亲爱的妹妹, 祝你生日快乐!~ 真遗憾不能参加你 21岁的生日派对, 只好视频啦 😂 看你开心到~ 看着你越来越好, 我感到很骄傲 😊 祝你事业, 爱情, 健康, 家人, 全都好! 快来找我啦 我要给你包红包! 请你吃蛋糕! 洗脸刷牙用牙膏! Happy birthday to my beautiful, talented and funny accent sister! 😂 sorry for not being there for you in your sweet 21st birthday, but you know you have a big space reserved in my heart. birthday cake is always good, a sister with a birthday cake is great, so we will makan big cake soon ya! 🎂
#happybirthday #jestinna #jestinnakuan #mumungui #21birthJestinna Kuan 关丽燕 关丽燕