Photographer YuChan Wu
Makeup Artist Priti makeup studio【Gina】
#uplivetaiwan #自己吃飯也是一種享受
Was having a chat with my friend a couple days ago about whether or not we were okay with eating out alone. My friend said she has actually never done so because she’s use to having people to chat with when she’s eating.
I eat alone quite often. First off because my job isn’t a nine to five one, and I’m never sure when the photoshoots finishes so it’s hard to make dinner plans. Secondly I actually quite enjoy eating alone.
When you eat with others the food is not the point, the company is. You’re enjoying the interesting dance with other people’s jokes, feelings, and the exchange of information.
When you eat alone you’re enjoying quality time with you and no one else. Time seems to slow down when you eat by yourself and gives you time to hear the million thoughts that are silenced throughout your busy day. Your thoughts may be sad ones, happy ones or just down right freaking weird and makes no sense . Whatever they are for me, I always leave the table a little different than I was before I sat down. I quite like that!
Do you?