之前惡哂航空拍過一段空姐飛行生活的短片,比著如果是當年年少無知的我 一定會想:「穿上制服好好看 飛機餐點都很精緻 可以到外站玩真開心!」
現在回想那段片還真是他媽的欺騙無知少女的感情,片中的女主角經過一班九個小時的澳洲機之後 還可以容光煥發 很優雅地下飛機是騙人的。我每次做完一班長途機都分明是頭髮掉了幾條下來 眼佈血絲 還有糊掉了的眼線..油頭粉面。
今天我做的班機是前往悉尼的航班,簡報會的時間是晚上八時。由於住得離機場很遠(完全負擔不起東涌那邊的房租 好不好) 所以每次上班都至少要預計兩小時車程。
我從下午五時開始化妝盤髮,六時出門口,一直踏著那對兩吋高根鞋撘地下鐵 中途轉了兩次車 而途人總是喜歡用奇異的眼神看著我。
好不容易到了惡哂城,首先要回答電腦系統的安全問題 限時一分鐘,然後我便跑上信箱房拿最新update的安全資訊,搞不好等一下又被問問題時不懂得回答。好了 進入會議室之後便要開始公式化地向每個人say hello,重覆十幾遍,等老總進來以後 她例牌說一堆誰都知道的話 還有問你今天的班機有什麼目標喔?Happy and Safe flight是標準答案,再來是每人提出一個建議來讓我們有一班happy and safe flight^_^ 通常最好先想好幾個 因為大家總是說著同樣的東西。
簡報會完畢後 公司用車子載我們到飛機底,對 是飛機底,你要拿著那個有點重的小黑行一條長樓梯上飛機,怎麼一點都不像那影片的空姐一樣優雅地步上飛機(飄淚)😭。
好戲現在才開始。一踏上飛機以後 你就變成一個機器人 在最短時間內完成所有地面準備工夫:用乾冰chill酒精飲品 ,set newspaper trolley ,弄好creamer sugar basket ,放好廁所用的潤手箱 補充紙巾,充水,預備大張小張的枱報 弄welcome drink....etc 期間你的老總會叫你check PTV, cleaning和Security,客人未上機已經來回跑了不下十遍,有時我懷疑空姐都可以參加十項鐵人。
接著客人登機,要先協助殘疾人士或長者,有時他們帶好重的行李還是要幫他們放好,在商務艙工作還要不停地發飲品 掛衣服。每次總有幾個討厭鬼要你幫他放行李:「oh my bag is heavy」 那小姐你可以check in呀 免得弄傷自己。「但我有貴重物品在裏面...xyz@#」又被這些公主大帝纏上了一段時間。
好啦好啦 飛機終於可以準備起飛。
第一餐是晚餐 所謂的long dinner,先去cocktail cart, 一邊推那部重過自己的飲品車 一邊像酒保一樣弄飲品。做澳洲機就預計他們喜歡喝gin and tonic,最高紀錄弄了20杯,你回頭去收東西時 只見老外笑笑口地看著你:「one more」。然後就到派特別餐的時間了 澳洲機還好,可怕的三藩市機常常出現一百個特別餐的情況,兒童餐 印度素材餐 無牛肉餐 低卡路里餐 等等,有時乘客沒有訂卻說謊說自己有訂 訂了卻說要吃正常餐的情況也有。
對不起 讓各位久等了 終於可以派正常餐給客人啦,餐車的setting還是要自己做 並不是一拉出來就可以派,而且派餐中途我們要再換第二部車繼續派 所以才出現空姐突然不見了的情況出現😂 而且因為餐點的比例不同 如果那班機有很多中國人的話 米飯會光速發完,這時候只好道歉並問客人可以吃雞肉薯蓉或意大利麵嗎? 客人通常都說沒關係 但總有一兩個客人會說:「這即是沒有選擇啦 你還問我什麼。」🌚
派餐收餐之後 我們要先清潔廁所 收拾廚房 然後才可以稍為停下來吃東西,但吃東西並不代表你在休息 因為當你吃了幾口麵時 便會聽到「叮」的聲音 那便要立刻放下手中的食物 跑去應call night。此時 老外又再笑笑口說「gin and tonic please」...剛才的畫面重覆不下二十次,每小時洗一次廁所 每小時發一次水,忙的時候 可以九個小時都一直在走廊跑。
臨下機前兩小時 我們發早餐,這時已經捱了一晚夜 黑眼圈都跑出來了,但還是要裝作我很精神地微笑:「客人你想要吃蛋配豬肉腸還是雞肉粥?」
所以說 我們不是走上飛機 派餐就做完了。客人下機的時候 有些很好的客人會對我們說:「辛苦了」這樣已經教我感動,總不要眼尾都不看我一下便直行直過嘛 其實很傷人的😭
當然不是要說自己工作最辛苦 看著地勤同事在機場跑來跑去 機司們聚精會神地駕駛 清潔姐姐快速地把飛機還原 維修哥哥把壞掉的東西修好 一切都是大家同心合力的功勞才能完成一班機的。
希望大家看完這篇文之後會對空姐的工作有較深入的了解 未來繼續支持我們爭取和堅守應有的福利,這次革命的成功再次證明香港未死的 堅持總會有復修這個家的一天:)
Ladies and gentlemen, we wish you a pleasant and comfortable flight✈️
同時也有28部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過34萬的網紅gingerlemoncola,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[已截止] 聖誕送大禮 (只限香港地區) (獎品詳情在簡介靠下地方有得睇): 大家睇完片記得留言講下覺得邊一幕最好睇, 將會有機會獲得由"港虎叄壹(Tiger111HK)"送的精美禮品一份, 名額四十個,以抽籤形式送出. 薑檸樂 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/...
系統bag 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 八卦
這也是為什麼當我看到像是「殺風景!苦花潭遍地遊客垃圾 部落擬封閉」這樣的標題時,總會不由自主地翻個大白眼。沒錯,遊客不應該留下任何垃圾,但在不到百米之外,就有個在森林深處的家庭垃圾集散地。幾乎到哪兒都有垃圾。
(大型): 24.035258, 121.170819
(大型): 24.6080971,121.2830025
(小型): 22.705481, 120.669413
One of the most common criticisms I see raised against nature goers and people who post 秘境 online is that visitors bring a lot of trash with them. If these areas have a lot of visitors, the result will be that there is a lot of trash. Nature-lovers are the problem. We can’t open up the wilderness to the general public, because they are irresponsible, and will trash the place. But is that really true? Are tourists the main driver of plastic waste in rivers and mountains? Let’s examine this issue a bit further and try to determine why some waste ends up in the rivers instead of landfills and public waste processing centers.
Unfortunately, some of immature tourists go into nature and leave their trash there. If you visit any popular waterfall or hot spring, chances are you will see some trash there too.
Tourists tend to make two false assumptions. One is that camping trash is burnable. It’s not. Your trash should be separated into waste and recyclables, just like you do at home, and taken out with you. None of your trash should go in the campfire.
The other is that food degrades quickly. It doesn’t. Vegetables and processed foods can months, orange peels, egg shells, bones can take years. If you toss noodles or cabbage into the river, it won’t be eaten by fish. It will stay there for weeks and months and rot and smell. Even if fish and animals did eat your garbage, it’s not your job to feed the wildlife. Viable food seeds end up as invasive species and strange foods make animals sick or die. All excess food should be taken out with you. No exceptions.
Even worse are cigarette butts. Why do smokers not think these toxic bits of plastic and chemicals are trash? This is unacceptable.
As infuriating as this is though, it’s not the biggest source of mountain garbage. There are serious systemic problems relating to garbage collection and disposal that need to be addressed.
This video shows a large trash pile at Hulugu Waterfall in Kaohsiung City, Liugui District. The terrain here is very steep. Any trash thrown into the forest will roll down the hill. When it rains, the lighter plastic products will be washed into the river and flow downstream, into the waterfalls you play at, and eventually to the ocean, and eventually onto a remote beach somewhere.
However, a closer look at the piles shows that this can be misleading: at first glance, it looks like a few styrofoam tea cups and items that people might bring on an outing with them. But as we look closer at the waste, we can see there are buckets, plastic farm sheeting, pesticide bottles, furniture, and general household waste. Items that no hiker would ever bring with them. This waste originated in the mountains, by people who live in the mountains. It was not brought by outsiders.
Neither is this a rare or isolated incident. If you stop at literally any section of mountain road and look over the edge you will see entire trash bags down below you. These are household trash bags that were packed and tied shut at home, then thrown out of the window of moving vehicles. It’s household trash, from houses, not campers, and critical examination of this waste would reveal the source through mail and other documents inside.
Even if it’s only a small percentage of the mountain population, they still have a big impact. Illegal trash dumps in the mountains have an even bigger impact. For whatever reason it is, some mountain dwellers prefer to throw their household waste into the river than dispose of it properly. This is not a stray bag here and there. The average 4 person household generates 1600KG of trash per year in Taiwan. That’s a lot of trash.
Because a single family can generate so much garbage, it’s difficult to tell how widespread this practice is. I’ve seen hundreds of trash bags in the forest by the side of the road. Possibly thousands. But if this is by dozens of families or hundreds of families I can’t say. Plastic lasts for generations.
If you visit rural communities and dispose of your trash in their trash can, there is a possibility that the private trucks they hired to pick up those waste from the restaurant or minsu aren’t taking it to an EPA landfill. Instead of delivering the trash to the final destination, they find an isolated spot nearby and just dump the garbage there. It may end up in one of these dumping sites instead. The mountains are full of them. Some of what you will see in a river is washed down from these illegal landfills.
In many places, entire truckloads of trash are dumped over the side of the roads and into the river below. This isn’t just household waste and furniture, but also construction, farming, and industrial waste too. This type of waste is not something that tourists bring into the mountains. Whoever was in charge of disposing of this waste properly decided to dump it into the forest instead. The government needs to develop a method of confirming that mountain waste reaches its intended destination.
Every year typhoons carry tons of this trash away to the ocean, but the trash piles never go away, because new trucks arrive to refill them.
I used to make videos about them before I became desensitized, but now I just pretend I didn’t see them.
I do understand why some rural household waste doesn’t make it to the correct locations though. I’m from a rural area myself. I didn’t have a trash service where I grew up. We composted food waste. It was dumped into piles far away from the house. We covered them with leaves and let them sit for two years before using it for soil in the garden. Trash and recyclables were separated into different bags. Once a week my dad drove these bags 20 minutes into town to the county dump and recycling center. It was a lot of effort, but recycling and proper waste disposal were very important to my dad, and we also had the resources to do it.
Not everyone on my street did though. Some families did not have the time and resources for proper waste disposal, and so they had piles of trash, appliances, broken down cars, broken toys, etc around their property. It was a very common sight.
In many ways, country living isn’t as easy and convenient as living in the city. Sometimes real life, family, and financial problems take up all your time. Not all families can spend an hour each time they want to take out the trash. Some people can, but just don’t want to. When trash trucks are not available, they will take the most convenient option. The government needs to increase trash pickup options for mountain communities.
What I’ve written here is well known, but not often talked about. Most of the roadside and riverside trash in the mountains isn’t from hikers and waterfall goers. It’s from normal human consumption that never makes it to a landfill. People who live in the mountains don’t like it either. But that’s what it’s like.
That’s why when I see headlines like (殺風景!苦花潭遍地遊客垃圾 部落擬封閉), I can’t help but roll my eyes. Tourists shouldn’t be leaving trash there, but there is also a household forest trash dump less than 100 meters away. There’s trash almost everywhere.
Here are a few examples if you wanna go check em out yourself:
(big): 24.035258, 121.170819
(big): 24.6080971,121.2830025
(small): 22.705481, 120.669413
Fines to individuals won’t help. People have enough problems, otherwise they wouldn’t act this way. Just make it easier to take the trash away. Trash disposal needs to be easy and convenient for mountain communities, just like it is for urban communities.
Finally, I still want to appeal to everyone. Because of the impact of the epidemic, the people have changed to domestic tourism. This is a good thing. There are more opportunities to get close to the mountains and rivers. It also increases the fun of camping and picnic barbecues, so that friends and family can feel more harmonious! But everyone is visiting nature At the same time, it is more necessary to set an example, and please don’t leave any food waste with you. Wild animals do not need to be fed by humans. They like to support themselves, so there is no need to worry that the animals will be hungry and intentionally leave leftover food residue. Flick your sleeves, please take away all the garbage, including the barbecue grill, wild animals don’t need to barbecue by themselves~
It’s clear that Taiwan’s beautiful scenery, green mountains and green waters are countless, remember to disperse the flow of people, and the new life of epidemic prevention still needs to be implemented. Do you really know where to go? Welcome everyone to visit me In my blog, I have made maps of more than 300 scenic spots in Taiwan. You can choose remote and unpopular scenic spots to go to
系統bag 在 聶永真 Aaron Nieh Facebook 八卦
2017 日本 Good Design Award | G-MARK 優良設計獎
More Info
#媒體 #系統 #解決方案
Award-winning item —— Trash bag
Principal implementing business —— roppongi commercial avenue development of region
Category —— Awareness improvement for individuals and public
Company —— DENTSU INC. (Japan)
To the opposite side of Halloween being a fun, exciting event, the city becomes covered in garbage during the season. We produced a garbage bag to make people want to pick up trash more often. One the bag is full, the trash bag turns into a jack-o-lantern (pumpkin) and it added the decoration to the city. During Halloween season, we had 550 people to volunteer the event to pick up trash with these bags. The project gave both people who volunteered and those who saw the trash bags (pumpkin) on the streets a big smile on their faces.
ROPPONGI HALLOWEEN executive committee Hisashi Tanaka, Hiroshi Fukuda, Yuhei Mochida, Yuta Ishikawa, Daisuke Ichikawa, Gen Shono
Dentsu.inc Tsudou Honda, Hisashi Tanaka
Dentsu.inc Tsudou Honda+ Dentsu East Japan inc. Emi Kaminaga+ Dentsu Creative X inc. Toshichika Ono,Hiromi Saegusa
系統bag 在 gingerlemoncola Youtube 的評價
[已截止] 聖誕送大禮 (只限香港地區) (獎品詳情在簡介靠下地方有得睇):
薑檸樂 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gingerlemoncola
窮飛龍 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kungfeilung
Tiger111HK Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Airsoft.Tiger111hkcom
Tiger111HK Website : http://wargame.tiger111hk.com
獎品包括 :
美國巡邏隊偽裝鴨舌帽 - 數碼森林迷 x3件
此獎品介紹 : http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p240/USMC-MARPAT-Digital-Woodland-Camouflage-Patrol-Cap-DWC/product_info.html?language=hk
穿帶系統大型肩膀袋 -- 黑色 x 1 件
此獎品介紹 :http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p108/Universal-Utility-MOLLE-Gear-Shoulder-Jumbo-Bag-BK/product_info.html?language=hk
EAIMING沙地阿拉伯格子花紋圍巾/偽裝掩護 黑+藍色 x10件
此獎品介紹 :http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p11459/EAIMING-Shemagh-Arab-Checker-Scrim-Scarf-(Black-&-Blue)/product_info.html?language=hk
EAIMING沙地阿拉伯格子花紋圍巾/偽裝掩護--黑+白色 x10件
此獎品介紹 :http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p325/EAIMING-Shemagh-Arab-Checker-Scrim-
EAIMING沙地阿拉伯格子花紋圍巾/偽裝掩護--黑+白色 x10件
此獎品介紹 :http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p325/Shemagh-Arab-Checker-Scrim-Scarf-/-Body-Cover-Black-&-White/product_info.html?language=hk
EAIMING 日間戰鬥背包 - 松林迷彩 x1件
此獎品介紹 :http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p1937/eAiming-MOLLE-Tactical-Days-Backpack-Woodland-Camo/product_info.html?language=hk
EAIMING 垂直MOLLE 軍用帘 肩袋 手提袋 Multicam x1件
此獎品介紹 :http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p1781/eAiming-Multicam-MOLLE-Vertical-Accessories-Bag-CP/product_info.html?language=hk
EAIMING 多功能機動鞍袋 (側背包) (狼棕色) x1件
此獎品介紹 :http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p21556/EAIMING-Combat-Large-Utility-Shoulder-Bag-Pouch-(Coyote-Brown)/product_info.html?language=hk
EAIMING 戰術執勤日用跨包-黑色 x1件
此獎品介紹 :http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p20878/EAIMING-Tactical-Duty-Accessories-Bag(Black)/product_info.html?language=hk
EAIMING 厚層步槍槍袋單肩背包 ACU色 x1件
此獎品介紹 :http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p14176/eAiming-Short-Rifle-Tactical-Case-Bag-Single-backpack-(ACU)/product_info.html?language=hk
EAIMING美國海豹IBH 金屬扣天然麻布腰帶 (沙色) x1件
此獎品介紹 :http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p13615/EAIMING-US-IBH-Navy-SEAL-Metal-Buckle-Natural-linen-Belt-(DE)/product_info.html?language=hk
系統bag 在 Patrick C Youtube 的評價
竟然比個機會我優先試玩新系統 Rainbow Watch!
1. Distrion & Alex Skrindo - Lightning [NCS Release]
2. The Happy Troll Song
3. Benny Hill Theme Song
4. Happy BGM
5. Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars (PCNC Remix)
My PC Spec:
CPU: i5-4460
GPU: GTX-750
系統bag 在 蒟蒻講幹話 Youtube 的評價
小額贊助安撫蒟嫂 https://p.ecpay.com.tw/E2494
1842 冰箱Refrigerator US
1852 客用電梯Passenger Elevator US
1876 有線電話Telephone US
1885 摩托車Motorcycle Germany
1888 充氣輪胎Pneumatic Tire UK
1891 電扶梯Escalator US
1901 吸塵器 Vacuum machine UK
1902 空調機Air conditioning US
1903 飛機Airplane US
1903 現代汽車Car US
1903 衣架Hanger US
1906 動畫Animation US
1907 洗衣機Washing Machine US
1913 工廠流水線Assembly line US
1913 胸罩 Bra US
1914 不鏽鋼Stainless Steel UK
1915 口紅Lipstick US
1915 聲納Sonar France
1920 吹風機Hair dryer US
1923 紅綠燈Traffic light US
1923 黑白電視Black and white Television Russia
1926 空氣罐Aerosol can Norway
1928 錄音帶Audio Tape Germany
1938 原子筆Ballpoint pen Hungary
1939 直升機Helicopter Russia
1944 防曬乳Sunscreen US
1944 彩色電視Color Television US
1945 微波爐Microwave Oven US
1946 比基尼Bikini France
1948 黑膠唱片Long playing record US
1948 魔鬼氈Velcro Switzerland
1949 樂高Lego Denmark
1950 口服避孕藥Oral Contraceptives US
1950 信用卡Credit Card US
1950 遙控器Remote control US
1950 錄影帶Video tape US
1950 拋棄式尿布Disposable Diapers US
1952 安全氣囊Air bag US
1952 商品條碼Barcode US
1952 自動心臟體外去顫器Automated External Defibrillator US
1955 電腦 Computer US
1958 懷孕用的超音波影像Ultrasound imaging UK
1958 雷射Laser US
1959 汽車安全帶Seat belt Sweden
1962 發光二極體Light emitting diode US
1963 液晶銀幕Liquid crystal display US
1963 滑鼠Mouse US
1968 自動櫃員機Automated teller machine US
1969 錄放影機video cassette recorder Japan
1969 煙霧偵測器Smoke Detector US
1969 網路Internet US
1969人類登陸月球了Moon Landing US
1971電子郵件 E-mail US
1972 斷層掃描CAT scan UK
1974 個人電腦Personal Computer US
1978 人工受孕In Vitro fertilization UK
1980 光碟Compact dick Japan
1982 攝影機Camcorder Japan
1983 筆記型電腦Laptop US
1984 現代行動電話Mobile Telephone US
1984 DNA的密碼 DNA fingerprinting UK
DNA / Deoxyribonucleic Acid
1986 數位攝影機Digital Camera Japan
1989 全球資訊網World Wide Web UK
1994 全球衛星定位系統Global Positioning System US
1995 數位影音光碟Digital Video Disk Japan
1997 威爾鋼Viagra US
1999 MP3 US
系統bag 在 袋包包裝系統Woven Bag Feeding Packaging Systems (台灣總 ... 的八卦
... <看更多>