因為疾病控制和預防中心主任Rochelle Walensky警告說,潛在的第四次疫情爆發將“導致厄運”。拜登總統面對全國各地的冠狀病毒病例增加,週一呼籲州長和市長恢復口罩規定。根據《紐約時報》的數據庫,截至週日,新病毒病例的7天平均值約為63,000,與10月下旬的平均值相當。這比兩週前的每天54,000人增加了16%以上。Walensky博士說,歐洲類似的上升趨勢導致Covid-19的普及率急劇上升。
*【蘇伊士運河擱淺巨輪脫困 世界貿易恢復運轉】
在潮汐的幫助下,堵塞這條全球至關重要的貿易航線六天后,巨型集裝箱船“長賜號”終於在週一重新起航;與此同時,其他43艘被堵在大苦湖(Great Bitter Lake)的貨船也已恢復南行航程。埃及航運官員稱,此次擁堵給該國帶來了每天1200萬至1500萬美元的損失,相關部門將展開調查,以確定誰該為這筆鉅款買單。
*【佛洛伊德謀殺案開庭審理 焦點放在死因】
前警官Derek Chauvin面臨過失殺人、二級謀殺和三級謀殺的指控。本案的重點將放在佛洛伊德的死因上,辯方認為這是由潛在的心臟病、藥物使用和“腎上腺素流動”造成的,檢方則指控Derek Chauvin使用了超出合理範圍的武力。此外,12名陪審員的種族構成也一直受到密切關注。
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過147萬的網紅Kento Bento,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Get ‘Asiany’ Merch at our new merch store!: https://standard.tv/kentobento Download Dashlane for free to manage all your passwords: https://dashlane...
china great canal 在 Jane黄明慧 Facebook 八卦
▌出品:吉隆坡中国文化中心 China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur
▌制作:访问The Interview
【看节目 送奖品】
记得一定要把节目看完哦~因为每一集我们有总值超过RM2000 的餐券,以及一份为期1年的《畅游行》月刊杂志(共12期)要送给你哦!
1. 关注 “China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur” 面子书或“吉隆坡中国文化中心”微信公众号;
2. 按赞并分享此视频(记得要将帖子设为公开哦!)
3. 到“China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur”面子书或“吉隆坡中国文化中心”微信公众号留言告诉我们:
A. 淮扬菜
B. 川菜
#旅游 #美食 #文化 #家乡 #吉隆坡中国文化中心 #访问TheInterview Jane黄明慧 #黄明慧 #王宏建 #江苏 #淮安 #扬州 #淮扬菜 #京杭大运河 #瘦西湖 #江南园林 #大煮干丝 #文思豆腐 #清炖蟹粉狮子头 #水韵江苏
It not only has an excellent cutting skill but the dishes are also well-known for the outstanding presentation Wang Hongjian from Nantong, Jiangsu Province, once learned this culinary art. Therefore, he especially showed his cutting skills in the show, cooking ‘Dazhu gansi’, ‘Wensi tofu’, and stewed pork balls with crab roes.
If you want to trace the birthplace of Huaiyang cuisine, you can't miss the intoxicating scenery of "Charm of Jiangsu". There is not only the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which is as famous as the Great Wall in history but also has the most fascinating garden art in Jiangnan. Every city in Jiangsu exudes its unique charm!
In the 8th episode of ‘Taste of Home’, let us follow the host Huang Minghui and guest Wang Hongjian to drink Biluochun and eat Huaiyang dishes while talking about the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River.
▌Publisher: China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur
▌Producer: The Interview
▌Supported by:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) & Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Restaurant Association (KASCRA)
▌Media Partner: Travellution Singapore
[Watch & Win Amazing Prizes!]
Remember to finish viewing the show because we have cash vouchers worth up to RM2000 and a Special Prize of a complimentary one-year subscription to “TRAVELLUTION” for the lucky winners.
Eligible participants are to follow and complete all the steps below:
1. Like and Follow the Facebook page of “China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur” Facebook or follow the official Wechat account of “吉隆坡中国文化中心”
2. Like and Share the event post of video on Facebook (Edit Audience > Select
Privacy > set as “PUBLIC”)
3. Leave a comment by answering the questions below on the Facebook post or
official Wechat account of “China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur”.
a) The dishes mentioned in the programme, such as ‘Dazhu gansi’ , ‘Wensi tofu’, and stewed pork balls with crab roes, belong to which type of cuisine?
A. Huaiyang cuisine
B. Sichuan cuisine
b) Given an opportunity, I wish to travel to Jiangsu because ...... (no more than 120 words).
* * The deadline for entry is 12:00 noon on May 19, 2021
Entry Deadline: May 19 (Wed), 12PM.
Attention please:
1. There are a total of 21 lucky winners will be selected in each episode. 20 of them will be rewarded a cash voucher worth RM100 each, and a (one) lucky winner of Special Prize will be rewarded a complimentary one-year subscription to "TRAVELLUTION" magazine;
2. China Culture Centre in Kuala Lumpur reserves all rights to change, amend, terminate, delete or add to these event terms & conditions without prior notice at any time.
china great canal 在 Jane黄明慧 Facebook 八卦
▌出品:吉隆坡中国文化中心 China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur
▌制作:访问The Interview
【看节目 送奖品】
记得一定要把节目看完哦~因为每一集我们有总值超过RM2000 的餐券,以及一份为期1年的《畅游行》月刊杂志(共12期)要送给你哦!
1. 关注 “China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur” 面子书或“吉隆坡中国文化中心”微信公众号;
2. 按赞并分享此视频(记得要将帖子设为公开哦!)
3. 到“China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur”面子书或“吉隆坡中国文化中心”微信公众号留言告诉我们:
A. 淮扬菜
B. 川菜
#旅游 #美食 #文化 #家乡 #吉隆坡中国文化中心 #访问TheInterview Jane黄明慧 #黄明慧 #王宏建 #江苏 #淮安 #扬州 #淮扬菜 #京杭大运河 #瘦西湖 #江南园林 #大煮干丝 #文思豆腐 #清炖蟹粉狮子头 #水韵江苏
It not only has an excellent cutting skill but the dishes are also well-known for the outstanding presentation Wang Hongjian from Nantong, Jiangsu Province, once learned this culinary art. Therefore, he especially showed his cutting skills in the show, cooking ‘Dazhu gansi’, ‘Wensi tofu’, and stewed pork balls with crab roes.
If you want to trace the birthplace of Huaiyang cuisine, you can't miss the intoxicating scenery of "Charm of Jiangsu". There is not only the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which is as famous as the Great Wall in history but also has the most fascinating garden art in Jiangnan. Every city in Jiangsu exudes its unique charm!
In the 8th episode of ‘Taste of Home’, let us follow the host Huang Minghui and guest Wang Hongjian to drink Biluochun and eat Huaiyang dishes while talking about the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River.
▌Publisher: China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur
▌Producer: The Interview
▌Supported by:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) & Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Restaurant Association (KASCRA)
▌Media Partner: Travellution Singapore
[Watch & Win Amazing Prizes!]
Remember to finish viewing the show because we have cash vouchers worth up to RM2000 and a Special Prize of a complimentary one-year subscription to “TRAVELLUTION” for the lucky winners.
Eligible participants are to follow and complete all the steps below:
1. Like and Follow the Facebook page of “China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur” Facebook or follow the official Wechat account of “吉隆坡中国文化中心”
2. Like and Share the event post of video on Facebook (Edit Audience > Select
Privacy > set as “PUBLIC”)
3. Leave a comment by answering the questions below on the Facebook post or
official Wechat account of “China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur”.
a) The dishes mentioned in the programme, such as ‘Dazhu gansi’ , ‘Wensi tofu’, and stewed pork balls with crab roes, belong to which type of cuisine?
A. Huaiyang cuisine
B. Sichuan cuisine
b) Given an opportunity, I wish to travel to Jiangsu because ...... (no more than 120 words).
* * The deadline for entry is 12:00 noon on May 19, 2021
Entry Deadline: May 19 (Wed), 12PM.
Attention please:
1. There are a total of 21 lucky winners will be selected in each episode. 20 of them will be rewarded a cash voucher worth RM100 each, and a (one) lucky winner of Special Prize will be rewarded a complimentary one-year subscription to "TRAVELLUTION" magazine;
2. China Culture Centre in Kuala Lumpur reserves all rights to change, amend, terminate, delete or add to these event terms & conditions without prior notice at any time.
china great canal 在 Kento Bento Youtube 的評價
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Channel Description:
We do videos on intriguing & thought-provoking Asiany topics, including stereotypes, history, culture & geography.
Team KB:
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Isambard Dexter: Assistant researcher
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This video will be different from normal, because it won’t just be about one event, but 42 events in the near future, all happening in Asia in 2019. Now of course predicting such events is extremely difficult, but we can always give our best estimates based on the information we currently have.
Some of the events covered:
- India's Chandrayaan-2 will be the first spacecraft to land on the moon
- Mister World competition held in Philippines
- Google developing new censored version of search engine for China ('Dragonfly')
- India's T-Series will defeat Pewdiepie to become the most subscribed YouTube channel of all time
- Kim Jong-un is expected to meet Vladimir Putin in Moscow, as well as Donald Trump for a second time
- South Korea's Samsung will release the first foldable smartphone (Samsung Galaxy X)
- Thailand, North Korea, Afghanistan, Indonesia & India will hold their elections
- Japanese Emperor Akihito will abdicate his throne
- Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Israel
- Taiwan will be the first Asian state to legalize samesex marriage
- New $1.4 billion port city to begin construction in Sri Lanka
- Singapore will complete world's first air taxi trials
- ASEAN countries & US will hold maritime exercises, the biggest display of combined force against China
- Japan hosts the first Rugby World Cup in Asia
- Turkey may start construction on the Canal Istanbul
- China will complete the Beijing Daxing International Airport, busiest in the world.
- India will finish building 111 million toilets nation-wide
- Russia will send humanoid robots to space
- Russia will offer commercial spacewalks to tourists
- Tesla will open factories in Shanghai, China
- Eurovision Asia will be launched
- Huawei consolidates its lead over Apple in smartphone sales
- North Korea will increase their cybercrime activities worldwide

china great canal 在 serpentza Youtube 的評價
Beijing (formerly romanised as Peking) is the capital of the People's Republic of China and the world's third most populous city proper. It is also one of the world's most populous capital cities. The city, located in northern China, is governed as a direct-controlled municipality under the national government with 16 urban, suburban, and rural districts. Beijing Municipality is surrounded by Hebei Province with the exception of neighbouring Tianjin Municipality to the southeast; together the three divisions form the Jingjinji metropolitan region and the national capital region of China.
A city combining both modern and traditional architecture, Beijing is an ever-changing megacity rich in history but also truly modern, exemplified in its extraordinary global influence in politics, business & economy, education, history, culture, language, music, sporting, architecture, civilization, fashion, art, entertainment, innovation and technology. Beijing is the second largest Chinese city by urban population after Shanghai and is the nation's political, cultural, and educational centre. It is home to the headquarters of most of China's largest state-owned companies, and is a major hub for the national highway, expressway, railway, and high-speed rail networks. The Beijing Capital International Airport has been the second busiest in the world by passenger traffic since 2010, and, as of 2016, the city's subway network is the busiest and second longest in the world, after Shanghai's subway system.
The city's history dates back three millennia. As the last of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China, Beijing has been the political centre of the country for much of the past eight centuries. With mountains surrounding the inland city on three sides, in addition to the old inner and outer city walls, Beijing was strategically poised and developed to be the residence of the emperor and thus was the perfect location for the imperial capital. Beijing was the largest city in the world by population for much of the second millennium A.D. The city is renowned for its opulent palaces, temples, parks, gardens, tombs, walls and gates, and its art treasures and universities have made it a centre of culture and art in China. Encyclopædia Britannica notes that "few cities in the world have served for so long as the political headquarters and cultural centre of an area as immense as China." Beijing has seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites – the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, Ming Tombs, Zhoukoudian, as well as parts of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, all popular locations for tourism. siheyuans, the city's traditional housing style, and hutongs, the narrow alleys between siheyuans, are common in urban Beijing and are also major tourist attractions. The city hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics and was chosen to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, which will make it the first city to ever host both events.
Many of Beijing's 91 universities consistently rank among the best in China, of which Peking University and Tsinghua University are ranked in the top 60 universities in the world. In 2015, 52 companies of the Fortune Global 500 company headquarters were located in Beijing, more than any other city in the world, including state-owned enterprises State Grid, China National Petroleum, and Sinopec Group, ranked 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, respectively. Beijing CBD is quickly becoming the center for Beijing's economic expansion, rapid modernization, and radically changing skyline, with the ongoing or recently completed construction of multiple skyscrapers. Beijing's Zhongguancun area is also known as China's Silicon Valley, China's center of innovation and technology entrepreneurship. According to the 2016 InterNations Expat Insider Survey, Beijing ranked first in Asia in the subcategory "Personal Finance Index," a measure of expats' salaries versus cost of living in the city. Expats live primarily in the east, in urban districts such as Dongcheng and Chaoyang, or in suburban districts such as Shunyi.
Let's take a proper look at Beijing, the Capital city of China...
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Music used: FM84 - Atlas
