金童玉女 The Golden Couple 表面上虽然讲述的是金钱, 但实际它说的是情感和爱。 自己最喜欢金童玉女里的其中一场戏是黎明姨所扮演的Spark奶奶,因为儿子常年酗酒,发酒疯,无助的一个人哭坐在地上,抽泣。很心酸,让我想起亲情的可贵。
祝大家东至快乐, 也提早祝大家圣诞快乐Marry Christmas!!!
大家好呀!冬至快乐!为了欢庆佳节,今天特别为大家上载了《金童玉女》最后一段的精彩幕后花絮啦! 登!登!登!登!送上的有 - “金童感人肺腑篇”。P/S: 《金童玉女》你上戏院看了吗?(^0^)*
金童玉女电影 在 Aniu 阿牛 Facebook 八卦
記得留守 one FM 阿牛將分享 金童玉女 The Golden Couple 電影製作過程和幕後趣事哦!
不管你是在假期还是工作, OneFM Max都会在这里陪着你!因为我要工作 T_T 《one FM音乐50不叽喳》每小时50分钟好歌,整个星期10AM就有牛导 Aniu 阿牛也会到节目中和你分享最新电影《 金童玉女 The Golden Couple》 Stay Tuned~
金童玉女电影 在 Chui Ling Facebook 八卦
Last week I interviewed Adrian Teh on Morning Boss. Adrian who? His name may not be familiar but maybe you’ve heard of or even watched some of his movies? Balistik (2013), Ping Ping An An (2013), The Wedding Diary 2 (2013), The Golden Couple (2012), The Wedding Diary (2012), Lelio Popo (2010), Ice Kacang Puppy Love (2010). Recognise any? Yes, Adrian is the man behind all those movies. This 100% made-in-Malaysia filmmaker and CEO of Asia Tropical Films Sdn Bhd was full of enthusiasm and energy when talking about films. Just the mere mention of movies brought a sparkle to his eyes.
His love for filmmaking stemmed from the movie,
“The best part about filmmaking is the challenge. And I love that sense of satisfaction and accomplishment whenever I complete a film. I also hope to deliver certain messages through the films I make. As a filmmaker, I definitely want to elevate Malaysian films so that they can compete on a global platform. I want the world to see our stories. I want to introduce Malaysian productions to the world!” Adrian exclaimed.
For more interesting stories from this talented Malaysian filmmaker, click the podcast below!
郑健国,百分百马来西亚电影人,不但曾经从事监制、执导、演员等多职,现在更成立属于自己的电影公司,阿细亚热带电影Asia Tropical Films Sdn Bhd。
2013 Balistik
2013 平平安安
2013 结婚那件事之后
2012 金童玉女
2012 结婚那件事
2010 Lelio婆婆
2010 初恋红豆冰