外交的交涉相當複雜,我要歸功於第一線外交同仁的付出。因為有 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) 及全體行政團隊的堅持,台灣將持續受到世界的重視。
Today, after holding a meeting to learn more about Taiwan’s efforts to prevent the spread of #COVID19, the Philippine Inter-Agency Task Force for Emerging Infectious Disease passed a resolution to immediately lift the two-way travel ban on Taiwan.
We approve of the Filipino government’s decision, and I want to thank all of our friends in the Philippines who spoke up for Taiwan.
The #Philippines is one of Taiwan’s closest neighbors, and we will continue working to foster closer bilateral relations. To our Filipino friends working, studying, and traveling in #Taiwan, I want to say that we will continue our efforts to prevent COVID-19 from entering our borders, and there is no cause for worry as long as you comply with prevention guidelines.
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