Who Do The Gods of Plague Favour?
今年一月頭時,我師父 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu 告訴我鼠年一到,馬來西亞會有很多的問題,因為這國家和當時還在執政的首相和老鼠有沖。
In December 2019, my Root Guru Master, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, recorded a Chinese New Year programme in which He gave a score of 20 (out of 100) for the world economy and Earth’s destiny in the year 2020. He even predicted a super-virus appearing: https://youtu.be/gqvgwuQpPPU
In Jan this year, my Shifu (Master Dai Hu) told me that the advent of the Year of Rat would bring plenty of troubles to Malaysia due to energy clashes between the country, the Prime Minister at that time, and the Rat.
So came the news late last night that Malaysia is going to impose a 2-week lock-down of the country, restricting Malaysians from leaving the country as well as foreigners entering Malaysia.
I recorded this video on 9 Feb this year, and uploaded it onto my YouTube channel on 17th Feb to remind fellow Singaporeans not to stockpile out of panic, and to be aware of what’s virtuous and what’s not.
We must believe in our Government, and have faith in the geographical Feng Shui and positive energies of our country. Believe that Singapore will stand out from the rest in handling this virus crisis.
You may not know this. The name and logo of the ruling party, People’s Action Party, are auspicious and a blessing to Singapore. Thus, even though the Party may fall short in some areas, the PAP will be able to lead the country through a crisis, time after time.
Rodents have extraordinary reproductive power. They can give birth to 10-12 young ones every 3-4 weeks, growing their numbers to the thousands in a year’s time. Rodents are also usually carriers of disease. Therefore we see the virulent nature of the Covid-19 disease this year. From the Chinese Metaphysics' point of view, I have mentioned in my video that this pandemic in Singapore will last at least 6 months.
We have yet to see the peak of this disease. But please do not worry.
How long might it last? It all depends on this one factor... please watch my video: https://youtu.be/hyaB3oJ0dyc
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也許有些人會想到喬姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)、霍金(Stephen Hawking)或喬治・歐威爾(George Orwell)。他們所共有者包含了好奇心、客觀性與分析性思考等諸多核心特點。
1. Interpretation 詮釋
•What does this mean?
•What’s happening?
•How should we understand that (e.g., what he or she just said)?
•What is the best way to characterize/categorize/classify this?
•In this context, what was intended by saying/doing that?
•How can we make sense out of this (experience, feeling, or statement)?
2. Analysis 分析
•Please tell us again your reasons for making that claim.
•What is your conclusion/What is it that you are claiming?
•Why do you think that?
•What are the arguments pro and con?
•What assumptions must we make to accept that conclusion?
•What is your basis for saying that?
3. Inference 推論
•Given what we know so far, what conclusions can we draw?
•Given what we know so far, what can we rule out?
•What does this evidence imply?
•If we abandoned/accepted that assumption, how would things change?
•What additional information do we need to resolve this question?
•If we believed these things, what would they imply for us going forward?
•What are the consequences of doing things that way?
•What are some alternatives we haven’t yet explored?
•Let’s consider each option and see where it takes us.
•Are there any undesirable consequences that we can and should foresee?
4. Evaluation 評估
•How credible is that claim?
•Why do we think we can trust what this person claims?
•How strong are those arguments?
•Do we have our facts right?
•How confident can we be in our conclusion, given what we now know?
5. Explanation 解釋
•What were the specific findings/results of the investigation?
•Please tell us how you conducted that analysis.
•How did you come to that interpretation?
•Please take us through your reasoning one more time.
•Why do you think that (was the right answer/was the solution)?
•How would you explain why this particular decision was made?
6. Self-regulation 自我調整
•Our position on this issue is still too vague; can we be more precise?
•How good was our methodology, and how well did we follow it?
•Is there a way we can reconcile these two apparently conflicting conclusions?
•How good is our evidence?
•OK, before we commit, what are we missing?
請留意,這六大核心技能只是定義批判性思考的一種方式。若你想閱讀我們有關批判性思考的最後一篇文章,以及學習如何發展此一能力,歡迎按讚或分享貼文,並於留言區回覆「I want to develop my critical thinking」。
我們將於5月30日晚間8:00 ,從留言的粉絲中抽出3位幸運的得獎者。贈送獎品為——《Times》、《People》以及《Bloomberg Businessweek》雜誌各一本。我會透過臉書通知得獎的同學。
感謝大家的參與! Stay tuned for our next critical thinking post!
Facione, P. A. (2011). Critical thinking: What it is and why it counts. Insight assessment, 2007(1), 1-23.
McPeck, J. E. (2016). Critical thinking and education. Routledge.
Try asking yourself some of these questions every time you encounter new information.
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