颜黎明旅居香港多年,2016年4月,她透过海蝶音乐公布患上罕见癌症——滑膜肉瘤(synovial sarcoma)。当时在香港的她,接受本地媒体电访时透露,早在2013年被确诊患上滑膜肉瘤,隔年又被确诊患乳癌。由于滑膜肉瘤多长在肺部,她过去三年已动了5次手术,其中4次是切除肿瘤,一次则切掉一片肺,也影响了声线。幸好切除乳癌肿瘤后,她的身体已无大碍。
肉瘤癌症状 在 Abigale Facebook 八卦
【Unfortunate patient from a Synovial Sarcoma (type of cancer) spread to lung cancer】
【Filial son unfortunately get cancer, can’t take care of father, pled the public to raise fund for medical fees】
【3 incidence out of 1 Mil population】
1 share = 救人一命
1 Share = Save a life
姓名:Kuan Keng Loong
Ic :850215-12-5427
家庭:父子俩相依KUAN LIP (65岁)
病历 :滑膜肉瘤,扩散至肺部
职业:风喉维修 (目前因为患病无法工作)
募捐数额 :马币 4万5千(医疗费用)
:RM 20,000 (医生指定器材)(不包括手术费和住院费用)
:RM 5,000 (手术费与手术后住院费用)(手术后须住院7天)
:RM 2,400 (RM 400 x 6次 化疗所需费用)
:RM 3,200 (2次照MRI和CT SCAN费用)(每3个疗程1次)
:RM 14,400 (一年父子俩的生活费)(每个月RM1,200)
大家好,日前有位准备在政府医院动手术的患者联络上了我。目前此患者急需要一笔庞大的数额来购买医生指定的器材来支撑颈部的后向(手术时内置颈部)(不包括医药费用)。此患者KUAN KENG LOONG, 31岁,在今年2016年1月19日被政府医院认定患上了恶性滑膜肉瘤并且需要立刻动手术把此恶性肿瘤切除。就在患者与家人正在为医疗费用烦恼时,很不幸的医生也同时把另一个噩梦告知了患者,这就是患者的恶性肿瘤已经扩散至肺癌。目前患者的状态已经不允许动手术,所以医生建议患者先进行6次化疗疗程把肺癌治好了才再进行肿瘤切除手术。在此希望各位善心人士多多帮忙。谢谢大家!!!
Hong Leong Bank
Persatuan Kunci Harapan (Locks of Hope)
注明: Kuan Keng Loong加油
Name : Kuan Keng Loong
IC : 850215-12-5427
Age : 31
Family : Father (Kuan Lip 65 years old) & son only
Medical History : Synovial Sarcoma (neck), Metastasis to Lung
【operation】: cancer (tumor) removal and spinal plating
Occupation: Duct mechanic (unable to work currently due to medical condition)
Donation amount: RM 45,000 (medical fee)
Below is the break down to where the donation needed
:RM 20,000 (Doctor’s specific tools for patient )( implant neck support)(Surgery & room ward fee not included)
:RM 5,000 (Surgery fee , medical fees and room ward fee)(At least 7 days in the room ward after surgery)
:RM 2,400 (RM 400 x 6 time chemotherapy)
:RM 3,200 (2 time MRI & CT SCAN fee)(Every 3 chemo time)
:RM 14,400 (1 year father son living expenses)(RM 1,200 monthly)
Blessed day everyone, currently there is a patient who are ready for surgery in government hospital contacted us. The cancer patient is desperate need of a big amount of medical fee to buy doctor’s specific tools to support patient’s neck (cancer (tumor) removal and spinal plating ) (Medicine not included). Cancer patient Kuan Keng Loong, 31 years old, In this year 19/1/2016 diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma (neck) by the government hospital and need to go for surgery immediately to remove the malignant tumor (cancer removal and spinal plating). As the patient and family are struggling for medical fees, the doctor has another bad news that stun the patient, that is the patient’s tumor has metastasis to lung. Currently the patient is not permitted to go for surgery, doctor suggest to have 6 time chemotherapy treatment to cure the lung cancer before the surgery, we hope for all the kind hearted donors’ help!
We hope that all could continue to support Kuan Keng Loong in completing her treatment.
Kindly help us to share out the link:
For donation, kindly bank in to the following account:
Hong Leong Bank
Persatuan Kunci Harapan(Locks Of Hope Accosiation)
After donation, kindly email the transaction slip to and state
"For Kuan Keng Loong Medical Fee"