【開始在 #美屬維京群島 自助駕車🚗】
#Taiwan has signed a reciprocal driver license exchange agreement with the #UnitedStates #VirginIslands 🇺🇸! Given that cars drive on the left in the territory and on the right in Taiwan, drivers still have to take the written test when applying. This is the second such agreement to be signed this year after that signed with #Minnesota earlier this month - the 31st state to do so - further testament to the strengthening ties 🤝 between the governments and people of both countries.
才跨完年,美國 #明尼蘇達州 就與我國簽署 #駕照互惠協議,成為全美第31個與我簽署的州政府,沒~想~到~ 現在連美屬維京群島也簽啦!😍
臺美兩國實施駕照互惠措施以來,已經嘉惠超過15,000位民眾了呢~ 😮 未來外交部將會持續與 交通部合作擴大推動!另外小編要提醒大家,由於維京群島開車方向為左駕⬅️,基於安全考量,雙方民眾雖然可以 #免除路考,申換前還是要先通過小小的 #筆試 唷~
更多 #臺灣 與各國免試換照資訊 👉https://reurl.cc/jGemM
#臺美友好 Taiwan in Miami
#自駕探訪神秘百慕達三角 🔺
自駕探訪神秘百慕達三角 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 八卦
【開始在 #美屬維京群島 自助駕車🚗】
#Taiwan has signed a reciprocal driver license exchange agreement with the #UnitedStates #VirginIslands 🇺🇸! Given that cars drive on the left in the territory and on the right in Taiwan, drivers still have to take the written test when applying. This is the second such agreement to be signed this year after that signed with #Minnesota earlier this month - the 31st state to do so - further testament to the strengthening ties 🤝 between the governments and people of both countries.
才跨完年,美國 #明尼蘇達州 就與我國簽署 #駕照互惠協議,成為全美第31個與我簽署的州政府,沒~想~到~ 現在連美屬維京群島也簽啦!😍
臺美兩國實施駕照互惠措施以來,已經嘉惠超過15,000位民眾了呢~ 😮 未來外交部將會持續與 交通部合作擴大推動!另外小編要提醒大家,由於維京群島開車方向為左駕⬅️,基於安全考量,雙方民眾雖然可以 #免除路考,申換前還是要先通過小小的 #筆試 唷~
更多 #臺灣 與各國免試換照資訊 👉https://reurl.cc/jGemM
#臺美友好 Taiwan in Miami
#自駕探訪神秘百慕達三角 🔺