— 美國在台協會處長 酈英傑
📝A Farewell Letter from AIT Director W. Brent Christensen
"As my time as AIT Director draws to a close and I prepare to leave Taiwan, I want to take this opportunity to tell you what this experience has meant to me. It is not an exaggeration to say that this has been the honor of my life and the fulfillment of a career-long aspiration.
The first time I left my hometown at age 19, it was to come to Taiwan. From that early age, Taiwan became synonymous for me with the ideas of exchange and understanding, exploration and adventure. Taiwan represented both disorienting foreignness and unexpected opportunity, as I tried new food – like shuijiaos and qiu doufu – and learned to navigate my way through streets crowded with bicycles and scooters. And struggled to make myself understood with my rudimentary Mandarin. But all the while discovering the kindness and generosity that welcomed me wherever I went.
It felt appropriate for me to serve my first tour as a U.S. diplomat in the place that first sparked in me a lifelong interest in Asia – and in Taiwan in particular – and in cross-cultural understanding and shared purpose, or in other words, diplomacy. After that, my career took me to other places, but mostly still in the China region. But the memories of my experiences in Taiwan stayed with me. And finally having the opportunity to serve as the top U.S. diplomat to Taiwan was the culmination of all the years that came before. It is clear that I have a lifelong connection to Taiwan, or “yuanfen,” that has led me to return again and again.
People often ask me why I have such a fondness for Taiwan. “Isn’t it obvious?!” I always think. But when forced to explain my affection for and professional fascination with Taiwan, I usually come back to a few themes.
First, dynamism and constancy; progress and preservation; innovation and tradition. Every time I return to Taiwan, I am immediately struck by the many ways Taiwan has advanced as a society. Taiwan’s democracy grows more mature, its economy more prosperous, its environment more cared-for, and its arts and culture more vibrant.
Taiwan’s industry continues to set the benchmark for global innovation in some of the most sophisticated technologies, but at the same time, Taiwan society is remarkable for its stability and cultural continuity. Taiwan’s people, despite their relative wealth and stature, continue to be modest and unassuming. Taiwan’s most ancient traditions are alive and well. Cultural and historic sites are restored and preserved. Young people may learn calligraphy techniques handed down for generations, but then share their work on Instagram.
Second, for the United States, Taiwan exemplifies the intersection of shared interests and shared values. Our partnership is about making sure our economies are beneficiaries rather than casualties of technological development and ensuring that technological development advances rather than undermines our principles. Our shared values of freedom, diversity, equality, and transparency inspire our efforts to build the resilience of democracies around the world. And we continue to find new ways to contribute to global problem solving, both because it benefits our own peoples and because we share the belief that this is what it means to be a good neighbor in the 21st century.
Finally, I associate Taiwan – and the broader U.S.-Taiwan relationship – with hope, promise, and growth. This friendship has expanded and flourished over the past 40 years; I believe every person who has done this job walked away knowing they left this partnership better than they found it. I will similarly leave AIT with a sense of accomplishment and success, knowing that the U.S.-Taiwan partnership is deeper and stronger than ever, and feeling immensely proud of my small role in getting us there.
But more than any of these things, I will remember the ways that Taiwan has touched me personally. I will always remember my first Christmas in Taiwan – and my first Chinese New Year. I will remember the warmth of Taiwan friendship, the faith of my fellow church members, the taste of a mango bing on a hot summer day, the echo of “Fur Elise” from the recycling truck, the fragrance of jasmine blossoms in village alleyways – these are just some of the memories I will treasure. I will remember the long dinners with dear friends, full of laughter and stories. And I will remember their many kindnesses. I will remember all the ways big and small that you, the people of Taiwan, touched my life and the lives of my family. And for that, I thank you.
I may be leaving Taiwan, but Taiwan will never leave me. "
-- AIT Director William Brent Christensen
✅Read the letter: https://bit.ly/3hUrsgw
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40層樓 在 聯合報 Facebook 八卦
最強女力 全鄉少她就斷炊服務橫跨3縣市
#女力 #瓦斯配送員
40層樓 在 Facebook 八卦
放煙火!放鞭炮!「小林同學」#林昀儒(19歲宜蘭員山人)在 #東京奧運 【桌球-男子單打】八強賽獲勝!闖進四強!
#2020東京奧運 #金牌 #桌球
40層樓 在 千千進食中 Youtube 的評價
#此為商業合作文,但內文感受皆為真實口感 ,請安心觀看
40層樓 在 Kouki Youtube 的評價
40 層樓的挑戰,特殊職業、自訂怪物,異界之塔系列回歸!
❤ 每天都有新影片!! 從今天起開始訂閱吧 !! ❤ ➔ http://bit.ly/Kouki
【Minecraft 】11月精選的小遊戲 | 當個創世神 ★ 播放清單 ★ ➔ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtHA2VxfiZuWXmY1bmZB_yjcolrfC4N2e
Minecraft 寶可夢戰爭 PokeWars ★ 播放清單 ★ ➔ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtHA2VxfiZuUmw3ELCQ5ex-Lm7n8Su9iP
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在Twitter上追蹤我 ➔ https://twitter.com/Ashan_kouki
* Minecraft 異界之塔
Microphone ➔ AT2020
Keyboard ➔ Ducky 青軸
Mouse ➔ Razer TransFormers 大黃蜂款
直播頻道 ➔ http://bit.ly/koukilive
*If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please get in contact (charlie615118@gmail.com) with me and I will delete it immediately (this includes artists of the images used).
40層樓 在 果籽 Youtube 的評價
Simon從事戶外品牌市場管理的工作,6年前拿着工作簽證,隻身漂洋到東京。在2018年頭經朋友Amy及Ken的協助,深思熟慮下投資200萬港元,興建理想的窩居。100萬地皮的面積相對較細,只有大約300呎,土地一半面積150呎可以起樓,位於東京23區內的杉並區邊沿,距離涉谷只有25分鐘車程。由於高度限制在10米內,建築師特意把整個房子沉低,一般房子地基距離地平線足足有1米,地基貼地可以在高度上限偷取更多空間,原本只有兩層樓高的建築物,偷高半層形成小閣樓擺放雜物。Simon把窩居名為Black House,全黑設計簡約得來不失霸氣,二樓有一個小露台,冷氣機及熱水爐也收藏在屋子背部位置。相比起鄰居的房子,Black House只有3.8米闊度,深度不足7米,是一間迷你窩居。
果籽 : https://hk.appledaily.com/realtime/lifestyle/
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