《柏林脈動》(The Berlin Pulse) 今天出刊了。這是德國一年一度的外交及國際關係專刊。作者群包括學者、智庫專家、政府官員。
這一期談歐洲問題的作者有波蘭外長、Moldova 總理、德國國防部長等等等。
中國的全國人大外事委員會副主任委員傅瑩、日本眾議會議員Minora Kiuchi、巴黎的中國問題專家Francois Godement、曾任澳洲駐華大使,現任外交及貿易秘書長的Frances Adamson,以及台灣的龍應台。
答案:贊成 76%
反對 19%
跟德國一樣,台灣對中國大陸和香港的貿易順差,在2018年是831億美元。百分之四十一的對外貿易針對中國,中國大陸市場對台灣的重要不言而喻。然而,隨著近年來台灣海峽兩岸的關係緊張,反對黨(國民黨) 憂慮市場的優勢無法持續,而執政黨(民進黨) 則選擇強化選民對北京的不信任來抵制中國的影響力。執政黨最近提出的國安新法可能將任何被認定為為中國宣傳者入罪。
和歐洲一樣,台灣人對中國的感受也是複雜的。 當中國代表的是活躍的經濟機會時,很多台灣人就容易所謂「親中」,當中國代表的是壓迫和可能的入侵時,很多台灣人就是所謂的「反中」。問題是,中國兩者兼備。後果就是,台灣內部的分歧遠遠超過了僅只是政治和經濟的層面。
23 Million People on a Canoe
—Why Europe should care about Taiwan’s future
Lung Yingtai
On the day when the opposition party announced its presidential candidate for the 2020 election, I was sitting at a lunch table in Taipei listening to my intellectual friends uttering their concerns about the future of Taiwan. The pessimists phrased their pessimism in the form of questions such as “How many years do you think Taiwan has left?” The optimists expressed their optimism with dark humour, “Thank God they will be too busy with Hong Kong and the US for a while.”
Like Germany, Taiwan operates a trade surplus with mainland China and Hong Kong, amounting to $83.1 billion in 2018. With 41% of Taiwan’s exports going to China, Taipei’s economy depends on trade with the mainland. However, given the increasing tension across the Taiwan Strait, the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) in particular has been worrying whether Taiwan will be able to sustain these figures. The ruling Democratic Progressive Party, on the other hand, is capitalizing on voters’ intense distrust of Beijing, stepping up measures to “contain” China’s influence. Taipei recently drafted a national security law that would make it a punishable offense to spread “political propaganda” for China.
As in Europe, Taiwanese feel highly ambivalent about mainland China: When China signifies economic opportunities, most Taiwanese are 23 Million People on a Canoe Why Europe should care about Taiwan’s future “pro-China”; when China represents oppression and potential invasion, most Taiwanese are “anti-China”. The problem is that China resembles both. The result is a deep division among Taiwanese extending far beyond the political and economic spheres.
Given the circumstances under which Taiwan emerged and evolved, its evolution into an authentic democracy represents an extraordinary achievement. It was without a revolution that the KMT, which had ruled Taiwan for more than 40 years, put an end to martial law and, whether convinced or compelled to act, opened the country’s political system to sharing power. Without bloodshed, dissidents who had once sat in jails became legislators and political leaders. Since the lifting of martial law 1987, power has changed hands fairly and orderly, following the results of each election.
Taiwan has been a quiet democracy for more than thirty years, nearly as long as the four decades during which it has been isolated by the international community. The US does not formally recognize Taiwan but, as with Germany, acts as the country’s security guarantor. While Washington has indicated that arms sales to Taiwan will become more of a routine, China has devised a routine of its own by holding long-range combat drills and ordering its fighter jets to cross the maritime line.
However, the threat to Taiwanese democracy is twofold. The obvious one comes from China, and to a large extent lies beyond Taipei’s control. The less obvious threat is home-made, as the looming China threat tempts domestic politicians to mobilize the population’s collective fear to foment a tribal nationalism. Their success would pose a real danger to Taiwan’s democratic institutions.
Those who applaud Taiwanese democracy for the sole purpose of criticizing China make me nervous. Generations of Taiwanese fought and ultimately achieved a democracy – it is simply too precious for other people’s agendas, internal or external.
Germany has a unique history: its people have experienced first-hand how easily democratic institutions may fall apart when not meticulously guarded. Having received democracy as a gift following World War II and struggled to regain their freedom from Communist rule, Germans are in a unique position to understand both the predicament as well as the aspirations of the Taiwanese. Moral courage often comes from past sufferings. As a leading EU member state, Germany has a responsibility to maximize its own efforts as well as to influence others’ efforts for world peace.
But why should the world care about the future of Taiwan? First of all, save the Taiwan model, the world might have to accept the claim that democracy and Confucianism are incompatible, and that a communist China presents the only logical and inevitable path to modernity. Secondly, Taiwan deserves respect on its own merits. True, if China were an aircraft carrier, Taiwan would be a lone canoe. But standing on this canoe are 23 million people aspiring for a life with liberty and dignity. If it were an EU member, Taiwan would be the 7th largest of the Union’s 28 member-states (27 after Brexit), smaller than Poland but larger than the Netherlands or Belgium, with a developed economy ranking 22nd in the world by purchasing power parity. Do we really want to return to a world in which it is imaginable that countries such as Poland or the Netherlands should be deprived of their autonomy to determine their own way of life and political system?
The Berlin Pulse 2019
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅Dawen王大文,也在其Youtube影片中提到,*JOIN MY FACEBOOK* http://facebook.com/dawenmusic I hope you guys will find this as hilarious as I do. I know Rebecca Black's "Friday" has been aroun...
1 billion中文 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 八卦
【緊張的劉鶴 l per day or today? 】
從白宮The White House公佈的影片中,劉鶴顯得非常緊張,他結結巴巴地說we will five billion (他甚至忘了放動詞),然後改口five millions,然後改口five millions beans。
這時候旁邊傳譯看不下去了,大聲補充說:five million tons of soybeans。(她加了tons,把beans改為soybeans)。
川普很高興,說:Five million tons of soybeans! Wow!
原本這個尷尬的英語教學片段到此要告一段落了,大家都鬆了一口氣,想不到劉鶴此時神來一筆又加了兩個字(根據中國的說法是一個字):per day (每天)。
川普大喜,馬上接著說:Per day. That's going to make our famers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans. (每天。我們的農夫會超開心。超多大豆的!)
但川普第一時間聽成per day,也重複說per day,劉鶴旁邊的幕僚跟傳譯卻沒有當場禮貌性指正或確認,那就是失職了。
身為幕僚要切記:Never embarrass your boss.
我在美國去過好幾個總統圖書館,裡面都有Oval Office。事實上辦公室的另外一面,就有舒服的沙發。美國總統會在那邊跟外賓並排對談,看起來就比較沒有以下對上的晉見感。
他今年67歲(剛過生日),是習近平的重要財經幕僚(但沒有外交背景),曾取得哈佛大學John Kennedy School碩士。這並不是他第一次見川普。
1 billion中文 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 八卦
My top 10 books of 2019
昨晚因著桃園機場無人機出現,意外地在飛機上跨年,也讓跨年前寫出top10 的計畫被打亂了。但,或許用這個方法開始 2020,不失為一個好的開始喔。
1. Not in God's Name (中文版 “毋以神為名”)
脫離零和思考框架,讓不同信仰之間的對話可以少去暴力。如此嚴肅的話題,作者寫得非常感人 “不論別人的信仰是什麼,都要成為他們的祝福。榮耀上帝就該榮耀祂的形象— 人”
2. Convenant and Conversations: Numbers, The Wilderness Years
3. Billion Dollar Whale (中文版 “鯨吞億萬”)
4. Comic Insights (愚人節特輯)
一直對於 Stand-up comedy 表演者很有興趣。除了了解他們台上十分鐘台下十年功是如何準備的之外,更是看見他們使用“話語”和“笑”來帶起議題討論。當敏感議題用 stand-up comedy 的方式帶出時,就形同是笑看這一切,而“笑”是一種人的特殊社群行為,在笑中似乎人們可以想起大家最深處的共通性,然後再這個出發點中,就有討論的空間了。
5. The Prosperity Paradox
我在非洲肯亞時的閱讀,一跟著台灣的非盈利團隊參與貧民窟小學協助,一方面思考到底要怎麼做才能幫助窮人進入自力?管理大師 Clayton Christiansen 這本書,用破壞式創新的思考架構,討論如何創造繁榮。
6. Resilience Thinking
7. Lessons in Leadership
"Leadership is, the acceptance of responsibility"(領導力,是承擔責任的能力)大概是我這輩子讀過關於領導力最棒的書了。好看到我總共寫了三篇心得分享,特別是在AI世代來臨之際,領導中思考“人”的價值,格外重要。
8. Upheaval (中文版 “動盪:國家如何化解危局,成功轉型)
Jared Diamond 是一位我非常喜歡的人類學家者。他的巨作 “Guns, germs, and Steel” 《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》是我這輩子閱讀的前十名。他用人類學家的觀點,解釋了歷史中文明的興衰,看了會讓人對於現今國家的強弱有更深的洞見。這本書也名列Bill Gates 2019 暑期推薦書籍之中。他提出的12步驟,可以給個人,組織,甚至國家轉型參考。
9. Permanent Record (中文版“永久檔案”)
揭發美國全面監控的前CIA IT 人員史諾登的自傳。不但深入簡出讓不是電腦領域的人可以了解資安的本質,也深刻描繪他揭露前後的心路歷程,以及對於民主世界的反思。
10. What you do is who you are
矽谷著名創投 A16z 合夥人Ben Horowitz,繼 “The Hard Things About Hard Things” (我在 2014 年的 top 10,有中文版 “什麼才是經營最難的事?”)。作者 Ben Horowitz 還是維持一貫犀利少廢話的風格,用三個非典型成功案例,來清晰描述組織文化建立的真實面。
1 billion中文 在 Dawen王大文 Youtube 的評價
*JOIN MY FACEBOOK* http://facebook.com/dawenmusic
I hope you guys will find this as hilarious as I do. I know Rebecca Black's "Friday" has been around for a while but I felt the need to share her song with the 1 billion people or so who might not understand the original English words. And so I translated the lyrics into Chinese! Believe me, the words are just as ridiculous in another language.
Shoutout to TASA Princeton and all the awesome peeps (ITASA NU, ITASA Berkeley) I met during my spring college tour. You guys were the initial inspiration for this monstrosity!
Simplified Lyrics below!
星期五- 丽贝卡黑
七点钟 大早 快起来 快点 上厕所 快点下楼
快点拿碗 快点吃麦片
这么多事情 快迟到了
时间在跑 大家跑来跑去
需要跑到公车站 希望 不会迟到
他们坐在前面 他们坐在后面
好难决定 我应该坐在哪儿
星期五 星期五 我真的很想跳舞
这个周末大家都要出去出去, 出去
星期五 星期五 我真的很想跳舞
这个周末大家都要出去出去, 出去
出去玩 出去玩 哇!
出去玩 出去玩 嘿!
快乐 快乐
希望今天晚上马上 (到)
七点四十五 我们已经上路
开得好快 时间在飞
玩玩 真的好玩 你知道
我也有 你也有 我朋友在我右边
你也有 我也有 你知道
他们坐在前面 他们坐在后面
昨天是星期四 今天是星期五 我我们好兴奋 我们好兴奋
明天是星期六 后天是星期天
下星期 我不要上课
*pin yin transcription*
Xīng Qī Wǔ - Lí Bèi Kǎ Hēi
qī diǎn zhōng dà zǎo kuài qǐ lái kuài diǎn shàng cè suǒ kuài diǎn xià lóu
kuài diǎn ná wǎn kuài diǎn chī mài piān
zhè me duō shì qíng kuài chí dào le
shí jiān zài pǎo dà jiā pǎo lái pǎo qu
xū yào pǎo dào gōng chē zhàn xī wàng bù huì chí dào
wǒ kàn dào wǒ péng yǒu
tā men zuò zài qián miàn tā men zuò zài hòu miàn
hǎo nán jué dìng wǒ yīng gāi zuò zài nǎ er
xīng qī wǔ xīng qī wǔ wǒ zhēn de hěn xiǎng tiào wǔ
zhè gè zhōu mò dà jiā dōu yào chū qù chū qù, chū qù
xīng qī wǔ xīng qī wǔ wǒ zhēn de hěn xiǎng tiào wǔ
zhè gè zhōu mò dà jiā dōu yào chū qù, chū qù
chū qù wán, chū qù wàn, wa!
chū qù wàn, chū qù wán, hāi!
kuài lè kuài lè
xī wàng jīn tiān wǎn shàng mǎ shàng (dào)
qī diǎn sì shí wǔ wǒ men yǐ jīng shàng lù
kāi dé hǎo kuài shí jiān zài fēi
wán, wán, zhēn de hǎo wán; nǐ zhī dào
wǒ yě yǒu nǐ yě yǒu wǒ péng yǒu zài wǒ yòu biān
nǐ yě yǒu wǒ yě yǒu nǐ zhī dào
tā men zuò zài qián miàn tā men zuò zài hòu miàn
hǎo nán jué dìng wǒ yīng gāi zuò zài nǎ er
zuó tiān shì xīng qī sì, xīng qī sì
jīn tiān shì xīng qī wǔ, xīng qī wǔ
wǒ wǒ men hǎo xīng fèn wǒ men hǎo xīng fèn
jīn tiān wǎn shàng huì tài hǎo wán le
míng tiān shì xīng qī liù hòu tiān shì xīng qī tiān
xià xīng qī wǒ bù yào shàng kè
1 billion中文 在 吸管英語ssuglish Youtube 的評價
0:35 個位數、11-19、十位數
數字低於 100 的數字,幾乎都是「十位數 + 個位數」,所以只要熟悉個位數、11-19、十位數的英文單字,要講 1-99 是很簡單的喔~
1:57 百、千、萬、十萬
【英文沒有「萬」這個單位,萬 = 10個千】
數字大於 100 的時候,就是以千為單位、每三個數字分為一組做拆解。但不要怕,用英文講數字可以很彈性(3:22),就算講六位數的複雜數字其實也不難(3:58)喔!!
4:51 百萬、千萬、億
【百萬 million;英文沒有「億」這個單位,億 = 100個百萬】
這邊開始很多個零啦!! 但還是一樣用 千(000) 為一組做拆分基準,再多位數也不怕,三個一組拆開來,就算是九位數(5:34)也不用怕~
6:29 十億、百億、千億、兆
【英文的「十億」是一個單位 billion】
兆有自己的單位叫 trillion,比兆再更多、不知從何數起的龐大數字統一會叫做 zillion。
7:47 千的其他稱呼
千在英文裡面是重要的、也是常常出現的,除了 thousand 之外,也可以用 k 代表;日常生活中講金額的時候會用 grand,1000 = 1 grand。
所以看到任何數字就先用逗號,三個三個為一組區分開來,剩下就是數字的直翻而已啦!! 可以隨便在紙上寫一串數字,然後練習用英文唸出來,幫助你熟悉這個轉換過程喔😎😎😎
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Ssu 蘇蘇
語言課程 + 高中在布里斯本、大學在墨爾本讀工業設計
2016年初回到台北定居,從此以爆肝設計師 + 英語家教雙重身份在江湖打滾
#數字英文 #英文實用單字 #英文實用句型
#跟著蘇蘇學英語 #吸管英語 #按讚訂閱分享追蹤
#學英文 #線上學英文 #生活英文 #日常英文 #英文單字 #職場英文
1 billion中文 在 大人的玩具 Youtube 的評價
People are experiencing pressures coming from various sources like, from our society and life. We need ways to release those pressures. Toys made for adults may serve as one of the great ways to release our stress.
Having fun with toys has been regarded as children’s privilege in old days. Adults would be considered childish if they were found playing with toys. As time goes by, however, people now a days, have different points of view about toys. Grownups, now a days are having emotional needs as well, to be met and some of them can be achieved through spending time and energy on toys.
A survey conducted by NPD (NPD Group, Inc.) on the 12 major toy markets over the globe shows that the world's largest toy market—the USA market sales increased by 1% up to a total of 20.7 billion US dollars in 2017 compared to the sales number in 2016. China, though second only to the US market for toys, does not have much of its own culture or literature related in any toy products.
"Figures ", also known as “Gong-zai” in Chinese communities, is one of the toys’ categories. This word, originated from Hong Kong and Macao way back 1970s, it is a relatively new term for the worldwide booming animation industry. American, European, and Japanese figures overwhelming dominate current toy markets and only few Chinese figures can be found among them. In the light of this phenomenon, the ideas to make figures from famous characters in Chinese fictions or literatures that follows the modern features of figures transform the motivation of this research.
The figures created for this research are the roles called “Princess Iron-Fan” and “Bull Demon King” which are famous but less mentioned. They are like the Chinese version of Beauty and the Beast, which are innovative crafted and exhibit the conflicting beauty. The software ZBrush is used for digital engraving and a photo-curing 3D printer modeling. The final products are characters with two different styles--classic and modern ones.
1 billion中文 在 2021年最火的英文歌曲+ 歐美流行音樂+ 超好聽中文 ... - YouTube 的八卦
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