日前接受美國《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)專訪,針對兩岸關係、臺美關係及南海爭議等議題回應提問。內容如下:
答:就像我講的,現在所暫停的是兩會的管道、陸委會與國臺辦的管道,這在官方的意義或許是存在的,但問題是長久以來,雙方之間管道確實是很多元的,現在看到的兩會,也就是海基會與海協會兩會的溝通體制,只是整個多元管道中間的一部分。當我講到多元,其實它是有多層次的面向,不僅是政府在交流的過程中,很多政府機關跟他們在中國大陸的對口,也都有一定程度相互通訊息與交換意見的機制。I’m saying different levels of the government have different ways of communicating with their counterparts in China.(我政府各層級都有和中國大陸對口機構聯繫的管道)我不能在這個階段進入太多細節。
答:It is a fact that different generations, and different people of different ethnic origins, they have different views on China. But they all agree on one thing: that is democracy. (事實上不同世代和不同族群的民眾對中國大陸會有不同的看法。但是,有一件事情,他們的意見一致,那就是民主。)
答:我想我不太清楚美國在講這個字- “entity”的時候,它的意思是什麼,但是這個 “entity"有很多可以詮釋的空間。以臺灣來講,我們有一個完整的政府跟民主的機制,我們有軍隊,我們是一個可以為自己做決定的國家。所以,或許美國或者其他國家有不同的想法或是不同的角度,但從我們來看,其實絕大多數的臺灣人覺得我們確實是一個國家。
答:It is indeed unfair。(這確實是不太公平)
答:It is indeed. (的確如此。)
答:In three areas our needs are more urgent, there are surface ships and submarines, air-defense and cyber-security areas. In submarines, we are trying to develop our own, to develop indigenous capabilities.(在三個領域,我們的需求較急迫,如水面艦和潛水艇、空防和網路安全領域。在潛水艇方面,我們正嘗試著開發自己的潛艇,發展本國的能力。)
問:美國總統候選人柯琳頓(Hillary Clinton)與川普(Donald Trump),哪一位當選對臺灣比較好?
The two economies in the past had a high degree of complementarity, and since we had the ability to organize a manufacturing process, and then we move our manufacturing to the ability to China to make best use of their labor. And now the situation is very different. I mean, the labor cost is increasing and China has their own capability.(過去兩岸經濟有高度的互補性,而我們擁有製造業能力,並轉往對岸,善用他們的勞力。而今非昔比,對岸勞力成本增加,且已具備製造能力了。)
答:They are more and more our competitors.(他們越來越是我們的競爭對手了。)
答:我們已經公開聲明,這個仲裁的決定有損於臺灣的利益,所以我們不能夠接受,我們也認為這個裁判對臺灣沒有法律約束力。主要有幾個原因,第一個是因為我們是一個重要的利益相關方,但是我們沒有被邀請參與整個仲裁的程序。第二,我們對於被稱為「The Taiwan Authority of China」不能接受。第三,在這個地區,我們擁有主權的太平島,在裁決中被認為是一個「礁」而不是「島」,這是違反我們長期以來的主張,我們也認為它確實是一個島。在這裡我想利用這個機會,把臺灣政府對南海爭端的立場做一個說明。第一,當然是有關南海爭端應該依據國際法與海洋法,包括《聯合國海洋法公約》,用和平的方式來解決。第二,我們主張臺灣應該要納入多邊爭端解決的機制。第三,在這個地區的相關國家有義務維護南海的航行與飛越自由。第四,中華民國主張以「擱置爭議、共同開發」的方式處理南海爭議。我們期待相關國家能秉持相同方式進行協商,來和平解決這個爭端。
答:Yes to a certain extent, but I think the society and our democracy is mature enough to appreciate the value of the individual politicians. They place emphasis on the quality and the value of individual politicians rather than their gender. So of course, some people will find it fashionable to find a woman leader, but I think the reason why people chose me as leader of this country was because of my policy, my values, suit the needs of Taiwan today.(某種程度上是,但我認為我們的社會和民主已夠成熟,能欣賞個別政治人物的價值。他們重視個別政治人物的品質和價值勝過性別。所以,當然,某些人會覺得找個女性領導人很時尚,但我覺得人民選我當這個國家的領導人,是因為我的政策、我的價值符合現今的臺灣需要。)
Meaning that we represent people who want to have change in this society, after years and decades this place has been dominated by a single party, with the exception of 2000-2008, but over the last few decades, all dominated by the KMT. The whole social structure and values were shaped by this regime, KMT government, over the years. But people now realize that we’re in a different situation now, we want to move forward, we have to restructure ourselves, and redefine the current values. So they want the place to be more democratic. They want this place to place more emphasis on human rights and transparency, in terms of government decision-making and public participation in the government’s decision-making process. And essentially people want to participate, they want to have a voice in the major decisions of the government. So this is somehow different from the way the government conducted business since the days when this place was an authoritarian place.(我們代表社會上渴望改變的人民。這片土地除了2000年到2008年以外,數十年來均被單一政黨,即國民黨所主導,整個社會結構及價值都由這個政權形塑而成。如今人民了解我們的環境已經不同,我們想要向前行,我們想要進行重整,重行定義目前的價值。人民想要更為民主的環境,在政府決策過程中,民眾能參與官方決策,並更重視人權及透明度。本質上來說,人民想要在政府重大決策中,能參與其中並發聲。這與過去這片土地是威權統治、由政府主導的情境,有些許不同。)
答:So the expectation of the people is very different. They want democracy, they want public participation, they want transparency, they want to have fair elections, they want to have sound judicial system, not too much interfered by politics. They want to have an effective judicial system to settle whatever disputes that people may have in their daily lives so they want to have a good social safety net to protect them in case they fell in a very competitive society. (現在人民的期待有很大的不同,他們想要民主、民眾參與的機會與透明度,以及公平的選舉;他們想要有完善的司法體制,不要有太多的政治干預;他們想要有效的司法體制,以處理日常生活遇到的爭議,擁有妥善的安全網來保障他們,以防在競爭劇烈的社會中陷入困頓。)
華盛頓郵報專訪連結 https://goo.gl/Mitl0e
同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過61萬的網紅{{越煮越好}}Very Good,也在其Youtube影片中提到,⬇⬇English recipe follows⬇⬇ 電飯煲叉燒: 材料: 梅頭豬肉1斤 調味料: 叉燒醬2湯匙 玫瑰露酒或紹興酒1茶匙 麥芽糖或蜜糖適量 處理: 1. 洗淨豬肉,擎乾水。 2. 用廚紙索乾豬肉的水分至乾身。 3. 將梅頭肉切開2分。 4. 梅頭肉用叉燒醬及玫瑰露酒醃12...
程序process 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
《監獄中的監獄》(Please scroll for English version)
還柙首天,我被送到去年六月才步出的荔枝角收押所,然後進行不陌生的入冊程序 —— 見長官、換囚衣和領取個人用品等。本來我已對這些程序諷刺地感到熟悉,但到了下午四時左右,當我跟林朗彥相繼完成初到荔枝角收柙所的各項程序並呆坐於指模房一角等侯指示時,保安組職員突然將我帶往收押所醫院。我本來以為在獄中見醫生是基於程序需要,結果卻被帶到收押所醫院走廊盡頭的單人囚室,那刻我才深知不妙,也成了惡夢真正的開端。
The prison inside prison
After my immediate remand on November 23, I had intended to send letters from the prison to update you my latest situation in jail after my remand on November 23. But owing to the sudden solitary confinement that night, it turned out that I was unable to do so. Although I have been in prison three times, being held in the prison isolation unit is far beyond my expectation. It took me a lot of time and energy to calm myself down and reorganise my thoughts.
On the first day of remand in Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre, I went through the registration procedures—meeting with officers, changing into prison clothes and obtaining daily necessities. The procedures are very familiar as I was released from here in June. At about 4 pm, Ivan Lam and I completed all procedures and waiting for further instructions in the fingerprinting room, officers from the security team suddenly took me to the hospital in the Centre. While I thought it was a normal procedure to see doctor, I was taken to a single cell at the end of the hospital corridor. At that moment, I knew it was the beginning of the nightmare.
After arriving the single cell, the correctional officer told me that I needed to wait for a senior officer to explain the situation and said, "You should be here for a while." During waiting for the senior officer, I felt very disturbed and kept wondering why they moved me to solitary confinement. In the end, the senior provided a highly unexpected reason—there were "foreign objects" in my stomach, the officer said, they could be drugs, rings or gold and silver objects. Therefore, I needed to be in solitary confinement for several days until they found out what the "foreign objects" were.
I have taken X-rays for a few times, but nothing happened before, I was completely confused about the X-rays result. I have never had anything to do with drugs, and all food I had before remand were normal food. Moreover, under the current policy, the prison administration does not allow inmates to see their X-rays, so there is no way to verify the results.
As the officers suspected I possess drugs in my body, the treatment was even worse than normal solitary confinement. Generally speaking, persons in remand can spend their time in the activity room with three to forty other inmates in the daytime and return to their five-personal cell at night. However, what happened to me was, apart from visiting by my friends and relatives and taking a shower, I basically could not leave the single cell. I was even not allowed to have one hour of outdoor activity. Since the isolation was based on the presumption of possession of drugs, correctional officers would check my blood pressure and oxygen saturation every four hours even at midnight. The light in the cell was also kept turning on 24 hours a day, so I needed to use my face mask as the blindfold to barely put myself to sleep.
The most difficult thing was that since the original intent of the entire confinement was to let persons excrete drugs from their body, so I could not use the toilet in the cell, and the tap did not have water to prevent people from flushing drugs away. Instead, officers would provide a plastic plate. But because of the lack of replacement of the toilet plate, I could only use the washbasin to urinate. After the I excreted in the plate, I needed to inform the officer to come to the cell and check the excrement for any foreign objects such as pills or drugs. When the process was completed, the officers would ask me to sign an "isolated observation" form. I still remembered the uncomfortable feeling when I saw the form clearly stated "suspected possession of drugs in the inmate's body" every time I signed the paper.
To my understanding, such solitary confinement generally lasts three to five days, and today is the second day of formal solitary confinement. I hope that when this letter is sent and published, the isolation is ended. Before I could adapt the fact that I was already in prison, I was sent to solitary confinement and all activities and communication were cut off. It was indeed difficult to endure, and I am sorry that I have not yet provided any analysis of the politics and social environment. But I know that there are still many other Hong Kong protesters who are facing lawsuits or are in jail like me. I hope you can continue to do as much as you can to let them know they are not alone. Monday (November 30) is the day when 12 Hongkongers were arrested and sent to Mainland China for 100 days, I urge everyone to continue to pay attention to them.
Finally, I want to be frank that, in the face of uncertainties, I just feel uneasy and anxious. However, as I said when I stepped into the dock in the courtroom, "Hang in everyone, I know the situation that the people outside face will be more difficult. Keep fighting." I will also learn to turn the pains and sufferings I encountered in prison into the power that drives my growth. I know it will never be easy, but I will try my best.
程序process 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
【再被政府控告】I was prosecuted by the Government again.
Months after the Tiananmen Square vigil this year, I was just informed by Hong Kong Police that they will charge me with "knowingly taking part in an unauthorized assembly," with the date of my court appearance scheduled on 15 September.
Just 24 hours after I have left the court yesterday morning, I am now facing another charge by the government. Clearly, the regime plans to stage another crackdown on the city's activists by all means.
More worryingly, due to the lengthy legal process, I will probably be further barred from leaving Hong Kong to tell our truth to the world even after my current case over police headquarters siege ends. As our voices might not be heard soon, we hope the world can continue speaking up for the city's liberty and human rights.
Caes number: HKIRN20000232
程序process 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的評價
⬇⬇English recipe follows⬇⬇
1. 洗淨豬肉,擎乾水。
2. 用廚紙索乾豬肉的水分至乾身。
3. 將梅頭肉切開2分。
4. 梅頭肉用叉燒醬及玫瑰露酒醃12個小時備用。
1. 預熱電飯煲。
2. 放一湯匙油入煲內。
3. 將叉燒放入煲內,用煮飯程序煮3轉。
4. 第一轉20分鐘,程序完成後,再沾上叉燒醬煮第2轉20分鐘。
5. 第2轉的20分鐘完成後,夾起叉燒,將煲內醬汁倒起。
6. 放1湯匙叉燒醬,及1湯匙蜜芽糖在煲內,攪勻,放入叉燒煮20分鐘,煮至整個煮飯程序完成。
7. 程序完成後,斬好叉燒,放上碟,在上面淋上叉燒汁,即成。
Chinese roasted pork:
Pork collar~butt 1 catty
Char Siu sauce 2 tbsp
Chinese rose 1 tsp
liqueur or
shaoxing wine
Maltose or appropriate
honey amount
1. Rinse the pork, hang dry.
2. Dry the pork by kitchen towel.
3. Divide the pork into two equal shares.
4. Season the pork with char siu sauce and rose liqueur or shaoxing wine for 12 hours.
1. Preheat the rice cooker.
2. Put 1 tbsp oil into the cooker.
3. Put the pork into the cooker, cook three rounds.
4. Cook for 20 minutes in the first round. Put more char siu sauce onto the pork, then start another 20 minutes in the second round.
5. Pick up the char siu after 20 minutes is over, pour out the sauce in the cooker in a bowl.
6. Put 1 tbsp char siu sauce and 1 tbsp maltose into the cooker, mix well, put the pork into the cooker again cook for another 20 minutes until the whole cooking process is finished.
7. Cut the char siu well after the cooking process is finished. Place on plate, put the sauce on top. Serve.
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程序process 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的評價
⬇⬇English recipe follows⬇⬇
1. 放3膠嘜糯米在1個大碗,浸水1小時。
2. 臘腸和臘肉用大滾水出水1分鐘,以去除表面污垢。
3. 蝦米洗乾淨,用水浸2分鐘。
4. 冬菇浸軟後,除蒂切粒。
5. 洗淨芫荽、蔥。
6. 蔥切粒,芫荽頭切粒,保留尾部。
7. 臘腸切一片片。
8. 臘肉去皮,切粒。
9. 糯米浸了半小時後,換水再繼續浸。
1. 預熱電飯煲。
2. 打2隻雞蛋在碗內備用。
3. 放油在電飯煲內,放入蛋漿煎成奄列,切蛋絲放一邊備用。
4. 順序放臘腸、蝦米、冬菇入電飯煲內略炒,煮一會兒。
5. 洗乾淨糯米,盡量隔乾水。
6. 將糯米倒入電飯煲內,略攪勻,放半膠嘜水,攪勻,冚蓋煮10分鐘。
7. 糯米仍然是半生半熟,再放半膠嘜水入煲內攪勻,冚蓋又煮10分鐘。
8. 試試飯的口感,如果覺得硬,再加1/3膠嘜的水,冚蓋再煮10分鐘左右。
9. 再試試飯的口感,無問題的話,就加1湯匙糖、1湯匙鮑魚汁,攪勻。加1湯匙豉油,令其顏色更好。
10. 放芫荽、蔥粒攪勻。
11. 再煮3分鐘,完成程序。
12. 糯米飯上碟後,放上蛋絲,芫荽尾及蔥粒,完成。
Glutinous rice
(by rice cooker)
Glutinous 3 measure
rice cups
Preserved 1 No.
pork belly
Chinese 2 Nos.
Mushrooms 3 Nos.
Dried sea 2 tbsp
Coriander 1 No.
Green onion 1 No.
1. Soak 3 measure cups of glutinous rice into a big bowl for 1 hour.
2. Boil the Chinese sausage and preserved pork belly in hot water water to remove dirts on them.
3. Wash the dried sea shrimps, soak in water for 2 minutes.
4. Cut the stem and dice the mushrooms after they have been softened in water.
5. Rinse the coriander and green onion.
6. Dice the green onion. Dice the top part of the coriander, retain the bottom part of it.
7. Cut the Chinese sausages in pieces.
8. Dice the preserved pork belly after removing the skin of it.
9. Continue to soak in water after changing water for every 1/2 hour.
1. Preheat the rice cooker.
2. Beat 2 eggs into a bowl.
3. Put oil into the cooker, fry eggs into omelette. Slice it on side.
4. Put the Chinese sausage, dried sea shrimps and mushrooms in order in the cooker. Stir fry them for a while.
5. Rinse the glutinous rice, hang dry as much as you can.
6. Put the glutinous rice into the rice cooker, stir fry slowly, put 1/2 measure cup of water, stir again, cook 10 minutes with the lid shut.
7. The glutinous rice is not yet cooked completely, put 1/2 measure cup in the cooker, stir well, cook 10 minutes with the lid shut.
8. Check the taste of the rice, add 1/3 measure cup if you feel it is tough. Cook for 10 minutes more with the lid shut.
9. Check the taste of the rice, if it is OK, add 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp abalone sauce, mix well. Then put 1 tbsp ligh soya sauce on the rice, makes it look better.
10. Put coriander and green onion, mix well.
11. Cook 3 minutes more, process completed.
12. Put the glutinous rice on plate, put egg slices, coriander cube and green onion cube on top, serve.
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程序process 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的評價
⬇⬇English recipe follows⬇⬇
1. 在電飯煲內加入滾水,放豬手煲20分鐘汆水,去壓味及⬇⬇English recipe follows⬇⬇,同時加入2湯匙白醋,⬇⬇English recipe follows⬇⬇辟味更有效。
2. 預備調味料:
a. 黑椒醬2湯匙
b. 黑椒粉1茶匙
c. 鮑魚汁1湯匙
d. 冰糖80克
e. 生抽2湯匙
f. 老抽1/2湯匙
3. 豬手已汆水20分鐘,洗淨豬手及電飯煲。
4. 放豬手入電飯煲內,加入黑椒醬、冰糖、老抽、生抽及鮑魚汁,再加入500毫升水,用“超快煮”功能。
5. 第1轉煲了一半時間,反轉豬手,至程序完成。
6. 第1轉程序完成,煮第2轉,再反轉豬手。
7. 加入黑椒粒。
8. 用“超快煮”煮第2轉。
9. 第2轉煲了一半時間,反轉豬手,至完成程序。
10. 程序完成,豬手上碟,用電飯煲內的汁淋上豬手,完成。
Braised Pork knuckle with black pepper with rice cooker:
Frozen pork knuckle 1 No.
1. Put knuckle and hot water into rice cooker soak for 20 minutes to remove unpleasant smells and tastes, put 2 tbsp white vinegar will have a better effect.
2. Prepare seasonings: a. black pepper 2 tbsp
b. dried black 1 tsp
c. abalone sauce 1 tbsp
d. rock sugar 80g
e. light soya 2 tbsp
f. dark soya 1/2 tbsp
3. Knuckle has been soaked in boiled water for 20 minutes, rinse knuckle and cooking pot thoroughly.
4. Put knuckle in rice cooker, add black pepper sauce, rock sugar, dark soya sauce, light soya sauce and abalone sauce, add 500ml water in rice cooker, use "super~quick" cooking function.
5. About 20 minutes is over, flip over knuckle till the process is completed.
6. The first round of steps is over. Flip over knuckle, then start the second round of cooking.
7. Put dried black pepper into rice cooker.
8. Use super~quick function to start second round.
9. About 20 minutes later, flip over knuckle, until the cooking time is finished.
10. Steps completed, Put pork knuckle on plate, put the sauce in rice cooker on top of knuckle. Serve.

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