<艾比露比外文書店。Lulu's instagram> What's in your tummy, mummy?(Lexile 100L up)
當我懷第一個寶寶時,我整天想著他/她長甚麼樣子?, 多大了? 甚至巴不得可以買一台超音波機器回家天天掃描。而懷第二個老二時,儘管那幾個月很睏,但我還是勉強自己要和老大讀些手足故事,類似”如何當個姊姊”,或是”魔法親親”,”分享”之類的繪本,還和她一起看我剛從醫院帶回來的寶寶超音波照。但當我懷老三時,嗯…就…青菜啦!😩畢竟要一次搞定兩隻大小孩就夠累的。但要是當時有這麼一本”寶寶現在長多大?長甚麼樣子?”的繪本給小孩看,相信我會輕鬆多了。
“What’s in your tummy, mummy?”就是這樣一本我當時正在尋找的繪本,如果你打算要懷老二老三,甚至你現在只是個準媽媽,你都應該收藏這麼一本翻翻書在你的書櫃。這本繪本講的是有個媽媽懷了一個可愛的驚喜在她的肚子,並且她邊玩猜謎邊向老大解釋”寶寶現在長甚麼樣子?”,而隨著懷孕周數增加,她還不斷更換她的謎題。於是老大猜著”一隻跳蚤?...章魚?...猩猩?...馬?...恐龍?”,直到最後一個立體頁面跳出來,答案揭曉,原來這個可愛的驚喜,就是寶寶。這時連老大也歡呼”喔~耶~”來迎接寶寶。
如果你想要向你的大孩子們分享寶寶在你肚子長多大了? 如果你也想跟他們分享這個可愛的驚喜,那你還在等甚麼? (趕快把書帶回家!!!)
When I had the first baby in my tummy, I wanted to know “what she/he looks like”, “what size it is” all the time. I even hoped I could buy the ultrasonic scanner at home to see it anytime. When I had the second baby in my tummy, I forced myself to tell many stories to my older child like “How to be a bigger sister?” or some books like“ The kissing Hand”, ”Share”…and shared all the pictures I just brought from hospital with her, though I was sleepy those months. But when I had the third baby in my tummy, well….WHATEVER! 😩I was SO busy to deal with my two toddlers, I wished there was a book about “What does my sis/bro look like in your tummy now” at that moment, and so, I would be easier to get through the horrible days.
“What’s in your tummy, mummy?” is the right book I was looking for those days. If you are going to have the second, or the third child, or even you are a new mother-to-be, I would recommend you to collect this lift-the-flap book in your bookshelf. This book is talking about a mommy is having a second baby as a lovely surprise inside her tummy, and she wants to explain “what is it?” and play guessing game with her bigger baby. As the pregnancy increases, she changes her riddles. “Is it a flea?...a octopus?...a chimpanzee?...a horse?...a DINOSAUR? “ her bigger baby guesses. In the end, there is a pop-up page to show you the lovely answer- a BABY! , and the bigger kid shouts “Yippee”, he loves his new surprise.
“What does your sis/bro look like now?” If you want to share the lovely surprise with your bigger kids, what are you waiting for?
#Lexile100Lup #SamLloyd #pregnancy
@ 艾比露比外文書店
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