【創業家頻道】2020總統盃黑客松記者會 暨提案說明會 直播開始📣
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💎李俊俋 總統府副秘書長(副召集人)
💎陳正然 無任所大使(評選委員代表)
💎唐鳳 行政院政務委員(執行長)
2020 Presidential Hackathon Press Conference & Proposal Submission Briefing live stream is on!
The top 5 sustainable development topics concerning Taiwan citizens the most
Line-up of the live stream
1. Mr. LEE Chun-yi, Deputy Secretary-General to the President (Vice Convenor)
2. Mr. CHEN Jen-ran, Ambassador-at-large (Rep. of Judging Committee)
3. Ms. Audrey Tang, Minister without Portfolio of Executive Yuan (Chief Executive officer)
We will meet you online!
2020總統盃黑客松記者會暨提案說明會 在 經濟部工業局 Facebook 八卦
【創業大冒險】2020總統盃黑客松記者會 暨提案說明會 直播開始📣
🎉直播陣容 🎉
💎李俊俋 總統府副秘書長(副召集人)
💎陳正然 無任所大使(評選委員代表)
💎唐鳳 行政院政務委員(執行長)
2020 Presidential Hackathon Press Conference & Proposal Submission Briefing live stream is on!
The top 5 sustainable development topics concerning Taiwan citizens the most
Line-up of the live stream
1. Mr. LEE Chun-yi, Deputy Secretary-General to the President (Vice Convenor)
2. Mr. CHEN Jen-ran, Ambassador-at-large (Rep. of Judging Committee)
3. Ms. Audrey Tang, Minister without Portfolio of Executive Yuan (Chief Executive officer)
We will meet you online!
2020總統盃黑客松記者會暨提案說明會 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 八卦
【創業大冒險】2020總統盃黑客松記者會 暨提案說明會 直播開始📣
🎉直播陣容 🎉
💎李俊俋 總統府副秘書長(副召集人)
💎陳正然 無任所大使(評選委員代表)
💎唐鳳 行政院政務委員(執行長)
2020 Presidential Hackathon Press Conference & Proposal Submission Briefing live stream is on!
The top 5 sustainable development topics concerning Taiwan citizens the most
Line-up of the live stream
1. Mr. LEE Chun-yi, Deputy Secretary-General to the President (Vice Convenor)
2. Mr. CHEN Jen-ran, Ambassador-at-large (Rep. of Judging Committee)
3. Ms. Audrey Tang, Minister without Portfolio of Executive Yuan (Chief Executive officer)
We will meet you online!