1881themarket 在 張子丰Frederick Cheung Facebook 八卦
7月20號,尖沙嘴 #1881 見
【#1881Moments】#1881公館 週末市集
由7月20日至8月25日,一連六個週末,將會有各式精緻美食、特色藝術品攤位,同現場音樂薈萃於 THE MARKET,齊集食、視、聽三重享受,等你可以喺呢座百年英倫古蹟入面,同親友歡度週末時刻!開幕首日仲有歌手 張彥博 同 張子丰 Fred Cheung 親臨busking演出,你點可以錯過!
Eager to explore a different side of this prosperous city? Why not come to THE MARKET slow yourself down and enjoy the different vibe of the city!
From July 20 to August 25, we are having THE MARKET at #House1881 every Saturday and Sunday! Our markets will surprise you with stalls tempting with scrumptious food, unique arts and crafts, as well as live music. What’s more inspiring to spend a relaxing summer weekend? Singer Frederick Cheung and Bob Cheung will do busking here at our grand opening, don’t miss out!
#1881TheMarket #classyliving #hongkongheritage #cultural #staycationhk #weekendmarket #weekendvibe #livemusic #busking