再再... 再過幾個小時
因為2019是 #台灣關係法 立法40週年的紀念💎
小編不說謊、不造謠 🤭
🔺 自駕開起來
今年新增 #明尼蘇達 #印第安納 #紐澤西 #美屬維京群島,與我國簽署駕照互惠協議,總計台灣人在 #全美33州 都可以免試換駕照
🔺 全美接地氣
今年4月7日全美12個駐處同步舉辦 #台灣日,透過展覽、義診、公益、健行等活動,向當地民眾彰顯 台美兩國共享 #自由 #民主 #人權 等普世價值
🔺 作伙來台灣
今年 #密西西比州州長 Phil Bryant和 #愛達荷州州長 Brad Little率團訪台,另有8位州參眾議長及代議長來台訪問
🔺 大聲挺台灣
全美共有38州參、眾議會通過 #46項友我決議案,力挺「台美關係」,也支持我國際參與,各地挺台聲量高漲,呼籲全球議題應納入台灣的參與
🔺 國防授權法案
12月20日川普總統正式簽署生效,要求美國防部在法案生效後的180天內,就 #台灣網路安全 議題向國會提交報告,並確保美國持續依據《台灣關係法》履行對台灣的義務,另外也要求美國家情報總監應於2020年台灣總統、副總統大選日結束後的45天內提交有關 #中國干預台灣大選 的報告
#台美友好 🤝
Another year gone! This one was particularly special, marking #TRA40. #Taiwan-#US ties are now better than ever. In addition to staunch support from the US federal government’s executive and legislative branches, local-level exchanges and cooperation efforts have gone from strength to strength. Let’s take a look at just some of the achievements the two sides have made this year.
🔷 Driving Agreements
Taiwan signed new reciprocal driver’s license agreements with #Minnesota, #Indiana, #NewJersey and the #USVirginIslands. Now people with a Taiwan license who study, live and work in the US can trade it in for a local license without taking a driving test in 33 out of 50 states!
🔷 Visits to Taiwan
Mr. Phil Bryant and Mr. Governor Brad Little, governors of #Mississippi and #Idaho, respectively, visited Taiwan this year. A further 8 presidents or presidents pro tempore of state senates and houses also led state legislative delegations to get to know the country better.
🔷 Supporting Taiwan
A total of 38 state senates and houses passed 46 resolutions supporting strengthening bilateral relations and promoting Taiwan’s international participation, helping tell the world that #TaiwanCanHelp.
🔷 NDAA 2020
The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 was signed into law by President Donald J. Trump on Dec. 20th, with clauses designed to support Taiwan’s future defense and cybersecurity, as well as instructing the Director of National Intelligence to report on influence operations conducted to interfere in or undermine Taiwan's 2020 presidential and legislative elections no later than 45 days after their conclusion.
同時也有10000部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過62萬的網紅Bryan Wee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,...
46項友我決議案 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 八卦
再再... 再過幾個小時
因為2019是 #台灣關係法 立法40週年的紀念💎
小編不說謊、不造謠 🤭
🔺 自駕開起來
今年新增 #明尼蘇達 #印第安納 #紐澤西 #美屬維京群島,與我國簽署駕照互惠協議,總計台灣人在 #全美33州 都可以免試換駕照
🔺 全美接地氣
今年4月7日全美12個駐處同步舉辦 #台灣日,透過展覽、義診、公益、健行等活動,向當地民眾彰顯 台美兩國共享 #自由 #民主 #人權 等普世價值
🔺 作伙來台灣
今年 #密西西比州州長 Phil Bryant和 #愛達荷州州長 Brad Little率團訪台,另有8位州參眾議長及代議長來台訪問
🔺 大聲挺台灣
全美共有38州參、眾議會通過 #46項友我決議案,力挺「台美關係」,也支持我國際參與,各地挺台聲量高漲,呼籲全球議題應納入台灣的參與
🔺 國防授權法案
12月20日川普總統正式簽署生效,要求美國防部在法案生效後的180天內,就 #台灣網路安全 議題向國會提交報告,並確保美國持續依據《台灣關係法》履行對台灣的義務,另外也要求美國家情報總監應於2020年台灣總統、副總統大選日結束後的45天內提交有關 #中國干預台灣大選 的報告
#台美友好 🤝
Another year gone! This one was particularly special, marking #TRA40. #Taiwan-#US ties are now better than ever. In addition to staunch support from the US federal government’s executive and legislative branches, local-level exchanges and cooperation efforts have gone from strength to strength. Let’s take a look at just some of the achievements the two sides have made this year.
🔷 Driving Agreements
Taiwan signed new reciprocal driver’s license agreements with #Minnesota, #Indiana, #NewJersey and the #USVirginIslands. Now people with a Taiwan license who study, live and work in the US can trade it in for a local license without taking a driving test in 33 out of 50 states!
🔷 Visits to Taiwan
Mr. Phil Bryant and Mr. Governor Brad Little, governors of #Mississippi and #Idaho, respectively, visited Taiwan this year. A further 8 presidents or presidents pro tempore of state senates and houses also led state legislative delegations to get to know the country better.
🔷 Supporting Taiwan
A total of 38 state senates and houses passed 46 resolutions supporting strengthening bilateral relations and promoting Taiwan’s international participation, helping tell the world that #TaiwanCanHelp.
🔷 NDAA 2020
The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 was signed into law by President Donald J. Trump on Dec. 20th, with clauses designed to support Taiwan’s future defense and cybersecurity, as well as instructing the Director of National Intelligence to report on influence operations conducted to interfere in or undermine Taiwan's 2020 presidential and legislative elections no later than 45 days after their conclusion.
46項友我決議案 在 歐洲議會通過兩項友台決議籲陸停止威脅台海穩定 - 聯合報 的相關結果
2022年2月17日 — 我外交部表示,今年歐洲議會開議後,立即通過這兩項友我決議,以具體行動展現對台灣民主夥伴的支持與重視,外交部表達誠摯歡迎與由衷感謝。 ... <看更多>
46項友我決議案 在 WHA日內瓦閉幕外交部:歐洲聲援台灣創新高 - 蘋果日報 的相關結果
2022年5月29日 — 德國及盧森堡首見通過友我決議案或動議案,外交部認為意義非凡。 ... 為我案辯論,反駁中國片面謊言及謬論,強調聯合國大會第2758號決議及WHA第25.1號 ... ... <看更多>
46項友我決議案 在 影/歐洲副議長拜會蔡總統畢爾:只有台灣人可以決定台灣未來 的相關結果
15 小時前 — ... 英文致詞歡迎畢爾一行時提到,過去這幾年歐洲議會越來越關注台灣議題,從去年一月到現在已經通過20項友台決議案。 ... 2022年7月19日週二下午8:46. ... <看更多>