🔥 Feeling Upset? Try This Special Writing Technique
🧐 An extensive body of research shows that people who write about a traumatic experience or difficult situation in a manner that psychologists refer to as “expressive writing”—recording their deepest thoughts and feelings—often show improved mental and physical health, says James Pennebaker, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Pennebaker pioneered the scientific study of expressive writing as a coping mechanism to deal with trauma back in the 1980s.
德州大學奧斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)的心理學教授詹姆斯·彭內貝克(James Pennebaker)稱,心理學家所謂的「表達性寫作」指的是人們把自己的痛苦經歷或所面臨的困境寫下來,記錄下內心最深處的想法和情感。大量研究表明,那些採用表達性寫作療法的人身心健康狀況都有所改善。20世紀80年代,彭內貝克率先對錶達性寫作療法進行了科學研究,把它作為一種應對心理創傷的機制。
- Extensive: 範圍廣泛
- Trauma: 創傷
- Coping Mechanism: 應對機制
🎭 It can be a powerful coping tool for many, in large part because it helps combat the secrecy people often feel about a trauma, as well as their reluctance to face emotions. Expressive writing works because it allows you to take a painful experience, identify it as a problem and make meaning out of it, experts say. Recognizing that something is bothering you is an important first step. Translating that experience into language forces you to organize your thoughts. And creating a narrative gives you a sense of control.
- Combat:奮鬥
- Reluctance: 勉強、不願意
- Narrative: 故事、敘事
✉️ Expressive writing is a specific technique, and it’s different from just writing in a journal. People need to reflect honestly and thoughtfully on a particular trauma or challenge, and do it in short sessions—15 to 20 minutes for a minimum of three days is a good place to start. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar or share your writing with anyone. But dig deep into your thoughts and feelings. The goal of the exercise is to find meaning in an event.
-Technique: 技巧
-Reflect: 反思、思考
-Session: 泛指某一件事情或活動的期間、會議、開庭期
Expressive writing _______ because it allows you to take a ________ experience, identify it as a problem and make meaning out of it.
A. works/ painful
B. words/ pretty
C. effective/ hard
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