Today is Good Friday. It is a time of fasting, abstinence and prayer as Christians reflect on the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. This solemn time of reflection and mourning continues through Saturday until Easter Sunday, the most important and joyous festival on the Christian calendar as Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
I wish all Christians a blessed Easter weekend, and an enjoyable long weekend to all! – LHL
(The Blessed Sacrament Church in Queenstown with its iconic “tent” roof, meant to symbolise the “tent of meeting” in the Old Testament. Some know it better as the “origami” church! / MCI Photo by Fyrol)
church calendar 在 Lee Hsien Loong Facebook 八卦
Today is Good Friday. It is a time of fasting, abstinence and prayer as Christians reflect on the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. This solemn time of reflection and mourning continues through Saturday until Easter Sunday, the most important and joyous festival on the Christian calendar as Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
I wish all Christians a blessed Easter weekend, and an enjoyable long weekend to all! – LHL
(The Blessed Sacrament Church in Queenstown with its iconic “tent” roof, meant to symbolise the “tent of meeting” in the Old Testament. Some know it better as the “origami” church! / MCI Photo by Fyrol)
church calendar 在 NYDeTour Facebook 八卦
雖然我之前就有預約門票,昨天去The Vessel裡面參觀時有看到現場有發當天的門票。所以有興趣到The Vessel裡面參觀的朋友可以去 排隊試試運氣。在裡面看比從外面看精彩多了!一點都不像bed bug喔!😂
*3/23-3/24 (Sat & Sun) Come Together: Music Festival and Label Market
星期六日在MoMA PS1有OTHER MUSIC品牌唱片公司舉辦的第三屆音樂節。除了音樂表演外還有75家唱片品牌銷售自家公司發行產品。也有音樂影片欣賞等多項活動。入場費:10元
地點:MoMA PS1, 22-25 Jackson Avenue, LIC, NY
時間:3/23-3/24 (Sat & Sun) 12pm-6pm
*3/23 (Sat) Carnegie Hall Citywide: Free Concert
卡內基廳免費音樂會系列星期六在St. Michael’s Church有Siena Licht Miller, Mezzo-Soprano; Cameron Richardson-Eames, Piano雙人音樂會。有興趣的朋友可以前往聆聽。
地點: St. Michaels Church, 225 W. 99th Street, New York, NY
時間:3/24 (Sat) 3pm
*3/23-3/24 (Sat & Sun) Bach In The Subways
地點:various locations in NYC Subway
時間:3/23-3/24 (Sat & Sun)
*3/24 (Sun) Sea Shepherd NYC and NY Climate Save Movement Beach Cleanup
星期天有一項很有意義的Coney Island海灘淨灘活動。是很適合帶小朋友一起參加,從小建立環保概念的好活動。
地點:Coney Island Boardwalk & Stillwell Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
時間:3/24 (Sun) 12pm-2pm
*3/24 (Sun) Macy’s Flower Show: Journey to Paradisios
春天已經來了!一年一度Macy’s Flower Show也在這星期天展開到4/7結束。喜歡花卉的朋友可以到Herald Sqsuare的Macy’s參觀。
地點:Macy’s Herald Square, Broadway & W. 34th Street, New York
*3/24 (Sun) Bookmaking Workshop at Printed Matter/St, Marks.
星期天Printed Matter Inc出版社在東村St. Marks分店有一個裝訂書籍的工作坊。這項免費活動會教你手作如何裝訂書本。對有興趣做小誌的朋友可以報名參加。(需email RSVP )
地點:Printed Matter/St. Marks: 38 St. Marks Place, New York, NY
時間:3/24 (Sun) 12:30pm-3:30pm
*3/23-3/24 (Sat & Sun) Coffee and Tea Festival NYC
星期六日在Greenpoint的Brooklyn Expo Center又一年一度的Coffee and Tea Festival。許多在地和全美知名的咖啡烘焙廠和茶商都會參展。是認識這些品牌的好機會。General Admission Fee: 25元,輸入Promotion code: skint可以有10元優待。
地點:Brooklyn Expo Center, 72 Noble Street, Brooklyn, NY
時間:3/23 (Sat) 12pm-5pm; 3/24 (Sun) 12pm-4pm
Have a great weekend, my friends!
church calendar 在 Calendar of the Church Year 的相關結果
The calendar (BCP, pp. 15-33) orders the liturgical year of the Episcopal Church by identifying two cycles of feasts and holy days-one dependent upon the ... ... <看更多>
church calendar 在 The Calendar | The Church of England 的相關結果
For Rules to Order the Christian Year, see here. In the printing of the Calendar, Principal Feasts and other Principal Holy Days are printed in bold; Festivals ... ... <看更多>
church calendar 在 Liturgical year - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Generally, the liturgical seasons in western Christianity are Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time (Time after Epiphany), Lent, Easter, and ... ... <看更多>