Video - Freshly Out
The twins are still a few minutes old and covered with vernix. Thats what gives the aromatic pleasant smell to all newborns .
Vernix Caseosa is a white cheesy material that covers newborns in the womb .
It protects them from the amniotic fluid in many ways . Without it the skin becomes wrinkled .
It also protects them from infection .
Its beneficial to let it be on the newborns for some time before washing them off .
Its been 2 days and we are still in the hospital .
Dr Halina is doing well up and moving about .
Breastfeeding has already begun every 2 hours .
That means sleepless nights for her .
We try to do as much skin to skin contact with the twins . These are critical times for bonding to develop - from our voices and touches .
Most of the time Dads do not know what to do and just leave everything to Mommy .
Its important for Dads to get involved during these precious times by cuddling them , cooing them , changing their diapers and many more .
Babies could sense the presence of loved ones which will benefit in the long run .
Just sharing ...
Salam Everyone
Love As Always
PS - We are still undecided with their names . Any suggestions ? One with the same alphabet for both ....
Sunway Medical Centre
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過28萬的網紅The Meatmen Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Ahhhh popiah, the local oriental burrito. A delicacy for all palates, this is one well loved dish by both locals and foreign friends visiting. what’s...
bonding leave 在 半路出家軟體工程師在矽谷 Facebook 八卦
我在美國臉書工作的日子,得到 offer 後及工作後的體驗
Hi Brian,
I just left you a message. I have some fantastic news for you. We would like to give you an offer. Congratulations and great work! Call me when you are free to discuss the specifics.
大概在 2 年半前,收到這封來自臉書總部 recruiter 的信。當下有點不敢相信,我「還是」得到 Facebook 的工程師 offer 了!如果你有看我之前和阿雅的直播,就會知道我 2015 年中請朋友幫忙內推 Facebook ,但早上內推完、下午就被拒絕了。
在 2016 年底時,我再次挑戰 Facebook, 這次經過更充分的準備、終於通過層層難關。但收到 offer 的當下,感覺還是超級不真實的──
畢竟 Facebook 是矽谷無數人都想加入的一級公司 FAANG ( Facebook、Apple、Amazon、Netflix、Google) 之一,尤其在工程師領域,競爭更可說「來自世界各地」都不為過。我在面試前已知道上的機率很低,結果卻能如願以償,當下真是欣喜若狂!
從拿到 Offer 開始說起:
確認要加入 Facebook 後,我收到了公司系統的制式信件──主要要簽合約、填寫個人資料,同時也要做背景調查、犯罪紀錄調查等等。填寫完成後幾天(應該是稽核完了一切正常),又收到準備 onboarding 的資料,讓我填寫進入公司後想要的 email 名稱等資料、以及「我想要的設備」。
在臉書和矽谷許多企業,每個員工入職時都會配發一台筆電及一隻手機。 筆電可以自由選擇要 11、13、15 吋螢幕大小 的 Windows 或 Mac;手機則可以選擇最新或上一代的 iPhone 、Samsung Galaxy 或 Google Pixel;連欲搭配的門號,也可以自 AT&T 或 Verizon 中任選。
6 ~ 12 週的工程師訓練,結束後再「選組」
臉書的非工程師員工,通常一般兩天訓練完就會直接到組上開始工作了。而工程師們在第二天訓練結束後,則會被 mentor 「認領」,準備專屬工程師的訓練。
在臉書,工程師們會有 6 — 12 週的 engineering bootcamp 。在這段期間,頗有點像是回到大學的感覺:我們會依照自己的專業與需求,選修不同的課程;同時也會在沒上課的期間,實作各個組(臉書有不同工作分組如 Facebook、Instagram、WhatsApp、Oculus 、Messenger⋯⋯等 )給 bootcamp 工程師做的 task 。
這些 task 從簡單的幾行 code 小改動,到寫一個新的大功能都有,且都是真實產品的工作。比如說我改動一個網頁上的顯示,程式碼部署後幾個小時,這變動就會呈現在全球 20 多億用戶面前。
而等到 bootcamp 結束後,工程師再來選擇進入其中一個組(部門)正式開始工作。
對新加入臉書的工程師來說,藉由實地和不同組的人員一起工作,能夠了解自己的專長和興趣、工作習慣,適合加入什麼組──同時這段期間,也是各組經理使出渾身解數,吸引優秀工程師加入自己團隊的時機。通常一位經驗豐富的工程師,可能會有多達 20—30 個經理想要招攬。一般來說,大家都會很謹慎的選擇組別,畢竟決定加入一個組後,公司期望你至少要待一年才可以換組。
隨著越來越多人移入舊金山灣區,整個矽谷的交通狀況是越來越糟;我們公司的停車場也經常大爆滿停不下。因此為了鼓勵員工搭乘接駁車,公司在灣區幾乎各個城市,現在都設有接駁車的站,上車後也有 wifi 可以使用。
我住在東灣(East Bay),也是每天搭乘 shuttle 上下班──雖然時間比我自己開車還要久,但至少大塞車時比較沒壓力,可以聽聽 podcast 或做其他的事情。
吃在臉書:「進公司一年胖 15 磅」的傳說
早餐會提供各式季節水果、美式早餐、優格、麵包、也有中式的粥等;喝的部分則有柳橙汁或是 smoothie 可以選擇。如果有時間的話,大家也可以利用已經調好的鬆餅粉替自己做份鬆餅;週五的早餐則會有煙燻鮭魚,算是一週的 highlight。
如果錯過了早餐時間,辦公室的每層樓都有廚房,廚房中有提供 cereal 及香蕉、蘋果等基本水果讓大家可以充飢。
午餐的選擇除了大的食堂外,還有一些小的食堂,像是麵食、 BBQ、 印度菜、越南三明治、墨西哥式、美式漢堡、 pizza 、或是沙拉⋯⋯等等。由於選項眾多,大家中午吃飯時間一到,就會打開內部使用的 app ,來查看午餐菜單有些什麼東西好吃。現在如果是提供熱門的日式、中式或韓式午餐的食堂,通常都會大爆滿,要排很久的隊才吃得到飯⋯⋯。
為了讓員工不會因為「太餓沒有創造力」,公司的廚房也隨時備有各式零食及咖啡、茶及提神飲料等,目前比較特別的零食,是連來自日本的 Pocky 都有。因為吃實在太方便、又有太多的選擇,入職時就聽過一個有趣的傳言:有人戲稱進臉書工作一年,平均會胖 15 磅 (6.8 公斤)。
要避免「傳說成真」的話,當然要靠運動了:公司內部就有健身房,提供一些健身器材。同時每天每個時段也都有不同的健身課程,從瑜珈、有氧運動到皮拉提斯都有。現在比較熱門的課程,也是常常爆滿。如果不想在公司運動的話,也可以自費上小班的課程、或是請教練一對一來教你──公司每年補助 720 美元(約新台幣 22.6 K ),讓大家花在健身或運動相關的支出上。
因為公司園區佔地很大,如果要去不同建築開會,走路可能動輒要10—30 分鐘以上,這時候大家會騎公司提供的腳踏車,也有園區內的 shuttle 可以乘坐。
另外,公司內也設有健康中心,我們可以預約在公司內看病、看牙齒;如果要郵寄包裹,已經自行印好標籤的話公司也有地方收件,讓你可以省得跑郵局或是 Fedex。甚至如果要剪頭髮,公司內也有髮廊。總之這林林總總的一切設施,都是希望幫助員工減少日常雜事要消耗的時間精力,讓員工更有效率完成要做的事。
「甜點店」裡面有提供冰淇淋、frozen yogurt 、各式烘培甜點及糖果⋯⋯當然一切也都是免費的。每天中餐飯後,常可見到外部參觀訪客會聚集在甜點店吃飯後甜點,等待的隊伍也是無敵長。
而「電玩間」則是有各種大型遊戲機、跳舞機等。據說它的起源是一開始有位員工在 eBay 上買了一台電玩機台放到公司,公司沒有特別說什麼,於是後來就有更多人買了放到公司。公司目前提供場地,但都是員工自願來維護這些遊戲機的。「電玩間」很好玩,不過現在大部分情況好像都是員工帶訪客來玩,自己倒是上班太忙,反而沒時間來玩。
臉書員工,一年有 21 天的給薪假期(PTO)。當然,這在搶才若渴的矽谷企業中,並不是最高的──目前有些公司,甚至號稱實施「無限假期」的政策。
公司也提供新手爸媽,在小孩出生後一年內可以放 87 天( 4.5 個月)的育嬰假,薪水在放假期間是全薪。目前科技公司應該只有 Netflix (一年)、 Twitter (5.5 個月)比臉書長。最近公司又改變政策:由於加州政府規定媽媽在產後應有 6 或 8 週的 disability leave (看是自然產或是破腹產)讓媽媽恢復,原本公司的 87 天,是包含這些加州規定的 leave 的,但最近把這 disability leave 排除在外── 所以現在於臉書總部工作的媽媽們,可以從預產期前 4 週開始放,產後先放 6 或 8 週的加州 disability leave 、再放 87 天的公司育嬰假。長度最多可以到 29.5 週,算是讓媽媽有比較多的時間可以在家陪小孩及從產後恢復。
年度 3 大活動
公司一年有 3 個大型活動, 4 月底的週日有 “Take your kid to work day” 「帶小孩到公司玩」; 8 月有「夏季派對」;而 12 月則有「年終派對」。
8 月份的夏日派對,去年租了一個 convention center,並且租了許多遊樂設施讓大家玩樂。因為是免費的,所以大家可以盡情的玩各種像是投籃遊戲、射飛鏢、或是坐摩天輪,這個活動也是讓大家可以帶家人及小孩一起參與。
12 月的年終派對,每個員工就只能帶一位成人一起參加──大家會穿正式服裝,在各式不同主題的區域吃吃喝喝及跳舞, 這個活動會在每年聖誕節前舉辦,慰勞大家一年的辛勞。
除了全公司的活動外,每個組在每一個季度,也通常都會有 team boding 的活動,讓組員有工作外的時間可以一起培養感情。常見的 team bonding 活動像是去賽車 (go kart)、密室逃脫、做手工藝、laser tag 等等都有。
除了這些有形的福利之外,個人觀察在臉書,最值得一提的無形資產是 “ Be Open ” 的公司文化:
另外在每週, CEO 馬克都會在總部舉辦一小時對全部員工的 Q&A ── 如果你有問題想要直接問他,請記得早點到,坐到靠近提問麥克風的地方。我入職時也有參加,還問了馬克一個關於選擇如何組別的問題呢!
它的另一面,正是「沒表現,就離開」的現實:一般來說,公司規定入門兩級的工程師,必須要在一定時限內升職,如果時間到了,因為能力不夠或是沒有做出足夠的貢獻而無法升等,公司請人離開也是毫不心軟。在我入職 2 年多的時間內,也親眼見到幾位同事入職半年或一年左右,因為沒有達到標準而被迫離開的。
現在,我在這家公司工作 2 年多了。也從一開始的懵懵懂懂,到最近當起了新員工及組員的 mentor 。
你對在臉書工作還想知道什麼嗎? 歡迎留言詢問, 如果不是牽扯到內部機密的話,我會找時間回覆。
歡迎 Like 或是關注我的粉絲頁,了解更多矽谷經驗及我的所見所聞。
bonding leave 在 The MeatMen Facebook 八卦
Ahhhh Popiah, the local oriental burrito.
A delicacy for all palates, this is one well loved dish by both locals and foreign friends visiting. what’s great about Popiah is that it provide different texture and flavours in a single bite, from the crunch from the peanuts and the fried pork skin (or other fired fritters) to the fresh and crispy vegetables matches really well with the sweet flour sauce and spicy sambal.
Hand-made fresh Popiah skins definitely taste much better, they can be purchase from Hup Kiat, Kway Guan Huat or Fortune Food, as it require a skill to make them thin yet strong enough to hold the ingredient we decided to leave it to the experts, until we figure out the fool proof way to make them.
For the type who love bonding together for gatherings, a Popiah party is a great choice as you can have fun making them and everyone can customize they own. There's no real hard rule here, add or change the toppings to the radish as you like, and make something that defines YOU.
That's it from us, so go start your Popiah party now!
Recipe at:-
#SG50 #jiaksimi #themeatmensg #popiahparty
P.S. Say, if you like our recipe videos, don't forget to follow our page and share them with your friends. We have many new videos coming up, so stay tuned!
bonding leave 在 The Meatmen Channel Youtube 的評價
Ahhhh popiah, the local oriental burrito.
A delicacy for all palates, this is one well loved dish by both locals and foreign friends visiting. what’s great about popiah is that it provide different texture and flavours in a single bite, from the crunch from the peanuts and the fried pork skin (or other fired fritters) to the fresh and crispy vegetables matches really well with the sweet flour sauce and spicy sambal.
Hand-made fresh popiah skins definitely taste much better, they can be purchase from Hup Kiat, Kway Guan Huat or Fortune Food, as it require a skill to make them thin yet strong enough to hold the ingredient we decided to leave it to the experts, until we figure out the fool proof way to make them.
For the type who love bonding together for gatherings, a popiah party is a great choice as you can have fun making them and everyone can customize they own. There's no real hard rule here, add or change the toppings to the radish as you like, and make something that defines YOU.
That's it from us, so go start your popiah party now!
Recipe at:-
#SG50 #jiaksimi #themeatmensg #popiahparty
P.S. Say, if you like our recipe videos, don't forget to follow our page and share them with your friends. We have many new videos coming up, so stay tuned!

bonding leave 在 Mama College Youtube 的評價
媽媽和寶寶產後護理包括什麼呢? 有什麼要買? 什麼要做? 什麼不應該做呢? Watch this video to find out what to do and not do and how to care for you and your baby when your baby is out!
子宮復舊: 給予子宮底「環形按摩」可以有效促進子宮收縮
子宮重量, weight of Uterus:
After birth: 產後初期為1000〜2000 grams,
week 1週後將降為500 g,
week 2週後約300 g
week 4週後約50〜70 g (恢復到未懷孕重量 back to original weight)
可刺激分泌催產素, 誘發排乳反射使乳汁能順利排出, 也會促進子宮收縮.
Breast pads & lotion available
生產後保持個人衞生,有助減低細菌感染風險. 順產孕婦在產後數小時或翌日, 當回復體力後,已可沖涼洗頭.
剖腹生產則在產後約四天, 傷口癒合後也可洗澡.
For baby
Contact Bonding
1) stimulate breast milk
2) keep baby warm
3) provide security for baby
4) begin brain development
Breast Feeding
For a New born baby
Baby Weight
Normal range: 2.5-3.99 kg
=- any thing over or under the normal range, your baby may require extra check up!
If fed well and regularly, you can see increase of Baby Weight
0.5 kg increase in weight / month
Bottle Feeding
Buy suitable bottles/teats for infant
Buy the formula for infant
Pay attention to Best Before Date
Remember to sanitize everything
Bottle Feeding Steps
1) boil water to 100 degree
2) cool to 70 degree
3) add powder to water
4) let it cool to body temperature
5) feed when baby and formula is mixed well and temp is ready
Test the temperature with your wrist!
It should be body temperature,
It should feel warm, but not hot.
At the hospital
if body weight (water weight)
shrink under 7% of original weight = You can go home
shrink over 7% of original weight = Require extra check up
shrink up to 10% of original weight = Cannot leave hospital yet
At Home
To clean umbilical cord
use 70% alcohol + soft cotton ball
Gently wipe in one direction
The umbilical cord should fall off around 5-10 days.
Baby should bath at 37-38 degrees Celsius which is close to our body temperature.
Don't forget to wash
- folds of the baby
(neck, thigh, chubby areas)
Remember to use nail clippers for infant because baby nails are super delicate and fragile
Available online:
Pay attention to Jaundice Baby in the first week:
嬰兒黃膽(Neonatal Jaundice)
Get your baby vaccinated:
2 types Vaccination + 1 shot!
卡介苗 Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)
乙型肝炎疫苗 Hepatitis B
Vitamin K shots
I hope these tips will help you and your baby in the first week of birth!
Good luck!
Please leave me comments if I am forgot anything!
Kayi Cheung
Mama College

bonding leave 在 Mama College Youtube 的評價
This video covers 4 areas related to breast feeding.
1) Breast feeding benefits
2) Key to successful Breast feeding
3) Baby's stomach capacity
4) Proper storage for breast milk
Breast feeding has many benefits. It supplies all the nutrients the babies need. On top of that, it has properties not found in formula. For example, the antibodies found in breast milk only are very important for baby.
Babies' immune system is not developed yet so it is essential to obtain antibodies from mother's breast milk to fight against bacteria and infection.
Breast milk are also very convenient because it's always in the right temperature and it's absolutely clean. Furthermore, contact bonding is encouraged during breast feeding. Babies feel extremely comfortable and secured in mothers arm and close to mother's heart!
2) Key to successful breast feeding
Four main points are important for successful breast feeding.
a) Right knowledge on breast feeding
b) Determination ( Many mothers give up because it a very difficult, and time consuming, draining task)
c) Family support
d) Baby Friendly Hospital
3) Baby's Stomach Capacity
Day 1: 5ml
Day 3: 22-27ml
Day 7+: 45-60ml
Babies' stomach are small. (for new born, at least 3-4 times a day) It is encouraged to feed frequently (8-12 times a day) after the first 24 hours.
It is not an easy task, hang in there mothers.
PS: This video also informs mothers NOT TO MIX WATER WITH MILK. Watch to find out why!
4) Proper Storage of Breast Milk
You don't want to spoil the milk. If you want to store it, make sure it is the right temperature.
Understand when breast milk expires at different temperature. Here's a list to help you!
5-15 degrees Celsius 24 hours
15-25 degrees Celsius 8 hours
25-37 degrees Celsius 4 hours
2-4 degrees Celsius 5 days
- 18 degrees Celsius 3 months
- 20 degrees Celsius 6 months
Thank you for watching Mama College. If you like the video, please subscribe and add me on facebook.
Also, leave me comments and let me know more breast feeding tips!
Thank you!
Kayi, Mama College