「惠恕仁總統(President Whipps)及倪約翰大使(Ambassador Hennessey-Niland)的來訪象徵著美國、台灣及帛琉,不論在面對疫情或因應更廣泛的挑戰上,都有著密切的合作,並也都從中受惠。我們的夥伴關係代表我們會在需要的時刻,向彼此伸出援手。…我們的夥伴關係也包括一起合作因應共同的威脅,像是氣候變遷及海洋垃圾。我們期待在下一屆的「我們的海洋大會」(Our Ocean Conference) 上,延續這樣富建設性的合作。我們的夥伴關係還包括努力增進彼此共享的價值,例如保存原住民族文化,與推動永續且具包容性的經濟成長。」美國在台協會處長酈英傑、美國駐帛琉大使倪約翰及外交部長吳釗燮聯袂發表簡短談話時說道。
照片來源:外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan)提供
“The visit of President Whipps and Ambassador Hennessey-Niland is emblematic of the closeness and cooperation that has benefitted the United States, Taiwan, and Palau in the COVID fight and more broadly. Our partnership has meant helping one another in times of urgent need. The United States is proud to have provided COVID vaccines to Palau earlier this year, and I understand that PPE donated by Taiwan last year was critical to Palau’s COVID-19 management. Our partnership also includes cooperation to confront shared threats, such as climate change and marine debris. We look forward to constructive collaboration during the next Our Ocean Conference. Our partnership also includes efforts to advance our shared values, including preservation of indigenous cultures and fostering sustainable and inclusive economic growth,” AIT Director Brent Christensen, speaking at a joint press availability with U.S. Ambassador to Palau John Hennessey-Niland and Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu
✅Read Director’s remarks: https://www.ait.org.tw/remarks-by-ait-director-christensen/
✅Read Ambassador Hennessey-Niland’s remarks: https://www.ait.org.tw/remarks-by-amb-hennessey-niland/
✅Read the Press Release: https://www.ait.org.tw/pr-on-visit-president-palau-whipps-launch-travel-bubble/
Photo credits: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
broadly speaking 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 八卦
學任何外語的人都會有的一個習慣叫 "oversimplification" (過度簡化規則, Selinker, 1972)。�舉例來說,在發音上因為 machine, mechanics 都是第2音節重音,所以也把 mechanism 這個重音在第1音節的字唸成第2音節重音。
在名詞 (文法) 上學習因為 suggestion (建議) 可數,所以也誤以為 advice 也可數。
語言本身就會有一些 arbitrary rules (硬性、沒有什麼道理的規則),也很有變化性 (variability),所以要學好英文,可以先從養成1個好習慣做起:針對一個字,觀察它的「變化性」。再戒掉追求一定一要一對一的壞習慣 (例: flat 一定只記"平坦的")。
今天一個在師範大學學中文的美國人,在教科書中只接觸了「我感冒了」和「我得了重感冒」這2種表達的 input ,不在課餘時間再去保有「高意識」(high awareness) 的閱讀和聽中文,可以確保他一定會使用「感冒」嗎?不可能的。
當他遇到我們說「我對 __________ 非常感冒。」、「我那天重感冒。」、「愛像一場重感冒。」、「醫生是無法治好感冒的。」、「感冒的症狀有很多種。」等等的句子時,肯定懷疑人生。
一樣的,當今天靠讀「學好英文冠詞就靠這幾招!」這樣以偏概全的文章學英文的我們,碰到以下的段落,可以解釋得出 questionnaire 怎麼用嗎?
“The questionnaire is by far the most common instrument used in collecting primary data. Broadly speaking, a questionnaire consists of a set of questions presented to a respondent for his or her answers. The questionnaire is very flexible in that there are many ways to ask questions. Questionnaires need to be carefully developed, tested, and debugged before they can be administered on a large scale. We can usually spot several errors in a casually prepared questionnaire.”
當今天只靠網路上常見的「三角錐塔」學習介系詞 in, at, on 的同學,如何學習下面的句子呢?
[1] The information will be presented both on the screen and in the handout.
[2] She has no experience in working with kids. (cf. She has no experience with kids.)
[3] With Steve Lewis at the helm, we are certain of success.
broadly speaking 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 八卦
學任何外語的人都會有的一個習慣叫 "oversimplification" (過度簡化規則, Selinker, 1972)。�舉例來說,在發音上因為 machine, mechanics 都是第2音節重音,所以也把 mechanism 這個重音在第1音節的字唸成第2音節重音。
在名詞 (文法) 上學習因為 suggestion (建議) 可數,所以也誤以為 advice 也可數。
語言本身就會有一些 arbitrary rules (硬性、沒有什麼道理的規則),也很有變化性 (variability),所以要學好英文,可以先從養成1個好習慣做起:針對一個字,觀察它的「變化性」。再戒掉追求一定一要一對一的壞習慣 (例: flat 一定只記"平坦的")。
今天一個在師範大學學中文的美國人,在教科書中只接觸了「我感冒了」和「我得了重感冒」這2種表達的 input ,不在課餘時間再去保有「高意識」(high awareness) 的閱讀和聽中文,可以確保他一定會使用「感冒」嗎?不可能的。
當他遇到我們說「我對 __________ 非常感冒。」、「我那天重感冒。」、「愛像一場重感冒。」、「醫生是無法治好感冒的。」、「感冒的症狀有很多種。」等等的句子時,肯定懷疑人生。
一樣的,當今天靠讀「學好英文冠詞就靠這幾招!」這樣以偏概全的文章學英文的我們,碰到以下的段落,可以解釋得出 questionnaire 怎麼用嗎?
“The questionnaire is by far the most common instrument used in collecting primary data. Broadly speaking, a questionnaire consists of a set of questions presented to a respondent for his or her answers. The questionnaire is very flexible in that there are many ways to ask questions. Questionnaires need to be carefully developed, tested, and debugged before they can be administered on a large scale. We can usually spot several errors in a casually prepared questionnaire.”
當今天只靠網路上常見的「三角錐塔」學習介系詞 in, at, on 的同學,如何學習下面的句子呢?
[1] The information will be presented both on the screen and in the handout.
[2] She has no experience in working with kids. (cf. She has no experience with kids.)
[3] With Steve Lewis at the helm, we are certain of success.
broadly speaking 在 Aileen Moreton-Robinson - Broadly Speaking - YouTube 的八卦
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