㊙人工合成的「#硫酸乙醯肝素HS 」八醣體可讓受損的中樞神經元成功啟動修補機制㊙
研究指出,當中樞神經受到重大的外力打擊時,人體會分泌 #硫酸軟骨素CS 聚集於受傷的神經軸突(Axon),並和受體PTPRσ結合,經催化作用去除細胞質內Cortactin蛋白的磷酸根,進而導致神經軸突末端產生球狀凸起物(dystrophic endballs),遏制軸突繼續生長,終止神經修復。
因此⭐中樞神經修復的關鍵為 #抑制去磷酸根作用⭐
In the experiments conducted by Dr. Shang-Cheng Hung of Genomics Research Center of Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and Dr. Kenji Kadomatsu from School of Medicine of Nagoya University, Japan, they have demonstrated at the cellular level, how CNS neurons broken at the axon section were successfully repaired and regrown. The report of this work has been published in the latest Nature Chemical Biology.
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過740的網紅Sherry Go Sharing,也在其Youtube影片中提到,With Internet access it's easy for us to shop online. Sharing is caring, sharing with you recently I have bought online fresh vegetables and it's an o...
cs chemical 在 趙學而 Bondy Chiu Facebook 八卦
睇到皮痛肉痛骨都痛 💔💔💔!
[香港黑警暴力] 系列
小弟曾任生存遊戲教練,教導正確氣槍訓練20年 ,絕對知道氣槍不正確使用可以帶來的痛苦。現在警方經常胡亂向示威人士開槍(在毫無警告之下,由天橋高位向下亂射示威人士的頭部 etc.),然後強詞自己使用的槍械不具備大殺傷力 ( less lethal),其實係咪事實?究竟警方使用的所謂「不具大殺傷力」槍械有幾多焦耳 (Joules 火力計算基本量度)?
首先作比較我想大家知道,接近兩焦耳以下(2 Joules) 廣華街有賣的合法氣槍,是可以打穿汽水罐底,近距離打中人的身體肯定爆缸流血,有打過 wargame 的人都知道如果被射中會痛到抽筋。至於警察用的所謂「不具大殺傷力」槍械我在此進行了火力初速研究計算,報告如下:
1. 胡椒彈氣槍-氣體推動 (Pepper Spray Projectile) = 17 Joules
2. 三連發塑膠彈頭 MP-4-R3 - HARD RUBBER BATON PROJECTILE = 81 Joules
3. 布袋彈-火藥推動 (12 Guage Shot Gun Bean Bag) = 150 Joules !
4. 橡膠子彈-火藥推動 (12 Guage Rubber Fin Rocket) = 176 Joules !!
5. 水砲 Water Cannon - 水壓推進 = 271 Joules
6. 催淚彈/海綿彈-火藥推動 (37/38/40mm Chemical Munition CS Tear Gas/Sponge munition) = 322 Joules !!!
7. 0.38 左輪手槍-火藥推動 (0.38 Revolver) = 350 Joules
8. 9 mm 半自動手槍-火藥推動 (9mm Semi-Auto Pistol) = 481 Joules
根據香港法例,所有氣槍超過兩焦耳 (2 Joules) 已經可以當成真槍進行檢控,香港警方過去經常就氣槍超標的情況對市民作出檢控,有時更因為缺乏知識引致胡亂濫捕的情況。當你看到以上槍械火力圖表,你就會知道現在警方所使用的槍械全部超過兩焦耳,橡膠子彈槍械更是兩焦耳的差不多90倍! 催淚彈的火力是兩焦耳的160倍!! 幻想自己被一支槍械火力達打穿汽水罐底160倍的大型子彈(催淚彈)打中頭部 ,後果是多麼不堪設想!難怪有市民被警察開槍打到生命危殆。有實驗報告證明打中一隻羊,牠的骨骼折斷以及內臟嚴重受傷(可憐的羊),打中眼睛會導致失明。千萬不要聽警方誤導以為「海綿彈」好軟會冇事,果粒「海綿彈」好似雞蛋咁大,係實體軟膠製造打中好大鑊。 如果香港法律兩焦耳以上就當真槍的話,結論就是警方其實已經在使用真槍對付市民! 所謂「不具大殺傷力」槍械只不過是語言偽術,市民切勿被這些淡化警方暴力的字眼瞞騙。
現附上計算圖表,只要填上彈藥的重量(grams) 以及它的 feet per second (FPS) 就可以計算出火力 (Joules) ,這些資訊上有關槍械公司就可以輕易找到,如有錯誤歡迎指正。香港人要一起努力譴責香港暴力警察,一定要緝拿那些有份開槍射擊市民的警察把他們帶上法庭,切勿讓壞人得逞,請廣傳,香港加油。
cs chemical 在 The Beggar in the Restaurant 乞客 Facebook 八卦
這代人不育 生cancer  , 下代人變畸胎
成班人都無知識 無腦 無能 無紀律
1. Popo過去幾個禮拜轉用大陸製TG,呢啲tear gas應該同歐美都係用CS (呢方面我唔肯定),但可以肯定嘅係因為大陸連做tear gas都唔撚識做,所以佢地嘅tg 係俾正常tg 溫度高好多,從而釋放咗唔應該釋放嘅dioxin/二噁英。
2. Dioxin係最毒嘅chemical之一,通常用黎measure既unit係ppm(parts per million),一百萬分之一。世衞標準用ppm黎睇dioxin含量有冇超標,好微量dioxin足以令人致癌、不育、畸胎。唔信自己google下。
3. 點解dioxin係最毒?因為到目前為止,如果你吸入咗dioxin,或者dioixn從你皮膚入你身體,佢基本上係排唔到出黎。亦沒有根治方法。唯一做到嘅,係symptomatic relief。現時係香港每條街漂浮嘅dioxin粒子,基本上係冇方法可以溶解佢地。文獻搵到嘅方法有二:第一係將溫度上升到800°C (唔可行),或者係UV光下俾佢同iso-octane做化學作用(屌但係iso-octane都好撚毒,但可能冇dioxin咁毒,同half life冇咁耐)
4. half life?係咩?姐係令到其數量跌到一半嘅所需時間。Dioxin既half life 係9-15年。簡單啲黎講,9-15年後,空氣中含量嘅dioxin只會跌一半。直到幾十至一百年後,dioxin係空氣中先可能去到對人體冇影響嘅程度。
5. 所以,從on9 green objects一決定咗用唔合規格嘅tear gas,已經冇回頭。cancer 不育 畸胎唔會即刻浮現,短則一兩年,長則十幾年,視乎你吸入幾多。唉…我可以講話世上最好嘅mask都唔會完全filter到dioxin。Mask去filter走嘢,一係就用啲好密嘅物料,去隔走啲比較大嘅粒子 (但係dioxin其實超細,所以唔work)。或者用化學原理,用其他chemical同佢結合,令佢變成其他物質,但都唔work,因為dioxin係分子結構超穩定嘅物質,唔會同其他嘢做化學作用(除咗 point 3嘅情況底下)所以其實啲popo先係吸得最多dioxin。佢本身冇氣味(講緊係dioxin本身,tg放出黎嘅其他chemical令到成個tg有味),dioxin可以係無色或者白色。簡單啲黎講,一個禮拜後你去返放過tg嘅地方,因為dioxin無色無味,所以就算你吸左都唔會知自己瀨咗嘢。
6. 如果popo睇到呢到,唔該唔好再放呢啲中國tg 啦。傷得最重嘅係你地,你鐘意咪放下胡椒噴霧囉。
你地班白衫上司推你地出黎做死士,你地要明白真正推你地去死嘅係咩人,你地今日有個呀頭出黎澄清係「又唔見歐美有事?!佢地夠用tg啦」屌,依加香港既tg 係大陸製呀嘛,溫度比正常高好多,所以先將本身冇咁毒既chemical轉化成最毒既dioxin…
我唸當初政府轉用大陸tg,都冇諗過會有dioxin,但依加過咗成個月,佢地唔會唔知呀嘛?! 求其一個大學讀過chem都知dioxin基本上一大規模產生出黎,係逆轉唔到。Dioxin係毒到過去幾十年都冇乜人敢做研究!你班呀頭係明知你地會有cancer不育,都推你去死。如果唔信自己google,事實嘅野呃唔到人。
7. 睇到有comments鬧k kwong(利申本人好尊敬k kwong),又有人話因為dioxin係脂溶性,用洗潔精會洗得甩,其實基本上係冇可行嘅chemical可以洗走 (有,但iso-octane本身都有毒,差在邊個毒啲)。
其實k kwong話中大已成化武基地唔係冇道理。成件事其實仲衰過福島核爆。人地核爆,至少當地人都有危機意識知道要走,依加dioxin依單嘢大部分市民係唔知件事有幾咁嚴重,幾咁不可逆轉,政府亦完全冇講過點解決。(雖然從化學角度,其實已經…唉)
唔理你黃又好,藍又好…中共最後都係慢慢殺晒我地,坐享其成。我好長氣咁重申多次,dioxin中毒通常唔會即時出現symptoms,呢個就係中共聰明嘅地方。真正嘅秋後算悵,係慢性殺人,絕我地育。(我唸一開頭佢地用大陸tear gas冇唸到呢樣,依加就錯有錯着)
8. 中大發緊夢嘅人,你地有權做任何決定,但你地都絕對有權知道dioxin有幾毒。面對tg有mask點都好過冇mask,因為個contact surface area會細咗好多,至少係tg放個下,你會吸少咗,同filter到其他粒子比較大嘅又有毒既chemical,記得皮膚要盡遮,然後件衫dump左佢。
9. 最後,其實香港已經用咗幾個禮拜大陸TG...我雖然本身大學唔係讀chem,但當我意識到dioxin係有幾咁毒,同成件事係幾咁不可逆轉(=福島),我係覺得好無力。中共用緊香港人嘅手,慢性毒死同絕育幾代嘅香港人。
cs chemical 在 Sherry Go Sharing Youtube 的評價
With Internet access it's easy for us to shop online. Sharing is caring, sharing with you recently I have bought online fresh vegetables and it's an online store, www.farmtohome.com.my Farm to Home delivery has been found and established in November 2019.
The website is user friendly and easy to browse. They offer best quality of Fresh and Chemical Pesticide Free (CPF) vegetables in the market.
Free RM15 store credit for 1st time veggie box purchase via their website. (RM15 credits can claim from their CS after purchase).
Free RM6 store credit for 1st time sign in the Farm To Home website.
Delivery day is on every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday..
For more details can visit their website. You can check out their website to see the delivery service delivery to your area. I had received the veggie on Saturday.

cs chemical 在 Sherry Go Sharing Youtube 的評價
With Internet access it's easy for us to shop online. Sharing is caring, sharing with you recently I have bought online fresh vegetables and it's an online store, www.farmtohome.com.my Farm to Home delivery has been found and established in November 2019.
The website is user friendly and easy to browse. They offer best quality of Fresh and Chemical Pesticide Free (CPF) vegetables in the market.
Free RM15 store credit for 1st time veggie box purchase via their website. (RM15 credits can claim from their CS after purchase).Visit their website for more details.
Free RM6 store credit for 1st time sign in the Farm To Home website.
Delivery day is on every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. You can set your schedule and choose your fresh veggie for monthly subscription. The premium box price RM72, consists of 15 veggies.
For more details can visit their website. You can check out their website to see the delivery service delivery to your area. I had ordered mine on Tuesday and it was a rainy Tuesday evening when I received the veggie box. Good service and delivery of the staff as they called me earlier before reaching.

cs chemical 在 Sherry Go Sharing Youtube 的評價
Today Is Monday 18 Jan 2021.
ABC soup ❤️
This soup ingredients are simple and healthy.
- Carrot 400g
- Potato 500g
- Tomato 200g
- Leek 100g
- Yellow onion 1pcs
- Celery stick 2 pcs
With Internet access it's easy for us to shop online. Sharing is caring, sharing with you recently I have bought online fresh vegetables and it's an online store, www.farmtohome.com.my Farm to Home delivery has been found and established in November 2019.
The website is user friendly and easy to browse. They offer best quality of Fresh and Chemical Pesticide Free (CPF) vegetables in the market. @farmtohome_my
Free RM15 store credit for 1st time veggie box purchase via their website. (RM15 credits can claim from their CS after purchase).
Free RM6 store credit for 1st time sign in the Farm To Home website.
Delivery day is on every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. You can set your schedule and choose your fresh veggie for monthly subscription. The premium box price RM72, consists of 15 veggies.
For more details can visit their website. You can check out their website to see the delivery service delivery to your area. I had ordered mine to come delivery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgKft3_T3D0
#farmtohome #veggiebox #veggie #activelifestyle #parentinglife #asianmom #momoftwoboys #sherrygosharing #mum #igersmalaysia #kualalumpur #selangor #klangvalley #subangjaya #whattoeat #whattocook

cs chemical 在 Cesium (Cs) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental ... 的相關結果
It is silvery gold, soft, and ductile. It is the most electropositive and most alkaline element. Cesium, gallium, and mercury are the only three metals that are ... ... <看更多>
cs chemical 在 Cesium | Description, Symbol, Uses, & Facts | Britannica 的相關結果
cesium (Cs), also spelled caesium, chemical element of Group 1 (also called Group Ia) of the periodic table, the alkali metal group, and the first element ... ... <看更多>
cs chemical 在 Caesium - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Caesium (IUPAC spelling) is a chemical element with the symbol Cs and atomic number 55. It is a soft, silvery-golden alkali metal with a melting point of ... ... <看更多>