extremely accurate I2C real-time clock (RTC) with an integrated temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) ...
#39. ds3231 arduino - GWLSD
ds3231 arduino. 24/2/2019 · This project will show you how to use a real-time clock module (DS3231). We'll display the values on the serial monitor.
#40. Arduino初體驗- DS3231時鐘模組_未完成
Arduino Uno功能簡介 · LCD2004A IIC/I2C介面 · EEZYbotARM 機器手臂安裝 · Arduino 常用電阻 · 兩個DS18B20 溫度感測器,由LCD輸出 · 搖桿控制車子 · 循跡車 · DS3231時鐘模組_未 ...
#41. Getting Started with DS3231 RTC Module - Quartz Components
Arduino DS3231 RTC Module Circuit Connections. As DS3231 uses the I2C communication protocol, it becomes very easy to wire up with Arduino. For ...
#42. Interfacing DS3231 Real Time Clock RTC Module with Arduino
Learn How to interface a DS3231 Real Time Clock RTC Module with Arduino. using DS3231 RTC Module example code, circuit, pinout library.
#43. Arduino DS3231 RTC Module Tutorial - Real Time Clock
The DS3231 is an RTC IC developed by Maxim Integrated. It is a low cost, extremely accurate RTC IC with communication over I2C Interface. An ...
#44. How to Use a Real-time Clock Module with the Arduino
The DS3231 RTC module is a real-time clock module using the DS3231 IC. The DS3231 IC is a very affordable and extremely accurate RTC with an I2C interface. It ...
#45. Arduino – 6 – DS3231 Real Time Clock Module - Handsontec
Arduino – 6 – DS3231 Real Time Clock Module. How to use DS3231 RTC breakout board to display time and date ? rtc-3. The datasheet for the ...
#46. Arduino Project: Real time clock with DS3231 module
Arduino Project: Real-time clock (RTC) and temperature monitor using the DS3231 module. The DS3231 module is made up of the DS3231 chip ...
#47. DS3231 RTC OLED display Clock with Arduino - MYTECTUTOR
In this tutorial I will look at how DS3231 RTC module works and how to interface it with Arduino for keeping time. You can also read about the DS1307 RTC, ...
#48. Using a DS3231 Module with Arduino - AranaCorp
Arduino type microcontrollers do not have PSTN. The DS3231 module gives the Arduino the ability to calculate the date, allowing it to ...
#49. Build Simple digital clock using Arduino DS3231 | Robojax
file: DS3231_HT16K33_clock_display * Digital clock using DS3231 Real Time clock module and Arduino * Displays time on 4 digits seven segment dispaly HT16K33 ...
#50. Arduino lesson – Real Time Clock (RTC) Module DS3231
Preparations. Hardware. Osoyoo UNO Board (Fully compatible with Arduino UNO rev.3) x 1; RTC DS3231 Module x 1; Jumpers ...
#51. Arduino Modules – Real Time Clock Setup (DS3231) - Eli the ...
Arduino Modules – Real Time Clock Setup (DS3231) ... A Real Time Clock module gives the ability for an Arduino to keep track of the current time, ...
#52. DS3231 el reloj en tiempo real de gran precisión para Arduino
Aprende a utilizar el reloj en tiempo real DS3231 con Arduino. Este circuito integrado RTC es ideal para aplicaciones que requieren ...
#53. Como usar com Arduino - Módulo Real Time Clock RTC ...
O Módulo Real Time Clock RTC DS3231 é um relógio em tempo real (RTC) de alta precisão e baixo consumo de energia. O módulo possui um sensor de temperatura ...
#54. Arduino: RTC DS3231 Unix Time - OnnoCenterWiki
Arduino : RTC DS3231 Unix Time ... demo of how to use my DS3231-library to // convert date and time to UnixTime // // To use the hardware I2C ...
#55. DS3231 Real Time Clock i2c 3volt battery 5V arduino
This is my understanding of the question: I know I can power DS3231 with +5V. But If I disconnect the Vcc to work only with 3V battery ...
#56. Arduino和DS3231实时时钟教程+Arduino LCD教程 - 国外课栈
#57. Arduino + DS3231 RTC with alarms, temperature monitor ...
Arduino + DS3231 RTC with alarms, temperature monitor & remote control. As a simple addition to the Arduino real time clock with alarms and ...
#58. Arduino - RTC | Arduino Tutorial
Learn how to get time, date, day of week, month, year in Arduino using Real-Time Clock DS3231 module, how to program Arduino step by step.
#59. RTC Hodiny reálného času DS3231 AT24C32 IIC paměťový ...
DS3231 je low-cost, extrémně přesný I2C modul reálného času (RTC) s integrovaným teplotně kompenzovaným krystalovým oscilátorem (TCXO) a ...
#60. /dev/jarzebski: Zegar czasu rzeczywistego RTC DS3231
DS3231 jest bardzo precyzyjnym układem RTC służącym do odmierzania czasu, często spotykanym w niektórych modułach dla Arduino.
#61. Arduino DS3231 Real Time Clock Module - Konga
DS3231 Precision clock module DS3231 Low-cost, high-precision I2C Real-Time Clock (RTC) TCXO with integrated (TCXO) and crystals. The device incorporates a ...
#62. I can't get DS3231 RTC to work - Stack Overflow
I have a DS3231 RTC module and I am trying to read time off of it using my Arduino UNO through I2C. I'm using the sample code provided with ...
#63. DS3231 Real Time Clock Module / Arduino & Raspberry Pi
SwitchDoc Labs DS3231 Real Time Clock Module / EEPROM for Arduino and Raspberry Pi · Comments are now closed. Please go to the Product Support Forum at the top ...
#64. Arduino (9) 高精度時鐘模組DS3231+IIC/I2C1602顯示器。
Arduino (9) 高精度時鐘模組DS3231+IIC/I2C1602顯示器。 購買DS3231時的情況蠻無言的,. 當時買了網路上的學習套件其實是應該要給DS1302,.
#65. RTC DS3231 Registrando data e hora com Arduino - Portal ...
RTC DS3231 - Registrando data e hora com Arduino ... Real (Real-Time Clock) em conjunto com uma placa Arduino, em especial o RTC DS3231.
#66. Arduino软件I2C驱动DS3231时钟芯片 - 简书
Arduino 软件I2C驱动DS3231时钟芯片. 由于之前 Arduino UNO(ATmega328P) 板子的 SDA 和 SCL 的错位,才导致了这篇文章的出现。 原理图在此: ...
#67. DS3231 Time Set Arduino Real Time Clock With Serial ...
how to DS3231 Time Set Arduino Real Time Clock Module with Arduino UNO board using arduino ide code to set the present system time.
#68. Arduino with ds3231 module | DS3231 Set Time - Techatronic
Learn how to interface DS3231 RTC Module with Arduino for controlling in a Detailed Step-by-step Guide With Circuit Diagram and Editable ...
#69. Best value arduino clock ds3231 - AliExpress
2021 popular Related Search, Ranking Keywords trends in רכיבים ואספקה אלקטרוניים, Tools, Consumer Electronics, Computer & Office with arduino clock ds3231 ...
#70. arduino ds3231 教學 - O2cllence
傑森創工賣場: https://goo.gl/EWoPQ4 In this Arduino Tutorial we will learn how to use the DS3231 Real Time Clock Module. Arduino – DS3231 Real Time Clock : In ...
#71. Arduino RTC DS3231 Time and Date display on a 16×2 LCD
Arduino RTC DS3231 Time and Date display on a 16x2 LCD- In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a real time clock using Arduino, ...
#72. 下載:函式庫(DS3231) - 熱血阿伯的Arduino 各類傳感模組 ...
下載:函式庫(DS3231). 熱血阿伯的Arduino 各類傳感模組"教學文章蒐集" + 熱血實作! DS3231 RTC 高精度時鐘模組; 教學:RTC即時時鐘DS1307 -葉難: ...
#73. 硬件时钟电路(RTC)及其与Arduino接口 - 知乎专栏
DS3231 RTC芯片. 该模块的核心是Maxim – DS3231的低成本,极精确的RTC芯片。它管理所有的计时功能,并具有简单 ...
#74. NTP Client + DS3231 wSync by Shalvan - Codebender
Arduino IDE in the Cloud. Codebender includes a Arduino web editor so you can code, store and manage your Arduino sketches on the cloud, and even compile ...
#75. 2 x DS3231 RTC Precision Real time clock module for Arduino
T he clock operates in either the 24 hours or band / AM / PM indication of the 12-hour format. RTC chip : DS3231. 2 x DS3231 RTC modules. Interface : I2C.
#76. RTC DS3231 - Meine Arduino-Projekte
Echtzeituhr DS3231. (RTC - Real Time Clock). Bei früheren Projekten habe ich, wenn ich die Uhrzeit benötigte, das RTC-Modul DS1307 verwendet.
#77. ds3231 arduino circuit pinout proteus library - ProjectIOT123
ds3231 arduino circuit pinout proteus library.. In Arduino, A4 and A5 are SDA and SCL pins. Attach these pins with similar SDA and SCL pin.
#78. Dalazy For Arduino DS3231 ZS042 AT24C32 IIC Module ...
Buy Dalazy For Arduino DS3231 ZS042 AT24C32 IIC Module Precision RTC Real Time Clock Memory New from Walmart Canada. Shop for more RAM available online at ...
#79. Arduino DS3231 Hassas RTC Modülü Uygun Fiyatıyla Satın Al
Arduino DS3231 Hassas RTC Modülü ürününü uygun fiyatı, hızlı kargo seçeneği ile RTC - Gerçek Zamanlı Saat Modülleri, RTC Gerçek Zaman Saati Modülleri ...
The results of the research conducted are automatic Bell devices using Arduino Uno R3 as the driver and schedule system of the school bell as well as RTC DS3231 ...
#81. Fermion: DS3231 Precise RTC (Breakout) - DFRobot
This real-time clock module (RTC) uses the DS3231 chip that integrates a crystal resonator and a temperature compensator, ... Topic: Arduino Fermion.
#82. Real Time Clock RTC Module Arduino | Random Nerd Tutorials
Guide for Real Time Clock (RTC) Module with Arduino (DS1307 and DS3231) ... You can also follow this guide for other similar modules like the DS3231 RTC.
#83. How to use DS3231 RTC with SHAKTI in Arduino IDE?
In this tutorial, we are going to discuss the process to access real- time clock (RTC) using I2C communication protocol with Arduino IDE. Fig. DS3231 connected ...
#84. 45 Projects tagged with "DS3231" | Hackaday.io
45 Projects tagged with "DS3231". Browse by Tag: Select a tag ... Raspberry Pi : DS3231 Real Time Clock ... Alarm Clock InvIoT U1 (arduino compatible).
#85. Arduino Relay Trigger at specific time | DS3231 RTC Module
YouTube Tutorial:- Materials:- Arduino UNO DS3231 RTC Module Relay Module Breadboard Jumpers Circuit:- Code:-
#86. Arduino Lektion 93: setzen der Uhrzeit an einer RTC DS3231 ...
In diesem Beitrag erfährst du, wie du das Datum und die Uhrzeit in der RTC DS3231 mit dem Arduino setzt und wie auslesen kannst.
#87. 85. Arduino rtc ds3231 ora e data su display lcd 16x2
In questo progetto mostreremo un semplice esempio di orologio e calendario utilizzando una scheda Arduino UNO e un modulo RTC DS3231, in cui l'ora e la data ...
#88. [Arduino範例] DS1302時鐘模組快速上手 - 傑森創工
請先安裝Rtc by Makuna 時間模組函式庫,可以在Arduino IDE的程式管理員中找到。 DS1302_LCD_lib. 接線不難,DS1302有3條信號線,可以從程式中自行修改。
#89. สอนใช้งาน Arduino DS3231 Module โมดูลนาฬิกา ตั้งเวลาใหม่
บทความนี้จะใช่ โมดูลนาฬิกา DS3231 ตั้งเวลาใหม่ ถ้าเราใช้ Arduino อ่านค่า โมดูลเวลาแล้ว เวลาเดินไม่ตรงเราสามารถตั้งเวลาใหม่ได้ โดยโค้ดตัวอย่างจะนำวันเวลาในคอวพิม ...
#90. Real Time Clock RTC DS3231 - FilipeFlop
O Real Time Clock (RTC) DS3231 é um relógio de tempo real de alta precisão e baixo consumo de energia. Em sua placa vem embutido um sensor de temperatura e ...
#91. How to simply use DS3231 RTC module with Arduino + OLED ...
https://youtu.be/eo_yQj6YUJI Hello and welcome to this tutorial about DS3231 Real time clock module, and we gonna interface it with Arduino ...
#92. Learn interfacing DS3231 RTC Module in Arduino - Iotguider
Currently, we are using a DS3231 RTC Module and Arduino Uno board. Setup and display the time of DS3231 on Serial Monitor. First, let's start ...
#93. Arduino DS3231 RTC Clock With LCD - Pinterest
Sep 16, 2017 - Arduino DS3231 RTC Clock With LCD: To familiarize myself with a DS3231 RTC (real time clock), I built a simple arduino based 24 hour clock.
#94. DS3231 RTC Module with Arduino - RoboElements
About DS3231 RTC Module: It is a precise I2C based Real-Time Clock module which is integrated with a temperature compensated crystal ...
#95. RTC Real Time Clock DS3231, 32kB Memory, I2C, Battery ...
Real Time Clock Module (RTC) compatible to DS3231 with battery backup and 32kB I2C EEPROM for micro controller, Arduino, Raspberry etc.
#96. Tutorial Arduino mengakses module RTC DS3231 - Nyebarilmu
Sehingga apabila diakses menggunakan mikrontroler misal Arduino Uno pin yang dibutuhkan 2 pin saja dan 2 pin power. Module DS3231 RTC ini pada ...
#97. DS3231 - Manual
DS3231 I2C Real-Time Clock Arduino and chipKit library. Manual ... This library has been made to easily interface and use the DS3231 RTC with an Arduino or.
ds3231 arduino 在 Arduino DS3231 RTC Clock With LCD - Pinterest 的八卦
Sep 16, 2017 - Arduino DS3231 RTC Clock With LCD: To familiarize myself with a DS3231 RTC (real time clock), I built a simple arduino based 24 hour clock. ... <看更多>