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#學測 #高中英文
🌳 Brood X 第10蟬群
In backyards and forests all across the eastern United States, Brood X is beginning to emerge. With their red eyes and shiny black bodies, the legions of Brood X may seem like some kind of alien invader. But these strange creatures aren’t aliens, and they aren’t invaders either—they’ve been here all along. What are they? Cicadas!
There are over 3,000 species of cicadas around the world, but what makes Magicicada—seven closely related species of North American cicada—unique is their 13 to 17 year life cycle, the longest of any cicada. Most other cicada species have life cycles that last just three to five years. Of the 12 broods of 17-year cicadas that can be found in the U.S., Brood X is the largest—both in terms of geographic distribution and population size.
地球上一共有三千多種的蟬,不過這種名為 Magicicada 的物種(是北美蟬中密切相關的七個物種),其獨特之處在於,牠們的生命週期長達13到17年,是所有種類的蟬中生命最長的。其他大多數的蟬物種,其生命週期只能持續3到5年。在美國境內的12個17年蟬群中,就屬第10蟬群規模最大、分布最廣。
Brood X territory covers 15 states, from Illinois in the Midwest to Georgia in the South and New York in the Northeast—with major concentrations in Maryland, Indiana, Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. But their numbers are even more impressive. An acre of soil—they spend most of their lives underground—can contain over a million cicadas, and a single generation of Brood X may consist of billions and even trillions of the insects!
The current generation of Brood X got its start in 2004, back when Facebook was only available to Harvard students. At that time, newly hatched cicada nymphs fell from trees and burrowed underground, where they feed on the sap of tree and grass roots and slowly mature over the next 17 years. Now they’re slowly beginning to emerge from the soil, climb back up into the trees and molt into their adult form. Then they’ll have just a few weeks to sing their high-pitched songs, mate, and lay their eggs before their short adult lives end.
Early European settlers in America called these insects “locusts,” because they reminded them of the swarms of locusts God used to punish the wicked in the Bible. But unlike locusts, which can damage crops and cause famines, cicadas are largely harmless. After emerging, they don’t eat plants like other insects. In fact, they don’t eat anything at all. Some people may find large swarms of cicadas scary, but they’re quite a sight to see! And if you can’t make it to the U.S. this year, don’t worry—Brood X will be back for another visit in 2038.
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