仲有Joey Tang & Friends、N-Sonic、Two X、吳雨霏、Soler、Dear Jane、羅力威、黎美言、Gin Lee、許靖韻、AGA、J. Arie、陳慧敏、Asone、BOP天堂鳥、羅孝勇、謝偉倫 等緊你呀!!!!
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過20萬的網紅許靖韻「小背心」Angela Hui,也在其Youtube影片中提到,聽歌:https://angelahui.lnk.to/WillYouID 曲:梁秉仁 詞:李敏/J. Arie 編:Dennis Lancion 監:李敏/Keith Yip Will you kiss me? Will you hug me? What if I never know the...
許靖韻j 在 享樂團3Think Facebook 八卦
謝謝 論盡音樂
好感動 這是我們第一首在論盡音樂的冠軍推介歌
論盡推介 2017.10.15 #42
本週冠軍推介歌: 享樂團3Think《再見舊城》
呢首歌同小肥《過伶仃洋》其實編曲上以及題材上都好接近,只係一首講香港一首講澳門,而兩首歌我都好鍾意,所以有時候當 play 其中一首出黎嘅時候,好自然地就會由隨機播放變做手動播放,自己 click 另一首出黎連住聽,然後呢兩首歌帶黎嘅感觸又變得更加深。
關於呢首歌,之前打 SMART review 同上星期論盡推介講左好多,今次就唔再多重覆。只希望若然你都仲未聽過呢首歌,花四五分鐘時間,聽一聽同睇一睇 MV,希望你都會喜歡呢首作品啦。
TikChi 迪子《安卓珍尼》
呢首歌初聽唔覺特別,但細心留意歌曲題材同歌詞後,發現係一首好值得留意嘅新作,等下星期出埋 MV 再同大家慢慢講多啲。
J.Arie 雷深如《無神論》
響而家呢個有 J 就係男神嘅年代,我真係唔知反過幾多次白眼。可唔可以開個全民必讀課程叫「如何介定男 / 女神訓練班」?
其實響英皇入面,好幾位女歌手只要定位能夠更清晰的話,都著實係不只如此。許靖韻呢兩 plug 算開個好頭,之後就睇願唔願意堅持啦。
論盡推介 #42
冠軍推介歌:3Think《再見舊城》 https://goo.gl/ANzNvi
小肥《過伶仃洋》 https://goo.gl/9rWgc8
Gin Lee《隨風而來 隨風而去》 https://goo.gl/EkPAv3
王嘉儀《美麗新世界》 https://goo.gl/J25t5z
鍾舒漫《Be Water, My Friend》 https://goo.gl/5Hgsf5
楊丞琳《青春住了誰》 https://goo.gl/nkddpt
迪子《安卓珍尼》 https://goo.gl/gaR6m2
J.Arie《無神論》 https://goo.gl/3F8aqi
王菀之《忘記有時》 https://goo.gl/eFqp3t
許靖韻《琢磨》 https://goo.gl/NRNN54
#論盡推介 #冠軍 #推介歌 #3Think #享樂團 #再見舊城
#小肥 #過伶仃洋 #GinLee #隨風而來隨風而去 #王嘉儀 #美麗新世界 #鍾舒漫 #BeWaterMyFriend #楊丞琳 #青春住了誰 #迪子 #安卓珍尼 #JArie #無神論 #王菀之 #忘記有時 #許靖韻 #琢磨
許靖韻j 在 壹週刊 Facebook 八卦
優異獎分別由姜麗文、陳慧敏同許靖韻奪得,而銅獎就有陳明恩,銀獎係AGA,金獎由J. Arie奪得。不過今晚個個嘅致謝詞都非常簡短咁喎,而「CASH最佳創作歌手大獎」由藍奕邦奪得。
許靖韻j 在 許靖韻「小背心」Angela Hui Youtube 的評價
詞:李敏/J. Arie
編:Dennis Lancion
監:李敏/Keith Yip
Will you kiss me? Will you hug me?
What if I never know the answers?
Will you need me? Will you love me?
Have we the chance to be together?
Cherish my heart
You're the sunshine of my most gloomy life
The only bright light
Perish my soul
When you're away
When you're gone out, out of sight
Oh, will you spend your life together with me?
To make each moment our sweet memory
Love isn't easy but I gotta let you see
Trying hard to reach eternity
Oh, will you spend your life together with me?
No matter rain or shine we're still meant to be
Lovers who dream their dreams
Lovers who dream their dreams
We create reality
Oh, will you spend your life together with me?
To make each moment our sweet memory
Love isn't easy but I gotta let you see
Trying hard to reach eternity
Oh, will you spend your life together with me?
No matter rain or shine we're still meant to be
Lovers who dream their dreams
Lovers who dream their dreams
We create our destiny
#許靖韻 #AngelaHui #WillYou
關注更多許靖韻消息 | Get Closer to Angela Hui
許靖韻 @Facebook: https://www.fb.com/angelahuichingwan
許靖韻 @Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelachingwan/
許靖韻 @英皇娛樂 Official Website: http://eeg.zone/#/artist/269
許靖韻 @YouTube: http://bit.ly/1qWNXVD
許靖韻 @新浪微博 Sina Weibo: http://weibo.com/u/1791873284
英皇娛樂 @Facebook: http://www.fb.com/eegmusichk
英皇娛樂 @Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eeg_music
許靖韻j 在 許靖韻「小背心」Angela Hui Youtube 的評價
希望大家鍾意啦 ?
#許靖韻 #AngelaHui #情歌之後
#小背心 #今晚唱飲歌2 #今晚唱飲歌 #AngeLadys
Lyrics 歌詞
《 #七里香 #周杰倫 》
窗外的麻雀 在電線桿上多嘴
妳說這一句 很有夏天的感覺
手中的鉛筆 在紙上來來回回
秋刀魚 的滋味 貓跟妳都想了解
那溫暖 的陽光 像剛摘的鮮豔草莓
雨下整夜 我的愛溢出就像雨水
院子落葉 跟我的思念厚厚一疊
幾句是非 也無法將我的熱情冷卻
《 #別問很可怕 #J-Sheon 》
什麼 愛妳想妳我是全都當屁
哎唷 真是哎唷呀 哎唷呀
唉 為何妳的秘密不刪
唉 現在已經麻痺無感
到底是怎樣 別問很可怕
Oh girl太意外
唉 為何妳的幽默跟浪漫
到底是怎樣 別問很可怕
Oh girl太意外
《 #紅色高跟鞋 #蔡健雅 》
對你的感覺 強烈
卻又不太瞭解 只憑直覺
卻又像風 捉摸不住
像愛不釋手的 紅色高跟鞋
《 #StuckWithU #ArianaGrande #JustinBieber 》
Still layin' in your bed, sayin'
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Got all this time on my hands
Might as well cancel our plans, yeah
I could stay here for a lifetime
So, lock the door and throw out the key
Can't fight this no more, it's just you and me
And there's nothin' I, nothin' I, I can do
I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
So, go ahead and drive me insane
Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change
Being stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you, baby
There's nowhere we need to be, no, no, no
I'ma get to know you better
Kinda hope we're here forever
There's nobody on these streets
If you told me that the world's endin'
Ain't no other way that I can spend it
Oh, oh, oh, oh (Ooh)
Got all this time in my hands
Might as well cancel our plans (Yeah, yeah)
I could stay here forever
So, lock the door and throw out the key
Can't fight this no more, It's just you and me
And there's nothin' I, nothin' I, I can do
I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
So, go ahead and drive me insane
Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change
Being stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
Baby, come take all my time
Go on, make me lose my mind
We got all that we need here tonight
I lock the door (Lock the door) and throw out the key
Can't fight this no more (Can't fight this no more), it's just you and me
And there's nothin' I, nothin' I'd rather do
I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
So, go ahead and drive me insane
Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change
All this lovin' you, hatin' you, wantin' you
I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with
You, oh, oh
Stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
《 #情歌之後 #許靖韻 》
分你一半的耳筒 分享過寂寞和痛
不理溺愛或痛愛 都想你偶爾會心動
時光的飲歌翻唱十年 簡單愛要極勇
無奈天黑黑到再難護送 你要保重
囍帖街難逃變幻 披星戴月渡人間
曾經約定卻剩慨嘆 紛飛燕尾蝶怎重返
曾說了再見也都心淡 花火說散就散
紅綠燈中失散 一生所愛 遺失於四季間
曾經跟你遇見那誰 酷愛那誰
攀過了高山 低谷裡更唏噓
空手而來 任時代曲淡去
早說好了不要哭 呼吸有害未明嗎
漩渦裡倔強未看化 不爭氣浸沒於流沙
何以又獻世眷戀稀客 怎麼了結念掛
明白雖喜歡你 捨不得你 憑勇氣可放下
曾經跟你遇見那誰 酷愛那誰
攀過了高山 低谷裡更唏噓
空手而來 任時代曲淡去
一路經歷春夏跟秋冬 盛與衰
仍然鳴謝你 陪同回憶裡 曾一追再追
從今不理遇見那誰 酷愛那誰
攀過了高山 低谷哪怕唏噓
一生何求 任時代曲淡去
許靖韻j 在 許靖韻- K 歌之王Live - YouTube 線上影音下載 的八卦
How to Download. 許靖韻 - K 歌之王Live. 縮圖. 點選下載的格式大小後,新開影片視窗,點選右鍵即可下載影片. AddThis Sharing Buttons. ... <看更多>
許靖韻j 在 許靖韻「小背心」Angela Hui 的八卦
七里香-周杰倫別問很可怕-J.Sheon 紅色高跟鞋-蔡健雅Stuck with U 情歌之後Medley Cover By 許靖韻Angela Hui ft.JayFung. 85K views1 year ago ... ... <看更多>