get used to Ving /used to V│唱歌學英文,一句歌詞,讓你get used to跟used to不再傻傻分不清楚! ... <看更多>
get used to Ving /used to V│唱歌學英文,一句歌詞,讓你get used to跟used to不再傻傻分不清楚! ... <看更多>
#1. 【老師救救我】be used to 與used to 怎麼用才對? - 希平方
be used to + Ving / 名詞:習慣於. ... 這是被動用法(be 動詞+ 過去分詞used),因此後面可以加上「原形動詞」,表示某物被用來做什麼事。
#2. 【意思大不同】習慣的英文是?教你聰明分辨used to、be used to
get used to. 表示從「不習慣」到「習慣」的過程,意思是變得習慣於、開始習慣於某件事或物。 使用方法:人+ get used to + Ving (動名詞) / N (名詞).
#3. [易混淆] be used to + Ving 習慣... & used to + V. 過去常...
be used to + Ving / N 表示「對...感到習慣或習以為常」,可用於「現在式」或過去式,其中used 是形容詞,to 是介系詞(所以後面接名詞或動名詞) ...
#4. 【英文文法】used to ,be used to ,get used to傻傻分不清嗎?就 ...
人+ be used to + V-ing :現在習慣…/被用來... 接下來,讓我們開始吧! 1. 人+ used to + V 以前(常常、習慣)… used to 表示過去經常發生的行為或 ...
#5. 怎麼區分used to VR be used to V-ing be used ... - 莓喵英文Fun
A be used for N(被用來做....) A used to VR (A過去經常做某事) A be used to V-ing/N(逐漸習慣於) A be used to VR (被用來做....) A be used by ...
#6. 完整解析used to與be used to的用法 - Barshai
used to後面要加上動詞原形,而be used to 後面要接Ving。但是,以下兩個句子又讓這個法則破滅:The knife is used to cut the cake. The dog used to eating raw meat ...
#7. 【Used to文法】還搞不清楚used to, be used to, get used to嗎 ...
(2).Be used to +Ving/N. 表示對某事感到習慣或熟悉,用於現在式或過去式(少用) *used是形容詞; to是介係詞後面+動名詞或名詞. 肯定句: I am used to ...
#8. 【老師救救我】be used to 與used to 怎麼用才對? - Cool3c
be used to + Ving / 名詞:習慣於... 這個用法中的to 是介係詞,因此後面必須加上名詞或是動名詞喔!那如果要表示原本不習慣 ...
#9. 弄不清楚used to、be used to、get used to?看這篇一次就懂
表示從「不習慣」到「習慣」的過程,意思是變得習慣於、開始習慣於某件事或物。 使用方法:人+ get used to + Ving(動名詞)/ N(名詞). e.g., Since ...
#10. be used to, get used to, used to 差別在哪裡? - 學英文吧
今天就來和巴小編一起來學這三個用法吧! sb + be used to + N / V-ing. 某人習慣於...
#11. be used to
人+ be/ get/ become used to Ving/N→(某人)習慣做… 這個句型用在可能一開始不熟,不習慣的事情,因為常做或者是時間久了的關係,. 慢慢熟悉,變成習慣了。
#12. 傻傻分不清?used to、be used to、get used to三個片語的差異
在英文文章中看見「used to」是不是讓你很頭痛呢? ... 今天小編就一次統整三個大家最容易搞混的「used to片語」 ... 習慣某事;適應某事 beV used to + N/V-ing.
#13. be used to Vr 易混的三種「使用」方法? - 隨意窩
1. 動詞片語used to後面接的是「原形動詞」,是「過去經常/習慣…做某事」之意。 Be used to+Ving/N是「習慣於…」的意思,此時的to當的是介系詞,故to後面須接名詞或動 ...
#14. 而be used as N僅是動詞的被動用法。 ① used to V表「過去常做
used to V vs. be used to N / V-ing vs. be used as N / to V used to V表示「過去曾有的習慣」,而be used as N僅是動詞的被動用法。 ① used to V表「過去常做, ...
#15. used to V 唱歌學英文,一句歌詞,讓你get used to ... - YouTube
get used to Ving /used to V│唱歌學英文,一句歌詞,讓你get used to跟used to不再傻傻分不清楚!
#16. 「used to」正確用法是?跟be used to 差在哪? - 英文庫
我是英文庫的Cecilia,used to 和be used to 這兩兄弟長的非常相像,但在學習這部分文法的路途中還經常殺出一個和兩者 ... be used to + V-ing(動名詞)/ N.(名詞).
#17. used to 和be used to 一樣嗎? - Cubelish 英文方塊
He used to drink green tea, but he drinks coffee now. I am used to drinking a cup of water every morning. ... be used to 後方加Ving ...
#18. 英文文法|Used to ,Be used to ,Get used to用法差在哪?
be used to Ving (動名詞)/N(名詞). 現在的習慣、一直以來的習慣 對OOO習以為常. Rita is used to drinking coffee in the morning.
#19. [混淆] be used to + Ving 習慣... & used to + V. 過去常...
be used to + Ving / N. adj. 介 表示「對...感到習慣或習以為常」,可用於「現在式」或過去式,其中used 是形容詞,to 是介系詞(所以後面接名詞 ...
#20. 3種used to用法超完整比較,看這篇就夠了 - Wing的語言人生
在英文中如果想表達習慣,名詞可以用habit,而片可以用used to,其實這個片語還另外延伸出兩 ... 「be used to」+ N/Ving; 「be used to」+ 原型動詞.
#21. used to + V1 (過去經常做的事或過去的狀況) 與be used to + V ...
get used to + Ving/N 用來表示某件事情變得越來越熟悉,跟be used to + V-ing/N 的用法類似,表示已經習慣於,熟悉某事,對某事不再陌生。在不定詞或其他 ...
#22. 英文used to和be/get used to用法(Usage of used to/be used to ...
used to+原形動詞(過去常…) He used to drink Coffee, but he drinks tea now.(他以前喝咖啡,但現在喝茶). be/get used to+名詞/Ving(習慣於). You must get used to ...
#23. used to, be used to, get used to 分別 - 陳老師英語教室
使用助動詞didn't,這種用法就是把used 當成verb看待,所以變成否定句要用助動詞He ... structure:人+ be used to + Ving (動名詞) / N (名詞).
#24. Different uses of 'used to' | LearnEnglish
Read the explanation to learn more. Grammar explanation. Used to + infinitive and be/get used to + -ing look similar but they have very different uses. used to.
#25. used to - 翰林雲端學院
be used to+V:被用來⋯ be used to+V-ing / N:習慣於⋯ 如:I'm used to drinking a glass of warm water after I wake up.(我習慣在起床後喝一杯溫開水。
#26. 英文寫作必備句型(「be used to」相關),Quentin寫作報,Blog
used to+n / V-ing 子句. He is used to sleeping late. 受詞為sleeping late 他習慣了晚起。 More and more young people get used to staying up ...
#27. Cấu trúc Used to/ Be used to/ Get used to trong tiếng Anh đầy ...
Giữa used to V và be/get used to V-ing? Đây là những cấu trúc câu xuất hiện rất nhiều trong các câu giao tiếp thông dụng trong tiếng Anh. Tuy nhiên, ...
#28. phân biệt cấu trúc: used to, get used to và be used to
3. 3. GET USED TO + VING / NOUN: DẦN QUEN VỚI. Đều là "used to", vậy ba cấu trúc used to, get used to và be used to khác nhau như thế nào?
#29. How to: used to, be used to, get used to - examples and ...
GET USED TO + Ving (e.g. I am getting used to riding a bicycle to work.) Practice Exercises. The answers are in the video or have a look at the very end of the ...
#30. Be used to ving - Учебные ресурсы - Wordwall
B1 Past and present habits be (get) used, used to/would - used to V1/ be used to Ving/ get used to Ving - be going to - used to - BE USED TO/USED TO.
#31. 一首歌兩分半完殺used to/be(get) used to - Funday
2. be(get) used to + v.-ing/n. (動名詞/名詞) :習慣於某件事情 例句: I'm used to go swimming everyday. 我習慣了每天都去游泳。
#32. [基礎文法]used to 和be used to 的區別 - 元元不絕- 痞客邦
國中英文面臨到used to或者是be/get used to 的用法以及區別,尤其剛學到被動態的 ... used to. 原形動詞. 過去習慣. be/get used to. Ving. 現在習慣.
#33. 【老師救救我】be used to 與used to 怎麼用才對? - 希平方學 ...
be used to + Ving / 名詞:習慣於. ... 這是被動用法(be 動詞+ 過去分詞used),因此後面可以加上「原形動詞」,表示某物被用來做什麼事。
#34. Be/Get used to 有什麼差別?| 英文不難- Kevin 英文不難
*weed: 大麻肯定:Yes, I used to grow weed. 否定:No, I didn't used to grow weed #2. Be used to + Ving:表示對你習以為常,很習慣的事情。
#35. 【语法秘笈】五分钟搞懂used to,be used to,get used to的区别
常用于过去和未来,与Be used to + Ving/N 用法相似。 After a while, Andy got used to living on his own. 一段时间后,Andy习惯了自己过生活。
#36. be used to v.-ing造句 - 百度知道
智课以先进的翻转课堂教学模式及智能学习系统为学员提供陪伴式的教学,帮助学员实现“同样的时间,更高的分数,更好的录取”。线上注册学员超过600万, ...
#37. [英文筆記][用法] Used to, be used to, get used to 一樣嗎?怎麼 ...
She is getting used to waking up early for her new job. 總結, be used to 和get used to 用法一樣,後面是名詞或V-ing。 都可以用在現在,過去或 ...
#38. 【英语语法】used to / be used to / get used to 傻傻分不清吗 ...
首先先简单认识一下三种不同的用法:. 人+ used to + V:以前(常常、习惯)… 人+ get used to + N / V-ing :现在 ...
#39. be used to ( v-ing ) 中文 - 查查詞典
be used to ( v-ing )中文意思:習慣于…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋be used to ( v-ing )的中文翻譯,be used to ( v-ing )的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#40. 【意思大不同】教你聰明分辨used to、be used to、get used to!
讓VT 為你清楚說明三大用法,以後再也不會隨便混用! ○ used. ... 使用方法:人+ be used to + Ving (動名詞) / N (名詞)
#41. 作為介係詞用的to 其後的動詞改為動名詞(Ving). - to (be Vpp to ...
其特色有: 1. 可能具有「方向」性,例如the road to Ving... 2. 可能表示「習慣」之意,例如take to/ be used/adapted/accustomed to... 3. 可能其組成裡隱含「感官」 ...
#42. 「used to」、「be used to」、「get used to」的分別
首先先簡單認識一下三種不同的用法:. * 人+ used to + V:以前(常常、習慣)… * 人+ get used to + N / V-ing : ...
#43. used to / be used to @ nothing but english - 痞客邦
... 什麼但重點是"現在已經沒有在做了" ex. I used to go shopping with my friends in the we. ... 2. be used to Ving 是說現在一直持續的某種習慣
#44. Phân biệt “Used to Inf” và “Be/ get used to Ving" - IOE
Phân biệt “Used to Inf” và “Be/ get used to Ving". Th.hai, 10/11/2014, 11:07 Lượt xem: 135283. VD: I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ...
#45. Cấu trúc Used to/ Be used to và cách sử dụng phổ biến
Be used to V-ing hoặc Noun (danh từ) có nghĩa là “quen với”, được dùng để diễn tả hành động đã được thực hiện nhiều lần, chủ thể của câu có kinh ...
#46. 11.會考英文--人 used to 原V / 人 be used to Ving / 人 get used ...
Q. He _____ a good student who did his homework and studied hard. answer choices. was used to being.
#47. used to Vとbe used to Vingの違い - 失敗英語教材ランキング
「used to V」は「以前はよくVしたものだ」という過去の習慣を表す! 「be used to Ving」は「~することに慣れている」という意味! ~目次~. 「used ...
#48. used to + V / be used to + Ving ? I used to drink a ... - HiNative
used to + V / be used to + Ving ? I used to drink a coffee in the morning , but i drink lemon water instead now. I used not go to hike ...
#49. CẤU TRÚC BE USED TO, USED TO V, GET ... - Langmaster
?/ Cấu trúc nghi vấn: Tobe + S + used to + V-ing/Noun? Như vậy, cấu trúc be used to V = cấu trúc be used to Ving. Lúc này thì used sẽ là 1 tính từ, ...
#50. 英文used to / be used to / get used to 中文意思與英文用法大 ...
2. get used to + N / V-ing (經過時間後)現在習慣… get used to 的英文用法:現在習慣…. e.g I get used to sleeping ...
#51. Get used to 中文
3. 人+ be used to + V-ing 現在習慣…. be used to 有兩個意思:. 表達某物品的用途. 在這裡used是use的被動語態,to 是不定詞,所以後面要加原型動詞(V.) ...
#52. to當介系詞用法|蝦米?! to+V-ing? - 高效英語速學網
(所有的孩子都期待著參觀新的主題公園。) → look forward to + V-ing. The diligent student is used to previewing every lesson before the class.
#53. used to 的用法(影)|貝塔語測 - 貝塔語言出版
used to 的用法(影),李正凡老師獨家「文法相對論」隆重登場,<柯南偵探法,betamedia ,,專業出版多益TOEIC ... be (become, get) used to + V-ing.
#54. used to & be used to - 痞客邦
When I was a studnet, I used to study hard. 還是學生時我努力用功。 (以前是學生) 2. 現在習慣 be used to Ving I am used to sleeping in class.
#55. 베리가 뽑은 헷갈리는 영어 표현 (1) used to / be ... - 네이버 블로그
used to, be used to-V, be used to Ving 이에요. 먼저, "used to" 부터 알아볼까요? "used to" 는 '(과거에) ~ 하곤 했다' 라는 뜻으로,.
#56. used to是什麼意思 - 海词词典
be used to有兩個含義:①「被用來做某事」,後接動詞原形。②「習慣於;適應」,後接名詞、代詞或v-ing,表示一種狀態。 get used to意為「習慣 ...
#57. Be used to, get used to, used to - Speakspeak
If you are used to something, you have often done or experienced it; ... Structure: Be used to + noun phrase or verb (-ing form), I am used to getting up ...
#58. BE USED TO | Grammar | EnglishClub
BE USED TO is an expression. It is not a tense. If I say 'We ARE USED TO Thailand', it is like saying 'We are accustomed to Thailand.
#59. Phân biệt Used to Ving và cách dùng chi tiết –
Cấu trúc Be used to ving · Hans has lived in England for over a year so he is used to driving on the left now (Hans đã sống ở Anh hơn 1 năm rồi nên giờ anh ấy ...
#60. Be/Get used to | Learn English
Get used to means that in the beginning a situation was strange or unusual but is not anymore or will soon stop being strange or unusual because ...
#61. 助動詞used to-知識百科-三民輔考
You used to get up early, didn't you? 動名詞用法. 動名詞兼具動詞與名詞特性甚至意義,以V-ing型態出現,用在句中 ...
#62. Cấu trúc Be used to, Used to V, Get used to trong tiếng Anh
Cấu trúc Be used to trong tiếng Anh. Cấu trúc: To be + V-ing/ Noun. Be used to + cụm danh từ hoặc verb-ing (trong cấu trúc này, used là 1 ...
#63. used to, be used to, get used to 的用法- LetMeEnglish.com
used to + 动词不定式可以用来表达在过去重复做的某件事。 ... be used to 或 get used to 后面可以加上名词或动词-ing。 to 后面若加上动词要是v-ing的形式的原因是 ...
#64. 高一文法Part 2 | 英文酷酷學
1. S + have + difficulty/problems/trouble/a hard time + V-ing … · 2. S + have + been + p.p. (+ by O) 已經被… · 3. S + be/get used to + V-ing 習慣 ...
#65. "Got used to V-ing" được dùng như thế nào - VnExpress
Tôi biết rằng cụm từ "get used to V-ing" được dùng để chỉ thói quen hiện tại. Vậy cụm"got used to V-ing" có nghĩa gì, cách dùng như thế nào?
#66. Cấu trúc, cách dùng be/get used to + Ving (+ V) hay, chi tiết
Cấu trúc, cách dùng be/get used to + Ving (+ V) hay, chi tiết - Tổng hợp 136 chủ đề Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh cơ bản, nâng cao được trình bày dễ hiểu gồm đầy đủ: ...
#67. used to與be used to用法差異 - 伊萊.說故事
be used to+Ving/N是「習慣於…」的意思,此時的to當的是介系詞,故to後面須接名詞或動名詞。 be used to+原形動詞,當作「被…用來」,是由被動語態beV+ ...
#68. 'Used To' - Perfect English Grammar
We use 'be used to + verb-ing' to talk about things which feel normal for us or things that we are accustomed to: I'm used to getting up early, so I don't mind ...
#69. Phân biệt cấu trúc used to, be used to, get used to - RES
Did you have any science classes in elementary or high school? => Honestly, I used to have science lessons in high school. 2. Cấu trúc be used to V-ing.
#70. 差別? - 名師課輔網
used to. be used to Ving. be used to V. 的差異及用法? ... I am used to drinking a glass of water after I wake up.(我習慣在起床之後先喝一杯 ...
#71. 3 cấu trúc Used to phổ biến cần nắm khi học tiếng Anh
Get used to something/V-ing: đang quen dần với điều gì/việc gì. Các cấu trúc tương đương với: Used to V = Would V. Be used to = Be accustomed to ...
#72. Cấu trúc Used to và 3 công thức thông dụng thường gặp nhất
to V-ing/danh từ? Cách dùng. Cấu trúc “be used to do something” được dùng để chỉ một việc bạn đã từng làm rất nhiều ...
#73. Cấu trúc Be used to, Used to V, Get ... - THẦN TỐC TIẾNG ANH
Cấu trúc Be used to trong tiếng Anh - Cấu trúc. To be + V-ing/ Noun. Be used to + cụm danh từ hoặc verb-ing (trong cấu trúc này, used là 1 ...
#74. used to和be used to别搞混了!_习惯 - 搜狐
2.使用助动词didn't,这种用法就是把used 当成动词看待,所以变成否定句要用助动词get在这里相当于become,表示从「不习惯」到「习惯」的过程, ...
#75. Used to, Be used to, Get used to - Phân biệt và cách dùng
Be used to + Ving hoặc cụm danh từ (trong cấu trúc này, used là 1 tính từ và to là 1 giới từ). You are used to doing something (Nghĩa là bạn ...
#76. 英文討論區:對別人遲到而感到很無奈的說「沒關係,我習慣了 ...
It doesn't matter, I am used to it. 建議不要說成I am already getting used to . 「人+ be used to Ving/N」是指某人習慣 ...
#77. Cấu trúc Used to/ Be used to/ Get used mà bạn nên biết
Giữa be/get used to V-ing và used to V? Có thể nói đây chính là các cấu trúc phổ biến, xuất hiện rất nhiều trong những câu giao tiếp thông ...
#78. Phân biệt cách sử dụng Used to, Get used to và Be used to
To get used to + V – ing/N: He got used to American food : I got used to getting up early in the morning. Tôi đã dần dần quen với việc thức ...
1/ Used to + Verb: Đã từng, từng. Chỉ một thói quen, một hành động thường xuyên xảy ra trong quá khứ và bây giờ không còn nữa. · 2/ To be + V-ing/ Noun: Trở nên ...
#80. 辨析|「used to」,」 be used to」, 「get used to」 - 人人焦點
首先先簡單認識一下三種不同的用法:. 人+ used to + V:以前(常常、習慣)… 人+ get used to + N / V-ing :現在漸漸 ...
#81. 如何正确使用used to
be used to + Ving/n. 表示习惯于做某事,短语后加名词、动名词或动名词短语。 【例句】 We are used ...
#82. 【似てるようで全く違う】used to 〜と be(get) used to 〜ing -
used to do (以前は〜していた) · be/get used to 〜(V)ing/名詞「〜(すること)に慣れている(慣れる)」 · まとめ ...
#83. 还搞不清楚used to, be used to, get used to吗?「习惯」的英文 ...
*used是use 的被动语态,而to 是不定词后面加原型动词。 例子. (太阳眼镜用来保护眼睛受到太阳的紫外线。) (3). Get used to +Ving/N.
USED TO V BE GET USED TO VING · 1. My father didn't ______ coffee for breakfast. · 2. We ______ walk past the church on our way to primary school. · 3. Mr. · 4.
#85. Lý thuyết cấu trúc get used to v-ing tiếng anh 10
Cách dùng. Cấu trúc get used to V-ing được sử dụng để diễn tả ai đó đang dần quen 1 vấn đề hoặc sự việc nào đó. Ví dụ: You might find it strange at first ...
#86. 英語你我他-文法篇222 be used to + V-ing/used to + V
be used to + V-ing/used to + V.
#87. Sự khác nhau giữa cấu trúc Used to – Be Used to – Get Used to
Bạn có phân biệt được sự khác nhau giữa used to V và be/get used to V-ing? Đây là những cấu trúc câu tiếng Anh xuất hiện thường xuyên trong các mẫu câu giao ...
#88. Used To, Get Used To & Be Used To – Ellii Blog - ESL Library
Usage. Used to is a unique expression in English. Its form and function are similar to a modal (i.e., it gives extra information about the verb ...
#89. Re: [問題] 一個關於英文to的問題- 看板SENIORHIGH
的習慣) be used to Ving be accustomed to Ving -->[custom最早可追溯自拉丁文的consuescere,表示to make someone used to...] be adapted to Ving ...
#90. to Ving - Oncelove's Garbage Can
look forward to V ing resort to V ing ... with regards to V ing, be accustomed to V ingbe addicted to V ing ... be used to V ing ...
#91. 文法句型篇
1 動名詞的形式為Ving,是由動詞轉變而來的名詞,本身具有動詞的意義,但 ... ‧Before Cynthia got sick, she used to practice.
#92. Cách Sử Dụng Cấu Trúc BE USED TO, USED TO V VÀ GET ...
her temper? Nếu Object liên quan đến một động từ chúng ta sử dụng dạng: Be used to + Ving hoặc cụm danh từ ...
#93. Metropolitan Academy of English on Twitter: "過去の習慣を ...
過去の習慣を表す used to V と、慣れるという意味の be/get used to Ving。 紛らわしいですが、例文を何度も音読して感覚を身に着けてしまいましょう ...
#94. Cấu trúc used to và những điều cần biết - YOLA
Cấu trúc get used to (dần quen với). Cấu trúc: to get used to + V-ing/ noun. Dùng để diễn tả một sự việc mà bạn ...
#95. The Difference Between Used To, Be Used To and Get Used To
We always use it in the past tense. Be/get used to is an adjective that means we are so familiar with something that is seems normal or usual.
#96. be used to与be accustomed to的用法和区别 - 健康跟著走
習慣於get used to + Ving 漸習慣於; 使習慣於get accustomed to + Ving 漸習慣於; 使習慣 ... ,超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文 ...
Cấu trúc get used to trong tiếng Anh mang ý nghĩa là dần quen với điều gì/việc gì đó. → Cấu trúc: Get used to + Ving/Noun.
be used to + ving 在 Re: [問題] 一個關於英文to的問題- 看板SENIORHIGH 的八卦
※ 引述《g898 (一代風流美男)》之銘言:
: 為什麼以前國中老師都說
: to後面要加原型動詞
: 但是卻有一些例外耶
: 像是be accustomed to V-ing
: 或是adapt oneself to N/V-ing
: 這些例外要一個一個背起來嗎?
: 好討厭吽
到底何時是to VR還是to Ving,很多參考書都有整理,並且列出來
(1) *In order to it, I... (所以這裡是 to-infinitive沒錯)
(2) With an eye to it, I... (疑惑:同樣跟in order to一樣表目的,為何可加it?)
我們先把這種所謂的 to Ving 分一下類,發現大致可分成:
A. 方向類
contribute to Ving
give rise to Ving
the key to Ving
the road to Ving
commit oneself to Ving
-->[-mit 是來自拉丁文mittere,也就是to send之意,所以也可視為一種方向]
object to Ving
-->[-ject 來自 jacere,是to throw,所以也可視為一種方向]
oppose Ving
be opposed to Ving
-->[-pose 表 to put,所以是被放到遠離某物的位置,可當一種「反」方向]
B. 「習慣」類
take to Ving (開始養成做...的習慣)
be used to Ving
be accustomed to Ving
-->[custom最早可追溯自拉丁文的consuescere,表示to make someone used to...]
be adapted to Ving
-->[apt == fit]
*be addicted to Ving(若把上癮想成一種習慣)
C. 「感官」類 (為何會這樣稱呼?這就是本篇想分享的點)
"look" forward to Ving
with a "view" to Ving
with an "eye" to Ving
be "addicted" to Ving
-->[-dict 表 to say,被別人「說」可想成是一種你在「聽」的過程,所以是感官]
be "devoted" to Ving
be "dedicated" to Ving
-->[-vote 表 to promise,-dic 也表 to say,都是被動版「說」,主動「聽」]
*be addicted to Ving
to 的本意就是 通往一個terminus/goal 的概念
所以 to 後方應該要接這個terminus,是名詞的概念
例如你要說be dedicated to 也是有一種「被投入去...」的方向概念
這裡我們引了語言學家 Duffley 的解釋:
Duffley, P. J. 2003. The Gerund and the to-Infinitive as Subject. Journal
of english linguistics, 31(4), 324-352.
Duffley 認為 英文所謂的 to-infinitive
to[preposition/particle] + bare infinitive
(也就是說,to-infinitive只是比bare infinitive多了一個to)
(此terminus有一個bare infinitive,而bare infinitive可以用來)
(表示此動作事件已經做了出來,完整結束 → 最後演變成「表目的」)
什麼是 bare infinitive?就是我們俗稱很多時候都要加的「原形」
↓ bare infinitive
(3) a. I saw him walk across the square.
b. I saw him walking across the square.
為什麼 with an eye to 是表目的?
with a view to 也是如此
同樣也是後面用 Ving,如(3-b)一樣,表示有看到否畫面是某動作正在進行
因為有with和to,而因此最後也演變成跟in order to一樣的意思:「表目的」
那為何in order to 後方不接Ving?因為 in order 未隱含感官之意
同樣道理,為何look forward to 是表期待?
那be addicted to Ving 呢?
那就是明明(3-a)也告訴我們感官動詞可以接 bare infinitive
1. 因為語意上的需要
2. 因為這只是削弱語言演變的速度
事實上我們的確聽到 有人會講 look forward to V 的這種可能性
所以in order 後方現在就是直接加 to VR了
但有感官的 with an eye 卻是仍有 to Ving 的趨勢
我們可以說它剛好是介在 第一類 和 第三類 之間
如果你要解釋成它 就跟 第一類 一樣
如果你要解釋成它 就跟 第三類 一樣
這種 to Ving 的片語,大都還是建議同學直接背誦,因為高中會考的不多,遠比to V的少
1. 可能具有「方向」性,例如 the road to Ving...
2. 可能表示「習慣」之意,例如 take to/ be used/adapted/accustomed to...
3. 可能其組成裡隱含「感官」之意,表示「觀察」到某動作「正在進行(故用Ving)」
,例如: with an EYE to Ving/ LOOK forward to Ving ...
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