【 桂冠 Laurel HK x 爵爵&貓叔】
( PS 我們自己很真誠微笑不是面具XD
詳情請看桂冠FB @桂冠 Laurel HK,還有機會抽中爵貓杯緣子
同時也有30部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過283萬的網紅bubzbeauty,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[Please Read!!!!!!!] Hi everyone, You guys have been requesting a Back To School Fashion video. To be honest, I went to a school where I had to wear...
0700 hk 在 陳琪 Facebook 八卦
鍾意食蜜糖嘅朋友一定要試下 #胡C9推介
一轉季就容易喉嚨唔舒服,記得上次朋友去新西蘭, 我特登請佢幫我買麥蘆卡蜂蜜返嚟, 果然真係非常好👍🏻👍🏻!
當時佢只能幫我買一樽返香港,我都明白佢嘅難處因為行李實在容易過重🤭🤭。好彩依家香港都有賣, 唔需要再麻煩朋友先至可以買到👍🏻👍🏻
踏入考試季節爸爸媽媽就更加怕小朋友容易病,#麥蘆卡蜂蜜 有助增強抵抗力、改善消化、滋潤腸胃……
同普通嘅蜜糖唔一樣,Comvita HK麥蘆卡蜂蜜特有 #抗菌活性因子 ,有效消炎同時亦可以抵抗多種壞的細菌。...
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0700 hk 在 Fotobeginner 攝影入門 Facebook 八卦
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0700 hk 在 bubzbeauty Youtube 的評價
[Please Read!!!!!!!]
Hi everyone,
You guys have been requesting a Back To School Fashion video. To be honest, I went to a school where I had to wear uniform daily so honestly- I don't know what the requirements are for school clothing. Depending where you are - weather is also varied throughout the Globe which makes things a little tricky.
Hong Kong is still very hot right now so most of my clothes are catered for 'friendly' weather. Remember, you don't have to follow my outfits piece by piece. You can switch up a pair of shorts to a pair of jeans. You can add outer wear for extra warmth. My outfits are just to give you general ideas for clothing inspiration. The outfits aren't complete (lacking addition of shoes, bags and accessories wise) because I was just drafting quick ideas by pulling random pieces out of my wardrobe.
Hopefully for the colder weather, I can make a Fall/Winter fashion video by then which will include more layers for the colder weather. I can say I honestly prefer Fall Fashion. I cannot wait until Hong Kong starts to cool down so I can layer up.
I hope you guys enjoy this video nonetheless. Hopefully you'll get more of an idea of how my style is. I'm not the most stylish person in the World. If I had to describe my style in one word, it's probably just Comfy or Casual. I just wear whatever makes me happy.
Bubz, why didn't you tell us where you got the clothes?
In HK, a lot of the clothes I buy are brandless because I buy them from random boutiques and stalls. I am a cheapo when it comes to clothes lol. However, I can give you guys some of my favorite universal stores to shop in:
Zara (I love their knit wear)
Cotton On (They make great basic pieces)
Forever 21 (I love their shorts and skirts)
River Island (I love their jeggings)
Pull & Bear
From online shopping, I often shop in yesstyle.com and have been liking Dailylook.com recently too.
Music: AutoTune by my buddy Jason Chen. Be sure to subscribe to his channel
Ps. I know a lot of you guys will ask this and I don't blame you lol. My height is 150cm. Yes. I am teeny tiny. It's why I mostly wear shorts/skirts. They're the only things that fit me. I have a harder time shopping for jeans/trousers.
Pps. That is a new mosquito bite scar on my left thigh. Speaking of thigh, I have chun li legs (I run/cycle a lot). Yes, don't piss me off or I YA YA YA YA kick you :P
Ppps. Let me know if you have any Fashion Video suggestions.
Night Night world!
Time to watch the 4th Harry Potter Film. I'm on a HP marathon. I LOVE IT. EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!!
Much love bubz xx
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Connect with me at the Bubzbeauty Fanpage where I chill n catch up with you guys ^^
0700 hk 在 海恩奶油 HeinCream Youtube 的評價
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YouTube Audio,DOVA-SYNDROME,Nicolai Heidlas, Bensound, HookSounds
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I want you pick me up!!
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