【歐歐歐歐你是我的花朵🎶~~ 感謝155位歐洲議會議員🇪🇺 #聯署挺臺】
Werner Langen, the chair of the European Parliament (EP) - Taiwan Friendship Group, delivered the ‘Statement on promoting #peace and #stability in the Taiwan Strait’, signed by 155 members of the EP, supporting Taiwan's international participation and expressing concern over #China's military threats, to President #TsaiIngWen yesterday. Testament to how #Taiwan and the #EU are working together to safeguard regional peace and stability.
「#歐盟 及其會員國... 呼籲中國避免在臺灣海峽進一步採取軍事行動,並重申 #堅定支持臺灣 有意義參與國際組織及活動」─ #促進臺海和平與穩定聲明
歐盟執委Christos Stylianides上個月才在 #歐洲議會 就兩岸議題為我 #慷慨執言 (精彩影片回顧 👉https://reurl.cc/v7nkl) ,跨7大黨團共155位歐洲議員議員🥊也聯署聲明挺臺灣啦~ 就在昨天,友臺小組主席朗根特地將這份 #熱騰騰 的聲明面呈 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen總統~ 真是人到心到禮到令人津津樂道!😘
Also check out European commissioner Christos Stylianides' statements in support of Taiwan at the plenary debate last month 🎬 https://bit.ly/2GUXTdU
更多新聞 👉https://reurl.cc/XEXlM
#妳是我的花朵之🌸 #臺歐友好 🤝