CA25 Maximum range accuracy test complete ❤️❤️❤️
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CA25 Maximum range accuracy test complete ❤️❤️❤️
just normal Fan made video, so I don’t have very Profession rangefinder(´・_・`)
but it’s really effectively for long rang game I think👊
remember open HD version my friends✨✨✨✨
Hmm…cold current come in Taiwan now, so just forget my allergy dark circles😖
allergy attack me when each cold weather, hope quickly back to warm day(´・ω・`)
accuracy weather 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 八卦
😱 俐媽怪書推薦:Ten Sorry Tales
Tale 2: The Boy Who Fell Asleep
😴 俐媽好字精選:
tug-of-war (n.) 拉鋸戰
slump (v.) 癱坐
splash (v.) (水)噴濺
mutter (v.) 咕噥;低聲抱怨
wind (v.) 蜿蜒
drift (v.) 漂浮
groggy (a.) 昏沈無力的;東歪西倒的
yawn (v.) 打呵欠
pulse (n.) 脈搏
tsetse fly (n.) 嗤嗤蠅(被它叮咬之後會一直昏睡哦!)
inspector (n.) 調查員
pupil (n.) 小學生;瞳孔
decency (n.) 正直
peek (n.)(v.) 偷看
flinch (v.) (因痛)畏縮
trickle (v.) (液體)淌;涓滴
muffled (a.) (因捂住)聲音悶悶的
solitary (a.) 孤獨的
hibernation (n.) 冬眠
flicker (n.)(v.) 忽隱忽現
blink (n.)(v.) 眨眼睛
cobble (v.) 修補
croak (v.) 低沈沙啞地說
wither (v.) 枯萎;衰弱
queue (n.) 隊伍;(v.) 排隊
accuracy (n.) 精準
profoundly (adv.) 深遠地
fathomless (a.) 深不可測的;令人無法理解的
nod off 打瞌睡
take pleasure in 以⋯為樂
be fast/sound asleep 熟睡
be under the weather 生病;不舒服
surrender to N 向⋯投降
run its natural course 自然而然發展
in case 以防萬一
in no time 很快;馬上
manage to V 試圖成功達成⋯
gaze at N 凝視
come to an end 結束
grow accustomed to N/Ving 逐漸習慣於⋯
accuracy weather 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
台灣國家太空中心上週六方振洲博士向台灣朋友們介紹今年稍晚即將發射的美台聯合新太空任務「福衛七號氣象衛星」,說明它將如何增進世界天氣和氣候變遷預報的精準度。福衛七號衛星將接續2006年發射的福衛三號任務。福衛三號已經為80個國家、30,000名科學家和其他使用者提供了寶貴的氣象、氣候和其他科學資料!相關訊息: #AITat40 #AITat40Celebraton #USTaiwanRelations #StrongFoundationBrightFuture #立穩根基共創未來 #台美科學合作聯展
Taiwan National Space Organization’s Dr. Fong Chen-joe introduced to our Taiwan friends how the new U.S.-Taiwan joint space mission “COSMIC-2/FORMOSAT-7 climate satellites“, which will be launched later this year, is going to enhance the accuracy of world weather and climate change forecasts. COMIC-2/FORMOSAT 7 will succeed the COSMIC-1/FORMOSAT-3 mission, launched in 2006, which provided invaluable meteorological, climate, and other scientific data to 30,000 scientists and other users in 80 countries! Learn more:
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The Short Answer: A seven-day forecast can accurately predict the weather about 80 percent of the time and a five-day forecast can accurately predict the ... ... <看更多>
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Temperature accuracy is the percentage of forecasts within three degrees. Precipitation accuracy is the percentage of correct forecasts. The forecasts are ... ... <看更多>
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AccuWeather has local and international weather forecasts from the most accurate weather forecasting technology featuring up to the minute weather reports. ... <看更多>