#friends #vantrip #passionateliving #姐妹們 #臨時衝浪遊程 #熱情生活🔥
每個人的個性很不一樣,不過我們有一個很重要的共同點~就是「自發」👊🏽 我星期五早上起床才決定晚上要去墾丁,然後發個訊息給大家說「我要下墾丁衝浪,今晚10點出發。要不要跟?」 結果每位還真的就說「好啊走啊!」😂 雖然衝浪程度不一樣,因此有時無法下同一個浪點,可是能一起去海邊,曬太陽透透氣,一起分享一個愉快的時光真的很棒!我們除了努力工作就是要努力玩嘛 💕 不用開最好的車子,不用住最貴的飯店~就這樣帶上背包去戶外享受當下!我覺得當我們還年輕 擁有健康時,我們就是要這樣,熱愛生活,活出熱情!我常常告訴自己,「經驗」「友誼」和「歡樂」是最大的富裕!
Every person in our circle is so different, but we do have something important in common, that is - SPONTANITY! 👊🏽 I got up Friday morning, felt the urge to surf - of course🙄 - and sent out a msg to the girls: “I’m goin down south to Kenting to surf, leaving tonight 10pm. Wanna join?” 😏 I wasn’t surprised to get a “HELL YESSS! I’m in!” from all of them😂
Even though we don’t surf the same waves, it’s always such a pleasure to spend time together, go to the beach, have good conversations and soak up some SUN!💦
I feel that as long as we’re young and HEALTHY, we shall live PASSIONATELY and LOVE LIFE every day! 🙌🏽 We work hard, we deserve to have fun and celebrate life! 🌈 I often tell myself this : PEOPLE, LOVE and JOY are the greatest WEALTH of all!✨ Thanks for being a part of my life - love and respect you all, you crazy chickens!!! 🐥😘♥️
@donna.orgonova Elyse Lu 伊莉思 @monsan17 @sharkyloosegirl 海娃|南國運動女孩墾丁美人魚 KT Mermaid
🛏️ 墾丁原味夏天 A.S 住宿租板
👙 SurfAce Bikinis - SurfAce Apparel 衝浪比基尼
#surfacegirls #surfacequeens #surfaceapparel #surfacebikinid #assurf #kenting #taiwansurf #southtaiwan #international #chicks #girltrip #衝浪女孩 #比基尼女孩 #海邊 #熱情生活 #健康生活 #工作休閒平衡 #運動女孩 #surface女孩 #墾丁 #愛生活 #愛大自然 @ 墾丁原味夏天 A.S
臨時衝浪遊程 在 墾丁衝浪租板-在PTT/IG/網紅社群上服務品牌流行穿搭-2022-08(持續 ... 的八卦
找墾丁衝浪租板在Dcard與PTT討論/評價與推薦,提供墾丁衝浪租板相關資訊, ... #friends #vantrip #passionateliving #姐妹們#臨時衝浪遊程#熱情生活 每個. ... <看更多>