20年前,我到了台灣,打算來這裡6個月。。。 剛來的那個時候也是剛剛9/11,美國被攻擊。不用說,從那以後發生了很多事情。20 years ago today, I arrived in Taiwan, expecting to stay here for 6 months…. It was also right when the World Trade Center was attacked. Needless to say, a lot has happened since then.
21歲的我,來台灣當實習醫生救護人員。 我在醫院跟消防隊實習,夢想是可以跟國際醫療團飛來飛去幫忙。 At 21 years old, I came to Taiwan to intern at the hospital and fire department, working as an EMT and getting ready for medical school. My dream was to work as a doctor with Doctors without Borders.
快要離開的時候,有人問我要不要拍一個內衣廣告。 我心理想了兩件事:“好cool喔!“ 跟 ”這個一定是詐騙吧!“ 沒想到,拍完這個廣告只是一個人生新的開始。一個有趣的新工作,包含了主持人,演員, 小提琴表演者,作家,製作人,演說家。 Just before I was to leave Taiwan, somebody asked me if I would be interested in auditioning for an underwear commercial. I thought “Oooh this could be fun!” and simultaneously, “I think I’m being scammed.” Turns out, it was the beginning of a very interesting new career as a travel show host, actor, professional violinist, writer, producer and motivational speaker.
20年在台灣, 我的人生的一半, 從在紅毯旁邊的醫療站救護人員到今年入圍最佳女配角,然後要走紅毯。我在這裡也剛好認識了我的好多的“老公”, 跟其中一位在台灣生了兩個兒子。20 years in Taiwan - I’ve gone from working the first aid station at the red carpet to now, this year, nominated for Best Supporting Actress and walking the red carpet. I met my many (on and off screen) husbands George, 黃尚禾,and 王識賢 and hopefully more (真可惜不是都是真真的老公哈哈) here. I started a family of two boys with one of them. 😂😂 @instageorgey
這幾年,我認識了好多好多影響,啟發、支持我的人。我也到處跟好多人拍了N張照片。 如果你剛好有, 可以跟我們分享嗎? Tag我,然後也分享這張照片哪裡拍的, 什麼狀況拍的。 我想跟大家回顧這些美好的回憶!Over the past 20 years, I have met countless people who have influenced me, inspired me and supported me. I have taken thousands of photos with people I’ve met along the way - if you have taken a photo with me, please share with me here!!! Post it, tag me, tell me about this photo, where it was taken, what happened when we took that photo, etc. I want to relive some of these awesome memories and moments of my time here so far!
THANK YOU and to many many many more years, experiences and friendships!
[Yahoo奇摩新聞] 李千娜替黃尚禾慶生「反被求婚」感動哭了兒女超催淚祝福曝光
[Yahoo奇摩運動] 黃尚禾生日反轉成求婚驚喜!「超浪漫過程」曝光逼哭李千娜
[中時新聞網] 黃尚禾公開求婚全紀錄曝李千娜愛稱「阿寶包」超甜
[NOWnews] 李千娜再嫁內幕曝光!淚收兒女祝福黃尚禾甜喊「她讓我等20年」
黃尚禾 在 [無雷] 《詭扯》一口台語加台式幽默最本土喜劇- 看板movie 的八卦