當我們實現(乾淨的河流)的那一天,無論過去十年或接下來的十年中是哪些人負責,如果我還在,我將給他們每個人 - 部長、常任秘書長和部門主管 – 一枚真正純金牌,一金衡盎司。我不在乎會花多少錢……但是如果它沒有完成的話……如果我在1986年裡仍在掌管,我會找出問題出在哪裡,無論是誰,無論是哪一群人使它出錯和失敗……嗯,我有特別的鉛 - 不是用來打造獎牌的 - 我想我會把它們添加到他們的水源中。」
我的Youtube頻道: https://youtu.be/nSHZejqHKXM
Come 3 Feb 2021, 1059pm, it would be the day of Li Chun - Beginning of Spring and we would officially be in the Metal Ox Year. That's right! Not on the first day of CNY! Metal Ox Brother would take the baton on the Li Chun day.
Thus don't get your Chinese zodiac sign wrong again and tell me that you belong to the Rat tail end and beginning of Ox kind of zodiac sign. For those year-end babies, your Chinese zodiac sign is determined based on whether you are born after or before the Li Chun day.
On the day of Li Chun, do you also have a habit of queueing up at the ATM to deposit money into your bank account, for good luck and prosperity in the upcoming year?
I had never had this habit, because let me tell you this: if you do not get the first step right, as what I taught in this video, this tradition would bring you little benefit because you are STILL blocking your own path to greater fortunes!!!
If you desire to change your life for the better, and stand out from the rest, learn the determination, boldness and resourcefulness behind this speech extract below:
In 1977, at the official opening ceremony of Upper Pierce Reservoir, the then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew gave a rousing speech, announcing the cleaning up of Singapore River and Kallang River.
He said, "It should be a way of life to keep the water clear, to keep every stream, every culvert, every rivulet free from unnecessary pollution. In ten years, let us have fishing in the Singapore River and fishing in the Kallang River. It can be done.
The day we achieve that [clean river], whoever has been in charge for the last ten years or for the next ten years, if I am still around, I will give each one of them – both the Minister, the Permanent Secretary and the head of department – a real solid gold medal, one troy ounce. I don’t care what the price of it will be… But if it isn’t done… If I am still around and in charge in 1986, I will find out where it went wrong and whoever, whichever group of people made it go wrong and failed… Well, I have got special pieces of lead – not for striking medals – I think I’ll add it to their water supply."
Singapore River is 3.2km long. Kallang River is 10km long.
There were pig farms, squatters, street hawkers, vegetable sellers, shipyards (for building tongkangs) beside Singapore River, causing all the pollution.
Tens of thousands of people. A river with decades of pollution.
A blind telephone operator worked in the law firm of Mrs Lee Kuan Yew, which was at Raffles Place. He took the bus to work every day and always knew when to get off the bus. For the river was so smelly that he could smell it, as the bus crossed the river.
Yet all it took was one man to say and believe "It can be done".
With that, everything else was set into motion.
For the sake of his country and the many generations after, Mr Lee Kuan Yew took an unprecedented first step and kickstarted unimaginable drastic changes.
Here's some courage and wisdom for you! I hope you can change for the better for yourself and your family and nab that special gold medal for your Destiny!
On my Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/nSHZejqHKXM
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過20萬的網紅有啖好食 Perfect Continuous Eat,也在其Youtube影片中提到,百年品牌,華麗登場。新加坡國寶級酒店,落戶於全深圳最黃金的地段 比鄰最紙醉金迷的豪宅公寓、俯瞰富可敵國的南山區。 一起開箱這個新加坡首間超五星級酒店!...
萊佛士 在 三立新聞 Facebook 八卦
真的是大開眼界 😲😲 親眼看到一定很震撼!
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#萊佛士花 #大王花 #霸王花 #屍臭花
#吉蘭丹州 #馬來西亞 #熱帶雨林
萊佛士 在 Zass17 Facebook 八卦
#真人真事真有事:喬盧特卡橋 (Choluteca Bridge) 只花兩年就興建完成,是由極度知名的 安藤.間株式會社 (Hazama Ando 安藤ハザマ株式会社 )興建的。在興建的時候被當地人稱之為"日出之橋" (Puente Sol Naciente),1998年竣工隨即商轉。
無奈10月遇到當時號稱紀錄以來最強大的颶風米契 (Mitch),以200公里風速緩慢橫跨宏都拉斯的米契,帶來了平均300公厘的雨量,但是最嚴重的喬盧特卡區的降雨量900公厘。帶來的災害,讓全國70-80%的橋樑和聯絡道路都毀於一旦。更別說對農牧業的影響。
不過我們也由照片中看到日本建設的品質,儘管河流改道,前後道路都毀掉,就這條"日出之橋"屹立不搖的站在這裡。不過當地人以改稱這座橋為"不知要去哪裡的橋" (A Bridge to Nowhere)。這座橋在2003年跟高速公路連結,終於知道可以去哪裡了。
喔,安藤間公司呢? 他們完成的作品其實都很經典,最早的是東京的銀座線(1933),下關的關門橋(1971)到新加坡的 One Raffle Place (萊佛士坊一號/華聯銀行大廈 1986)跟馬來西亞的雙峰塔/雙子星(1998),包括這座比較衰的"日出之橋"等都是他們的經典。
萊佛士 在 有啖好食 Perfect Continuous Eat Youtube 的評價
萊佛士 在 嫁到新加坡 Sylvia in Singapore Youtube 的評價
粉絲頁 / https://www.facebook.com/sylvialovesg
Instagram / https://www.instagram.com/sylvialovesg
工作郵箱 / sylvia19821106@gmail.com
穿搭 / 罩衫 ROXY。
讚美廣場 Chijmes / 粉絲頁 https://www.facebook.com/chijmes.sg/
人造肉漢堡的餐廳 Prive / 粉絲頁 https://www.facebook.com/privechijmes/
新加坡美術館 National Gallery Singapore / 粉絲頁 https://www.facebook.com/nationalgallerysg/
聖安德烈教堂 St. Andrew’s Cathedral / 粉絲頁 https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E8%81%96%E5%AE%89%E5%BE%B7%E7%83%88%E6%95%99%E5%A0%82/377472879055861
萊佛士酒店 Raffles Hotel / 粉絲頁 https://www.facebook.com/raffleshotelsingapore/
新加坡司令的酒吧 Long Bar / 官網 https://www.raffles.com/singapore/dining/long-bar/
影片編輯 / 威力導演
相機 / Canon EOS M50
音樂 / https://www.epidemicsound.com
FTC:This video is not sponsored. Some of the links above are affiliate links. Thank you so much for your support!
#新加坡自由行 #搭捷運玩新加坡 #新加坡必吃
萊佛士 在 果籽 Youtube 的評價
這頓飯,大概是人生中吃過最緊張的一頓飯之一。坐在吊臂上的懸浮餐桌,眼前的廚師如何在半空中施展渾身解數,身後腳下的海天一色,這一切我都看不進眼內,心裏只是不停想着何時才能重返地面。然後,一抹夕陽照亮了桌上高腳杯中的香檳,令原本在翩翩起舞的氣泡更添優雅,頓時釋懷嘴角上揚,終於明白盛宴長空(Dinner in the Sky)的魅力,讓人以前所未有的方式感受大自然的純美威力。創立十周年,盛宴長空登陸海南三亞萊佛士酒店,直至二月底。記者早前親身上陣,體驗在50米上空用餐的奇妙經歷。
《果籽》 栽種品味,一籽了然。 https://hk.appledaily.com/realtime/lifestyle/
萊佛士 在 Raffles_萊佛士集團_YoYo視界 - YouTube 的八卦
真正的奢華不在於您的所做所為,而在於您的所思所想。 萊佛士 Raffles致力於為旅客帶來最熱情的歡迎、最豐富的體驗和愉快記憶,從1887年新加坡經典壯觀 ... ... <看更多>