環球膠報 馬恩國:「I love Australia, I love Hong Kong, I love China......You are not a bloody Chinese./You are not even a fucking Chinese.」他一出場,光芒就蓋過 tree 根哥,蔣元秋,甚至潮洲辣妹。
以下,是他的 soundbite,我記錄下來,用以分析他的心理狀態。
以下,是他的 soundbite,我記錄下來,用以分析他的心理狀態。
1. 但我係澳洲大律師喎,喺澳洲廿年喎。
2. you are a freaking coward!’
3. I’ve got the potential, you don’t! I have a university degree, you don’t.
4. I am not talking like a professional, I AM a professional.
5. I love Australia, I love Hong Kong, I love China
6. You are not a bloody Chinese./You are not even a f***ing Chinese.
7. 我就係山西政協,我就係民建聯,我係個大律師點丫?唔係教訓香港人,係教訓你嗟!
8. 我就係民建聯,我就係民建聯!我愛黨愛國,我愛黨愛國!I am a Chinese, I am a Chinese.
他和長毛整段對話,不斷強調他的澳洲大律師資格,用以羞辱長毛。長毛叫他做律師,他立刻糾正長毛,強調「大」律師,而且,他又針對長毛無大學學位,不像他一樣專業。其後,他又暗諷自己聽不明長毛的英文,用意應該也是要羞辱他。那邊廂,長毛用馬的言行來攻擊他的人格,指他是懦夫、大話精。馬沒有正面回應長毛,而是反用長毛的話反指長毛是懦夫。後來,他開始強調自己愛國愛港,不斷宣稱自己愛黨愛國,攻擊長毛不宣之於口。後來,就爆出 soundbite ‘You are not even a f***ing Chinese!’。他是用口號式的叫喊來表示自己愛國,但有趣的是,他愛的國,包括澳洲、香港、中國。唔信?自己聽多次。
要分析此人,當然唔可以就咁一句「民建聯最無恥」就算。他既然留下了咁多 soundbite,不如就分析一下他言語背後的心理吧。
口裡說「愛」但身體卻 f***ing 誠實
「(老佛爺)我當然不放在眼裡!老佛爺是要放在心裡尊重的!像你這樣整天掛在嘴邊講,講到 cheap 哂,你是何居心?」
不斷唸口號,說自己愛黨愛國,但情緒失控時,就露底了。他先後三次用 bloody chinese / f***ing Chinese 來形容中國人。跟據 OSD (online slang dictionary) bloody 解作 an intensifier. A somewhat less offensive replacement for “f***ing.” 即是說,他其實三次也是說 f***ing Chinese. 而跟據 google translate, f***ing Chinese 譯作「該死的中國人」。即是說,在馬氏心底,中國人其實是該死的,並不是甚麼光榮的身份。所以,無論他表面上怎麼講愛黨愛國,他的脾氣,還是該死地把他出賣了。上文提到,他愛的國,分別有澳洲、香港、中國。試問一個真正的愛國者,又怎會愛三個國呢?若從其言語分析,他愛的不是國,是就業機會,或者講得白d,係想成官發財,邊度有 chance 就去邊。依家痴土共有 so,有政協做,咪去囉。
他一出場,光芒就蓋過 tree 根哥,蔣元秋,甚至潮洲辣妹。無他的,他直接地在立法會爆粗,光是這一點,就已經冠絕民建聯。我認為,民主黨主席劉慧卿,應發聲明譴責這個在議事堂講粗口的人,事關整個政界,以劉氏最關心人是否講粗口,她講過「講粗口就係唔得」。
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FREE Online Dictionaries 免費線上字典和辭典:
五大線上英語辭典: http://wp.me/p44l9b-107
如何選擇英文辭典: http://www.cavesbooks.com.tw/CET/ArtContent_tw.aspx?CDE=ART20130906141633A0M
Online Dictionaries 英英線上字典
1. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/
2. Merriam-Webster Dictionary: http://www.merriam-webster.com/
3. Cambridge Dictionary: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
4. Collins American Dictionary: http://www.collinsdictionary.com/
5. The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online: http://www.ldoceonline.com/
6. Oxford Dictionaries Online: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/
Apps of Dictionaries 英英字典APP
1. Merriam-Webster: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary-apps/android-ipad-iphone-windows.htm
2. Dictionary.com: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dictionary
Thesauruses 同義字字典
1. Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus: http://www.macmillandictionary.com/
2. Thesaurus.com: http://thesaurus.com/
Collocation Dictionaries 搭配詞典
1. The English Collocation Dictionary Online: http://www.ozdic.com/
2. Corpus of Contemporary American English http://corpus.byu.edu/coca/
3. Oxford Collocations Dictionary (http://tinyurl.com/qacke7j = not free TT)
4. The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English (http://tinyurl.com/nquw6cb = not free TT)
5. Voicetube Video Dictionary: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.redidea.dict
Dictionaries for Phrases, Sayings, and Idioms 片語詞典
1. Freedictionary.com: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/
2. Phrase.org: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/index.html
Slang Dictionaries 俚語字典
1. http://www.urbandictionary.com/
2. http://onlineslangdictionary.com/
Chinese to English Dictionaries 英漢字典
1. 劍橋字典: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-chinese-traditional/establish_3
2. Dr. Eye: http://www.dreye.com/index_b5.html
3. Yahoo Dictionary: http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/
4. 顔氏美語: http://www.onlinedict.com/
The Chicago Manual of Styles: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/16/ch05/ch05_toc.html
More: http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~emchen/CALL/dictionary.htm
(I suggest you just use Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary instead of a Chinese to English dictionary/英漢字典.)
Image source: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/media/words/assets/images/odo/concise/dictionaries.jpg
How to learn vocabulary words:
英文單字學習: http://goo.gl/dESCms
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